By WILL FOLKS || Something needs to be said … and not just on this Veterans Day, but every day that the United States of America continues to perpetuate the myth of its soldiers as “heroes” who are “fighting for our freedoms.” That’s not what they are … not even a little bit.
“The land of the free? Whoever told you that is your enemy!” Rage Against the Machine’s Zach de la Rocha once sang – and he was right.
America is not the land of the free. Not anymore. It’s a land of rapidly eroding liberty and diminished prosperity – set against a backdrop of rapidly expanding government (and government militance). Seriously – Barack Obama’s own officials now openly admit they are taking advantage of the stupidity of the average American, and nowhere is this propaganda more effective than in the pervasive hero worship of the U.S. soldier.
Take S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley – my governor – whose reelection campaign included an advertisement touting the military service of her “soldier” husband, Michael Haley.
What sort of “soldiering” did Haley do? Yeah … he didn’t “fight for our freedoms,” he participated in a costly (and colossally failed) war on drugs … in another country. Seriously … it’s ridiculous enough our government is fighting an anti-free market “War on Drugs” here in America, but do we really need to be fighting one in Afghanistan too?
Yet because Haley “put on the uniform,” he deserves our worship?
It’s ridiculous …
Don’t get me wrong: My primary beef isn’t with the soldiers who enlist, it’s with the cowardly, warmongering politicians like U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham who continue tragically misapplying their misguided loyalty on missions that have nothing to do with our national security.
Seriously … politicians like Graham just want war. Endless war. They don’t care who it’s against. Or what its consequences may be.
At what point, though, does this scam not become glaringly obvious to those mulling enlistment in the armed forces? At what point do we have to start looking at those who volunteer to “put on the uniform” as dupes of a military-industrial complex – not defenders of liberty.
When do we start acknowledging that their “sacrifice” is actually making our nation less prosperous, less free and less safe?
These are not comfortable questions to ask. Big government, corporate America, the Fourth Estate – all of these voices blare in unison the immutable maxim that the American soldier is a hero deserving of our unwavering (and apparently unquestioning) admiration.
But is that true? No, it’s not.
I’m a hard core limited government guy, but let’s get something straight: I’m no dove. I believe the national defense is a core function of the federal government (and even if I didn’t, the Constitution of the country in which I live says it is). I also believe the United States military should be the world’s best-armed, best-led fighting force – one capable of responding with overwhelming deadly force (not proportional responses) to clear and present dangers to the national security.
Americans have a right to be secure in their lives, their liberty and their property. And a strong, focused military is essential to securing those rights.
But again … that’s not what our military is doing. Thanks to the Lindsey Grahams of the world, America’s armed forces habitually meddle in places where they have no business … aligning with both sides of a conflict and then acting surprised when our weapons wind up in the wrong hands. Or when our citizens and facilities are targeted for attacks by the very people whose countries we invade.
It is not the job of the American military to make Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria or any other nation “safe for democracy.” Nor is not the job of the American military to defend Israel – or wealthy European nations that have plenty of money to defend themselves.
Such costly interventions are demonstrable failures.
It is the job of the American military to defend the homeland. Period. Perhaps if our soldiers started doing that job, I’d help perpetuate the myth that they are heroes deserving of our admiration. As it stands now, though, I think they are fools to be pitied.
Will Folks is the editor of the website you are currently reading.
It takes a first-class asshole to make fun of Veteran’s Day.Eat shit and die,bitch.
Will do! And thanks for commenting.
“It takes a first-class asshole to make fun of Veteran’s Day.”
Says the guy who knows best about veteran’s with first-class assholes.
Don’t worry, those who talk are usually the biggest liars and cowards. Will’s calling was for the manly profession of hanging out with local politicians that anyone outside this redneck state hasn’t ever heard of. Even that liberal asshole James Smith had balls bigger than BB’s to enlist and serve, even though it was all politically motivated.
Look at the type of person who becomes a blogger, locally you have Will, Brad Warthen and GrandTango. Really, how many of you want the fate of this country in any of their hands. I doubt any would make it through one week of basic training.
Yeah.Fits’ BJ was a long time ago;he’s milked it for all it’s worth.He better get pics next time,hell,maybe he can get one from Lindsey.You have to feel a little sorry for him,though.
His footnote in Grand Tango’s SC history book-Will Fits*
*male slut
Will, ou reported on the allegation that an unknown Democratic operative was allegedly taking down Finlay signs, when are you going to report on the guy ARRESTED in Richland County for removing a Democrat’s signs?…
Does this story not rate coverage from you because he was arrested for removing the signs of a Democrat?
