There’s a reason U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (RINO-S.C.) refuses to show up for public meetings unless they are attended by his hand-picked supporters: He knows only a pre-selected group of “sheeple” will sit in silence and swallow his increasingly shameless fear-mongering.
At an invitation-only breakfast for establishment Republican types in Mount Pleasant, S.C. this week, Graham said that if America doesn’t take military action against the regime of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, Iran will acquire a nuclear weapon by the end of 2014.
“I believe that if we get Syria wrong, within six months – and you can quote me on this – there will be a war between Iran and Israel over their nuclear program,” Graham said, according to U.S. News and World Report.
But the fear-mongering didn’t stop there. Graham says this conflict will come home to – of all places – Charleston, S.C.
“It won’t come to America on top of a missile, it’ll come in the belly of a ship in the Charleston or New York harbor,” he said.
Wait … what?
We’ve heard some over-the-top excuses in support of American military intervention in the Syrian civil war, but this one takes the cake.
As we’ve stated repeatedly, our government had no business getting involved in Syria in the first place and has no business escalating that involvement through direct military intervention. The American people don’t want this war. Our allies don’t want this war. Our generals don’t want this war.
More to the point, there is no compelling national interest served by getting involved.
“The national defense is a core function of government outlined in our constitution,” we wrote recently. “But in no universe is intervening in this conflict – on the side of terrorist organizations like al-Qaeda, no less – acting in defense of those interests. Intervening would, however, encroach on the sovereignty of another nation, incite anti-American fervor in the Middle East and fundamentally make our people less safe.”
It takes a special kind of person to bring in grandma and grandpa and tell them over OJ and muffins if they don’t support the war machine in a conflict on the other side of the world then one morning they will wake up to a war in their city streets.
Graham is a true sociopath.
Who’s crazier I wonder, Granham, Kerry, or Mccain? One thing is for certain, in this past week we have been subjected to the most pathetic excuses of leadership I’ve seen in quite some time.
You left out obama.
who need him.
Obama may suk but you need a fatal heart attack and a quick burial, you ignorant hayseed
No you left out obama amd biden. The most pathetic excuse for human beings the world has ever seen
Just find the common denominator between all three, AIPAC/ZIONISIM/ISRAEL/ADL/JWC/ the list is endless of these treasonous vermin! They should be shot for crimes against humanity and America!
Graham is a pure AIPAC WHORE and he needs to be put on trial for treason!! AS in aiding Islamic terrorists and spying for a foreign nation ISRAEL!
I think he’s just mad that his parents named him “Lindsey”
I’m kind of flattered that I live in a city that is deemed “nuke worthy”
Don’t be, the rest of SC has wanted chuck town nuked for a good 50 years now.
Seriously…whoever made this comment “death to chucktown” is ridiculous. I am a Native South Carolinian and have lived in the upstate half my life and in the Charleston the other half and I promise you no one in SC hates Charleston! It is by far one of the best cities in this country…and definitely in the state! Are you scared of nice people with friendly smiling faces? Grow up!
Agreed. I tend to conclude that this is the reason Sen. Graham selected Charleston for the alias, B.H.Obama.
Has sen. Graham been moved into the Obama cabinett yet, or will Obama retain him as emissary to South Carolina ?
try living near oak ridge, tn a bomb plant called y 12 is there
This is why we need to fund Lee Bright and knock that idiot Graham out of office.
He looks like he is made of plastic bags of mayonnaise. As do all the fat, old, rich congressional warmongers.
Think foie gras, except this particular duck is being fattened by the military industrial complex and ultimately our tax dollars.
“foie gras”
This particular duck probably also enjoys being *force fed* more than most.
Someone finally noticed?
And that is a bad thing?………..
Absolutely disgusting.
Hey look, his bud McCain is back there playing vid poker on his phone
Belligerent talk from an Air Force lawyer.
Mr. Graham should be impeached. He is delusional. I hope the SC voters will toss this jackass out of office next election. He apparently has spent too much time with the arch criminal and fellow psychopath, John McCain. There are many reasons to be exasperated with SC politics-Graham has to be at the top of the list.
