Myrtle Beach Is Dangerous

COASTAL CITY MAKES NATIONAL LIST Beware, snowbirds: Myrtle Beach, S.C. isn’t as safe as you thought it was. And we’re not talking about shark attacks – we’re talking about violent crime of the two-legged variety. Who says? The website – which recently ranked the “crown cubic zirconia” of the Redneck Riviera…

myrtle beach dangerous


Beware, snowbirds: Myrtle Beach, S.C. isn’t as safe as you thought it was. And we’re not talking about shark attacks – we’re talking about violent crime of the two-legged variety.

Who says? The website – which recently ranked the “crown cubic zirconia” of the Redneck Riviera as the 21st most dangerous city in the country.

“With a crime rate of 167 per one thousand residents, Myrtle Beach has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes- from the smallest towns to the very largest cities,” the website reports.

Ordinarily we’d be happy to jump up and down all over this latest example of Myrtle Beach’s, um, “uniqueness.” However we’ve had some experiences with in the past which have led us to conclude their data is simply not reliable – or at the very least should be taken with an ocean of salt.

What we do know about Myrtle Beach is that it boasts the highest sales tax rate in the state of South Carolina (thanks to a recent kickback scam) – and some of the lowest wages in the country. And a totally worthless “Republican” party.


(Banner: via)

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BigT January 9, 2013 at 10:34 am

WHO thought it was safe. I know a brotha who lives in MB who told me you could put the show America’s most Wanted out of business if they did a round up on the Grand Strand.

Isotope Soap January 9, 2013 at 11:08 am

A brotha?

kc January 9, 2013 at 11:13 am

Big T is gettin jiggy wid it, yo. Homes.

@WH_Buz_Martin January 9, 2013 at 11:45 am

Yo brotha all up in da hood in MB, BigT? Haw!

ceilidh10 January 9, 2013 at 12:49 pm

“brotha” ?? I thought you was a white honkey redneck.

Dr. Mengele January 9, 2013 at 4:32 pm

Vead da Bellcurve and it vill explain everyting.

upstate January 9, 2013 at 10:55 am

I’m not trying to say that the place is over safe or anything, but all tourists towns and college towns are going to have skewed numbers in regards to their crime rates, simply because there are huge numbers of people (tourist & students) that are not calculated into residency #’s that are present in the town.

Unless the website reporting this discloses if they did or did not take this into account, they have little credibility.

vicupstate January 9, 2013 at 11:46 am

Exactly. Dumb people like BIg idioT won,t think it through though. Just like the propaganda they hear on FOx.

@WH_Buz_Martin January 9, 2013 at 12:12 pm

We don’t need a crappy web site like that to let us know that crime is off the chain down here. It is mainly opportunistic crime in a small tourist town pretending to be a city, where the “powers that be” have driven off so much of the main business. That means that the few tourists who are around this time of year (including snowbirds) join with the residents in being targets of choice. The perps themselves, contrary to the tale that is often told, are fairly racially diverse.

Some of the crime does not get reported in the media at all. Recently there was a small crime wave in the upper-class Pine Lakes area. A very significant spike in the number of homes and autos broken into in that one area. This is happening with more and more regularity, yet when it does the only way you’ll know about it is if you listen to the scanner or go to the local scanner sites. It doesn’t make the papers and it doesn’t make the 11 o’clock news on TV.

Why is any of this significant? That’s easy: Because it reveals the Big Lie we’re constantly being told by our civic and business “leaders” and their bought media. They tell us that the ad tax is working. In fact, the chamber wastes inordinate amounts of that ill-gotten tax money on a constant barrage of propaganda to that effect. Yet businesses continue to close down, adding to the unemployment, homelessness and crime. In the past, this was mainly hitting the less “upscale” neighborhoods. Now it’s everywhere. And while other comparable resorts on the east and gulf coasts are recovering fairly well from the national economic recession, Myrtle Beach alone lags far behind them, and far behind even the rest of Horry county.

Tom Rice himself was a major contributor to this sorry situation, with his zealous leadership of the “Take Back May” movement that drove away hundreds of thousands of loyal repeat tourists who had pumped an untold number of millions of dollars into the local economy each year. Yet he was rewarded by his masters at the Dunes by being sent to congress.

