SLED’s Selective Enforcement

To say the S.C. State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) has zero credibility when it comes to enforcing the Palmetto State’s video poker laws is an understatement. Last spring SLED – which is part of S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s cabinet – received clear and compelling evidence attesting to the existence of…

To say the S.C. State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) has zero credibility when it comes to enforcing the Palmetto State’s video poker laws is an understatement. Last spring SLED – which is part of S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s cabinet – received clear and compelling evidence attesting to the existence of a video poker ring in Lexington, S.C., one allegedly run by a cadre of crooked politicians and corrupt cops.

What did the agency do with this info? Absolutely nothing …

SLED didn’t do a thing until the story was forced out into the open by a local alternative weekly – and then doggedly pursued by this website and Columbia, S.C. television station WIS TV 10 (NBC – Columbia, S.C.). Of course SLED chief Mark Keel didn’t particularly like that we were so dogged in our pursuit. In fact according to him our efforts to expose the inner workings of this ring impeded his efforts to “catch the bad guys.”

Whatever …

Anyway, while South Carolina waits to see if the central figures of the “Lexington Ring” receive justice, Keel has been overcompensating for his agency’s prior failings by waging a hypocritical and inconsistent jihad against all manner of electronic video games – claiming they fall under the category of “video poker” machines.

Do they, though? Currently there is no real rule in South Carolina as to what constitutes a video poker machine. While efforts have been undertaken to eliminate specific types of machines – part of a broader push to eliminate competition for the state’s government-run gambling ring – no one knows if a game is legal until it is taken to a magistrate. That’s part of the problem, though: There are currently no restrictions on which magistrates can hear cases – which leads to both sides “shopping” for friendly judges.

Also, South Carolina has very low standards for magistrate qualifications (seriously … any hairdresser can do it).

More to the point, machines are destroyed the moment a magistrate rules against them – which makes the appeals process meaningless. Seriously … why appeal a ruling to an actual judge if the property in question has already been destroyed?

S.C. Rep. Bill Herbkersman (R-Beaufort) has introduced legislation aimed at clarifying what constitutes a “video poker” machine in South Carolina – hoping to prevent headaches for the manufacturers of legal machines and (more importantly) to prevent revenue losses for the small businesses which host legal machines in their establishments. Specifically, Herbkersman’s bill would establish a process by which video machines were certified as legal and registered with the state so that there would be no confusion as to what a “video poker” machine is – and isn’t.

Yet while S.C. Attorney General Alan Wilson’s office – which has to ultimately prosecute violators – seems to have an open mind on this issue, Keel believes Herbkersman’s bill is some sort of “back door” to video poker’s return. And yes, that’s pretty ironic when you consider the sort of activity his agency has been tolerating in recent years.

Here’s the thing: Until our state takes its headquarters from its hindquarters and legalizes all forms of gambling, government will continue to be a hypocritical arbiter on the subject. It will also deal with inconsistencies regarding enforcement. For example: Dave and Buster’s – a Dallas-based entertainment restaurant company – recently announced its intentions to locate a new location in Greenville. In order to be consistent, its machines (the adult game rooms in particular) – would have to be seized.

Also, McDonald’s is restarting its Monopoly game – with prizes up to $1 million. And Bingo parlors across the state are openly awarding money in exchange for games of chance. All of these operations would need to be shut down as well, if SLED is to be consistent.

Rather than implementing a sensible policy regarding electronic games based on clearly defined criteria, Keel is continuing to selectively enforce state law – one of many recent problems at SLED under his “leadership.” And that’s only make our state’s hypocrisy on the gambling issue worse …

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GreenvilleLwyr July 29, 2013 at 10:46 am

Dave and Buster’s is coming to Greenville? I missed that. Another reason for the rednecks to come in from the country…

(If you need me, I’ll be at Smiley’s)

GreenvilleLwyr July 29, 2013 at 10:46 am

Dave and Buster’s is coming to Greenville? I missed that. Another reason for the rednecks to come in from the country…

(If you need me, I’ll be at Smiley’s)

CNSYD July 29, 2013 at 10:53 am

“while South Carolina waits to see if the central figures of the “Lexington Ring” receive justice”. Really? Outside of Lexington/Richland who cares?