More reading…
For it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Chuck him out, the brute!”
But it’s “Saviour of ‘is country” when the guns begin to shoot;
And–who would have ever thought it?–once again apropos:
“When you’re wounded and left on Afghanistan’s plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
An’ go to your Gawd like a soldier.”
Kiss my avatar!
Nha Trang, May 1968
Git yourself a gook necklace over there?
Unfunny, as my detachment of Nung CIDG troops would be happy to inform you.
The best action to support our troops would be the cessation of our endless wars. It has been my observation that the most belligerent talk and the most aggressive positions usually originate with those who never served a day.
With all your honor and dignity, what would you do? Please don’t answer
without giving it serious thought. By giving an honest answer you will be able
to test where you stand morally.
The test features an unlikely, completely fictional situation, where you will
have to make a decision one way or the other. Please scroll down slowly and
consider each line – this is important for the test to work accurately.
You’re in Florida … in Miami, to be exact. There is great chaos going on
around you, caused by a hurricane and severe floods. There are huge masses of
water all over you. You are a news photographer and you are in the middle of
this great disaster. The situation is nearly hopeless. You’re trying to shoot
very impressive photos. There are houses and people floating around you,
disappearing into the water. Nature is showing all its destructive power.
Suddenly you see a man in the water, fighting for his life, trying not to be
taken away by the masses of water and mud. You move closer. Somehow the man
looks familiar.
Suddenly you know who it is – it’s George W. Bush!
At the same time you notice that the raging waters are about to take him away,
forever. You have two options. You can save him or you can take the best photo
of your life. So you can save the life of George W. Bush, or you can shoot a
Pulitzer prize winning photo, a unique photo displaying the death of one of the
world’s most powerful men.
And here’s the question (please give an honest answer):
Would you select color film, or rather go with the simplicity of classic black
and white
That was a good laugh to sleep on. Thanks and good night.
Thanks! I found this one a few weeks ago but had to wait for a “lead- in” opportunity to use and share. It’s like getting a new toy but not being able to use it right away.
From where comes this spelling of Barack? Are you making some point?
ooopa! — did this late last night and spell check didn’t have it (thanks)
…and its been controlled by banks, manufacturing, etc. since the Civil War. Don’t believe it – read “When in the Course of Human Events: Arguing the Case for Southern Secession” by Charles Adams.
“When in the Course of Human Events: Arguing the Case for Southern Secession” by Charles Adams.
Read it many years ago.
Excellent book.
Folks is just an attention whore. I don’t remember the last time he wrote anything thought provoking.
He doesn’t need to, he’s got women doing that now for him.
I read the article twice.
I really don’t see where Folks was,in any way,ridiculing or denigrating veterans.
He was merely making some observations and expressing his opinion as to American foreign and defense policies and illustrating how those who support many of these misbegotten policies use those serving in the armed forces as foils.
In other words,one should refrain from criticizing these actions because,by doing so, one is implicitly criticizing the troops.
I believe such is an illogical fallacy.
Correct. Demagoguery is a powerful tool used by the elected elite however and they’ll never give it up.
Even further, those that have fallen victim and even devoted their whole lives to “protecting the homeland” have an intellectual and emotional investment that won’t allow them to ponder the possibility it was nothing but a waste and as a result become attack dogs on dissenters.
US Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler:
“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902–1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”
General Butler, while incredibly brave, was also incredibly erratic and according to his fitreps, unreliable. He was also most likely mentally ill.
I will agree that much of the “fighting” he did in the “Banana Wars” was done in support of American financial interest.
Especially in his latter years.
He was still correct.
Have you read “War is a Racket”?
Maybe he “couldn’t handle ‘the truth’.”
I read war is a racket, he has some valid points but I don’t agree with all of his conclusions.
His idea that the owners of capital be conscripted first, before the draft begins sounds great but it’s unrealistic. Often simply increasing the size of the force (“saber rattling”) is sufficient to deter (if only for a time) belligerent force. Disrupting our industry unnecessarily is counter productive and there is a tendency to say “we have all these tanks, let’s attack someone”. Mobilization on a full scale, a la WWII cannot happen over night but the training of the army must begin as soon as the potentiality of the need is realized -in other words, it takes longer to make a soldier than it does a jeep.
…there is a tendency to say “we have all these tanks, let’s attack someone”.
