
The Feds: “Dominion Over Every Puddle”

WHITHER SEPARATION OF POWERS? || By FITSNEWS || The federal government would have “dominion over every puddle” if a new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandate is allowed to take effect. That’s according to Rick Manning, president of Americans for Limited Government (a group which has been exposing this rogue bureaucracy for years). “The…


|| By FITSNEWS || The federal government would have “dominion over every puddle” if a new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandate is allowed to take effect.

That’s according to Rick Manning, president of Americans for Limited Government (a group which has been exposing this rogue bureaucracy for years).

“The rule just adopted by the EPA will regulate all waters of the United States under the terms of the Clean Water Act, something that was never intended by the statute,” Manning said.  “The Supreme Court has twice struck down agency attempts to do precisely this, but what do these administrative state agencies care about court rulings or what the law actually says?”

According to Manning, the EPA is constantly engaging in efforts to get around legislation passed by Congress and upheld by the courts.

“We have been playing regulatory whack-a-mole with the EPA for decades,” he said.  “This is just the latest dictate from an agency that simply does whatever it pleases.  Now it will once again be up to federal courts to safeguard the rule of law and protect all Americans from a regulatory regime so severe it will claim dominion over every puddle on their properties and threaten the viability of U.S. agriculture.”

U.S. Rep. Jeff Duncan also blasted the EPA proposal, calling it “a blatant power grab” and a sign of “unabashed disrespect for the rule of law.”

We concur with those assessments …

The courts have ruled bodies of water must have a “significant nexus” to navigable waterways to fall under the purview of Washington, D.C.  The EPA should confine itself to that standard and stop trying to expand its authority in defiance of the other two branches of government.


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Native Ink May 28, 2015 at 11:33 am

Does the water from your “puddle” flow into a navigable body of water? No? Then this law does not affect you. Pollute away. Is your puddle actually a seasonal stream that flows into waterway that provides drinking water and habitat for fish? Yes? Then do not pollute that area.

sparklecity May 28, 2015 at 12:01 pm

Well put
But what do you expect from the “Americans for Limited Government’ except more ultra hyperbole and one of its minions Jeff Duncan????
Duncan gets his jollies from crying wolf to the anti-government crowd at every opportuiity.
Remember when he squawked off about seeing some Feds that were armed with modified M-16’s during a training exercise?? EXACTLY what damn near every cop department in the Great State of South Carolina has in its weapons inventory……………….

Jeff Duncan's Puddle of Tears May 28, 2015 at 12:13 pm

Common sense isn’t his strong suit.

vicupstate May 28, 2015 at 12:47 pm

Remember just as Obama took office, the nutty right (is there any other kind?) said that you wouldn’t be able make modifications to your house without the approval of the Feds? A trip to Home Depot would mean some sort of Federal approval process.

Then there was the ‘death panels’ involved with Obamacare.

And more recently the ‘invasion’ of Texas.

At what point do these nitwits finally lose all credibility?

Simple Answer May 28, 2015 at 1:02 pm

When the stress from extreme paranoia and propaganda-fed delusion induces a heart attack.

sparklecity May 28, 2015 at 5:48 pm

When they keep that shit up till most of America thinks like they do (you know the “old’ saying: you hang around crazy people long enough and you will become crazy too!!!)
You can’t explain logical things to the illogical…no matter hard you try
BTW, “vicupstate” forgot to include the FEMA Concentration Camps the tin-foil hatted types were frothing about………………

jimlewisowb May 28, 2015 at 2:24 pm

I have a puddle the EPA sons of bitches can play in – well at 70+ it is more like a piddle but what the hell they can still play in it until they turn yellow

The gov't regulates my shit May 28, 2015 at 2:37 pm

I guess I’ll have to stop taking dumps into feeder streams to get around the toilet flusing restrictions.

erneba May 28, 2015 at 9:40 pm

These new EPA regulations are a bit over burdensome.
The regulators say that if you piss enough to make a puddle, the EPA will be on you before you shake off your pecker.

hum_dinger May 28, 2015 at 10:07 pm

Wil – think for a minute – you are arguing FOR dirty water. Water loaded with who knows what from farms and industry, not to mention sewage, ecoli and so on.

EVERYONE lives downstream.

Think – the fact that EPA is clarifying rules so your water is NOT polluted by industry is bad how?

RogueElephant May 28, 2015 at 11:37 pm

The EPA rules are for only one purpose. Taking our property rights and turning them over to the govt. Control is the result. Just like gun control isn’t about guns , it’s about control. The all knowing all controlling power of govt. The liberal way of doing everything.


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