
Jimmy Fallon Loves Southern Charm

Jimmy Fallon – the host of The Tonight Show on NBC – gave some love this week to Southern Charm, the South Carolina-based reality television show starring former State Treasurer Thomas Ravenel. Fallon’s praise for the Bravo hit came during an interview with actress Emma Stone (star of Ghosts of…

Jimmy Fallon – the host of The Tonight Show on NBC – gave some love this week to Southern Charm, the South Carolina-based reality television show starring former State Treasurer Thomas Ravenel.

Fallon’s praise for the Bravo hit came during an interview with actress Emma Stone (star of Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, Crazy Stupid Love and The Help). The two were discussing their favorite websites and television shows, because, you know … that’s apparently all Americans have in common these days.

Anyway …

“I’m into a show called Southern Charm – I like that show,” Fallon tells Stone.

“What’s it about?” Stone asks.

“Southern people who are rich,” Fallon responds.

Fallon also sings the praises of USA Network’s Chrisley Knows Best, which he says is also about a “rich dude, Southern.”

“A theme is happening,” Fallon says.

The television show discussion begins at the 3:20 mark …

(Click to play)

Southern Charm held its Season One reunion this week in New York City. Bravo executives will decide in the coming weeks whether to renew the show for a second season. In the meantime Ravenel is gearing up for an independent U.S. Senate bid in the event fiscally liberal incumbent Lindsey Graham wins the “Republican” nomination.

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Jay Ellington April 29, 2014 at 10:46 am

Happy to have still not seen a frame of Southern Charm. Too bad Jimmy is pedestrian enough to fall victim to this level of “entertainment”.

Yep! April 29, 2014 at 1:10 pm

Pedestrian is a good word choice for his mental capacities. He’s a cliche’d NY comedy product from SNL.

Tons of those floating around.

Jay Ellington April 29, 2014 at 1:45 pm

I think he has a good face for late night and decent comedic timing, otherwise pretty run of the mill. I just wish legitimate entertainers wouldn’t lend any credence to tripe like Southern Charm.

Tom April 29, 2014 at 5:41 pm

You are missing the Best show on television

Jay Ellington April 29, 2014 at 7:18 pm

Killed the cable almost a year ago. I’m either speed watching seasons of shows on netflix, some documentary, reading, or playing bass if I’m not working. But I’ll take your word for it. I watched the first two seasons of the Real World, some I’m familiar with the formula. A guy I went to college with used to, and still does, edit a lot of reality programming out in LA, everything from MTV tripe to that repugnant show Temptation Island. All the while not owning his own cable television. I’ve made a living off of advertising, but refuse to be marketed and played to the way that box does these days.

Deo Vindice SC April 29, 2014 at 7:46 pm

Where is the snort table, I love T-RAV.

Pappy O'Daniel April 29, 2014 at 11:04 am

Will, your love affair with all things “TRav” is disconcerting.

John April 29, 2014 at 11:16 am

Man crush? Or jealously over who TRav is boning?

bogart April 29, 2014 at 12:13 pm

Will has been bitten by the acting bug….he hypes the show with hopes he’ll get more exposure and be the next one Kathryn Dennis sleeps with.

Sailor April 30, 2014 at 12:08 pm

Mrs. Will will make him into a soprano if he does!

Limbaughsaphatkhunt April 29, 2014 at 9:50 pm

Props on the handle.

Squishy123 April 29, 2014 at 11:08 am

Doesn’t mean much coming from an unfunny, no-talent Jimmy Fallon.

Nölff April 29, 2014 at 11:40 am

It’s a big improvement from Jay Leno.

Squishy123 April 29, 2014 at 12:11 pm

Only if you’re under 30, and think SNL is pure comedic genius.

Yep! April 29, 2014 at 1:13 pm


SNL started off brilliantly with Murray, Aykroyd, Radner, Murphy, etc. et al….but it’s been a long slow decline for some time now with the occasional flashes of brilliance but the overall quality level dropping.

Jay was/is a everyman with more comedic chops & better delivery than Fallon.

John April 29, 2014 at 11:15 am

Who doesn’t love redheaded, chain-smoking cum-dumpsters?

LMAO April 29, 2014 at 3:00 pm

Is TR’s still seeing Miss Goldilocks? Where does everyone live – I mean – like where does everyone sleep at night — TR, Miss GL and baby? Getting married this summer – I mean – like Sanford?

Mike at the Beach April 29, 2014 at 10:28 pm

Cum-dumpsters?!?! Damn, dude…that’s quality.

easterndumbfuckastan April 29, 2014 at 11:49 am

I understand everyone’s dismay with all the T-Rav stuff, but if I was in Will’s shoes I’d be running the T-Rav thing just as hard. He’s internet gold, it drives page views, and comments. Everyone has an opinion on T-Rav and/or Southern Charm, positive or negative it really doesn’t matter because page views are page views. The people in general eat this stuff up.

rodni nelan May 4, 2014 at 3:45 pm

the whole reason I as a southerner have watched it is because the people are actual real stereotypes. I never expected that. I was very uncomfortable that Bravo would glorify those people still living off of the ill-gotten gains of slave labor. I was actually horrified at the thought of this show. But the people are predictable trainwrecks, in a ‘sins of the fathers’ kind of way. If they were upright, positive together people, I’d be more uncomfortable. But with them being rich, aimless, clueless, sociopathic slobs, I’m at ease.

tomstickler April 29, 2014 at 12:02 pm

Oh no, jumped the shark so soon?

Amos 'n Andy April 29, 2014 at 12:13 pm

“The show suggests that rich white people in South Carolina are starting to act like poor black people in South Carolina If you know what I mean,” Fallon continued.

Yep! April 29, 2014 at 1:14 pm

If a “conservative” said that, he’d be crucified. NYT’s & HuffPo hit pieces, etc.

The double standard is amazing sometimes.

Buz Martin April 29, 2014 at 4:02 pm

Yeah, the problem with that is, he didn’t really say it. “Amos ‘n Andy” made it up. I saw the show. After the bit showed, Fallon did not elaborate on his remarks about the two reality shows he was discussing.

Yep! April 29, 2014 at 8:31 pm

Oops, thanks Buz! I suppose he was saying it sarcastically.

Buz Martin April 29, 2014 at 9:14 pm

That would be my guess, too.

John April 29, 2014 at 2:15 pm Reply
Norma ScoK May 1, 2014 at 1:19 pm

Yeah noone ever gets killed in Columbia. Its thw safest city in SC!

John May 1, 2014 at 2:18 pm

Columbia sucks. I only posted the link showing that the downtown reality of Charleston is different than that portrayed on the show.

South gal April 29, 2014 at 5:37 pm

I hope bravo renews Southern Charm!

Carolina April 29, 2014 at 5:39 pm

I LOVE Southern Charm
All my friends at U watch it
Best show on TV
I hope there is a 2nd season!

Nycchick April 29, 2014 at 5:43 pm

I watched this show by accident and made fun of it but then all of a sudden I kept tuning in,,…it’s very refreshing show and a Charleston is a beautful city. I like all their interactions and would like to see more…

Limbaughsaphatkhunt April 29, 2014 at 9:49 pm

Fer fuck’s sake….what is it with FITS’ boner for this show?

Slartibartfast April 30, 2014 at 2:48 am

Yeah, I saw the bit last night, too. I thought Emma looked charming.


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