Crime Stats: Reliable? Or Not?

IT DEPENDS … We recently ran an item calling into question official crime stats released by the city of Myrtle Beach, S.C. – a.k.a. the “Redneck Riviera.” Since that post ran, we’ve had several inquiries from other parts of the Palmetto State questioning the credibility of crime statistics from other municipalities…


We recently ran an item calling into question official crime stats released by the city of Myrtle Beach, S.C. – a.k.a. the “Redneck Riviera.”

Since that post ran, we’ve had several inquiries from other parts of the Palmetto State questioning the credibility of crime statistics from other municipalities and county governments.  For example, we were recently forwarded information related to robbery statistics from Richland County, S.C. – data which showed dramatic reductions in theft from motor vehicles and larceny.

Take a look …

richland county

Here’s the question, though …

What percentage of larcenies resulted in $2,000 or less being stolen?  And what percentage of motor vehicle thefts resulted in $1,000 or less being stolen?  We posed that question to the Richland County Sheriff’s Department (RCSD), but didn’t get an immediate response.

Of course the real question is probably whether certain crimes are being reported accurately at all … never mind the numbers.

According to a law enforcement officer who spoke with us on condition of anonymity, manipulation of reports is a common practice – one that’s “especially easy to do with property crime.”

“Theft from motor vehicle becomes vandalism. Stolen motor vehicle becomes breach of trust,” the officer told us.

For years, the Columbia, S.C. police department was accused of suppressing its true numbers by “mis-categorizing” certain crimes – including allegations involving criminal sexual conduct that were mis-categorized as simple assault.

One of the problems?  Supervisory law enforcement officers – regional captains and other mid-level managers – are under intense pressure to produce results from higher-ups who are looking to win points with voters.

“Suppose there is a trend of increasing theft from motor vehicles in mall parking lots,” our officer explained.  “You must explain to the Sheriff and command staff what you will do to fix it.  If there is no change – or if it gets worse – vitriol will be hurled at you for failure.  If you are successful, you get rewarded with praise, a transfer, prestige et cetera.  You can see where the temptation would be to change the thefts to vandalism.”

Indeed …

According to uniform FBI crime data, South Carolina ranks No. 1 in the nation in terms of its total crime rate.  More recent studies using similar data have led one website to declare South Carolina the most dangerous state in the nation.

Obviously drilling down from there is problematic, though … and becomes even more difficult when cops aren’t honest about which types of crimes are being committed.


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Bye Losers December 22, 2015 at 5:08 pm Reply
Limbaughsaphatkhunt December 22, 2015 at 5:12 pm

“According to uniform FBI crime data, South Carolina ranks No. 1 in the nation in terms of its total crime rate. More recent studies using similar data have led one website to declare South Carolina the most dangerous state in the nation.”

Main thing is…

a. Just keep electing Republicans and it will all surely get better.

b. Give everyone more guns…cause that’s worked well so far.

King-tut December 22, 2015 at 5:44 pm

Richland County is run by a bunch of crooked democrat thugs.

Limbaughsaphatkhunt December 22, 2015 at 6:05 pm

Ah yes, extrapolating state wide stats to a single county represented by Dems. Even though the entire state is the subject of the crime overview and all stats from all counties and municipalities are presented to form a picture statewide…yet you chose this example to basically try and make a racist point that black people can’t do shit.

When in fact, this state is dominated by the GOP at all levels. Our federal delegation, governor, state house of reps, state senate, mayors, county councils, sheriffs, judges…and on down the line.

erneba December 22, 2015 at 6:25 pm

I don’t think politicians drive criminal behavior.
The crime rate has decrease as gun ownership has increased.

Limbaughsaphatkhunt December 22, 2015 at 6:33 pm

I disagree. The studies I look at show that gun crime increases when there are more guns and conversely decreases when guns are reduced in circulation.

erneba December 22, 2015 at 6:38 pm

You are talking out of your ass. As gun ownership increases, the crime rate falls. Every study substantiates this trend.

Limbaughsaphatkhunt December 22, 2015 at 6:47 pm

See…this is how it is with gun nuts. No respectful dialogue. It’s always “I’m right and you’re wrong”. You people forget that you don’t have a monopoly on the 1st amendment by way of the 2nd. I have every bit of a right to disagree…even forcefully…as to the 2nd amendment as you do.

