RIP, O’Malley For President

WE HARDLY KNEW YA … By TAYLOR BROWN || Here Lies Martin O’Malley for President, a 2016 Presidential flirtation which was was over before anyone even knew it started. The amount of media coverage on O’Malley mirrored his own constituents’ lack of enthusiasm.  Seriously, FITSNews gave more coverage to the failed…


IMG_3667By TAYLOR BROWN || Here Lies Martin O’Malley for President, a 2016 Presidential flirtation which was was over before anyone even knew it started.

The amount of media coverage on O’Malley mirrored his own constituents’ lack of enthusiasm.  Seriously, FITSNews gave more coverage to the failed storybook romance of Thomas Ravenel and Kathryn Dennis than to O’Malley’s presidential aspirations.  And that’s unacceptable for a man who hoped to be the leader of the free world.  Or really bad editorial policy, I’m not sure.

O’Malley received some attention for being governor of Maryland, for being the former Mayor of Baltimore, for banning capital punishment, for allowing same-sex marriage, for declaring war on guns … but he drew yawns from everybody else, and apparently himself as well, as he dozed off once during a meeting.

So, after Republican Larry Hogan eviscerated O’Malley’s hand-picked gubernatorial successor Anthony Brown (thank you, campaigner in chief), where does this leave us with respect to the 2016 election? As FITS has coined it, “The Maryland Mob” (Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, O’Malley, and Chris Van Hollen) is in a bit of a pickle.  O’Malley was going to be their dark horse challenger to Hillary Clinton – but now that’s about as likely to happen as Obama making it a month without playing a round of golf.

O’Malley’s Maryland meltdown also has repercussions as to Princess Nancy stepping down.  Hoyer and the man that built a multi-million dollar “pedestrian bridge” in Columbia, S.C. (one that people still don’t use, preferring to run across highway 277 instead) are the most likely to aspire to Pelosi’s seat, which now is rumored to smell like sulfur.

This puts the Democrats in the very awkward position of having a racially-fueled battle on their hands.  They’re so used to playing the race card against Republicans, but how will they handle it when it’s their own party?  We’ve all heard the inappropriate comments Democrats have made regarding Tim Scott, Mia Love, Allen West, Herman Cain or Ben Carson, to name just a few.  But when they can’t blame it on an opposing Party, what will come to pass?

I’m personally expecting it to be reminiscent of Theo Mitchell’s campaign against the late Carroll Campbell, Jr. in 1990.

Mitchell called the black people who supported Campbell “black prostitutes who have sold out their race, their dignity, their honor and their integrity,” a view which helped him to the worst showing for a Democratic candidate in over 150 years (losing by 316,783 votes).

I’d like to go ahead and give my endorsement for the next Democratic leader: Lindsey Graham.  I like to think Graham would do well, being the Democrat in Republican clothing that he is …

Too bad he’s in the Senate.

Taylor Brown is a 20-something Wofford College graduate who somehow got sucked into politics at an early age.  She is easily won over with Rush’s fast food, wine, and spirited political arguments.


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James Fleming Jr November 6, 2014 at 8:31 am

A question: Is Martin O’Malley related to Nancy Pelosi?

jimlewisowb November 6, 2014 at 8:58 am

“multi-million dollar “pedestrian bridge” in Columbia, S.C. (one that people still don’t use,”

Good article with one exception. “That bridge” is used. On occasion I have taken that route just to take advantage of the windshield washing service

Bible Thumper November 6, 2014 at 9:07 am

“Democratic leader: Lindsey Graham.  I like to think Graham would do well, being the Democrat in Republican clothing that he is …”

The primary is over. You lost that one big time. Not many Democrats agree with you, besides Liz is the resident expert on clothing. Am I detecting you are a libertard in Republican clothing. If so, strip now.

Mike at the Beach November 6, 2014 at 11:06 pm

Only a tiny sliver of dems feel that way, and an even tinier sliver of R’s (she may refer to Tuesday’s numbers if she has doubts). Just kooky, amateurish, political nitwittery, that.

tomstickler November 6, 2014 at 9:42 am

It’s good to see that “Young Republicans” are still as entertaining as they were 50 years ago in my college days.

Toyota Kawaski November 6, 2014 at 9:44 am

Coach Ayers called he needs u back in Sparklecity they have a spot on staff as a Tackling Dummy

Map Reader November 6, 2014 at 9:48 am

Curious how Nancy Pelosi is part of the Maryland Mob, given that she is from California.

1689 November 6, 2014 at 11:00 am

She was born and raised in Baltimore. Both her late father and her brother served as Mayor of Baltimore.

SCBlues November 7, 2014 at 6:10 am

“She was born and raised in Baltimore.”
Big deal. She has lived in California for 45 years – how would that make her part of the “Maryland Mob”?

1689 November 7, 2014 at 11:20 am

Because, Madam, she is still wired by birth, family, and political connections to the Maryland Democratic establishment.

Frankly, it’s not a big deal and it’s more a light hearted anecdote than anything else. My comment was simply an accurate, literal answer to the question.

Incidentally, I have followed her and her family’s political careers since 1973 when I met her father and her brother.