Smirks July 29, 2013 at 10:55 am

Outside of Lexington/Richland who cares?

Other corrupt politicians and/or law enforcement officers who are thinking of doing the same probably care.

CNSYD July 29, 2013 at 11:38 am

As usual, you miss the point. Sic Willie uses his usual hyperbole to make this seem like the most important concern of all of the citizens of SC. 99% of said citizens don’t know and don’t care.

Reading Comprehension July 29, 2013 at 11:41 am

As usual, you trot out your tired comments bashing this site and deem every premise advanced here as faulty by only your criteria. But hey – you’re still here reading, so there’s that. And the beat goes on…

CNSYD July 29, 2013 at 2:08 pm

So you believe that citizens in Marlboro, McCormick and/or Jasper counties, for example, give a hoot about a local Lexington problem? That’s what Sic Willie implies.

Sic Willie, I see you are using another screen name.

Smirks July 29, 2013 at 2:32 pm

Who gives a damn what the above counties care about Rich/Lex issues? It’s Willie’s site, he can write whatever he damn well pleases, and considering he lives in the greater Columbia area, I’d say it fits in here.

I would say that a shady, back-alley operation like the Lexington Ring could be duplicated anywhere in the state given a sufficiently corrupt group of people willing to let it slide/wanting to profit from it. You don’t nip the current ring in the bud and it spreads like wildfire. You’ll also get candidates running knowing they can do things like this, which will further taint the pool of potential politicians and law enforcement officers we pull from already.

All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. What are you advocating? Honestly? Doing nothing? What is your take on how we should solve this problem? Or is it even a problem in your eyes? Are you one of the 99% that doesn’t care?

CNSYD July 29, 2013 at 2:57 pm

Sic Willie can surely write whatever he desires and the Lex/Rich centrics can lap it up. My complaint is with you guys thinking the rest of the state cares about your local problems, According to you, what happens (or doesn’t happen) in Lex/Rich is the bell cow for the rest of the state. Inflated view of your worth isn’t it? I have no plans to offer solutions to Lex/Rich problems. Those are local matters. The rest of the state has its own problems to deal with.

Sarah Palin Forever! July 29, 2013 at 4:21 pm

I see this type comment here a lot.I dont understand it.I mean I disagree with a lot of stuff here and a lot of other sites I read.I dont get that pointing out that somebody disagrees with some or even most of it but still reads it is of any significance.

Smirks July 29, 2013 at 2:27 pm

99% of said citizens don’t know and don’t care.

And that is exactly why SC can’t have nice things.

CNSYD July 29, 2013 at 2:58 pm

What are “nice things”? You will find that there is variable opinions on that.

CNSYD July 29, 2013 at 10:53 am

“while South Carolina waits to see if the central figures of the “Lexington Ring” receive justice”. Really? Outside of Lexington/Richland who cares?

Smirks July 29, 2013 at 10:55 am

Outside of Lexington/Richland who cares?

Other corrupt politicians and/or law enforcement officers who are thinking of doing the same probably care.

CNSYD July 29, 2013 at 11:38 am

As usual, you miss the point. Sic Willie uses his usual hyperbole to make this seem like the most important concern of all of the citizens of SC. 99% of said citizens don’t know and don’t care.

Reading Comprehension July 29, 2013 at 11:41 am

As usual, you trot out your tired comments bashing this site and deem every premise advanced here as faulty by only your criteria. But hey – you’re still here reading, so there’s that. And the beat goes on…

CNSYD July 29, 2013 at 2:08 pm

So you believe that citizens in Marlboro, McCormick and/or Jasper counties, for example, give a hoot about a local Lexington problem? That’s what Sic Willie implies.

Sic Willie, I see you are using another screen name.

Smirks July 29, 2013 at 2:32 pm

Who gives a damn what the above counties care about Rich/Lex issues? It’s Willie’s site, he can write whatever he damn well pleases, and considering he lives in the greater Columbia area, I’d say it fits in here.

I would say that a shady, back-alley operation like the Lexington Ring could be duplicated anywhere in the state given a sufficiently corrupt group of people willing to let it slide/wanting to profit from it. You don’t nip the current ring in the bud and it spreads like wildfire. You’ll also get candidates running knowing they can do things like this, which will further taint the pool of potential politicians and law enforcement officers we pull from already.

