
Simon Cowell Is A Great Friend

We don’t watch network talent programs, but for the last decade it’s been virtually impossible to turn on a television in the United States without seeing the smug face of British television personality Simon Cowell – longtime judge of music audition shows like American Idol and The X Factor. Which is too…

cowell silverman

We don’t watch network talent programs, but for the last decade it’s been virtually impossible to turn on a television in the United States without seeing the smug face of British television personality Simon Cowell – longtime judge of music audition shows like American Idol and The X Factor.

Which is too bad …  we know reality shows need people America “loves to hate” in order to drive up ratings, but Cowell is truly a special kind of arse (as they say in his homeland).

Case in point? The 53-year-old recently knocked up the wife of his one-time best friend – real estate mogul Andrew Silverman. In fact according to gossip website TMZ, socialite Lauren Silverman, 36, is 10 weeks pregnant with Cowell’s child.

What a classy guy, huh?

Cowell is probably laughing all the way to the bank though. He’s got a net worth of more than $320 million and his X Factor show is the second highest revenue-grossing program on television (behind American Idol).

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Honkey Whitebread July 31, 2013 at 2:23 pm

J.A.P.s can sniff out dough from a mile away and spread misery to everyone around her as she hunts it down. She’s a text book JAP.

Finius Nullis July 31, 2013 at 3:33 pm

HW – thanks for the chance to throw out a few good ones—–
[1] What’s the difference between Jewish women and Catholic women? Catholic women have fake jewelry and real orgasms.
[2] A JAP was arrested for raping a man. Fortunately it wasn’t a moving violation.
[3] Why don’t JAPs like blow jobs? JAPs don’t like any kind of job.
[4] A JAP asked her father for a hundred dollars to go shopping. “Eighty dollars,” he screamed, “what’re you gonna buy with fifty dollars?”
[5] A new disease is affecting JAPs. It’s called MAIDS – if they don’t get one, they die.
[6] What does a JAP say when she’s having sex? “Mom, I’ve got to hang up now..”

Honkey Whitebread July 31, 2013 at 3:47 pm

Hahahaha! Very nice round.

Finius Nullis July 31, 2013 at 4:38 pm

Thanks. It’s nice to lighten up the discussion panels now and then. But on a serious note, and speaking from my personal experiences, if a Jewish guy talks about Jewish women not liking sex –HE’S LYING! He just doesn’t want anyone fooling around with his women. My Jewish sweethearts never refused sex (drunk or sober) – they could wear me out.

Honkey Whitebread July 31, 2013 at 2:23 pm

J.A.P.s can sniff out dough from a mile away and spread misery to everyone around her as she hunts it down. She’s a text book JAP.

Finius Nullis July 31, 2013 at 3:33 pm

HW – thanks for the chance to throw out a few good ones—–
[1] What’s the difference between Jewish women and Catholic women? Catholic women have fake jewelry and real orgasms.
[2] A JAP was arrested for raping a man. Fortunately it wasn’t a moving violation.
[3] Why don’t JAPs like blow jobs? JAPs don’t like any kind of job.
[4] A JAP asked her father for a hundred dollars to go shopping. “Eighty dollars,” he screamed, “what’re you gonna buy with fifty dollars?”
[5] A new disease is affecting JAPs. It’s called MAIDS – if they don’t get one, they die.
[6] What does a JAP say when she’s having sex? “Mom, I’ve got to hang up now..”

Honkey Whitebread July 31, 2013 at 3:47 pm

Hahahaha! Very nice round.

Finius Nullis July 31, 2013 at 4:38 pm

Thanks. It’s nice to lighten up the discussion panels now and then. But on a serious note, and speaking from my personal experiences, if a Jewish guy talks about Jewish women not liking sex –HE’S LYING! He just doesn’t want anyone fooling around with his women. My Jewish sweethearts never refused sex (drunk or sober) – they could wear me out.

GreenvilleLwyr July 31, 2013 at 2:42 pm

I’d hit that.

(The girl, not Simon.)

GreenvilleLwyr July 31, 2013 at 2:42 pm

I’d hit that.

(The girl, not Simon.)


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