And the beat goes on.

BigT January 9, 2013 at 11:07 am

MB sold out our beautiful natural resource a long time ago to Anything Goes..

When there is a Nudie club on one corner and a tattoo parlor on the other, with piercing in between…who do expect it will attract…???

But hey: ALL those low-rent degenerates are filthy rich, in those gaudy sub-divisions off Hwy 17. So who cares???

Bard Dough January 9, 2013 at 11:12 am

“When there is a Nudie club on one corner and a tattoo parlor on the other, with piercing in between…who do expect it will attract…???”

One hell of an opening line! I can’t wait to read the rest of this story…

BigT January 9, 2013 at 11:26 am

You need to live a little. Go down there and see for yourself…

Of course: I like it cleaner..that is IF I were in the market (and I’m not) for such as that…

The liberalization of society sure has made the girls much nastier…They are much easier too…but who really wants it like that, unless you’re hard up???

Bard Dough January 9, 2013 at 11:45 am

…and out comes the Big(o)T! So, people who get tats and piercings are nasty?

@WH_Buz_Martin January 9, 2013 at 11:47 am

That’s crap, BigT, you want it from anyone desperate enough to take your money for giving it to you.

vicupstate January 9, 2013 at 11:50 am

Anyone that doesn’t look and think like Big T is a dead beat in his eyes.

scsince60 January 9, 2013 at 11:53 am

Yes, they certainly are. Especially those scumbags with the stretched out earlobes. Do you think there might be a correlation between tattoos and piercings and earning potential?

BigT January 9, 2013 at 11:58 am

You people simply cannot STAND others w/ Standards…

I suggest you find a beautiful woman, cherish her…and be true…

It beats slobbering over any Ho’ who’ll drop her blouse and dance for a dolla’ to try to get you to worship her…

If you’d internalize your liust to the person you vow it to…maybe you’d avoid some of the problems (and disease, mental too) you’re spreading….

Isotope Soap January 9, 2013 at 12:05 pm

Ho’ for a dolla? Is T going transracial?

Bard Dough January 9, 2013 at 12:11 pm

I believe he saw a Spike Lee joint

dwb619 January 9, 2013 at 12:46 pm

Some more “professional journalism’ from the big idio”T”!
Kind of reminds me of Telly Savalas in the “Dirty Dozen”.

BigT January 9, 2013 at 12:51 pm

dwb: There’s an adage (invented by me) if you are nothing but a cliche, you may be worthless…you prove that adage….

dwb619 January 10, 2013 at 10:49 am

big idio”T”,
I luv it when you type that way.
Do it again, please.
(professional journalist, i.e., shit house wall poet)

BigT January 9, 2013 at 12:50 pm

The cost of sin is expensive…

And you Liberals, after you drive up the bill w/ your immorality, place it on my doorstep to pay…

Meanwhile: I have MY family to pay for…

My children will already have to pay for yours, because of your irrespsonsibility…just like I have to pay because you are a perv…

And then you pervs go ape crap when I point out what you are..and what a drain you and your offspring are to society…

ceilidh10 January 9, 2013 at 12:50 pm

If the Republican Party is totally worthless there, then there is hope for a Democratic revival.

BigT January 9, 2013 at 12:54 pm

You got your democrat revivial, beginning in 2008…it’s called Obama’s Epic Failure….

Don’t believe me: look at the high jobless rate, tax increases, bad housing mkt and high energy prices…w/ no hope in sight…

Can’t fail (or revive democrat) no better than Obama is doing…

@WH_Buz_Martin January 9, 2013 at 2:03 pm


Don’t expect a “Democratic Revival” in Myrtle Beach, where the big Democrat money went to Tom Rice rather than the Democratic candidate for congress. The machine is non-partisan, and the machine rules. This is true, perhaps to a great extent, in the entire state.

@WH_Buz_Martin January 9, 2013 at 2:07 pm


You were fully supportive of all that was done by the Democrat-Republican crony capitalist machine in Myrtle Beach, which is only nomianally Republican and as far as you can get from being conservative. Meaning those who practically destroyed our economy on top of an extremely serious national recession that they KNEW was coming before taking the social engineering (or forced gentrification or selective tourism) measures that made it so much worse.