All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. What are you advocating? Honestly? Doing nothing? What is your take on how we should solve this problem? Or is it even a problem in your eyes? Are you one of the 99% that doesn’t care?

CNSYD July 29, 2013 at 2:57 pm

Sic Willie can surely write whatever he desires and the Lex/Rich centrics can lap it up. My complaint is with you guys thinking the rest of the state cares about your local problems, According to you, what happens (or doesn’t happen) in Lex/Rich is the bell cow for the rest of the state. Inflated view of your worth isn’t it? I have no plans to offer solutions to Lex/Rich problems. Those are local matters. The rest of the state has its own problems to deal with.

Sarah Palin Forever! July 29, 2013 at 4:21 pm

I see this type comment here a lot.I dont understand it.I mean I disagree with a lot of stuff here and a lot of other sites I read.I dont get that pointing out that somebody disagrees with some or even most of it but still reads it is of any significance.

Smirks July 29, 2013 at 2:27 pm

99% of said citizens don’t know and don’t care.

And that is exactly why SC can’t have nice things.

CNSYD July 29, 2013 at 2:58 pm

What are “nice things”? You will find that there is variable opinions on that.

Smirks July 29, 2013 at 10:54 am

If gambling were legal and taxed, government would spend more effort busting gambling institutions for tax evasion than it does right now breaking up illegal gambling rings.

Smirks July 29, 2013 at 10:54 am

If gambling were legal and taxed, government would spend more effort busting gambling institutions for tax evasion than it does right now breaking up illegal gambling rings.

Drone in the sky July 29, 2013 at 11:17 am

I’ve said it before and I will again. SLED statred going to shit under Robert Stuart, Keel was his second in command! We then had Lloyd (now a video poker lobbyist) and Tim James (close friend and closer associate of the Lexington Ring’s Danny Frazier) and lap dog of Bob Peeler (trashman, lobbyist, brother of Senate 2 Harvey peeler and girlfriend’s cousin to Chief Justice Jean Toal).

Keel is a scumbag and always been! He will bow down and kiss political ass in a New York second! He like Peeler will undertake a personal vendetta against anyone he deems not kissing his ass, or to gain political favor, without hesitation!

keel would sell out his soul, mother or anyone else for the SLED Chief’s job! This is most likely the reason Haley chose him. He could be counted on to do her bidding for her, protect her and her friends. He runs Haley’s Gestapo!!

Beware the SLED super computer and their ability to initiate a Grand Jury investigation on anyone to discredit or destroy them, solely for a political favor, or vendetta!

SLED under Stuart, keel, Lloyd and James has become an extremely dangerous tool, at the hands of unscrupulous people of power and influence!

Be afraid, be very afraid July 29, 2013 at 11:28 am

You are obviously armed with truth.
Exactly right in your assessment of current and recent SLED leadership, Haley. Peeler and the Lexington Ring.
Ever heard of the SLED super computer?

Keel Sucks July 29, 2013 at 9:04 pm

I remember those days. It was just as corrupt and rogue as it is now.
We The People need to clean it up. Nobody else in government will because they are all crooks, liars, and thieves. Only WE can do it. And we MUST!

Doris July 31, 2013 at 8:11 am

Robert STEWART See
That man was a “great friend” to the old time Democrats.

Drone in the sky July 29, 2013 at 11:17 am

I’ve said it before and I will again. SLED statred going to shit under Robert Stuart, Keel was his second in command! We then had Lloyd (now a video poker lobbyist) and Tim James (close friend and closer associate of the Lexington Ring’s Danny Frazier) and lap dog of Bob Peeler (trashman, lobbyist, brother of Senate 2 Harvey peeler and girlfriend’s cousin to Chief Justice Jean Toal).

Keel is a scumbag and always been! He will bow down and kiss political ass in a New York second! He like Peeler will undertake a personal vendetta against anyone he deems not kissing his ass, or to gain political favor, without hesitation!

keel would sell out his soul, mother or anyone else for the SLED Chief’s job! This is most likely the reason Haley chose him. He could be counted on to do her bidding for her, protect her and her friends. He runs Haley’s Gestapo!!

