Confederate Flag Controversy Hits The Citadel

PETITION LAUNCHED AGAINST ANTI-FLAG ACTIVIST || By FITSNEWS || The Citadel – South Carolina’s government-run military college – has had quite the controversial year. First there were questions about the school playing favorites in the 2016 “Republican” presidential primary.  Now it’s facing a major controversy over a movement to take…


|| By FITSNEWS || The Citadel – South Carolina’s government-run military college – has had quite the controversial year. First there were questions about the school playing favorites in the 2016 “Republican” presidential primary.  Now it’s facing a major controversy over a movement to take the Confederate flag out of its campus chapel.

The drama started when Paul Tamburrino, the vice president of the school’s alumni association, called on the school to “retire the Confederate Naval Jack that hangs in Summerall Chapel to the Citadel Museum.”

Tamburrino’s post came in the aftermath of the “Holy City Massacre” – in which a 21-year-old white male has confessed to murdering nine black parishioners at one of Charleston, S.C.’s most historic black churches.

“The recent tragedy only confirms that it remains a symbol of hate, oppression and intimidation to those who wish to worship in serenity and peace,” Tamburrino added.

(Click to enlarge)

citadel controversy

(Pic: Provided)

To say Tamburrino’s idea was not warmly received would be an understatement …

In fact shortly after his social media missive was posted an online petition was initiated calling for his removal as a leader of the organization.

“We believe his conduct and actions are immoral, disrespectful, and damaging to the Citadel Alumni Association,” the petition stated.  “Mr. Tamburrino has promoted personal opinions under his title as CAA VP and continues to show poor judgement.”

Hmmmm …

This website has never cared much about the Confederate flag issue, but in light of recent events we’ve reached the conclusion that our indifference to its presence on the S.C. State House grounds (and in other government-funded facilities) is standing in the way of a legitimate belief that the banner is a symbol of hate.

And given that removing the banner poses no imposition whatsoever on anyone else’s liberties … well, it’s time to take it down.


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Flags in church June 19, 2015 at 3:14 pm

“retire the Confederate Naval Jack that hangs in Summerall Chapel to the Citadel Museum.”

Some Christians might even object to the US flag handing in a chapel.

The whole “you shall have no other gods before me” thing might resonate.

Flags in church June 19, 2015 at 3:14 pm


Accuracyplease June 19, 2015 at 11:45 pm

Flags don’t belong in churches.

CNSYD June 19, 2015 at 3:16 pm

FITS skips over the real problem. Its right there in his first sentence. “government-run” Since FITS considers that as the root of all evil, that must be the real problem.

Stephan June 19, 2015 at 4:47 pm

Oh Christ. You’d have a better chance of getting your teeth pulled without residual pain that getting the JarHeads of North Charleston to take down their Rebel Banner. There’s a reason why they’re north of US17 – the idea is they’ll stay there.

SurfingCPA11 June 19, 2015 at 6:18 pm

Um, the school is located in the heart of downtown my man. Educate yourself before you go spewing your false vitreal all over the internet.

The Colonel June 23, 2015 at 8:43 am

The “heart of downtown” what? Everybody who’s ever looked at a nap while visiting Charleston would recognize the area between Broad and Meeting and Calhoun and meeting as being the “heart of downtown Charleston”.

I’ve heard they plan to rename the Citadel, the new name is UCLA – University for Children Longside the Ashley. It was to be UBLA but Nancy Mace messed that idea up….

Mark July 8, 2015 at 10:59 am

Wow! Why would such a high ranking O6 have problems with a military college? COL Sanders, sounds like you have issues you need to work out. With your encyclopedic knowledge of the “heart of downtown” Charleston, I’m sure you can find a good therapist. LEGG!

On the Dumbass Watch June 20, 2015 at 2:08 pm

You really don’t even know where The Citadel is?

What kind of DUMBASS are you?

Wilson June 19, 2015 at 5:49 pm

Whoever wrote that petition is the one who ought to be embarrassed.

Immoral ? Disrespectful? Damaging? Poor judgement? Fuck you and your petition.

Mark July 8, 2015 at 10:49 am


ElCid96 June 19, 2015 at 6:18 pm

I wrote it, and it had nothing to do with the flag or his post. FITS is telling half truths. Wanna know more about it. Ask.

CNSYD June 19, 2015 at 9:03 pm

Captain Renault is shocked to hear that FITS would tell half truths!

Victorious Secret June 21, 2015 at 1:40 pm

I “wanna” know more about it.

Soft Sigh from Hell June 19, 2015 at 7:29 pm

The Citadel should be merged with SC State.

Let the combined faculty senate work it out.

The Colonel June 19, 2015 at 9:30 pm


RogueElephant June 23, 2015 at 8:27 am

I can see it now. Saggin and baggin turned into high and tight. LOL

Scooter June 21, 2015 at 8:43 am

A darn good idea.

Mark July 8, 2015 at 10:48 am

Please just keep your uninformed ideas to yourself. Obvious neither one of you are alumni. Find something better to do with your time other than spending it on the internet and commentng on how to run an institution for which you know nothing.