Then you’ve got to wake up all his “sheeple” constituents first!
South Carolinians must remove Graham from being Obama´s emissary to South Carolinians, and place a genuine South Carolinian in the senate slot.
You are a douche, FITS. If you were alive during the 1930s, you’d have been an America Firster, appeasing Hitler and consigning the people of Europe to Slavery on the same basis you object to intervention here. Your opinions are worthless.
I’m not one to defend Sic, but historical hindsight is 20:20. In a 1938 Gallup poll, 70 per cent of Americans wanted no involvement in Europe’s problems. Nobody knew about the yet to be conceived Holocaust. And even if they did have some comprehension of German mistreatment of the Jews, gypsies and others, it probably would have made little difference. Remember: This was Jim Crow America.
Research the event leading up to Hitler’s actions. Remember, Hitler was the darling of American Jewish news papers and elites at one time. He was Time’s man of the year TWICE. He was financed by American corporations, and the Zionist banking family Rothschild . Why would we make the same mistake financing and training Al Qeada? After all, they declare they want the end of Israel and kill as many Jews as they can.
Judea Declares War On Germany
The Rothschilds & The Two World Wars (and the coming 3rd WW)
I got news for you. The CIA has been funding/training Al Qaeda for about 30 years.
You need to go out and buy some more Reynolds Wrap — your tin foil hat needs repair.
Pro Tip;
NEVER repair your tin foil hat with Reynolds Wrap. RW is ALUMINUM foil and WILL NOT WORK!!!
Thanks TBG, I confess to being weak on the finer points of tin foil hat maintenance.
Our Allies — the Soviets — caused more deaths than the Nazis. While I’m not going to diminish the Nazi’s atrocities, their true threat was that they were capable of conquering Europe and possibly Britain too — had they not gotten greedy and failed to learn Napolean’s mistake about trying to conquer Russia.
Conquering Russia was Hitler’s goal all along. He actually viewed Great Britain as a natural ally against the communist Russians.
Yeah, he kinda missed the boat on that one.
Tell me about it!
If Nazi Germany=Syria to you, then you might be the dumbest person on earth.
If his opinions are worthless then why are you bothering to respond? What imbecile takes the time to have arguments with people whose opinions are worthless? Do you find yourself engaged with the homeless men on street corners in an attempt to persuade him toward your viewpoints?
Unless we act now, Syria is going to blitzkrieg the Saudis, burn Kuwait, and seize Israel within weeks. I think the Syrian army compares favorably with the Wehrmacht.
Or maybe….Syria is the Wehrmacht?!? Holy Jeez Batman!!
Yeah, just wait til they go all “Barbarossa” on Putin!!
Pre-1990 Eastern Europe is on the phone, they would like a word with you.
Another case of Sic Willie’s headlines not matching the story. Sic Willie’s headline ain’t exactly what Graham said. But then Sic Willie promised you he was imbalanced and unfair.
I guess facetiousness doesn’t translate well into the typed word.
The doctors at Bethesda warned the Senator if he kept putting gerbils up his ass, that one day one of them would eat his brains
TBG suspects the gerbil in question is still hungry.
I could never understand that gerbil thing. A gerbil can not live in your ass. To much shit already.
– don´t think so.
Historical information suggests that M.D.s at Bethesda are tasked to deliver one type of treatment to whistleblower and patriot victims, and to lengthen the lives of evil-doers. A few genuine physicians are mixed in, who work on less important “patients,” whose lives don´t interfere with the US administration´s evil policies.
In the case of the senator in subject, Bethesda MDs would have removed the gerbils, cleaned out his intestine, and sent him on his way with encouragement to continue sucking up. .
Don’t know that it will happen that soon but it is going to happen. These folks teach their children to hate Amercians and tell them it is their duty to kill all Americans. This teaching has been going on for a long time and they will use it in our life time.
I am very surprised that they have not used a ship in a harbor yet but you are plain stupid if you don’t think it is coming. In fact, they do not even have to dock to wipe out a place like Charleston. This may be the easiest way to cause the next big attack.
Nobody wants war. I am a fourth generation veteran and living with the powerful effects of chemicals and their destruction of the himan body.