Preaching to the choir there, Kimosabe.
I read “War is a Racket”, if you can find a copy, it’s a short read.</i.
TBG's read it also. The pics in the back [of TBG's edition, at least] are disturbing.
People accuse British Admiral Jackie Fisher of much the same. His (their) fitness in later years in no way negates their high performance earlier on, or even their remembrance of it.
US Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler
Shamelessly copied from wikipedia by TBG:
“By the end of his career, Butler had received 16 medals, five for heroism. He is one of 19 men to receive theMedal of Honor twice, one of three to be awarded both the Marine Corps Brevet Medal and the Medal of Honor, and the only Marine to be awarded the Brevet Medal and two Medals of Honor, all for separate actions.”
Compare and contrast to Lindsey Graham’s *service.*
Some years ago, a retired two star General told me that he had never met a Medal of Honor winner who was not “crazy as Hell”. I don’t think he meant it as a compliment.
Had breakfast with Kyle Carpenter (and 200 or so close friends). Had a chance to talk with him afterward. He’s not crazy. I have had LTC Bruce Crandall in several times to speak to my classes, he’s not crazy either. Both are those anti-heroes Will talks so much about. (LTC Crandall is the helicopter pilot who kept the soldiers at LZ Xray armed, evac’d and fed during the story told in the movie “We Were Soldiers Once and Young”, the Hal Moore autobiography)
Not my words Colonel but those of a retired Army Major General who was at a meeting on a different topic when someone started asking about Medal of Honor winners. I was so surprised at what he said I have never forgotten his words.
I understand, my next door neighbor is a ‘Nam era veteran, two star. He comes up with some very astute observations from time to time but when he’s had a snort or two well. I was an IG for three years and worked for two different two stars who were both possessed of keen insight as well. But based on the time I’ve spent around GOs, let’s just say that I could write a book called “Crazy Shit My Generals Said”
Met him at Fort Rucker. Great guy. Genuine. Agree.
A person who thinks this clearly *must* be insane.
i do agree that the word “hero” has become overused and diluted from its real meaning.
i think the thing started with calling “french fries” “Freedom Fries” at the start of Gulf II because the French wouldn’t go along with Bush II. Renaming them “Freedom Fries” was jingoistic as hell.
For me the final straw is relabeling the “Military Channel” (which pales in comparasion to the old History Channel BTW) to the “American Hero Channel”
Other than that, FITS is off base on this topic.
Veteran’s Day is NOT about politics or foreign policy. It is about recognizing and honoring those who have honorably served in the military. Memorial Day is for the fallen.
Can’t we just leave the politics or foreigh policy issues for another fucking day?????
Obviously FITS won’t or can’t.
“Veteran’s Day is NOT about politics or foreign policy. It is about
recognizing and honoring those who have honorably served in the
military. ”
“Armistice Day (which coincides with Remembrance Day and Veterans Day, public holidays) is commemorated every year on 11 November to mark the armistice signed between the Allies of World War I and Germany at Compiègne, France, for the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front of World War I”
No disagreement that Veteran’s Day (Rememberance Day in Canada) evolved from Armistice Day.
Besides a short reminder of the evolution of Armistice Day into Veteran’s Day effective in June 1954 by an act of Congress your point is?????
In my possession is “BUGLES AND A TIGER” a book by John Masters who served as a British Officer in the North West Frontier of India on the border of Afghanistan during 1935 to 1939. His accounting of the treachery and cruelty of the Afghanistan tribes, especially towards prisoners and the wounded on the battle fields.
If a soldier was wounded and could not be saved from the battle field the British would have a sniper kill him to save him from torture. This act of mercy also applied to their Gurkhas and the Indian Army units. The Afghanistan women were especially expert at torture.
Now, 75 years later, nothing seems to have changed regarding America’s understanding the customs and mentality of our supposedly allies in the Middle East.
“America’s understanding the customs & mentality – Middle East…”
Been preaching that since the Yom Kippur War of 1973 but nobody has really listened including face-to-faces with EVERY 4th District Congressmen & women (Liz Patterson),US Senators representing SC and presidential candidates (John McCain) since I got out of active duty in 1974.
I’m a veteran of 3 Middle East conflicts and the politicians/leaders and the citizens of this country have not really learned a thing since October 1973
The “Big One” is yet to come
Thanks- also add to my comment the difficulties and challenges he had to deal with regarding who to trust and rely on for good intelligence information.
