
CDV: Dirty Diaper Edition

WHAT A MESS … || By FITSNEWS ||  With everybody so serious these days regarding the issue of criminal domestic violence (CDV), it’s probably not a good time to “make a funny.” Of course with the Palmetto State “Republicans” merely paying lip service to the issue (as their children get CDV charges against them dropped),…


|| By FITSNEWS ||  With everybody so serious these days regarding the issue of criminal domestic violence (CDV), it’s probably not a good time to “make a funny.”

Of course with the Palmetto State “Republicans” merely paying lip service to the issue (as their children get CDV charges against them dropped), well … let’s just say we’ll get serious about it when they do.

And besides, this story comes straight from the mainstream media … which we know is all about breaking real news.

According to The Spartanburg Herald-Journal, 29-year-old Angelo Kendrick of Greer, S.C. was charged with child neglect and criminal domestic violence after getting into an argument with his baby momma last Friday over who was going to change the diaper of the couple’s newborn baby.

Specifically, Kendrick is accused of grabbing his girlfriend by the neck and bending her over a play pen while she was holding the baby.

Yikes … that must have been one heckuva stink bomb, people.  We wonder … what sort of exceedingly foul odiferous emanation could have prompted such a reaction?

Anyway, here’s the mug shot of the not-so-doting father …

(Click to enlarge)


(Pic: Spartanburg County Detention Center)


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Baby MaMa February 3, 2015 at 3:49 pm

what a waste of life, thin the herd.

Guest February 3, 2015 at 3:59 pm

Spartanburg… Always giving me more reasons to be glad I graduated and left.

GrandTango February 3, 2015 at 4:00 pm

“Foothills like White Elephants”…anyone???

Cliff Notes February 3, 2015 at 6:01 pm

Why don’t you put the gun in your mouth already?

GrandTango February 3, 2015 at 9:30 pm

The Final Solution, no doubt…
Channel Hitler Much?

BrigidBernadette February 4, 2015 at 9:06 am

Brilliant reference GT. I will have to re-read that today, it’s been quite a while.

GrandTango February 4, 2015 at 9:39 am

Brigid, that is a true measure of your superior intellect. I did not expect many, if any, to get it. He is my FAVORITE author, by far.

PS: I’ve been up to my neck in another project. I use FITS as a stress release. But we need to get the SCPSD site back to rockin’ again. It is definitely needed. I’d love to get you involved. It takes a rare talent to do that. And you are exclusively equipped for it. (see above.)

Victorious Secret February 3, 2015 at 4:10 pm

“We wonder … what sort of exceedingly foul odiferous emanation could have prompted such a reaction?”

Someone is bored…and a lousy journalist. Seriously, this is one of the worst written articles I’ve ever read.

Oops February 3, 2015 at 5:03 pm

“Someone is bored…and a lousy journalist. Seriously, this is one of the worst written articles I’ve ever read.”

Yet here you are, paying his bills none the less.

Victoria Is Full of Hate February 3, 2015 at 7:50 pm

You are never happy unless you are bitching about this or that. Must really suck to be so bitter and angry like you.

Robin February 4, 2015 at 9:24 am

It is a joke to relax the mood people. CDV is a problem in our country, but its a problem that politicians have tapped into to get votes from the sympathetic voters. Government workers see money from state and federal grants to employee people and have them pay for victims advocates so they can hire them to have them do other tasks rather than the ones dedicated to the grant. On these grants they pay for vehicles, office furniture, computers, photographic equipment, software, and personnel. The grants range from $20,000 over a $100,000 a year depending upon the size of the department. Did you know that the fines assessed through the government has a victims fee attached. 10’s of thousands of dollars is generated to the state through this fund. This fund is used to pay the salaries of government workers to advocate the CDV scare. It has always been said , you should follow the money. If you really want to get serious about CDV, do it right and quit being so self preservationist about the idea. What I’m saying is attack the situation on a real common sense direction and not by wondering how we are going to pay all the idiots we have put on the state payroll to create waves about CDV and they not do anything about it.

Lets be real. CDV comes out of relationships (per the state law) and people in relationships will argue. How do you keep people from arguing. Hell if I know. One lawyer has told me in past that the CDV law aids them in the Family court cases by the offender being punished in family court (even it really did or didn’t take place). That’s right people, people will lie to say it happened even if didn’t because they are pissed off and want to punish the person they say attacked them. I know all of you are shocked by this, but its the truth in punishment. When we speak of CDV what is the first thing that pops in our heads. That’s right, the guy standing over the woman in a wife beater t-shirt with his fist pulled back getting ready to punch the woman lying on the floor beneath him. That’s the problem and the misdirection that has been burned into our heads. In fact, no one should lay a hand on anyone. The fact is that a man nor a woman should lay a hand on one another, but is more common than none to see a woman so pissed off that she stands in front of a man ans slaps and hits him while he stands there. I have seen this time and time again. Men have died by the hands of women is this battle also but we have stereotyped ourselves that women are the victims and this is where it needs to be changed. No one needs to be a victim, be it that you are a man or woman. A life lost to CDV is a life lost, I dont care what the numbers are in ratios, it is still a life lost.

So lets quit focusing on one sex and lets say “let’s stop CDV”. Put some responsibility on the ones that say it happened when it really didn’t, let’s put some responsibility on the lawyers that use this as a tool in family court, lets limit the government spending on this cash cow as they see it. The truth is, people in relationships will argue and we will never stop that but what we can do is limit the government band standing something that is important to us and we are trying to get elected and talk to the voters let we are idiots.

Our Gov. says she needs a task force, she is an idiot. Laws have been placed on our books for years that address assault and battery, how are these laws any different. Why is it that are spending so much towards CDV and have special courts for CDV (grant money-tax increase). Read through this and get a perspective of what this really is all about. Money money Money

Jessie Jackscoon February 3, 2015 at 4:18 pm

Whiggers gonna whig…Niggers gonna nig.

Tax me more please February 3, 2015 at 4:37 pm

I’m glad they get my money for their welfare.

I feel honored to be fleeced for their sake.

Rocky February 3, 2015 at 4:47 pm

Put him and Eckstrom’s son in a cell together for a very, very long time.

Its a Great Day in SC February 3, 2015 at 6:40 pm

Come on Fits,

Yeah that picture was nice and the jargon even better,but we all know that nothing will get your buddies juices flowing like a good ole NAACP story!

Get with It!

Squishy123 February 3, 2015 at 8:28 pm

I saw that picture and thought you got a picture of Leatherman’s top desk drawer.

Elfego February 3, 2015 at 8:50 pm

This like many other laws is a good idea gone extremely wrong.


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