Beware the SLED super computer and their ability to initiate a Grand Jury investigation on anyone to discredit or destroy them, solely for a political favor, or vendetta!

SLED under Stuart, keel, Lloyd and James has become an extremely dangerous tool, at the hands of unscrupulous people of power and influence!

Be afraid, be very afraid July 29, 2013 at 11:28 am

You are obviously armed with truth.
Exactly right in your assessment of current and recent SLED leadership, Haley. Peeler and the Lexington Ring.
Ever heard of the SLED super computer?

Keel Sucks July 29, 2013 at 9:04 pm

I remember those days. It was just as corrupt and rogue as it is now.
We The People need to clean it up. Nobody else in government will because they are all crooks, liars, and thieves. Only WE can do it. And we MUST!

Doris July 31, 2013 at 8:11 am

Robert STEWART See
That man was a “great friend” to the old time Democrats.

Batman July 29, 2013 at 11:46 am

It kills me to see that people outside Lex/Rich say “who cares”. Wow, do you not understand the implications here for future coruption cases coming to a town near you. The cases will probably result in case law that will assist in future cases or better ye force the laws to change on a statewide basis. To say “who cares” doesn’t make any sense to me.

The story line isn’t just the gambling and who is involved, but how the case was investigated and the lack of investigation due to the members of this “Gambling Ring”. The network is a combination of politiciand, law enforcement executives, and legislators. This is an investigations for the books to see how it is handles and how it has been mishandled. The public has waited and waited for the results of the investigation, and nothing has come out except for rumors. The truth will be told soon about the heart of the investigations and how it really went down.

Someone really doesn’t want this to come out for some reason, I don’t who but it will probably expose more people than all these readers realize. Politicians live through all the elections by having powerful people give money to them in order to play their agendas out in order to make more money or the politicians hide skeletons in the closet and hold them over individuals head in order to gain power. Take Lexington County Sheriff James Metts: One alledged in the gambling ring and sheriff for to many years in public office. There was a case of a prostitution house on Darby Ambrose road that was busted many years ago. There were many busted in association with house and the cse went hush. There was a ledger book seized in the raid of the house with “supposedly” a client list. Those names never were looked into and followed up on-Much like the lack of enforcement with RCSD and the ascott murder ledger. Isn’t funny that the ones Lott chose to put in the media were the nickle and dime betters. He never exposed any of the big betters. I will bet (ooops) that those same people are on his contribution list and he wouldn’t give their names for that reason. He said he is transparent, give the whole list to the media-you don’t have to charge them but let the public see the entire ledger. This should be asked of Lott and Metts. You will never see it because they will give a 1000 reasons of why not.

Batman July 29, 2013 at 11:46 am

It kills me to see that people outside Lex/Rich say “who cares”. Wow, do you not understand the implications here for future coruption cases coming to a town near you. The cases will probably result in case law that will assist in future cases or better ye force the laws to change on a statewide basis. To say “who cares” doesn’t make any sense to me.

The story line isn’t just the gambling and who is involved, but how the case was investigated and the lack of investigation due to the members of this “Gambling Ring”. The network is a combination of politiciand, law enforcement executives, and legislators. This is an investigations for the books to see how it is handles and how it has been mishandled. The public has waited and waited for the results of the investigation, and nothing has come out except for rumors. The truth will be told soon about the heart of the investigations and how it really went down.

Someone really doesn’t want this to come out for some reason, I don’t who but it will probably expose more people than all these readers realize. Politicians live through all the elections by having powerful people give money to them in order to play their agendas out in order to make more money or the politicians hide skeletons in the closet and hold them over individuals head in order to gain power. Take Lexington County Sheriff James Metts: One alledged in the gambling ring and sheriff for to many years in public office. There was a case of a prostitution house on Darby Ambrose road that was busted many years ago. There were many busted in association with house and the cse went hush. There was a ledger book seized in the raid of the house with “supposedly” a client list. Those names never were looked into and followed up on-Much like the lack of enforcement with RCSD and the ascott murder ledger. Isn’t funny that the ones Lott chose to put in the media were the nickle and dime betters. He never exposed any of the big betters. I will bet (ooops) that those same people are on his contribution list and he wouldn’t give their names for that reason. He said he is transparent, give the whole list to the media-you don’t have to charge them but let the public see the entire ledger. This should be asked of Lott and Metts. You will never see it because they will give a 1000 reasons of why not.

runandgun July 29, 2013 at 12:55 pm

Fits…. I think you have it right!

runandgun July 29, 2013 at 12:55 pm

Fits…. I think you have it right!