Iran is very much a wild card in this. Once they have the bomb, that is it. They don’t need a missle to hit anyone. They can use cars, boats, planes or whatever.
If it does happen, I hope that Will is one of the first to go.
I think you’ve read too many Tom Clancy novels.
Special Bulletin.
The only way that a nuclear weapon is going off in Charleston Harbor is a false-flag op.
I am sure you also believe that a bunch of Saudi’s (who could barely fly planes) destroyed WTC 1, 2, and 7. Saudi’s flew the planes into the buildings, well according to some. Why did we not invade Saudi Arabia? Also, Saudi Arabia has stated they would be the money for an invasion of Syria. You should ask yourself why the Saudis always seem to pop up in these military cases, along with the Israelis.
You know, our federal government is pretty fucked up, but I highly doubt it’s so fucked up that it would actively participate in the destruction of world trade center and attempt at the pentagon. And so they are now going to bomb a harbor? To what end?
By the way, I’m not sold on the logic of “a bunch of Saudis couldn’t have learned to fly planes.” Taking training courses and flight simulators would give them enough training to at least guide the plane, even if they probably couldn’t land it safely.
“I highly doubt it’s so fucked up that it would actively participate in the destruction of world trade center and attempt at the pentagon”
That’s rinky-dink shit compared to a plot to take down the Twin Towers, hit the Pentagon (why? after taking down the Towers?), and take another jet aimed elsewhere. The 911 conspiracy has too many holes in it to be taken too seriously.
there have actually been reports a few days ago of a nuclear warhead being shipped from a Texas base to south Carolina, secretly. don’t doubt their stupidity, overwhelming greed, and lust for death.
Be sure to check under your bed tonight.
Your failure to be informed doesn’t make me a wacko
The “federal government” is not a single entity, but a collection of power-hungry neer-do-wells. There are groups within groups, plotters among plotters. Some of those groups are allied with groups “elsewhere”.
No planes hit those towers! I am astonished that people still think planes hit the towers and disappeared into them like a road runner cartoon!
Of course our government, CIA plus Mossad pulled off the 9/11 event. They had the Patriot Act waiting in the wings just to chip away at American’s freedoms and the event gave our government and military the excuse to invade and destroy countries such as Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria ect. (Israel approves of that).
I am… living with the powerful effects of chemicals.and their destruction of the himan body
TBG suspected as much.
I give you a thumbs up – except for the comment about Will…..
Exclusive: High Level Source Confirms Secret US Nuclear Warhead Transfer
These guys are smoking some good stuff. News Flash. Nuclear warheads are sent to Kings Bay, GA all the time.
Ahh..Infowars. The home of the tin foil hat.
No, that would be Mainstream Media.
“…More to the point, there is no compelling national interest served by getting involved…”
Our national economy is our National interest…!! (Fist Poundzzz….!!!)
Obviously, Wil Folks has no clue concerning the stakes involved with OIL Pipeline routes through Syria that impact his price at the pump…! …or his freakin ELECTRIC RATES…!! What fuel is used in all those big Diesel trucks that SCE&G and Santee Cooper operate..? What about those “bush-whacking tree butcher” contractors that are used to clear storm damage…?
Mr. Folks….do you want SCE&G rate payers to read this website or NOT..? Then get REAL with your propaganda….!
Fuck their goddamn oil. Why don’t YOU go die for your countrymen’s oil. Fuckng pussy!
While I read all of your posts over the past months, and agree with some of what you say, f I ever find out that you are a shill for Venezuelan oil interests I’ll track you down and kick your ass.
…I’ll track you down and kick your ass.
Damn JJ, you already started your Vanderbilt pre-game drinking? Not that there is anything wrong with that…
Maybe, but there could also be some offsetting negative consequences.
I’m sad they couldn’t nuke Columbia. Who would miss it?
I wouldn’t openly suggest using WMD on Columbia. It is part of America. Now the District of Columbia is a totally different scenario. If you’d like to move there, I’d be totally for it.
Not me. The coffee grown there is good and affordable.
