SC Group Calls For Common Core Boycott

“CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE” ON TESTING URGED …  || By FITSNEWS ||  A coalition of mostly social conservative organizations has united with the goal of getting parents to boycott Common Core-aligned tests in South Carolina.  The group – dubbed the Parent Empowerment Coalition – is specifically targeting the administration of the Core-aligned ACT Aspire…


|| By FITSNEWS ||  A coalition of mostly social conservative organizations has united with the goal of getting parents to boycott Common Core-aligned tests in South Carolina.  The group – dubbed the Parent Empowerment Coalition – is specifically targeting the administration of the Core-aligned ACT Aspire tests, which are scheduled to be given to tens of thousands of students in government-run schools later this month.

“While coalition members may have different motivations for joining the opt-out movement, they all agree that challenging the law is necessary to gain the attention of the state in order to rein in the negative impact of high stakes testing on children, their families, teachers and society as a whole,” coalition leader Sarah Johnson said.

The coalition will use “multiple media outlets” in getting the message out to parents – including publicizing “resources to guide and support parents through the opt-out process.”

“Common Core is the latest attempt to bribe states, with money taken from the American people, into adopting a curriculum developed by federal bureaucrats and education ‘experts,'” former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul recently wrote in urging parents to opt-out.  “In exchange for federal funds, states must change their curriculum by, for example, replacing traditional mathematics with ‘reform math.’  Reform math turns real mathematics on its head by focusing on ‘abstract thinking’ instead of traditional concepts like addition and subtraction.  Schools must also replace classic works of literature with ‘informational’ texts, such as studies by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.”

Scary stuff …

Common Core has emerged as a major issue in the 2016 presidential race – especially in early-voting states like South Carolina.  But no early-voting state has as disastrous a government-run education system as the Palmetto State … meaning opposition to the tests is likely to resonate more broadly and deeply here (especially among conservative voters).

“All over the country, parents are fed up with being ignored by the government education system and they have been driven to civil disobedience,” said Sheri Few, a former candidate for S.C. Superintendent of Education and ardent opponent of Common Core.

For those of you keeping score at home, the ACT Aspire tests are currently scheduled for students in grades 3-8 and grade 11 from April 28-30.

This website has consistently opposed Common Core.  Just as we’ve consistently opposed (and exposed) the Palmetto State’s dumbed down state assessments.



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Ron=Rand April 13, 2015 at 10:26 am

great article…until you mentioned psycho American hater Ron Paul

GrandTango April 13, 2015 at 10:44 am

The problem is: while maybe FITS does oppose CC…it’s a staple of the liberals…so FITS “opposition” is so convoluted, and watered-down…it’s difficult to tell what the H#!! he’s talking about…or who the H#!! he is bashing…except for his obligatory attacks on ALL South Carolinians…

One thing about Liberal-Tarians…while they lead to more liberals getting elected, so the left LOVES them…they NEVER miss a chance to slam Conservatives……even though they are only the 2-3% nutjob faction…that make up the Liberal-Tarian Party…

SCBlueWoman April 13, 2015 at 10:44 am

Common Core is not a curriculum, it’s standards. Making the standards equal among the states. God forbid anyone do anything to raise the abysmal standards of education in South Carolina.

GrandTango April 13, 2015 at 10:47 am

Bull-S#!t…I’ve seen the content in the materials…

We have standards…it’s just that the liberal Obama government wants to indoctrinate students w/ the same America-Hate inbedded in the Democrat Party…

Why are you such a F*#king liar, about who, and what, you are…

SCBlueWoman April 13, 2015 at 10:52 am

You are the F*#king liar, and stupid too. You American hating racist POS Nazi.

GrandTango April 13, 2015 at 12:23 pm

You love a tragedy….if you did not have disaster to sell…you’d have nothing….

But the truth is Democrats in office is the WORST disaster….but you don’t “go and tell dat”….do you??…LMAO…

Rocky April 13, 2015 at 3:51 pm

Shut up. If you don’t have a dog in this hunt, please leave the field.

GrandTango April 13, 2015 at 4:38 pm

Who said anything about your wife???….LMAO…

Sorry about that Rocky…but you walked into it…I had to slap that B@$t@rd over the fence…even if was just to teach you not to be so F*#king stupid again…Hahaha..

Rocky April 13, 2015 at 6:35 pm

Actually, totally uncalled for – so apology not accepted.

GrandTango April 13, 2015 at 6:48 pm


Mr Hand April 13, 2015 at 11:00 am

My daughter now knows how to do simple 2 column addition using sticks and circles, just like primitive tribesmen. Tell me again how this is raising standards?

nitrat April 13, 2015 at 12:45 pm

Blame that on the curriculum that your school superintendent and school board has adopted.

Mr Hand April 13, 2015 at 1:08 pm

The worksheets all say Common Core on them. Next we will be instructing them to answer in grunts or knocks on their desks.

TroubleBaby April 13, 2015 at 11:11 am

“God forbid anyone do anything to raise the abysmal standards of education in South Carolina.”