Deflecting the argument to Obama is your fall-back position on EVERYTHING, and it’s such a transparent ploy on your part that it’s laughable for you to think anyone really takes you seriously.

So shut your ignorant damned pie hole, fool.

@WH_Buz_Martin January 9, 2013 at 2:10 pm

In respect to the bi-partisan nature of the “machine”, I posted /// This is true, perhaps to a great extent, in the entire state. ///

Meant to say “… perhaps to a lesser extent …”

BigT January 9, 2013 at 2:23 pm

Look up the word “Incoherent” and you’ll see Boz’s photo….

@WH_Buz_Martin January 9, 2013 at 2:35 pm

Nobody has to look up anything to see my photo, BigT. I have the balls to put it alongside my comments.

How about you, sport?

BigT January 9, 2013 at 5:25 pm

I believe in your right to bear arms…and I also don’t think Stupidity is a good thing to incorporate…

You’re fine on here. You march in brain-dead Lock-Step w/ the leftwing NAZIs..or they see you as harmless because of your lack of a core…

But so many of them would silence me by any means possible. They fear the truth and have been taught that Hate and Facism is OK as lomng as thney are liberals…

So I have something to lose if they could track me down…

@WH_Buz_Martin January 9, 2013 at 5:40 pm

Total crap, BigT. I’ve had all kinds of threats in the last few years and I’ve had many potential venues made unavailable to me because of stands I’ve taken on local issues. I’ve also lost friends of long standing over the fact that I strongly oppose many of Obama’s policies and associates and I say so often in no uncertain terms. But through it all I’ve had the courage to be who I am all the way, rather than cowering behind a screen name like a cowardly pussy.

My CORE is that I strongly oppose authoritarian rule, corruption in public service, violations of the public trust, and treats to liberty and free speech. You will obviously excuse and defend the actions of even the most corrupt and authoritarian politicians if they are Republicans and happen to at least SAY they agree with what passes for your ideology.

Sounds like a mighty damned squishy-ass core to me, son.

The Congressman for Boz January 9, 2013 at 2:38 pm

Wait ttill you see the true numbers from the Chamber. Also The Congressman has the Bureau re assigned from the kick back to any possible crime problems. Myrtle Beach is alive and well.

@WH_Buz_Martin January 9, 2013 at 2:43 pm

Nonsense. We’ll NEVER see the true numbers from the chamber. It’s not in them to be that transparent. As for The Congressman, he’s a newbie and he is working our of a dinky little cubicle, so he doesn’t have the power to get the Bureau reassigned to jack shit.

Nice try, though.

No, wait. It actually wasn’t. It sucked. Want to zing me, ya gotta do better than that lame shit.

@WH_Buz_Martin January 9, 2013 at 5:12 pm

Here’s the kind of information that many of you would like to have us all ignore: Rice is already being pegged not only as a centrist but actually as THE furthest left Republican in Congress – with six Democrats on this tracking chart being more conservative than he, and one of them being even with him.

Remember when Alan Clemmons attacked Andre Bauer for using “dirty tricks” in a campaign spot that feature actual footage of an interview with Rice, where he made a statement to the effect that he is more of a Graham moderate than a Demint conservative?

Ha ha! Maybe Trillion Dollar Tom’s dirty little secret all along was that he was actually much more of a Democrat in Republican drag than good ol’ Lindsey.

To those of you in the 7th who voted for him in the general election simply because he had a R by his name, and trusted that he was going to be at least somewhat the tiniest bit a true champion for fiscal conservatism:

You’ve been HAD, suckers! (And he didn’t even buy you dinner first or leave you any money on the dresser.)

BigT January 9, 2013 at 5:28 pm

Boz: Some of you liberals are the most paranoid nutjobs in the jar…

You are scared of the things you imagine, while your Heroes, like Obama, are Terrifying to our freedon…A bit Bass-Ackwards are you not?

@WH_Buz_Martin January 9, 2013 at 5:50 pm

Constantly saying that Obama is my hero does not negate the fact that I’ve consistently made statements on FITSNews, Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere such as the following, in a comment made in a comment on this blog back when I was still a Democrat (but by no means an ObamaPod):

/// … he’s too far to the authoritarian left, near-communist end of the spectrum — and that is not how he was sold to the American people.