SCBlues November 7, 2014 at 3:51 pm

“Because, Madam, she is still wired by birth, family, and political connections to the Maryland Democratic establishment.”
Okeydoke. I’ll have to remember that wherever I was 45 years ago (if I can remember) that means I am still part of the mafia of that locale . . . very interesting.

The Colonel November 6, 2014 at 11:12 am

Even more curious how someone who is brain dead has been re-elected to congress 14 times. Makes you wonder what the Hell Californians are smoking.

RogueElephant November 6, 2014 at 11:30 am

How about Jim “congressman-of-shame” Clyburn ? Samo-samo.

Dave Chappelle I'm Rick James November 6, 2014 at 12:27 pm

Yes. Jim is a shame. But seriously…are you really unsure why Clyburn continues to win reelections? If you don’t know that answer, then I’ll chalk this up as continuing the trend of silly posts by our Rogue “Sheep” er “Elephant.”

RogueElephant November 6, 2014 at 3:15 pm

Anybody that knows anything about demographics knows how Clyburn keeps winning. Piglocie wins for almost the same reason due to the “flavor” of her dist.
You also have the right to not read or comment on my postings, whatever you like. However I will no longer acknowledge you either way. KMA.

Dave Chappelle I'm Rick James November 6, 2014 at 3:46 pm

Exactly my point. You really should spend a moment on your reading comprehension before you reply.

To recap:

The Colonel stated that most of us are confused with how California voters continue to reelect Pelosi. This created a question. Albeit, a rhetorical question.

Then, you reply bringing up Clyburn (followed by a question mark) as if to imply that we should all be similarly confused with how Clyburn continues to be reelected by South Carolina voters.

Ergo, my response that it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why Clyburn continues to hold his public office.

However, you now reply to me in a “finger wagging”manner (i.e. “Anybody that knows anything . . .”). You make no sense, Rogue. You make no sense.

SCBlues November 7, 2014 at 6:05 am

” Makes you wonder what the Hell Californians are smoking”
Whatever it is I wish South Carolinians would smoke some . . . .

Libtard November 6, 2014 at 11:38 am

Her father was Mayor of “Bal-more” and she was born and raised in the city. Do people even wikipedia anymore, WTF?

SCBlues November 7, 2014 at 6:10 am

“Do people even wikipedia anymore, WTF?”
She has lived in California for 45 years – she is still part of the “Maryland Mob”? LOL

SCBlueWoman November 6, 2014 at 9:56 am

Bless your heart.

The Colonel November 6, 2014 at 10:07 am

Will is a sucker for the “lost cause”, hence his support for T-Rav, Ron Paul and Bakari Sellers.

That said, Will isn’t an idiot; O’Malley embodied the worst of far left Democrat principles and had a record of acting on those principles making him un-electable on the national stage. All of that and he was a Yankee to boot – why would he bother to mention the guy? Why did you bother? The Democrats have already picked their slate and he wasn’t on it. If the Republicans can keep their heads out of their asses for two years (50-50 shot at best) then the Dem will go down in flames.

RogueElephant November 6, 2014 at 11:26 am

” If the Republicans can keep their heads out of their asses for two years (50-50 shot at best) then the Dem will go down in flames. ” Republicans have the uncanny ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. I still have that soft spot on the wall of my office I use to beat my head when all seems lost due to stupidity. LOL

Dave Chappelle I'm Rick James November 6, 2014 at 12:29 pm

That’s the spirit. Much better post.

RogueElephant November 6, 2014 at 3:07 pm

I’m so proud to have your approval.

RogueElephant November 6, 2014 at 11:21 am

Another libtard Dim down the drain. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Isn’t there a song somewhere about “Around the bowl and down the hole.”? Seems appropriate here.

RepublicanFollies November 6, 2014 at 2:14 pm

What’s amusing is that you thought O’Malley was/is a serious candidate for President.

He had/has as much chance at the Democratic nomination as say Bobby Jindal has at the Republican nomination.

vicupstate November 6, 2014 at 3:49 pm

Rick Santorum got his ass handed to him in his re-election bid (biggest loss by an incumbent senator in 26 years), yet still made it all the way to runner-up to Romney for the nomination.

O’Malloy himself was not even being on the ballot. This hurts him, but is not even comparable to Santorum’s situation.

BTW, Nancy Pelosi has already stated her support for Hillary Clinton. O’Malloy is only running to put himself in line for VP.

You might want to get a few more Pol Sci credits before you write another column.

SCBlues November 7, 2014 at 6:15 am

I’m a lifelong Democrat and consider myself fairly active in Democratic politics – I don’t care how many times you and FITS want to post articles that O’Malley was running for President in 2016 – I think you are the only two that think that.

SCBlues November 7, 2014 at 6:15 am

I’m a lifelong Democrat and consider myself fairly active in Democratic politics – I don’t care how many times you and FITS want to post articles that O’Malley was running for President in 2016 – I think you are the only two that think that.

pitman45 November 9, 2014 at 6:44 pm

I’m really thankful this Thanksgiving and every Thanksgiving I don’t live in South Carolina

Bob Jeffries December 1, 2014 at 8:53 pm

Omalley is second coming of JFK. He is destined to be prez in 2016. Mark word.


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