You really can’t trust anyone over there (INMHO)
it’s just a different world. Lying and betrayal is an art form for them.
You need to know that going in.
WAY before sitting down to play cards complete with them dealing a loaded/numbered deck!!
Really? I disagree. There are numerous examples throughout the piece, but how would you characterize this ridiculous statement:
“At what point do we have to start looking at those who volunteer to ‘put on the uniform’ as dupes of a military-industrial complex – not defenders of liberty.”
I would posit that referring to those who volunteer as “dupes” of some vast conspiracy as ridiculing veterans. Now, I knew some clowns when I was in the Army who were “duped” by recruiters, but that’s a different set of tales altogether.
I would expect as much from a woman beating worm who has to call the cops when he gets mean texts from his man crush/sugar daddy. Just like a little garbage spewing bitch.
At least he documents it all for his children to see.
Not to mention the repeated “fucking” of a married woman all the while his wife has to live with his bragging.
Is that bragging? Look at her. More of a pathetic attempt at attention from a person who has no self awareness.
“Don’t get me wrong: My primary beef isn’t with the soldiers who enlist…”…It may not be your primary beef but it’s obvious from past comments you dohave a beef with soldiers.
“At what point do we have to start
looking at those who volunteer to “put on the uniform” as dupes of a
military-industrial complex – not defenders of liberty.”…In previous threads you have called them in so many word *dupes*.
Not to worry – i would have been disappointed if FITS didn’t post his musings concerning Veteran’s Day. it’s just about as predictable as showers in April. Usually articles like this are from people who are not veterans and secretly wish they were.
I know, I also know FITS couldn’t make it in the military, hell he couldn’t even make it in politics.
Well, he did scurry out to a pig farm and get two piglets that ended up shiting on the Statehouse floor for Sanfraud.
Gotta give him give him credit for being a top notch “Hey-Boy”!!!!
Will has a right to say what he wants to say.
“Will has a right to say what he wants to say.”
Thanks to the heroic sacrifices of the members and veterans of our armed forces…
We’d all be speaking German otherwise, right?
or Russian or even Japanese.
…or Russian or even Japanese.
Habla Espanol, Amigo!
And just by walking north.
Or possibly Arabic (remotely but something to chew on).
But yeah, my money is on “Spanglish for most of the southwest. within 50 years
Lest we be vigilant there are those that want it be the greatest literary work in classical Arabic.
Thanks to the heroic sacrifices of the members and veterans of our armed forces…
The Founding Fathers and *Generals* Atlantic and Pacific deserve some credit also.
Will’s right to say what he wishes is one of the reason they serve.
Others enjoy a similar right to tell him when what he says is silly and petulant. His anti-soldier shtick is getting really tired, to the point I have stopped replying to it. In his world, no one should enter military service until the homeland is attacked. That’s a great system, and shows that he’s been heavily influenced by that great military thinker and theorist, Thomas Ravenel.
Ha! +2 for the Ravenel reference.
Sorry, but I’m going to miss beating him up (just a bit). I don’t watch reality TV and he *should* be gone from politics for good now (I know, I know…never say never in SC) so I won’t likely be seeing much of him any more. I’ll have him out of my system here shortly… ;-)
“I don’t watch reality TV”
Hooray. Count me in, as well.
Who is this Thomas Ravenel? Is he anybody important?
Point taken!
Milo Moroni decided to run for political office, and was told he needed to hire a press agent. So he hired one at $500 per
week. The first week, no press at all. Milo called his agent and said, “What’s
He said, “They’re talking about ya, baby, they’re talking about ya.”
Two more weeks go by, a $1,000 more, and no press. Milo is pretty mad. He called his agent and said, “Hey, what’s happening here?”
He said, “They’re talking about ya, baby, they’re talking about ya.”
Five weeks go by, $2,500 down the drain and not a thing to show for it. Milo was so
mortified and angry that he went down to his office, barged right in, and said, “What’s happening? What’ve I got to show for my $2,500?”
He said, “They’re talking about ya, baby, they’re talking about ya.”
Milo said, “Oh, yeah? So what’re they
He said, “They’re saying, “Whatever happened to Milo Moroni?”
ex-con coke head and dealer
In his world, no one should enter military service until the homeland is attacked.
TBG doesn’t think FITS is that extreme; providing for “national defense” is a core function of the Federal Government, after all.
I’m simply going by what he said, not what I think may be going on inside of his head:
“America is not the land of the free.” Just nonsense.
