Nancy Mace Files Disclosure (Includes FITS)

U.S. Senate candidate Nancy Mace reported receiving $13,501.96 from FITSNews in her official campaign finance filing – which was “news” to FITS founding editor Will Folks (a.k.a. Sic Willie). “I didn’t know we were worth half that much,” Folks said. But there it is … in black and white. Interesting…

U.S. Senate candidate Nancy Mace reported receiving $13,501.96 from FITSNews in her official campaign finance filing – which was “news” to FITS founding editor Will Folks (a.k.a. Sic Willie).

“I didn’t know we were worth half that much,” Folks said.

But there it is … in black and white.

Interesting …

Mace’s former affiliation with FITS has been a hot topic of conversation ever since she announced her candidacy. In fact it has resulted in her campaign receiving more than a few barbs from various haters of this website. We expect those barbs to ramp up now that Mace has disclosed a monetary association with the site for the first time.

In fact one GOP consultant told FITS that Mace’s former affiliation with our website would “absolutely” be used to attack her.

And oh, look …

“Clearly Nancy Mace cannot be trusted,” the authors of GOPWrite.com, um, wrote. “In case you have been hiding under a rock for the past four years the owner of FITSnews.com’s claim to fame is that he had an alleged affair with Governor Nikki Haley.”

Alleged? Okay … 

Anyway, the site goes on to refer to FITS as being a “misinformation site” and Folks as not being “dredible or trustworthy.”


Oh well … at least they spelled the name of our website correctly.

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GOPWRITE is Wrong October 10, 2013 at 10:35 am

GOPWRITE might be the most stupid and unhelpful thing on the internet. It is the kind of thing that we use to accuse the liberals of doing. SMH.

Philip Branton October 10, 2013 at 10:41 am


“…One GOP consultant told FITS that Mace’s affiliation with our website would “absolutely” be used to attack her….”

Obviously that GOP/Dem Consultant has never ever stopped to consider how Nancy Mace would USE me to attack them in one of her campaign …COMMERCIALS..!!

When I look into the camera………..I know how to smile back…!!

GreenvilleLwyr October 10, 2013 at 10:55 am

Wait until FITS reveals the “inappropriate physical relationship”.

Smirks October 10, 2013 at 11:28 am

It’s all in his upcoming book.

Stinkbait October 10, 2013 at 12:37 pm

“…. when donkeys fly”

CNSYD October 10, 2013 at 11:20 am

How can they say Sic Willie’s affair with Haley is alleged? I read all the details in the book he published, didn’t I? I heard his book was a best seller on the NY Times fiction list.

William F. Buckley, Jr. October 10, 2013 at 3:03 pm

OK – OK, for all of you doubters, Chapter One is now complete. Mr. Folks has promised the first 4 paragraphs of Chapter Two no later than Halloween Night. Needless to say, I am eagerly anticipating, on tippy-toes, this forthcoming addition for editing.

southmauldin October 10, 2013 at 11:24 am

Wow, she’s raking in the $$$ with that book she wrote.

Philip Branton October 10, 2013 at 12:00 pm

Dear Nancy Mace…………..

This is ……WAR…!!!! War… (Fist Poundzzzz….!! )

How dare you fill out this disclosure and it only be half FULL….!!! How dare you …!!

DO you understand or even care how this can be used FOR you or AGAINST you…!!!

It is time for you to stop wussy-footin’ around..!! What a perfect time to lob financial RPGs at US Senator Lindsey Graham…!!!! STOP being NICE…!!! Do you even care to think how this information in your disclosure can be used AGAINST the Graham campaign…..!!!

If you want to WIN and be a politician that represents the BEST state in the Union, then you need to understand how to USE information to your advantage and Graham’s dis-advantage at the same time…!! How do you think business owners in our state will want YOU to use information in OFFICE…?? How……?? (Fist Poundzzz….!!! ) ……( S P I T )….

Nancy, watch this video with your husband……..I dare YOU…


…ask yourself how you can make US Senator Lindsey Graham look like Roberto Duran..??

Nancy….is your smile SUGAR…??