As POTUS he sucks worse than Carter, and that’s some major suckage. It’s not about race, that’s stupid. Millions of his former supporters didn’t just wake up one day and say “Ooops, I didn’t realize he was black.”

Hell no! Axelrod sold America a bill of goods. People are just now waking up to the fact. Buyers remorse, on a massive scale. Not a pretty thing.

Saw it coming before he was elected. Tried to tell my fellow Democrats. They mocked and attacked me. So screw ‘em. And screw him too. ///

Don’t you see that consistently saying things about people that are provably untrue makes you look like a friggin’ idiot with your head firmly ensconced way up your nether orifice?

shifty henry January 9, 2013 at 7:32 pm

….. read and initialed (3x)

SparkleCity January 9, 2013 at 9:49 pm

Over the years, there has been a number of articles (maybe even a book or two) about the underreported crime in MB.

But in all fairness that as other have posted that can be expected in just about every tourist oriented beach town on the East coast (Even though Branson, Mo. is not a coastal destination, I would feel sure it DOES Not fit the profile of a haven for tourist related crime – maybe even the Pigeon Forge area ranks way below MB in crime. I’ve been to Pigeon Forge but not Branson,Mo (and have absolutely No desire to go to Branson till I’m 100 years old….) and I can tell you that there were not near as many “scuzzy” types in Pigeon Forge as in most southern beach towns.

A lot of East coast beach towns in general seem to have more than their share of “scuzzy” types and MB even more so.

One more reason to avoid MB except during the off season….

Since the kids are grown, we NEVER go to MB except in Sept-Oct time frame and then usually for a 3 dayer…….

Full weeks at the beach for us is Florida or North Carolina.

Unless you gave me a free room & meals in Murells(sp)Inlet and a free weeks rental of a Corvette, ain’t no way I’m staying in MB June – August

Darth January 10, 2013 at 11:50 am

At least nawf chuck is off that top 25…

@WH_Buz_Martin January 10, 2013 at 2:10 pm

[Some of you may have missed the following, so I’m re-posting it, with gaps in the URL. Either copy and past, closing the gaps, to go to that site, or go to this same message above with the full clickable URL.]

Here’s the kind of information that many of you would like to have us all ignore: Rice is already being pegged not only as a centrist but actually as THE furthest left Republican in Congress – with six Democrats on this tracking chart being more conservative than he, and one of them being even with him.

http: // www . govtrack . us/congress/members/tom_rice/412572

Remember when Alan Clemmons attacked Andre Bauer for using “dirty tricks” in a campaign spot that featured actual footage of an interview with Rice, where he made a statement to the effect that he is more of a Graham moderate than a Demint conservative?

Ha ha! Maybe Trillion Dollar Tom’s dirty little secret all along was that he was actually much more of a Democrat in Republican drag than good ol’ Lindsey.

To those of you in the 7th who voted for him in the general election simply because he had a R by his name, and trusted that he was going to be at least somewhat the tiniest bit a true champion for fiscal conservatism:

You’ve been HAD, suckers! (And he didn’t even buy you dinner first or leave you any money on the dresser.)

caughy February 7, 2014 at 2:11 am

The statistics are based on the crime occurrences compared to the city’s population of about 27,000. A large number of people swell into the area during the peak of summer. Invariably, crime does occur and at a rate that is disproportionate to the actual size of the city. The same is true of any other tourist destination.

Ron Telleysh February 23, 2014 at 10:50 pm

Look at the stats. Most beaches including MB have the lowest wages, what do you expect from an area that is all bars, strip and nude clubs, unreported crimes. OK decent golf, few 5* restaurants but not a high end social structure, standards, business or industry to improve the area to attract more educated people. Then there is the ridiculous tax structure which depresses investment. Blaming the crime on visitors is unfair. Why aren’t the other beach cities higher than MB on the list????????. Only Atlantic City is higher and of course it democratic AND a big union town. I believe the comemts about the “cubic zirconia of the redneck riviera” was a bit harsh, BUT might be true, I cant say. Remember there are nice people everywhere.


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