
The “Dollar Rubber Club?”

As we’ve noted on numerous occasions, higher education in America has become increasingly costly – and decreasingly valuable – in recent years. But it’s not just skyrocketing tuition, room, board and books parents (and increasingly, taxpayers) are on the hook for … Don’t forget about those pesky condom costs ……

As we’ve noted on numerous occasions, higher education in America has become increasingly costly – and decreasingly valuable – in recent years. But it’s not just skyrocketing tuition, room, board and books parents (and increasingly, taxpayers) are on the hook for …

Don’t forget about those pesky condom costs …

Wait … what? 

Yup. In fact a New York City-based company is aiming to turn a profit by signing parents up for monthly “condom subscriptions” for their children – starting at $1 a month (well, not counting shipping costs). The so-called “Dollar Rubber Club” says its goal is to “give parents a bit of comfort” by offering name brand condoms in an “affordable and convenient” manner.

“We’re here to help keep your kids safe and so they can make the right decisions about their sexual health,” the company’s CEO Dan Patrick says.

A buck will get you three condoms (minus the shipping), while $10 gets you a variety 12-pack (with free shipping).

“Kids are going to explore, they’re going to have fun,” a parent quoted in the company’s news release states. “At least I know she’ll have protection.”

Hmmmm …

The only problem with this company’s business model? Most schools offer free condoms these days. In fact the University of South Carolina offers students “male, female, and flavored” condoms at its student health center. At no cost.

There’s even a “rubber jar,” people.

“Students are welcome to stop by the Sexual Health office during regular business hours or pickup condoms from the jar outside the office when we are closed,” the school’s website notes.

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CorruptionInColumbia August 14, 2013 at 10:46 am

What happens when the kids figure out that it feels better without the condom?

SeneseLikeChaps August 15, 2013 at 11:40 am

You hammer it in their heads before it happens. It is surprisingly effective if someone bothers to take the time.

CorruptionInColumbia August 14, 2013 at 10:46 am

What happens when the kids figure out that it feels better without the condom?

SeneseLikeChaps August 15, 2013 at 11:40 am

You hammer it in their heads before it happens. It is surprisingly effective if someone bothers to take the time.

JD August 14, 2013 at 11:34 am

Any smart Carolina alum will tell you never to trust the jar. Instead, walk up to the student pharmacy, whip out your Carolina card and charge the wholesale-priced Trojans to mom and dad.

JD August 14, 2013 at 11:34 am

Any smart Carolina alum will tell you never to trust the jar. Instead, walk up to the student pharmacy, whip out your Carolina card and charge the wholesale-priced Trojans to mom and dad.

Frank Pytel August 14, 2013 at 11:50 am


Frank Pytel August 14, 2013 at 11:50 am



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