Original Good Old Boy October 10, 2013 at 4:49 pm

What’s up Non Sequitur Bro?

johnq October 10, 2013 at 12:11 pm

So 13 grand makes her a “business woman”?

It sure as hell qualifies her to be a South Carolina tea weirdo republican since the average yearly earnings of the dumb fuck republicans in this state is only $15K.

CL October 10, 2013 at 4:02 pm

I know many on the left never want to miss an opportunity to launch an ignorant, expletive laden rant at your political opponents, but you might want to rethink this particular one. Unless you genuinely are going to argue that the more impoverished areas of our state, primarily the Corridor of Shame, are overwhelmingly Republican.

ThreePalms October 10, 2013 at 5:14 pm

The Corridor of Shame is represented by Tom Rice. The county councils and school boards, where partisan, are well represented by Republicans. Republicans hold every statewide office in SC. Are you suggesting that the Corrider of Shame is overwhelmingly Democratic?

CL October 10, 2013 at 9:12 pm

Is the ignorance an act or legitimate? Rice’s base is in MB, not Dillon County. Clyburn, on the other hand, is completely dependent on Dem votes along the I-95 corridor. Out of 16 counties I looked at, 3 went for Romney, and those include Beaufort and Florence. He barely won Dorchester. Obama won the rest, most by a landslide. So yes, it is overwhelmingly Democrat.

Boz Martin October 11, 2013 at 4:36 pm

Don’t kid yourself. Rice is very much dependent on Dem votes as well, in addition to Republican. In fact, for all intents and purposes (who did not even register to vote in MB until 2009, btw, though he’s lived there since the ’70s) IS a Dem. So are most of his relatives, and are those monied bluedoggers who give him the really big campaign donations, bundled by Democrat Robin Talon. Doug Wendel, of Burroughs and Chapin infamy, is his “handler” for the Myrtle Beach Mafia — which itself is highly Dem. FITSNews’ “Clemson Sports Columnist” Brant Branham being an example.

Boz Martin October 11, 2013 at 4:39 pm

A major political patron on the Myrtle Beach Mafia, beside Lindsey Graham, is Jim Clyburn. If you don’t believe it, do some research on how Clyburn helped to knee-cap Rice’s opponent for SC7 in the election, Gloria Tinubu.

Ignorance is as ignorance does.

CL October 11, 2013 at 7:02 pm

I said his base was in MB and not Dillon. Never said he has no Democrat supporters, and referring to MB Dems just buttresses the point. I have never heard anyone try to claim Horry County as part of the corridor.

Gregory Geddings October 10, 2013 at 1:19 pm

Need more proof. I wanna see Howie’s cancelled check…

Thomas October 10, 2013 at 6:37 pm

Fits gave her over 13 thousand dollars? Gee, I can’t wait for the Financial Disclosure to come out. May 15, 2014 is the deadline. Like, how much did she walk away with when she was “bought” out.

Your Founding Editor October 13, 2013 at 10:35 pm

This site sucks Thomas even though you told me fits rocks long ago in an email othewise, it does not, didn’t then, still don’t. 94.

BIN News October 10, 2013 at 6:56 pm

What a joke. Ms. Mace has no chance.

None. Everyone knows that.

sic(k) willie keeps “churning” for her.

But, Ms. Mace is a lost cause.

Just like Kombat “Sweet Toes” Katherine, and by the way what was the name of that nobody Orangeburg lawyer dude who tried tried to pump up his bogus image with a book that claimed he was a buddy of a Brit Royal. What m@r@ns.

BIN News

xx October 10, 2013 at 7:14 pm

@Fits – I don’t want to hurt your feelings but it’s really no big deal that you hired her P.R. Firm once upon a time. I’m sure she had many other clients besides you. That’s what P.R. firms do.

edr October 10, 2013 at 7:53 pm

she must not like the army life,divorced her first hubby who was still in the army

edr October 11, 2013 at 9:20 am

Nancy Mace – Jackson filed articles of organization with Secretary of State’s
office on 6.4.12 as registered agent for FITSNEWS,LLC


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