“At what point do we have to start looking at those who volunteer to ‘put on the uniform’ as dupes of a military-industrial complex – not defenders of liberty.” Doesn’t sound to me like even a limited acknowledgement that service in the armed forces can be an honorable endeavor.
“When do we start acknowledging that their ‘sacrifice’ is actually making our nation less prosperous, less free and less safe?” Even less so; I would say that this actually impugns either the intelligence or moral integrity of anyone who enlists. I would be interested to hear your interpretation, but I just don’t see how it can be spun otherwise.
The Switzerland thing is a well-beaten horse, but in real-world geopolitics everybody can’t be Switzerland. They live and operate within the system that other countries provide (which, admittedly, is a great gig if you can get it). This is a whole other discussion that I haven’t run since I quit teaching POLI/SCI years ago, but if most countries were Switzerland, imagine for a second how the Irans, North Koreas, East African pirates, et al would feel about behaving themselves. Shipping lanes, the dreaded “O-word” (oil), etc. Hitler wishes we had all been Switzerlands in the 1940’s, no?
I’m not into hero worship for vets either, but I’m not enough of a jackass to imply that everyone who serves is a dumbass for doing so. We had our share of dumbasses when I was in, but we also had our share of guys who enlisted for the “right” reasons. Some of the missions we pulled were stupid; some were pretty cool and served the greater good. Service members don’t get to choose…
I think Will is becoming more and more comfortable in the fringy 5% perspective from which he’s been writing more and more over the past year or three. I’m no shrink, but I have a buddy who’s in the same boat, and it just seems that there’s a certain comfort level in railing against any and all conventions and refusing to play within the mainstream. If Ron Paul had become POTUS, he would actually have to govern and makes things happen. It’s much easier to hang onto him as theoretical construct that allows folks to be angry at the system without having skin in the game.
“His anti-soldier shtick is getting really tired, to the point I have stopped replying to it.”
You will note that I was replying to ddean62. I used to flail away at Will when he would post this nonsense, but even old dumbasses like me can eventually figure out when I when I’m wasting my time. That doesn’t preclude me from talking to other folks, though. Even you! Next time I’ll be more specific, but at least you were spared the full rant I would have hurled at Will…
“replying to it”
As I said…next time I’ll be more specific for you.
And, he says what he says to stir people up so he will get hits that he can use when he’s trying to sell advertising.
This is not an exercise in free speech. It’s a way to make money.
Naïve, much?
Only thing is I ain’t seen anything on his side ads I care about buying.
Now if he were to run ads/sales specials/coupons for Advance Auto or Bi-Lo I might take a look.
That’s the only two places i spend money at anyway!!!!!
I’m either fixing something on our automobiles or buying groceries!!!
Of course that is Will’s intention.
I was of draftable, military age during the Vietnam War, and the attitude of many in those years toward the military was very negative. Fifty years later it seems to have gone almost full circle. Now the popular attitude seems to be hold the military in the highest esteem. There are problems with both attitudes. In the sixties, we were drafted into the service and then spit on. In this century, we have an all voluteer army who can do no wrong. The point that FITS is making is a good one. We can’t let our admiration and respect for those who fight our nation’s battles cloud our thinking as to why are we fighting everyone else’s battles? In the dark ages, wars were about religion. Through history wars were fought for territorial expansion, for implementation of governmental systems, for the preservation of slavery, and for pure greed. Now, in this enlightened age, it appears that we gotten back to fighting wars once again over religion.
Well spoken. My wife (she who must be obeyed) is a true blue democrat
So Russia has the right to intervene in a sovereign nation militarily because we were trying to influence that sovereign nation politically and diplomatically? Mmmmmmmkay…
Ooooooooooookie dokie, then! I’ll get on the horn to Obama. By your logic, we should be invading Cuba tonight to get rid of all the pesky Russians and Venezuelans fiddling around there 90 miles from our shores. I hope we don’t blow up too much of the Havana area…lots of cool history there.
Fits position on military service gives me confidence that Libertarians will never be a majority in this country or any other for that matter.
Maybe true …. But to keep God on your side, you better listen.
I figured it was because most Libertarians vote Republican 99% of the time anyways.
Libertarian=Republican. We all know it.
Politicians may be assholes. Some wars may be unnecessary, misguided, and/or imperialistic. Those who serve honorably are heroes. Period.
I know I’ve bragged about my Dad’s career in the Army and his favorite duty as a recruiter. He was the top recruiter in the US about three times, and I have one newspaper clipping when he recruited 45 guys in one month.
