Bureaucrats At S.C. State Can Read?

A week ago, this website published a story that was critical of South Carolina State University over its decision to hire disgraced former Nikki Haley staffer Abraham Turner as one of its contract employees. Apparently, the “leadership” at this institution of (cough) “higher learning” didn’t take too kindly to our…

A week ago, this website published a story that was critical of South Carolina State University over its decision to hire disgraced former Nikki Haley staffer Abraham Turner as one of its contract employees.

Apparently, the “leadership” at this institution of (cough) “higher learning” didn’t take too kindly to our criticism. In fact S.C. State has reportedly become the latest in a long line of state agencies to ban FITSNews from its web servers (at least for the rank-and-file bureaucrats).

“Earlier this week it has become impossible to open up your website on the SCSU campus,” one source tells us. “This comes after your post about (Abraham Turner) being hired to recruit students to SCSU.”

After we received this email we made a few calls to friends of ours with S.C. State connections, and sure enough multiple sources at the school have confirmed that FITS has been blocked on the vast majority of campus computers.

Frankly we’re shocked by this … and not because we object to the school’s decision (as we’ve noted on numerous previous occasions, state agencies are well within their rights to regulate the web content of their employees).

No, we’re amazed the brain-dead leaders of this ass-backward institution are literate …

“A troop (or ‘tribe’) of retarded monkeys could have managed this school infinitely better – and before anybody gets offended by that comment, permit us to apologize to retarded monkeys all over the world,” we wrote recently in assessing the competence of S.C. State’s current leadership.

Anyway, as we’ve stated repeatedly South Carolina taxpayers should not fund a “higher education” system in the first place – let alone a bloated, duplicative and underperforming one with more than eighty (80) different campus locations. These schools should be set free to pursue their destinies as private institutions – starting with S.C. State.


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RhysTay April 12, 2013 at 12:33 pm

That’s why the interim president has to go. Thank goodness she didn’t make it as a finalist. It’s a state agency. How do you block others from access to anyone when it needs enrollment, enrollment, enrollment to remain open. How can Turner be hired for three months at $29k when the school has a financial exigency?

EricEsq April 12, 2013 at 12:33 pm

So are students not able to browse Fits now?

? April 12, 2013 at 7:02 pm

$10 says using a proxy server solves the problem.

RhysTay April 12, 2013 at 12:33 pm

That’s why the interim president has to go. Thank goodness she didn’t make it as a finalist. It’s a state agency. How do you block others from access to anyone when it needs enrollment, enrollment, enrollment to remain open. How can Turner be hired for three months at $29k when the school has a financial exigency?

EricEsq April 12, 2013 at 12:33 pm

So are students not able to browse Fits now?

? April 12, 2013 at 7:02 pm

$10 says using a proxy server solves the problem.

BigT April 12, 2013 at 12:38 pm

The Corruption at SC St. was RAMPANT under Sanford. He Did NOTHING to find it…Sanford even slipped money the SC St. while proudly refusing a Law Enforcement Memorial as wasteful spending (why Jakie first started hating Sanford.)

Under Haley, SC St. has been exposed. And Sanford’s mess is being addressed…

SC St. is a reminder of Sanford’s pandering to race..and his penchant for government waste, if he can score points w/ moderates of liberals w/ taxpayers’ money…

BigT April 12, 2013 at 12:38 pm

The Corruption at SC St. was RAMPANT under Sanford. He Did NOTHING to find it…Sanford even slipped money the SC St. while proudly refusing a Law Enforcement Memorial as wasteful spending (why Jakie first started hating Sanford.)

Under Haley, SC St. has been exposed. And Sanford’s mess is being addressed…

SC St. is a reminder of Sanford’s pandering to race..and his penchant for government waste, if he can score points w/ moderates of liberals w/ taxpayers’ money…

Aloha Steve April 12, 2013 at 1:45 pm

Big difference between a state agency preventing it employees from visiting and a school blocking access to its students. One is not constitutionally permissible.

Aloha Steve April 12, 2013 at 1:45 pm

Big difference between a state agency preventing it employees from visiting and a school blocking access to its students. One is not constitutionally permissible.

Philip Branton April 12, 2013 at 2:51 pm

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury,

Yet, another example of an article admitted into evidence. Considering that Black men and women are sent to fight and DIE for:

A) ..OIL……

B) …..Mining rights…….

C) …to protect our constitution….

D) ……our American way of life……

E) ……corporate interests that are looking to expand their consumer or manufacturing base..

F) ….and many other “classified” reasons

Jury members, how aghast are you to read this statement….”state agencies are well within their rights to regulate the web content of their employees…”

Really jury members…think about this carefully. Are we to send BLACK citizens and WHITE citizens and citizens of every color to the front lines to win the hearts and minds and introduce “democracy” to people that are in tyranny; but yet those same soldiers PARENTS or FRIENDS or Relatives who work for STATE Institutions are NOT allowed to read what is going on in their OWN state….much less Djibouti, Africa or Turkmenistan or Darfur….????

Jury members…..would this not be a classic example of Psychological War Fare waged upon a free country’s OWN citizens….???? Why would ANY black soldier fight for that…??

Why would ANY white southern boy or girl fight for that…?? Look at what info was not revealed to citizens prior to the Civil War alone…??

Jury members….ask yourself this question? How could State workers be asked to hold their fellow appointed bosses or Board of Directors at SCSU accountable if they did not have access to information that was telling them their bosses were crooks to begin with….!!!!!??? (Fist Poundzzz)

Jury members, we all know that the united NEGRO College fund tells us all that a …”MIND is a Terrible thing to Waste”… how wasteful are the minds be kept at SCSU…???

