Rand Paul Coming To South Carolina

2016 CONTENDER SPEAKING IN CHARLESTON ON JANUARY 21 Is it too early to speculate about the 2016 Republican presidential nomination? And what about South Carolina’s “First in the South” presidential primary? Of course the answer to both of those questions is “yes …” but let’s speculate regardless, shall we? Stoking the…

rand paul


Is it too early to speculate about the 2016 Republican presidential nomination? And what about South Carolina’s “First in the South” presidential primary? Of course the answer to both of those questions is “yes …” but let’s speculate regardless, shall we?

Stoking the speculation this week is U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), a fiscal conservative who will pay a visit to Charleston, S.C. later this month.

According to our sources, Paul will speak at the January 21 installment of the “Charleston Meeting,” an invitation-only gathering of Palmetto political activists who fancy themselves as important. Are they? Ehh …

Ironically, Paul will be followed at the podium by S.C. Speaker of the House Bobby Harrell, one of the most fiscally liberal, anti-free market leaders in South Carolina history – a guy who has presided over the runaway growth of a state budget that was already way too big for its britches.

Anyway, Paul is the son of U.S. Rep. Ron Paul – a tireless, uncompromising free market conservative and the founder of the modern-day limited government movement in this country. He’s also one of several fiscally conservative leaders whose name is frequently mentioned as a possible 2016 presidential candidate.

Is he a chip off of the old block, so to speak?

Sort of … Paul has impressed us with his voting record (and with the bare bones federal budget proposal he submitted last year), but he’s also shown signs of being a typical politician. In face we ripped him relentlessly last year when he endorsed the presidential bid of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

Also, South Carolina’s “First in the South” primary is clearly no longer the “must-win” contest it was in the past … otherwise Newt Gingrich, not Romney, would have been the standard-bearer for the “Republican” party in 2012 (a.k.a. same shit, different candidate).


(Banner: via)

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GreenvilleLwyr January 7, 2013 at 10:53 am

Is his loser son coming with him to handle the refreshments?


tomstickler January 7, 2013 at 11:02 am

It is equally wrong to blame Rand Paul for his son’s idiocy as it is to blame Ron Paul for his son’s idiocy.

But then, there IS that nature/nurture controversy.

CUvinny January 7, 2013 at 11:49 am

So Ron is a racist, Rand is just a general idiot, and the son is a drunkard. Great family.

Kellers P January 7, 2013 at 9:29 pm

Sounds like the Wilson’s…moron and idiot.

GUEROthedipshit January 7, 2013 at 12:11 pm

Hopefully after the Charleston stop he will continue heading east for a couple hundred miles.

THE DAWG January 7, 2013 at 12:14 pm


BigT January 7, 2013 at 12:34 pm

Since he denounced his Kook-job, Dad…I’m a Big fan of his…

Isotope Soap January 7, 2013 at 1:50 pm

Always backing a winner! Lol!

Saluda Rapids January 7, 2013 at 2:44 pm

Do not want to be near anyone you consider a “Kook-job.”

same ol' same ol' January 7, 2013 at 1:14 pm

We don’t care.

ceilidh10 January 7, 2013 at 1:18 pm

Rand Paul needs to spend more time with his alcoholic son recently arrested.

Party of family values ? ha ha

This just in. . . January 7, 2013 at 5:29 pm

G.O.P. Freshmen Saddened by Failure to Shut Down Government on First Day

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) — Just hours after being sworn in at the U.S. Capitol, the freshman class of House Republicans said that they were disappointed that they failed to shut down the government on their first day in office.

“We were all like, ‘O.K., we’re sworn in, let’s shut this thing down,’” said freshman Rep. Byron Ernie (R-Kentucky). “We were all pretty bummed that the government just kept running.”

Rep. Ernie acknowledged that it might have been “overly optimistic” of the freshman Republicans to expect to engineer a government shutdown on their very first day, “but bringing the government to a random standstill was the whole reason we became Republicans,” he said.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Virginia) chuckled good-naturedly at the ambitions of the high-spirited G.O.P. freshmen, telling reporters, “I remember what it was like to be young and full of big ideas about crippling our historic institutions for no discernible reason whatsoever. There’s nothing like your first time.”

Surveying the cherubic faces of the incoming Republicans, he said, “They’re like kids who want to close down a candy store.”

Looking beyond the disappointment of his first day, Rep. Ernie said he was looking forward to “that magical day” when he and his fellow Republican freshmen get to participate in their very first government shutdown: “We’ll be paralyzing the government in the same building where John Boehner and Eric Cantor did it, and Newt Gingrich before them. It’s like playing basketball in the same arena as Michael Jordan.”

Z Bert January 7, 2013 at 9:27 pm

Only idiots who will show up to fawn over this jackass are the Wilson’s and Haley.

clevelandsteamer January 9, 2013 at 11:39 pm

we know there will be no shortage of those.

This just in. . . January 8, 2013 at 6:01 pm

A Letter from A.I.G.

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report) –- Today, American International Group (A.I.G.) issued the following letter to American taxpayers.

Dear American Taxpayers:

In 2008, you paid for a bailout of A.I.G. totaling $182 billion. Today, we are writing to tell you that we’re thinking of suing you.

When we made this decision, we knew we were in for some rough treatment from the media. We’ve been called everything from soulless bloodsuckers to Satan’s scabrous handmaidens, and worse. At A.I.G., though, we have a different name for ourselves: true American heroes.

You see, by suing the same people who bailed out our asses just five years ago, we are standing up for one of the most precious American rights of all: the right to sue someone who has just saved your life.

Let’s say that you’re trapped in a burning building and a fireman pulls you out to safety. Once you’re out of the fire, though, you notice that the fireman carelessly ripped the lapel of your Armani jacket. Shouldn’t you be able to sue the fireman for the full cost of its replacement?

Or let’s say you’re drowning in the ocean. A lifeguard dives in, pulls you back onto the shore, and administers mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Aren’t you entitled to take appropriate action —- i.e., sue him for sexual harassment?

By suing you, we are standing up for the right of every other American who might, through no fault of his own, have his life saved and want to sue the person who saved him for millions of dollars. And that’s why we’re asking for your help today.

Lawsuits aren’t cheap. They require highly paid lawyers, who rack up millions in legal fees, not to mention first-class airfare, hotels, and sumptuous gourmet meals — hardly the kind of expense that we at A.I.G. can afford.

That’s why we’d like you to pay for it.

You may think we’re expecting a lot, asking you for the money necessary for us to sue you. But, remember, there’s a bigger principle at stake, and someday, if you’re pulled from a burning building or an ocean, you’ll be glad you stood with us today.

Oh, and as for our ad campaign, “Thank you, America”? We’re sticking with that, just changing the first word.

See you in court,

Your friends at A.I.G.

SCBlues January 8, 2013 at 8:27 pm


Is there a Rand Paul Revolution also?

I’m not impressed with his Daddy and I’m not impressed with him.

SCMom January 9, 2013 at 8:06 am

You guys are misinformed about Rand Paul. He is a true fiscal conservative and a social conservative and possibly what we need at this time in our nation’s history. Get past Ron, and take a good look at Rand Paul. If you like Jim deMint, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, you will like Rand Paul.

Isotope Soap January 9, 2013 at 10:22 am

“…If you like Jim deMint, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, you will like Rand Paul.”

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho
He he he he he he he he
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Thanks, Mom!

Old Bike Dude January 9, 2013 at 5:18 pm

Are the two words “curly headed” always followed by the two words ” little faggot”.


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