Victorious Secret June 21, 2015 at 1:51 pm

Epitome of non sequitur BS

ELCID August 13, 2015 at 6:17 pm


El Cid June 19, 2015 at 9:56 pm

Wow, how did anyone lead me to this obscure, insignificant blog. First, to the five people reading this, Tamborino was posting his personal opinion on a closed fb page. Second, I am of one those Christian Citadel grads that thinks ANY idol or symbol in any Christian Church at any time is a sin defined by the First and Second Commandments. I was a Chapel Servant for two years as a Cadet. Yet, I was tolerant of different beliefs and opinions. Third, Tamborino’s opinion will change nothing at The Citadel.

Accuracyplease June 19, 2015 at 11:44 pm

That higher education didn’t do you much good if you didn’t learn the difference between Church and State. Your comments reflect badly on the quality of education at the Citadel.

Victorious Secret June 21, 2015 at 1:48 pm

Nice profile pic. Is this the same one with the stellar parking job a few articles passed?

You know me June 21, 2015 at 7:46 am

You are incorrect. Tamburrino did in fact make his remarks on his official and very public Facebook page for his official CAA position. Anyone in the public may read his post not just Citadel grads.

I have no problem with the message, I do however have a problem with the messenger. And his lack of judgement in his official capacity representing alumni.

Tamburrino misled alumni into believing his comments were in private when they were very much public. Where is the honor in a lie? He has attempted to throw mud on our school when our entire city is mourning the loss of these innocent folks. He did this before the blood was even dry. His attempt to discredit the college and tie The Citadel somehow to this terrible tragedy is sick and twisted. Not to mention attacking the leadership of our college.

The fact is this has been discussed for a while. The school cannot remove the flag without first changing a law or statute on the books.

Tamburrino is a first rate narcissist and bully. I know this from firsthand experience. We can’t get rid of him fast enough.

Victorious Secret June 21, 2015 at 1:47 pm

Because I’m lazy and don’t feel like incurring a Westlaw charge, please provide me this citation you mention.

That said, a change were to require the SC Legislature’s approval, then I couldn’t agree with you more. Those guys can’t put together a 100-piece jigsaw puzzle, much less pass a meaningful statute.

Love Triumphs June 22, 2015 at 7:40 am

We do know you. Didn’t you recently run for the Senate? Your comments are almost verbatim of what you posted in a Citadel forum. Talk about discredit. While I don’t agree with Tamburrino’s timing, at least he had the courage to sign his name. Good to see you back on Folks’ payroll.

Manray9 June 20, 2015 at 12:03 pm

The only crime specifically defined in the U.S. Constitution is treason. Article III, Section 3 states: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them…” The Confederacy levied war against the United States. This was treason. Its symbols, therefore, represent treason. Take them down from all official buildings and public institutions. Private citizens may do with them as they see fit.

Greenwood Goblin June 21, 2015 at 7:28 am

Did you know that the confederate flag is part of the deal of the TOWN OF LEXINGTON? Look at the flag on the left side of their town seal.

ELCID June 22, 2015 at 12:17 pm

It’s not a Naval Jack. That flag is the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia.
That’s the main problem with all of this. That Flag has nothing to do with SC history.
If they want to fly the correct flags here they are in order.

1. The SC State Flag in RED color (known as Big Red). It’s the States correct battle flag in all wars and was the one flying when Citadel Cadets fired the first shots of the Civil War on the US Ship Star of the West. A star for that firing is on every Citadel Grad’s ring.

2. Bonny Blue Flag. A Silver Star on a Blue background. It even has it’s own song and was the flag of Succession.

3. Stars and Bars, the flag resembling the USA Flag, and used by most Southern Units in the Civil War.

4. Numerous other miscellaneous local SC Unit Flags.

The proper flag should be flown not the Virginia Flag that has been co-oped by various hate groups including the KKK.

Let’s at least get it right, and use the correct flag. One that is not so divisive.

Citadel '85 September 23, 2015 at 11:21 am

Paul is a race baiter. He started this drama to create a diversion from being recalled as CAA VP. Add CAA VP to the long list of positions Paul has been removed from or resigned from right before being removed. Fits should look into Pauls’ alleged stolen valor.

Citadel '89 September 28, 2015 at 9:59 am

Fitsnews should consider the source the next time Tamburrino gives them a story. I agree FITS, do a story on Pauls lying resumes, BS war stories and Ebay war medals he wears. “Stolen Valor and lies from controversial Citadel grad”.

bulldawg October 15, 2015 at 9:43 am

Tambo has always been a pretentious joke, no one takes him seriously or cares what his current BS self promotion is. He’s fired, its over.

Private October 22, 2015 at 9:00 am

Paul Tamburrino is very sick and needs to seek help. He has been “banned” from The Citadel Football stadium/ games for hazing three knobs in his private, club level suite.

B Thurman January 11, 2016 at 2:20 pm

Paul Tamburrino was kicked out of his “suite” for forcing ONE underage cadet to take a shot. The cadet turned him in. He is not “banned” from the stadium, just the suite. The Citadel has taken measures to isolate him as best as they can.


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