My dad saved one newspaper clipping where during Korea he recruited an 18 year old black kid in Chattanooga whose only job experience was cleaning tables as a busboy. The kid came back from Korea a true hero with his medals. During an all-night battle he manned several different machine guns as his buddies were killed and saved the lives of others.
Fits should stick to uncovering fraud and scandals. Who else is ready for statehouse indictments to drop?
(Hand raised)
Today’s winner is announced!
Well done!
Many die in endless war for the greater wealth of banksters.
Bravo Sierra…
There are only two people who willingly sacrifice their lives for you. Jesus Christ for your soul and the American soldier for your freedom. Don’t forget it ! USACE Vietnam 68.
I just saw a clip of the parade. What the fuck was Mayor T-Bone wearing? It looked like a neon red pimp blazer.
I would appreciate it if you would separate the men and women of our military from the policies of our government. Not a fortunate son, I enlisted in 1967 because had I not I would have been drafted. Like hundreds of thousands of others I went reluctantly but served honorably during my generation’s war. Don’t lump me in with the likes of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.
Well said/posted
Belated Veteran’s Day salute to you!!!!!
I just checked my daily emailed edition of “Early Bird Brief’ provided by (a good site and if you want the “Early Bird’ it is easy to sign up for daily “briefings”).
I used to check it daily while on active duty or drill weekends when it was provided by DOD and for a while you could access it on non-DOD “puters”.Sadly the plug was pulled due to budget cuts.
Anyhow, I read an editorial from retired General Daniel P. Bolger this morning thanks to “Early Bird” that sums up Veteran’s Day and the present situation very well (INMHO).
As a Vietnam era vet who watched Saigon fall in 1975 on TV, I was sickened by the total waste of American and allied lives.
Now as a veteran of Gulf I & II serving as an activated reservist and seeing the thing unflold not too different than Saigon in 1975, I was just a lowly senior NCO but because i was in during Vietnam I knew the outcome would be like this as early as 2005 during my last tour in Iraq/Afghanistan.
if you have the opportunity to read General Bolger’s editorial in the NY Times or via I suggest you do so – especially the final paragraph.
it’s going to be a long haul and not for the faint hearted That is one of the few things that Bush II had right a day or two after 9/11
Get your children and grandchildren ready for the grinder. Tragically there is no other way
On second thought, colonization might be an alternative but that didn’t work too well for the Crusaders………………
I just read it. Excellent.
I avoided your site on the 11th, because it is FITS’ annual crap on the troops day. Except you probably do it at least twice a year. Having sacrificed little in your life, I guess it is very hard for you to make the proper distinction between what the troops volunteer for and the use for which our politicians put them. You do not speak out loudly enough against the latter, which deserves scorn. And you should keep your mouth and pen zipped about the former, but you can’t control yourself.
Even if you are 100 percent right about the scorn you do give, Veterans Day isn’t just about Michael Haley and the soldiers of today.
Did you have a grandfather serve in World War II or Korea? You just took a dump on their memory. Again.
Well said.
One of the best digs of the debate (and there were some really well thought out slams here over the past few days). I know we’re just being click baited, but some things you just have to say, ya know?
You are dead on in regard to the sacrifice piece, and I’ve said this many times to my couple of hard corps fringy libertarian-type buds. They don’t seem to get the whole social contract thing- they seem to be happy to belong to nothing but an ethereal (borderline mystical) cult of “liberty.” Who doesn’t like being free? Most folks who were lucky enough to be born into modern-day America have little idea what it’s like to NOT be free. Most people, though, understand that free markets and general liberty don’t mean absolute freedom from any shred of responsibility toward the greater common good. The weird “fuck you” brand of extreme libertarianism that believes we can roll up the gates at the US borders and our place in the world will magically work itself out also tends to believe they can likewise survive within the US by rolling up their gates at the driveway. Most people who’ve been around the block know that neither one works.
The current “hero worship” in regard to military service of all stripes can be a bit annoying, but that doesn’t mean you throw the baby out with the bath water. You can’t spool up an Army (even a purely defensive one) in a few weeks, or even months. Thank God we have so many people who get that, and decide to take their place there (whether for a few years or a career) to serve as a deterrent or the tip of the spear, as circumstances dictate. The old concept of belonging to something bigger than yourself, serving others as a noble cause, etc. doesn’t get much play in the 5% fringe. Of course, that’s one of the key reasons they are the 5% fringe. Let’s just hope it stays that way.