
High Speed Wanking

The vice mayor of a town in Tennessee has been charged with “indecent and reckless endangerment” after three women linked him to a series of high speed masturbation incidents over the last few years. Wait … high speed masturbation? Yup … according to public testimony taken at a preliminary hearing…

The vice mayor of a town in Tennessee has been charged with “indecent and reckless endangerment” after three women linked him to a series of high speed masturbation incidents over the last few years.

Wait … high speed masturbation?

Yup … according to public testimony taken at a preliminary hearing last week, Mount Carmel vice mayor William Blakely has been masturbating while driving for several years, putting on unsolicited, unwanted high speed shows for multiple women on Tennessee highways.

Blakely’s modus operandi? Waving and honking the horn of his car to get the attention of female drivers – and then “jerking his Gerkin” for them.

“After the waving, it turned into a lot of beeping, him grabbing his chest area,” one of the witnesses recalled, according to WJHL TV 11 (ABC – Johnson City, Tennessee). “At over 90 miles per hour, he had his penis out [the window]… he was masturbating… and that’s when it got really, really bad. I wouldn’t look over any more, and I wrote his tag number down on my hand, which I believe he noticed, and he exited very quickly.”

“He was taking his hand, wetting his mouth, and masturbating,” another said.

Wow …

Multiple additional charges are expected to be filed in the coming months against Blakely, whose alleged victims range in age from 16-65.

Wait … sixty-five?

Hmmmm … at least he doesn’t discriminate, right?

Obviously we’re 100 percent supportive of the universal right to masturbate (not that we’ve ever, um … done it ourselves or anything), but that’s clearly a right that’s best enjoyed in private. And certainly one’s “right to get oneself off” should never be curtailed, wankers cannot wank in such a manner as to infringe upon the liberties – and in this case potentially the lives – of others.

Like Jim Morrison once sang, “keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel.”


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not so nice vice April 11, 2013 at 9:30 am

“Vice” mayor? Sounds like he was just fulfilling is duties.

not so nice vice April 11, 2013 at 9:30 am

“Vice” mayor? Sounds like he was just fulfilling is duties.

jimlewisowb April 11, 2013 at 9:32 am

A post not up to the usual standards of this site, however still entertaining

? April 11, 2013 at 9:33 am

Nice new avatar owb.

rwwllms April 11, 2013 at 11:29 am

Wait, this site has standards? Since when?

? April 11, 2013 at 9:32 am

I know a cop in Forest Acres that would let him off with a warning, after giving him some tips.

Smirks April 11, 2013 at 10:45 am

Tips as in money, or tips as in ways to improve his techniques? Aw hell, it’s both isn’t it?

jimlewisowb April 11, 2013 at 9:32 am

A post not up to the usual standards of this site, however still entertaining

? April 11, 2013 at 9:33 am

Nice new avatar owb.

rwwllms April 11, 2013 at 11:29 am

Wait, this site has standards? Since when?

? April 11, 2013 at 9:32 am

I know a cop in Forest Acres that would let him off with a warning, after giving him some tips.

Smirks April 11, 2013 at 10:45 am

Tips as in money, or tips as in ways to improve his techniques? Aw hell, it’s both isn’t it?

shifty henry April 11, 2013 at 9:33 am

How does he do that!

shifty henry April 11, 2013 at 9:33 am

How does he do that!

shifty henry April 11, 2013 at 9:49 am

Man – find you a woman! By the way, does anybody know what the difference is between rape and seduction? …… I do!

shifty henry April 11, 2013 at 9:49 am

Man – find you a woman! By the way, does anybody know what the difference is between rape and seduction? …… I do!

lowcorider April 11, 2013 at 10:08 am

Any man who posssessing the necesssy length and can put his penis out of a car window at 100mph with sufficient rigidity to overcome the aerodynamic drag has a right to do with it whatever he desires.

shifty henry April 11, 2013 at 10:23 am

Sort of like a “whip antenna” ……….

I saw a news article about this guy a couple of days ago. Didn’t work for me on the highway, but then I tried it on my John Deere D130 22hp V-Twin Hydrostatic 42inch Riding Lawn Mower. That was fun, but I frightened the widow who lives next door!

Lowcorider April 11, 2013 at 10:08 am

Any man who posssessing the necesssy length and can put his penis out of a car window at 100mph with sufficient rigidity to overcome the aerodynamic drag has a right to do with it whatever he desires.

shifty henry April 11, 2013 at 10:23 am

Sort of like a “whip antenna” ……….

I saw a news article about this guy a couple of days ago. Didn’t work for me on the highway, but then I tried it on my John Deere D130 22hp V-Twin Hydrostatic 42inch Riding Lawn Mower. That was fun, but I frightened the widow who lives next door!

Jusk Askin April 11, 2013 at 10:41 am

If BigT is the vice mayor of some town in Tennessee, why does he keep posting here?

Jusk Askin April 11, 2013 at 10:41 am

If BigT is the vice mayor of some town in Tennessee, why does he keep posting here?

Smirks April 11, 2013 at 10:46 am

“No wonder the car wouldn’t shift gears!”

Smirks April 11, 2013 at 10:46 am

“No wonder the car wouldn’t shift gears!”

shifty henry April 11, 2013 at 11:02 am

Gotta go ——Penelope Mockingbird wants me to bring my John Deere over to her house and cut her back yard.

shifty henry April 11, 2013 at 11:02 am

Gotta go ——Penelope Mockingbird wants me to bring my John Deere over to her house and cut her back yard.

vicupstate April 11, 2013 at 12:52 pm

I think he must have had the car on cruise control.

vicupstate April 11, 2013 at 12:52 pm

I think he must have had the car on cruise control.

9" April 11, 2013 at 4:31 pm Reply
9" April 11, 2013 at 4:31 pm Reply
Squishy123 April 11, 2013 at 6:17 pm

Oh come on, what guy hasn’t done that a time or twelve?

Squishy123 April 11, 2013 at 6:17 pm

Oh come on, what guy hasn’t done that a time or twelve?

jrdondero April 17, 2013 at 11:51 am

I’ve seen this guy on I-26 in Tennessee. There’s even a youtube video of it (if it hasn’t been “pulled” yet) har har

jrdondero April 17, 2013 at 11:51 am

I’ve seen this guy on I-26 in Tennessee. There’s even a youtube video of it (if it hasn’t been “pulled” yet) har har

9" April 18, 2013 at 7:07 am

I often ‘spend’ weekends/days w/truckers,and my god ,they’re good.These are the guys who keep this country alive,and I’m proud of the service i give them.Yes,they’re usually married,experienced and ‘know the deal’;that’s why they don’t want the drama ‘bitches’ bring.Those Ho’s do it for money.I do it for love…(for,TruckerCarl)


9" April 18, 2013 at 7:07 am

I often ‘spend’ weekends/days w/truckers,and my god ,they’re good.These are the guys who keep this country alive,and I’m proud of the service i give them.Yes,they’re usually married,experienced and ‘know the deal’;that’s why they don’t want the drama ‘bitches’ bring.Those Ho’s do it for money.I do it for love…(for,TruckerCarl)



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