Last time there was an attempt to raise education standards it was called “No child left behind”. The principle was largely the same, instituting a program by which schools had to test their kids to a universal test/standard across all states to be eligible for Federal funding.

It worked so well…here we are discussing yet another variation of it again….

Jackie Chiles April 13, 2015 at 1:24 pm

Explain how raising standards without changing the curriculum will improve anything.

TroubleBaby April 14, 2015 at 10:39 am

“Explain how raising standards without changing the curriculum will improve anything.”

Even further, put the new curriculum in the hands of a sub-standard teacher and see how far the curriculum gets you…

Stop CC April 17, 2015 at 11:38 am

CC does NOT raise the bar. My 1st grade niece has CC math. The homework was 6 math problems. Not much right? Wrong! Each problem had to be done 4 different ways!! Is that what you call raising the bar? CC comes with national sexuality standards attached. Did you know that? Some math problems include problems similar to: John’s mother Mary bought 9 apples. John’s other mother Susie bought 6 apples. How many apples does the family have? In ELA, required novels include those of the LGBT movement. The guidance counselors are now required to teach that families have “different configurations & it’s perfectly normal.” In PE/Health classes, there is a book that was used in Florida, and several other states. It’s called “It’s Perfectly Normal.” The first page of the book show naked people of all ages and races even handicapped people. The next page shows how girls and boys masturbate. The rest of the book also shows different sexual positions. This book was approved for grades 4 & under. Is this what you call RAISING THE BAR. Go to Facebook and type in Stop Common Core. Several states will pop up. Read the details of what has been slipped in the “STANDARDS”.

Stop CC April 17, 2015 at 11:37 am

CC does NOT raise the bar. My 1st grade niece in Richland County 2 of Columbia, SC has CC math. The homework was 6 math problems. Not much right? Wrong! Each problem had to be done 4 different ways!! Is that what you call raising the bar? CC comes with national sexuality standards attached. Did you know that? Some math problems in other states include problems similar to: John’s mother Mary bought 9 apples. John’s other mother Susie bought 6 apples. How many apples does the family have? In ELA, required novels include those of the LGBT movement. Also in ELA, there is a worksheet of multiple choice answers that asks a 2nd grader to compare the government to parents. “How is the government like or better than parents.” There are hidden agendas in CC. The guidance counselors are now required to teach that families have “different configurations & it’s perfectly normal.” In PE/Health classes, there is a book that was used in Florida, and several other states. It’s called “It’s Perfectly Normal.” The first page of the book show naked people of all ages and races even handicapped people. The next page shows how girls and boys masturbate. The rest of the book also shows different sexual positions. This book was approved for grades 4 & under. Is this what you call RAISING THE BAR. Go to Facebook and type in Stop Common Core. Several states will pop up. Read the details of what has been slipped in the “STANDARDS”.

Manray9 April 13, 2015 at 11:00 am

Common Core is opposed by the religious right because national standards
would prevent them from insinuating themselves, either by duping the
voters or pressuring elected members, into school boards across the
country in order to replace science with creationism and history with
mythology. Look at the Texas textbook controversies. The influence
of this redneck religious element has been demonstrated by charlatans
such as Bobby Jindal – the Rhodes scholar who supported Common Core
until right-wing religious elements scared him into a flip-flop.

The Colonel April 13, 2015 at 11:13 am

“Common Core is opposed by the religious right because national standards…”

Hardly, Common Core is opposed by a number of groups for a number of reasons – my opposition to it is that the “standards” have become the curriculum at the expense of a traditional balanced education.

Some oppose the “market” being created by proponents of educational programs for their testing products. Others oppose uniform standards that have little to do with academic achievement and everything to do with con-formal test driven learning.

For a failry balanced look at the opponet to Common Core check out this article by US News:

Manray9 April 13, 2015 at 11:35 am

Opposition stared with religious conservatives in Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana. Your referenced article states: “But the Common Core opponents in their camp see the educational standards as another example of government overreach in violation of states’ rights… School-choice voucher proponents, for example, along with home-schooling advocates, conservative Christian academies and parochial-education groups, sense the fight over Common Core can help them recruit disgruntled parents.” The fights were over Common Core versus local school board curricula influenced by conservative Christians.

The Colonel April 13, 2015 at 11:48 am

“…is opposed by…” vice “…opposition started with…”
Is there a difference in those ideas? Of course there is.

Rocky April 13, 2015 at 3:50 pm

Colonel I have a 10 year old dealing with life in the Common Core world. Is it hard? Sure is. Harder than when my 16-year-old went through elementary school? Dang right. Do I oppose Common Core? No. I had hard classes, had the bar raised, and had to face ever increasing standards growing up in the northeast. Was it hard? Yes. Was it beneficial? Well, I’m not nearly as supid as I could be. How often in the last 25 years did you have enlistees under you who were dumber than rocks.

Fecal Matters April 13, 2015 at 4:04 pm

I think you are conflating difficulty with convolution.