BigStarD July 29, 2013 at 1:05 pm

They don’t call him “Little Hitler” for no reason. Be be very cautious when dealing with Keel and his cronies. He is dirty and vindictive.

Two to tango July 29, 2013 at 1:38 pm

Amen! He is a low SOB, fits right in with Haley and the Lexington Ring crowd.
Over in Lexington, they are now know the Scum and Sluts crowd!

BigStarD July 29, 2013 at 1:05 pm

They don’t call him “Little Hitler” for no reason. Be be very cautious when dealing with Keel and his cronies. He is dirty and vindictive.

Two to tango July 29, 2013 at 1:38 pm

Amen! He is a low SOB, fits right in with Haley and the Lexington Ring crowd.
Over in Lexington, they are now know the Scum and Sluts crowd!

T. Genovese July 29, 2013 at 1:07 pm

What makes illegal gambling and illegal weed dangerous is the necessity to extend credit. There has to be a “stick” involved for those who do not pay.

If legalized, payment up front before wagering (Vegas) or taking a load of weed for re-sale (dispensaries) would be standard operating procedure. Simple as that.

There was an interesting omission of a question under oath for Mr. Gunter during the Brett Parker trial. The prosecutor asked him would they have hurt Mr. Parker or anything like that if he did not pay up. He answered no way. What she should have followed with was this question: “Then why, Mr. Gunter, should anyone pay you when they owe you $100,000 dollars?”

T. Genovese July 29, 2013 at 1:07 pm

What makes illegal gambling and illegal weed dangerous is the necessity to extend credit. There has to be a “stick” involved for those who do not pay.

If legalized, payment up front before wagering (Vegas) or taking a load of weed for re-sale (dispensaries) would be standard operating procedure. Simple as that.

There was an interesting omission of a question under oath for Mr. Gunter during the Brett Parker trial. The prosecutor asked him would they have hurt Mr. Parker or anything like that if he did not pay up. He answered no way. What she should have followed with was this question: “Then why, Mr. Gunter, should anyone pay you when they owe you $100,000 dollars?”

Superman July 29, 2013 at 2:14 pm

People that know the truth about SLED and their incompetence do not call SLED (S)orry (L)aw (E)nforcment (D)ivision for any other reason than what they are and proven by their lack of actions when it comes to the Lexington Ring and other political investigations.

If the Lexington Ring involved any regular citizens without political ties, I believe SLED would have already been on camera ponding on their chest saying how they do not tolerate corruption and paraded the accused in public as an example the day after those audio tapes were provided to the media.
SLED has missed the chance to reestablish integrity and equality in the way they investigate crimes and how they investigate people accused of a crime, but as usual they have choose to sweep the Lexington Ring and the corrupt involved under the rug and prosecute the ones that do not have political connections in their favor. It is a very sad time to be a regular citizen and be accused of any wrong doing if Lexington and SLED is to investigate you.

Frank Pytel July 29, 2013 at 2:20 pm

yep yep. Perp walk central when cronies are not involved.

Superman July 29, 2013 at 2:14 pm

People that know the truth about SLED and their incompetence do not call SLED (S)orry (L)aw (E)nforcment (D)ivision for any other reason than what they are and proven by their lack of actions when it comes to the Lexington Ring and other political investigations.

If the Lexington Ring involved any regular citizens without political ties, I believe SLED would have already been on camera ponding on their chest saying how they do not tolerate corruption and paraded the accused in public as an example the day after those audio tapes were provided to the media.
SLED has missed the chance to reestablish integrity and equality in the way they investigate crimes and how they investigate people accused of a crime, but as usual they have choose to sweep the Lexington Ring and the corrupt involved under the rug and prosecute the ones that do not have political connections in their favor. It is a very sad time to be a regular citizen and be accused of any wrong doing if Lexington and SLED is to investigate you.