In saying that, I am not talking out of my ass…refer to the story below.

erneba December 22, 2015 at 7:51 pm

First of all, we are not in Australia.
And I will not argue about crime in Australia versus the United States. The population is different, the culture is different. Check the numbers for United States, in case you don’t know, that is where we reside.

stumpknocker December 22, 2015 at 7:58 pm

i’ll get into later cause i just got home from 10 days working on the road, but last week i was challenged with a gun by an alcoholic who had been drinking for more than 5 hours over 2 plastic yard chairs, and he legally own that fucking glock.

Locked and loaded December 23, 2015 at 7:30 am

Sure fiucling liar.We wouldn’t need guns if we didn’t have a liberal/black/illegal problem.

The Buzzman December 23, 2015 at 9:41 am


Did you suck on lead from bullets when you were a kid, or what?

Pee wee bizzard December 23, 2015 at 9:45 am

Ha ha I was never cock sucker like YOU

stumpknocker December 23, 2015 at 10:21 am

more like his uncle and his dad are the same guy

stumpknocker December 23, 2015 at 10:15 am

that was the exact excuse he used when he recognized the driver of the van i was putting the chairs in, then he offered both of us a beer and bragged he had been drinking since 8 am

truthmonger December 25, 2015 at 2:46 pm

And this happened WHY??? What CAUSED the confrontation? And what about when he gets into a car? You gonna scream about banning cars too???

Limbaughsaphatkhunt December 22, 2015 at 8:04 pm

Fair point. I do take on board cultural relativity when making comparisons. I usually incorporate this into my arguments on socialist leaning Scandinavian countries and how they punch above their GDP weight. I don’t mean racial differences but rather cultural differences. Just wanted to note that.

I am aware we are in the US but when one looks at the data, as in a basic like for like comparisons using per capita, the US is the highest ranking (advanced) western democracy in terms of gun deaths.

However, my general argument holds true….fewer guns = fewer deaths.

erneba December 22, 2015 at 7:59 pm
Limbaughsaphatkhunt December 22, 2015 at 8:07 pm

1. Correlation does not mean causation…just ask the anti-Climate Change folks.

2. This site’s motto is “Unfair. Imbalanced”.

_min January 10, 2016 at 8:46 am


Politicians Exhibit It December 23, 2015 at 9:59 am

If anything pols don’t like the competition.

truthmonger December 25, 2015 at 2:44 pm

You might have missed the point of the article…. crime stats are manipulated. I expect that liberal cesspools like Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, and DC probably have entire DIVISIONS dedicated to messing with the data….

stumpknocker December 22, 2015 at 6:03 pm

friend of mine had her car stolen and it was reported to columbia police by a church for being parked in their lot for so long, a couple of weeks after getting her car back, she got a letter from the city to pay her delinquent parking tickets, they were issued during the time the car was stolen

Soft Sigh from Hell December 22, 2015 at 6:36 pm

Bureaucrats lie about everything and office cops are now nothing more than badged bureaaucrats

nitrat December 22, 2015 at 10:11 pm

If local cops can’t provide MY federal government with accurate data, they shouldn’t get any of MY federal grants to law enforcement.

Buddy Miles December 22, 2015 at 10:41 pm

Want to move to the Charleston area? Well, the FBI issued a report either 3 or 4 years ago that there was a reduction in crime in the area. BUT, in my experience, I know of at least 3 incidents in which no report or arrest were ever made. This makes the Sheriff look like he’s doing his job. 57 people a day are now moving to the area. Everybody prospers (except victims). Hey Fits, would you like to see 2 police reports that are altered? The information is evident upon little examination leaving no doubt. Oh, the officer for the second report “left the force of her own accord”. See Post and Courier’s “Tarnished Badges” for insight from several years ago.

Rocky Verdad December 23, 2015 at 8:26 am

Rape was down. Guess Clemson had an extra away game?

XMAS ODE 2 Rocky December 23, 2015 at 9:40 am

Rocky the perv vomits more trash-online all day but says he makes cash-with a mama on his mind and hate in his heart-the only ripple he makes in life is a big ole fart

Rocky Verdad December 24, 2015 at 8:22 am

Sue yourself

Slartibartfast December 23, 2015 at 9:46 pm

The only thing that matters is that I can kill the son of a bitch trying to rob me before he kills me. Once I walk away, alive, we can discuss the moral and ethical consequences of gun laws.


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