Mr. Folks……….maybe you need to go out and get a pair of Kenneth Cole LOAFERS…
The least you could do Mr. Folks would be to ask Senator Graham if he realizes what type of DIESEL fuel would be used in the ships delivering a nuke to the Charleston Harbor…??
Dear Nancy Mace campaign staffers………..
We hope you review a little of your military history and the political fallout.
As an example, just take our pullout of the Vietnam WAR…..what type of lines at the gas pump do your parents remember…? How did Saudi Arabia send a message to get a “partnership agreement” in place..? How did this “agreement” result in the growth of the Chinese and Japanese economies over the long term…?
We wonder just how many of you have been to “Doha”..?
My head is spinning!
Lindsey Graham Cracka.
Lindsey Graham [Ass] Cracka.
Lindsey Graham, Ass-crackah.
There. Got it right.
Fear mongering douche bag, American people are waking up were not scared of your false flags anymore. The sheep are waking up to the evil authoritarianism police state you are trying so hard to build.
Damn straight.
Lindsey is so fucked up. It is time for him to come out of the closet, so that he can start using his brain, if he has any? How did people vote for him, in a red state opposed to gays. He has not killed enough people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and now he wants to kill Syrians because Iran may bring a bomb to Charleston. I can’t stop laughing at this idiotic statement.
He’s just always been the establishment pick and all the old fogies here in SC never really looked through the BS until now. We have 3 new candidates that are very outspoken about his neocon ideology. He has never looked worse here in SC. I believe he’s some kind of officer in the Air Reserves and that’s one reason he’s in bed with the military. But yeah, he needs to go.
Absolutely right on all fronts. Graham could have some credibility though re:my the message we are sending Israel and about our resolve, and they may just see our in action as proof they need to go it alone. Graham is a war monger though, as is his mentor, McCain.
Let Israel play invader if they want new ‘expansion projects’. Bringing up Iran in the Syria debate is enough proof to see the true motive of the warmongers. Iran is the endgame and they will say and do anything they need to see to it that Iran is next. Remember George Orwell’s 1984? The two world alliances fighting WW3 was Oceania vs. Eurasia. Sounds about right. Someone please tell Obomber and Greyham that the script for 1984 wasn’t supposed to reach Congress and that it’s supposed to be fiction only..
Maybe, just maybe the Senator has more intel than some left wing blogger.
But probably not.
Who is the “left wing blogger” to which you refer?
Before you answer …. TBG generously provides another Pro Tip:
It is better to remain silent and be thought of as a fool…than to post something and remove any remaining doubt.
This man is insane.
Wow, this place is filled with Graham-suckers and warmongers.
If the Syrians are really clever, they would destroy Charleston piece-meal, making it a weekly tv reality show -just think of the ratings!
— and I still say that Lil’ Barry should beware of exploding golf balls
Graham is shakin’ in his “lite loafers.”
what a cunt
Our military is NOT the air arm of Al Qaida. If Congress or Obama feels action MUST take place, we’ll give THEM a leave of absence to go ACT on that conviction.
Frankly if they made the guys that start wars fight them, there’d be damned few wars.
Nuclear Warheads Shipped to South Carolina 9/2/13 from Dyess Airforce Base, TX .Grahm threatened South Carolina just after these nukes were trucked off to South Carolina in latestFalse Flag Black Op. The Nukes were unsigned for. Check it out at infowars.
U better hope one doesnt go off in Charston or New York Harbour Now Buddy!
No, the reason GB backed out and Obama’s still putzing about is for fact Iran is ready to nuke with Israel first up on the list.
Is he just fear mongering or is he telegraphing a plan to cause mass destruction right here in our back yard and get us into a war, like it or not? Check this out and then decide for yourselves….
war monger
I’m a conservative South Carolinian and my disdain for this ultra leftist, un-American, totalitarian can not be heard loud enough. This guy is an out-and-out Nazi. He supports killing Americans WITHIN the borders without trial by drone attack. He supports “prolonged detainment” of Americans without trial. He supports making medical (especially mental health records) public. He’s willing to work with likes of Schumer and Boxer and Bloomberg to begin federal registries on gun owners. He supports national identity cards so we can present our papers to the federal police when demanded. This guy is drunk on his own gay juice and he’s our version of Crazy Uncle Joe.