Will Mrs Colbert- Busch stand for this…????
Will Mark Sanford look out for workers at SCSU…..????
Will FEDERAL workers stand up for STATE workers…..????

Above all jurors….where the heavens is Gilda Cobb-Hunter on this informational “lynching” considering she was awarded a leadership award from FURMAN University..??

We are FED up with this type of informational snookery and TYRANNY…..!!!!

Philip Branton April 12, 2013 at 2:51 pm

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury,

Yet, another example of an article admitted into evidence. Considering that Black men and women are sent to fight and DIE for:

A) ..OIL……

B) …..Mining rights…….

C) …to protect our constitution….

D) ……our American way of life……

E) ……corporate interests that are looking to expand their consumer or manufacturing base..

F) ….and many other “classified” reasons

Jury members, how aghast are you to read this statement….”state agencies are well within their rights to regulate the web content of their employees…”

Really jury members…think about this carefully. Are we to send BLACK citizens and WHITE citizens and citizens of every color to the front lines to win the hearts and minds and introduce “democracy” to people that are in tyranny; but yet those same soldiers PARENTS or FRIENDS or Relatives who work for STATE Institutions are NOT allowed to read what is going on in their OWN state….much less Djibouti, Africa or Turkmenistan or Darfur….????

Jury members…..would this not be a classic example of Psychological War Fare waged upon a free country’s OWN citizens….???? Why would ANY black soldier fight for that…??

Why would ANY white southern boy or girl fight for that…?? Look at what info was not revealed to citizens prior to the Civil War alone…??

Jury members….ask yourself this question? How could State workers be asked to hold their fellow appointed bosses or Board of Directors at SCSU accountable if they did not have access to information that was telling them their bosses were crooks to begin with….!!!!!??? (Fist Poundzzz)

Jury members, we all know that the united NEGRO College fund tells us all that a …”MIND is a Terrible thing to Waste”… how wasteful are the minds be kept at SCSU…???

Will Mrs Colbert- Busch stand for this…????
Will Mark Sanford look out for workers at SCSU…..????
Will FEDERAL workers stand up for STATE workers…..????

Above all jurors….where the heavens is Gilda Cobb-Hunter on this informational “lynching” considering she was awarded a leadership award from FURMAN University..??

We are FED up with this type of informational snookery and TYRANNY…..!!!!

Squishy123 April 12, 2013 at 8:43 pm

I wonder how long their students and faculty will stand for censorship on their campus.

wee April 15, 2013 at 7:25 pm

So much for the free exchange of ideas…

Squishy123 April 12, 2013 at 8:43 pm

I wonder how long their students and faculty will stand for censorship on their campus.

wee April 15, 2013 at 7:25 pm

So much for the free exchange of ideas…

Right Now April 13, 2013 at 1:10 pm

SC State .. LMAO!!! … These people are soooo fooking stupid, they do NOT even know that ANYONE can use their smartphone to access Fitsnews!!!! …
I want to see this entire system destroyed from within. It is corrupt as corrupt can be, And everyone knows it. All run by criminals yet to be brought to justice.

Philip Branton April 13, 2013 at 1:39 pm

Great point Right-now……great….!! Yes, if the students and faculty really wanted to access the internet then they could use their smart-phones.

HOW EVER……there is one crucial factor that must be reviewed…!!!

Just think which is more powerful and accountable to the NETWORK Administrator..?? Everyone using their own smart-phone…OR…..everyone using the exact SAME network and SERVER on the same day to access the same article as a date time stamp to be used as “informational” leverage in holding leadership accountable in a court of LAW….?????


Right Now April 13, 2013 at 1:10 pm

SC State .. LMAO!!! … These people are soooo fooking stupid, they do NOT even know that ANYONE can use their smartphone to access Fitsnews!!!! …
I want to see this entire system destroyed from within. It is corrupt as corrupt can be, And everyone knows it. All run by criminals yet to be brought to justice.

Philip Branton April 13, 2013 at 1:39 pm

Great point Right-now……great….!! Yes, if the students and faculty really wanted to access the internet then they could use their smart-phones.

HOW EVER……there is one crucial factor that must be reviewed…!!!

Just think which is more powerful and accountable to the NETWORK Administrator..?? Everyone using their own smart-phone…OR…..everyone using the exact SAME network and SERVER on the same day to access the same article as a date time stamp to be used as “informational” leverage in holding leadership accountable in a court of LAW….?????


Bulldog Editor April 15, 2013 at 10:35 pm

You have no right to say that SC State should closed down. For over 100 years state has helped educate African Americans and has allow people of the lower middle class to have social mobility. If this was Partner school Colorodo St you would only focus on the problems at the school. Black schools in the south from the start where held back and it is only with the help of it alumni that state has made it this far. It took a civil rights massacre to get the state of South Carolina to notice. If it wasent for the fed gov SC would never have a a instatution of higher Ed for African Americans and never one as large as SC State. So for you to make your obtuse comment to made that huge change insults me as a student, if you want to make a change, make a change on why the private school get more support, other then fund then state. Change that.

Bulldog Editor April 15, 2013 at 10:35 pm

You have no right to say that SC State should closed down. For over 100 years state has helped educate African Americans and has allow people of the lower middle class to have social mobility. If this was Partner school Colorodo St you would only focus on the problems at the school. Black schools in the south from the start where held back and it is only with the help of it alumni that state has made it this far. It took a civil rights massacre to get the state of South Carolina to notice. If it wasent for the fed gov SC would never have a a instatution of higher Ed for African Americans and never one as large as SC State. So for you to make your obtuse comment to made that huge change insults me as a student, if you want to make a change, make a change on why the private school get more support, other then fund then state. Change that.


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