Frank Pytel July 29, 2013 at 2:20 pm

yep yep. Perp walk central when cronies are not involved.

Thomas July 29, 2013 at 4:07 pm

The “McDonald’s Monopoly” thing tips your hand that the “pro sweepstakes machines” people paid you for this one. As they marched around to cities and municipalities last year trying to get these things legitimized, they used the McDonald’s example over and over.

Scrappy July 29, 2013 at 6:00 pm

I agree! We should all be “Pro SC Education Lottery”. Any income derived from gambling (of course only “Legal” gambling) should be controlled by the “dolts” in the state house. We certainly would not want to create any type of industry to create JOBS, increase the states tax base. We want our government to tell us how we should spend our disposable income. They know best! Plus everyone knows the poor guy/gal buying scratch off’s every day at any convenience store in this state has a much better chance of winning there than on some crazy poker machine! Right? I say the to hell with anyone thinking they know how to spend their own money better than the legislature.

The poker industry employed more people in SC than Boeing, BMW and McDonalds combined. 30K Jobs were lost when the poker industry was demolished. Did crime go down? Did the welfare/SNAP rolls go down?

Do you really believe that there are people in this state that are not ADDICTED to the SC Education Lottery?

Do you believe that people who played video poker just quit gambling all together? They have not. They have gone into hiding when they cant drive across the state line and play in NC. They are playing machines in peoples house, garages, back rooms of convenience stores etc. The only difference is the state derives zero benefit from it now. It’s a underground economy. We sure as hell would not want to bring it back into the light and create jobs or a tax base. Not when “we the people” can subsidize the difference with our hard earned money with higher taxes.

Its time some people in this state got over their self righteous ass and let people make their own decisions on how they want to spend their hard earned money (or free Govt. check).

You know me July 30, 2013 at 10:21 am

Remember when a certain bait shop in Lexington had all those illegal machines. They must have been raking it in, cash that is. Thousands upon thousands. Wonder if the earnings were reported to the IRS?

Thomas July 29, 2013 at 4:07 pm

The “McDonald’s Monopoly” thing tips your hand that the “pro sweepstakes machines” people paid you for this one. As they marched around to cities and municipalities last year trying to get these things legitimized, they used the McDonald’s example over and over.

Scrappy July 29, 2013 at 6:00 pm

I agree! We should all be “Pro SC Education Lottery”. Any income derived from gambling (of course only “Legal” gambling) should be controlled by the “dolts” in the state house. We certainly would not want to create any type of industry to create JOBS, increase the states tax base. We want our government to tell us how we should spend our disposable income. They know best! Plus everyone knows the poor guy/gal buying scratch off’s every day at any convenience store in this state has a much better chance of winning there than on some crazy poker machine! Right? I say the to hell with anyone thinking they know how to spend their own money better than the legislature.

The poker industry employed more people in SC than Boeing, BMW and McDonalds combined. 30K Jobs were lost when the poker industry was demolished. Did crime go down? Did the welfare/SNAP rolls go down?

Do you really believe that there are people in this state that are not ADDICTED to the SC Education Lottery?

Do you believe that people who played video poker just quit gambling all together? They have not. They have gone into hiding when they cant drive across the state line and play in NC. They are playing machines in peoples house, garages, back rooms of convenience stores etc. The only difference is the state derives zero benefit from it now. It’s a underground economy. We sure as hell would not want to bring it back into the light and create jobs or a tax base. Not when “we the people” can subsidize the difference with our hard earned money with higher taxes.

Its time some people in this state got over their self righteous ass and let people make their own decisions on how they want to spend their hard earned money (or free Govt. check).

You know me July 30, 2013 at 10:21 am

Remember when a certain bait shop in Lexington had all those illegal machines. They must have been raking it in, cash that is. Thousands upon thousands. Wonder if the earnings were reported to the IRS?

snickering July 30, 2013 at 7:42 am

Nothing new here.

snickering July 30, 2013 at 7:42 am

Nothing new here.

Biteme July 30, 2013 at 4:05 pm

“Any hairdresser can do it?” Seriously? Why would we want to take the cut in pay?

Biteme July 30, 2013 at 4:05 pm

“Any hairdresser can do it?” Seriously? Why would we want to take the cut in pay?


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