I agree with you, but Sen. Graham is actually an ultra-conservative Republican.
I consider myself a Libertarian conservative. I believe in the Constitution, federalism, the Bill of Rights and the rights of all humans to be able to obtain dignity, as a function of their choices. Lindsey Graham believes in none of these things. I have always associated the far left as being consonant with the ideologies of Lennon (Marxism) or Hitler (Nationalist Socialism). I guess I have always sort have equated Lindsey Grahams polices to those of Adolf Hitler’s.
Adolf Hitler was elected by the German people and a free nd fair election, as the Jewish control of the German media had been broken, that is why if you RESEARCH In 1933 Judea declared war upon Germany [url][/url]
I really love your response; very well put. I feel the same way. He’s not at all interested in any of as humans.
Well, bobthebuilder, you have not been listening carefully to the tree that you have been talking to – – .
Looks like being Juan McCain’s buttboy this long has deranged Linseed Graham to the edge of confinement.
Nuclear Warheads Unauthorized Transfer To Charlston, SC
I’ll start listening to Lindsey Graham when he starts be honest with himself….Everyone in Columbia knows about his “special friend”…..When he finally can come out to the American public by being honest about himself….then I may move him to the “Human” category……until then ……he is a douche!
Nuclear weapons have been transferred from Texas to Charlotte South Carolina in the past few days. I don’t know why or what they are up to but it seems very coincidental.
google dyes Air force base, weapons transfer Dyes Air Force Base and read about it
Charlotte South Carolina
Not from ’round here, are ya?
Let’s hope that any real terrorists are as geographically clueless as Katy.
Another Moron reaching for an excuse to start WW3. Are these monkeys serious?
If there’s one thing Graham is good at, it’s reaching. He can reach over, on top of, or around with proficiency.
I would guess Charleston has 2 choices. Execute Lindsey Graham or be bombed.
where is Charleston, S.C. ?
This guy is a real nut case. How does he know nukes will come into Charleston or New York harbor via the belly of a ship? He is either fear mongering or giving an actual warning of what will happen if we don’t support this war effort.
Our “leaders” have manipulated the masses while offering the false choice of the two party system long enough. All they have ever given is lip service, and distraction. They are all simply puppets. The purpose of their illusion is to divide and conquer. Keep the American people infighting. Everything you think you know, you don,t.
Well said (+10)! You are the only person, other than me, who understands what the true purposes of this regime’s intentions are.
*clears throat*
— hmmm, are you now a member of the parade?
He is a war whore. Syria intervention would only provoke tensions with Russia and we are on the brink of world war three. Syria is possibly the detonator of the war and we should not have ever been involved. Our founders have warned us about foreign entanglements such as this. The ones who we should be at war with are the big banker globalists.
No problem South Carolina. As even the President of the US is aware, Charleston is on the Gulf Coast.
Senator Graham needs to be committed to a mental institution immediately. I hope he is defeated in the primary and is consigned to the dustbin of history.
I think the dildo went a little to far and stuck him in the brain this time. Why in the hell doesn’t he just come out the closet and be the democrat he always was….. what an ass monkey.
Never happen. Too many of the Brotherhood’s male lovers there.
fear mongering no doubt. but is this a warning? another false flag? I ears perked u when I read charleston, sc. I remembered back in 1988 seeing, what I thought then to be a real news report because i came in at the end of it, a movie that had a nuke, detonated by white american terrorists in the belly of a ship no less. Charleston was destroyed. here is the youtube link.
Graham is a poodle of McCain .. he already has blood on his hands.. I guess he wants more .. insane . .the height of psychopathology.
Not only Lindsey Graham
Ok so right when I turn 13 I’m going to die from a nukelear war cause by chemical weapons can someone reply I’m 11 and I’m really scared
This is all just a hoax for Angry Grandpa, relax people
this is a bunch of bullshit
this is what the american people get for choosing a black president lol. No just kidding but for real why the fuck did Obama and the whole fucking U.S get involved?