The Colonel April 13, 2015 at 5:03 pm

My problem isn’t rigor, it’s changing time tested and proven methods in the name of change (and profit) with no real effort to access the program prior to fielding. Remember that Common Core was first fielded by a “gubamint think tank” called Achieve Inc, much of the funding and support has come from organizations who stand to make a profit off of the test administration – from the article I linked:

“…Opponents on the left also suspect that corporate textbook manufacturers like McGraw-Hill and the multibillion-dollar educational testing industry are the real forces behind the Common Core push. Anthony Cody, a former Oakland, Calif., teacher, co-founder of Network for Public Education and a blogger for Education Week, excoriated Microsoft founder Bill Gates – a chief supporter of the standards – for virtually creating “a national marketplace for [education and testing] products.”…”

Stop CC April 17, 2015 at 11:32 am

CC does NOT raise the bar. My 1st grade niece has CC math. The homework was 6 math problems. Not much right? Wrong! Each problem had to be done 4 different ways!! Is that what you call raising the bar? CC comes with national sexuality standards attached. Did you know that? Some math problems include problems similar to: John’s mother Mary bought 9 apples. John’s other mother Susie bought 6 apples. How many apples does the family have? In ELA, required novels include those of the LGBT movement. The guidance counselors are now required to teach that families have “different configurations & it’s perfectly normal.” In PE/Health classes, there is a book that was used in Florida, and several other states. It’s called “It’s Perfectly Normal.” The first page of the book show naked people of all ages and races even handicapped people. The next page shows how girls and boys masturbate. The rest of the book also shows different sexual positions. This book was approved for grades 4 & under. Is this what you call RAISING THE BAR. Go to Facebook and type in Stop Common Core. Several states will pop up. Read the details of what has been slipped in the “STANDARDS”.

Manray9 April 13, 2015 at 4:21 pm

Common Core, as with most concepts in life, has pro and con features, just as it has those for and against it at both ends of the political spectrum. There are some Democrats and liberals against Common Core, but it is not a driving issue to them. Among Republicans, opposition to Common Core is a litmus test for conservative and rightist Christian support leading into primary season. You will find explicit statements against Common Core on the websites of Paul, Cruz, and Santorum. You’ll see plenty of public comments against it from Fiorina, Perry, Rubio and Carson. Huckabee, Christie, Walker and Jindal have all flip-flopped into opposition to it. Opposition to Common Core in the GOP had much more to do with pandering to the right than it does with thoughtful education policy. Ask yourself this question: why does the GOP right need to be pandered to on this issue? Because they oppose Common Core for the wrong reasons — and some of the GOP pols know it.

Mr Hand April 13, 2015 at 12:01 pm

I’m not a conservative, or a christian, or a republican and I’m opposed to it. Do you currently have a child enrolled in a public school that’s adopted the standard? Maybe if you could see a child struggle with completely unorthodox processes, you’d acquiesce to the notion that Common Core is not the way to go.

Dan Ruck April 13, 2015 at 2:10 pm

Well played

Dumb Adults April 13, 2015 at 2:32 pm

Common Core is mainly opposed by dumb parents who think the new math for elementary students is too hard.

Fecal Matters April 13, 2015 at 3:33 pm

It’s not too hard, it’s ridiculous to count with sticks and rocks in 2015.

Dumb Adults April 14, 2015 at 8:45 am

Like this dumbass^^^

Fecal Matters April 14, 2015 at 9:02 am

Bet calling other people names makes you feel super smart.

Ouch My Balls April 13, 2015 at 11:11 am

Wonder how many people who will chime in on this in support of common core actually have a child who is currently being dumbed down by the “standards” and how many are just riding the liberal wave into Idiocracy?

TroubleBaby April 13, 2015 at 11:13 am

Go away! Batin’.

False Start April 13, 2015 at 11:35 am

As we celebrate the 50the anniversary of the Head Start Program, let’s all take a good long look at the human condition in 2015 America.

Dan Ruck April 13, 2015 at 2:09 pm

Ha! Ha! As FITS reported not long ago, SC wrote new testing standards that are nearly identical to Common Core!! As I recall, he wined about the cost! And Common Core wasn’t created by government, it was created by teachers across the U.S. Teachers even wrote the SC replacement! Ha! Ha!

idiotwind April 13, 2015 at 2:22 pm

common core as it is actually practiced in good schools, like my kids schools, is a pretty positive step. it prioritizes understanding over memorization. i’ve never met or heard from anyone who actually understands common core and is opposed to it. the only opposition is from political step climbers and wannabes like Fits who (ab)use education as a political weapon.

soxinsc April 14, 2015 at 1:24 am

The only part of Common Core that ever made sense was ensuring that when it came to math, science, English, and US History, the content would be the same regardless of school district or state. The rest of it – i.e. methodology and testing – should still have been left up to the teachers (methods) and districts/states (testing).

Skeptic at Large April 23, 2015 at 10:03 pm

“Scary stuff”, indeed–that is, reading Ron Paul’s ignorant characterization of the Common Core mathematics standards.


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