Trey Gowdy Backs Out Of Debate

CONGRESSMAN WON’T APPEAR ONSTAGE WITH HIS DEMOCRATIC OPPONENT … Let’s start with the obvious: There is no way in hell a Democratic candidate is ever going to win South Carolina’s fourth congressional district. This is the land of Bob Jones.  And “God Cops.” It’s curious, then, that U.S. Rep. Trey…


Let’s start with the obvious: There is no way in hell a Democratic candidate is ever going to win South Carolina’s fourth congressional district.

This is the land of Bob Jones.  And “God Cops.”

It’s curious, then, that U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy is declining to participate in a debate against his Democratic opponent, Chris Fedalei.

Well, technically it isn’t a “debate,” it is (or was supposed to be) a candidate forum – one Gowdy insisted feature his fellow “Republican,” U.S. Senator Tim Scott.

According to Fedelai, when Gowdy found out the format would include a “one-on-one” exchange between the two candidates – he pulled the plug on the event completely.

“Trey Gowdy first tried to use his friend, Senator Scott, to shield himself from real questions,” Fedalei said.  “He then flat-out cancelled the single campaign event he’s even begun to consider at home in years when presented with the prospect of having to confront his challenger man to man.”

Damn … them’s fightin’ words!

This website runs hot and cold with Gowdy.  Obviously we appreciate the work his committee did to expose Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton‘s role in the Benghazi scandal – and we appreciate his efforts to hold Clinton accountable for it (as well as holding her accountable for perjuring herself during her testimony before his committee).

Still, Gowdy went “all in” for the Washington, D.C. “Republican” establishment during the 2016 presidential primary – after saying he was going to stay out of the race.

Also his voting record in Congress has left a lot to be desired …

Gowdy got off on the right foot after being elected during the 2010 Tea Party wave, but since then he’s been far too accommodating of the “Republican” leadership in Washington.

More to the point, no elected official should ever “duck” a debate – even when it is politically advisable to do so.  It’s just weak.

UPDATE: Well, well … after some media shaming, it appears as though Gowdy has agreed to participate in a debate with Fedalei. Good for him.  This race isn’t going to be competitive, but that doesn’t mean the voters don’t deserve a spirited exchange on the issues.

(Banner image via U.S. House of Representatives)


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