I was skeptical about this until I heard senator Graham’s report that the nuke would ARRIVE IN THE BELLY OF SHIP (making our missile defense systems useless). Even if you think he’s over the top, watch Alex Jones Infowars report on this matter in which the same day senator Graham made that comment, nukes were being transferred from a base in Texas to South Carolina. Jones was alarmed by this as it was from a reliable source that he had not heard if in a while. Thus this would be an “inside” or “false flag attack” that the us pulled of to retaliate and escalate things. I’m not expert in this stuff, but when I read that senator Graham said it would likely come in on the belly of a ship I wanted to puke because I wonder if Alex Jones is right. Spread the word friends, investigate, find the truth. FAST. Prepare. As a South Carolinian and an American, I’m worried. PUSH to get this on mainstream media to question the transfer and prevent something catastrophic of the likes of which we’ve never experienced before. Poor coastal SC people wouldn’t survive, water table too high to even have basements much less bomb shelters.
Peace friends.
I was skeptical about this until I heard senator Graham report that nukes would likely be brought in on the belly of a ship. Even if you think he’s over the top watch Alex Jones report on this on Infowars in which he tells us that the same day Senator Graham made the statement about Charleston Harbor potentially being nuked that a reliable inside source informed Alex Jones of a transfer of nukes from a Texas base to SC. After hearing that senator Graham said they’d be brought in on the belly of a ship I wanted to puke (our missile defense system would be of no use) and I had to wonder if Alex was right and that a nuke in Charleston harbor is a false flag or inside job initiated by our own government to have reason to further attack whomever they’re really after because a nuke would be such an atrocity and devastating in a manner that this country had ever experienced ( the devastation would be wide spread) that we would have justification to do whatever we want. People, please investigate, find the truth, spread the word, help get this on mainstream media (maybe then well be spared). But Alex Jones was particularly alarmed because this was a reliable source he had not heard from in a long time. It’s hard to know what and who to believe, but this about made me puke. If you find new reliable info, spread the word. Help get it on mainstream media and force our leaders to answer questions and be accountable.
im here from the angry grandpa show
Lol I’m here cuz of angry grandpa on YouTube check him out
it gets more interesting.
like .. knowing ahead of a very treasonous plot and being part of it.
trouble for this dark lord maybe.
Now rumors are stating the Oct. Earthquake off the coast of Charleston was due to an exploded nuke and the firing of four top military Generals is related because they refused to set the device off in Charleston.
i guess attack syria?!
lindsay is a 33rd degree mason and charleston harbor is on the 33rd parallel. look it up. most prisons that execute people are on the 33rd parallel – in the US AND the world. these people HAVE to sacrifice people. look it up!
I say we send Graham over to fight in Syria and all of the other old men that want this war!
Angry grandpa ftw I always read mislead title’s.
October 2013 Obama fires 4 admirals for refusing to drop nuke in Charleston sc after this report was made interesting
Russian media October 8th the nuke was dropped way early so it didn’t blow up the harbour.
Caused a 4.5 magnitude earthquake
Look it up dont take my word for it
Angry Grandpa reacted fine.
Holy crap, Senator Sissy is finally ready for the nuthouse.! His attitudes reflect the chasm in education typfied in his state, one of confusion and indigenous ignorance,not to mention bias against the black people stuck living there.
Golly, the poor Gullahs. I know,lived there, their store help caucasian in a show store did not know what a shoe horn was or how to make change of a fiver.
Graham must have a lot of backing from the military industrialist complex in S.C.
Bravo for graham’s take down of the odumber sissies carter and the mouthpiece generals on blowing more troops and equipment on a hit and run strategy that will essentially sacrifice syria, iran, and any others on the islamist train to russia. He said it right!
“Lay down, lay down, lay it all down..let your white birds smile up at the ones who stand and frown” and “Give peace a chance” sad to say were words once upon sung to people in the western culture in general and they actually made some difference but the new old scourge of islamists has once again puked its medieval barbarian cult up upon the shores of the West with its invasion of passive aggressive illegals many waiting to sabotage and generate more violence to be immortalized in their fantasies if only it were possible following visions of the religion of p*88 to the end led by their morbid hellish inbred cult of misery.
Fuck Iran…let the war begin…