SC Conservation Bank Funding Slashed

LAWMAKERS REBUKE ENVIRO-RADICAL LEADER || By FITSNEWS ||  South Carolina budget writers took an ax to funding for the S.C. Conservation Bank this week, delivering a sharp rebuke to liberal environmental lobbyist Ann Timberlake – who frequently refers to the bank as “her money.” Funding for the bank was set…


|| By FITSNEWS ||  South Carolina budget writers took an ax to funding for the S.C. Conservation Bank this week, delivering a sharp rebuke to liberal environmental lobbyist Ann Timberlake – who frequently refers to the bank as “her money.”

Funding for the bank was set at $9.8 million for the coming fiscal year (FY 2015-16) – which is $3.7 million less than lawmakers appropriated for the current fiscal year.  It’s also $6 million less than the S.C. Board of Economic Advisors (BEA) estimates the fund will have at its disposal by FY 2017-18.

Lawmakers aren’t cutting the money, mind you … they’re just moving it out of Timberlake’s sphere of influence.  The “savings” will be routed to the S.C. Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) – which will spend the money on wildlife management areas.

Why the shift, then?

It’s simple: As we reported last fall, lawmakers have had it with Timberlake.

As one lobbyist familiar with the budget process told us bluntly, Timberlake’s ongoing hypocrisy was directly responsible for “costing the Conservation Bank $5 million plus.”

“If she had any relationships and juice, it would not have happened,” the lobbyist added.

Lawmakers tell FITS their frustration with Timberlake was already at an all-time high last spring – but that her hypocritical politicking during the 2014 election cycle pushed them over the edge.

“She made it personal,” one legislator told FITS.

Frankly, we don’t believe the S.C. Conservation Bank should receive even a dime of government funding.  The whole thing is a scam, in our view, a way for wealthy land owners to receive generous tax breaks at everybody else’s expense.

We believe lawmakers should cut every penny of its $12.5 million appropriation – and send that money back to taxpayers.


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Cook's Mountain March 10, 2015 at 7:48 pm

DNR can buy and build more of those exclusive hideaways for the good ol’ boys and other bigshots.

FastEddy23 March 10, 2015 at 8:08 pm

Out here in Taxifornia, those hideaways are built as paybacks for Gruberment employees and political contributions.

(Taxifornia seized some timberland next door to a friends big two story “cabin”. … The state g’ment then threw a party in his cabin, treating it like g’ment property … and burned it down! … And then refused to pay. … The party was for division of forestry, Taxifornia EPA and two commingled conservation groups. Their argument was that the state was ready to seize my Friend’s place soon, so … and no need to pay as the value had decreased because of the fire.

Beartrkkr March 12, 2015 at 12:42 am

Such as where?

Jerry Maguire March 10, 2015 at 8:32 pm

No worries; Chip Campsen will make sure it is restored when it gets to the Senate.

Jo March 10, 2015 at 8:44 pm

Chip Campson. A smug right winger that has a no bid federal contract for boat tours in Charleston Harbor.

No bid contract, and the right winger gets rich while talking trash about the government, taxes and everything that has made him money!

Buz Martin March 11, 2015 at 9:32 am

Much like the Governor, then, is he?

GrandTango March 10, 2015 at 8:55 pm

Liberals cost this country BILLIONS by blocking production, and choking the coal industry…

Payback’s H#!!….LMAO…

PS: They need to audit this outfit, too…Many of these leftists are Greedy thieves, feigning concern for the environment. Gettin’ Phat and happy on our money…

Anthropogenic Globam Dumbing March 11, 2015 at 9:01 am

You are going to cost us billions trying to fix the global warming caused by all of that hot air leaking out of your empty head.

GrandTango March 11, 2015 at 9:31 am

Not a creative writing major I take it.

You peoples’ attempt at humor – or insult – sounds like some dumb-struck fat slob, who is still quoting Reggie from the Archies comics. You present yourselves as too stupid to come up w/ anything witty, but you SO want to…Take my word for it, most ALL of you are SO lame.

Why try if you are THAT dull? It just makes you look even worse…


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