Jakie Knotts Got A Job

FORMER STATE SENATOR HIRED TO CONSULT FOR VIDEO POKER GROUP It didn’t take long for former S.C. Sen. Jakie Knotts to land on his feet … The rotund “Republican in Name Only” – who was defeated by petition candidate Katrina Shealy in his bid for reelection earlier this month –…


It didn’t take long for former S.C. Sen. Jakie Knotts to land on his feet …

The rotund “Republican in Name Only” – who was defeated by petition candidate Katrina Shealy in his bid for reelection earlier this month – has been hired as a consultant for a company that sells “Magic Minutes” video poker machines.

“Magic Minutes” are machines that sell prepaid calling cards as a pretext for facilitating video poker.  They have been declared illegal by judges in several South Carolina counties, although they are operational in Lexington County – which Knotts’ has represented in the S.C. General Assembly since 1995.

Knotts’ hiring by a gaming firm isn’t surprising given his proximity to the infamous “Lexington Ring” – a cabal of corrupt politicians and crooked cops who have (allegedly) been running an illegal video poker operation out of Lexington County for the last several years.  Federal investigators are currently probing the ring and its various members – and according to our sources are making progress in their efforts.

As we’ve noted on numerous previous occasions, we believe that all forms of gambling should be legalized in South Carolina. State government should not monopolize this market any more than it should monopolize the public education marketplace.

Accordingly, we have no problem with Knotts advancing this company’s interests – although we’re not sure exactly what he brings to the table (other than a healthy appetite, obviously).


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interested November 30, 2012 at 4:37 pm

I think we can pretty much conclude by his public acceptance of such a “position” that he knows he is in the clear and wont’ be indicted. I would be so surprised if there was ANY activity on this “lexington ring” nonsense. I sort of figured it was all fluff and a bunch of hens cackling in the henhouse anyway. Really drove traffic to FITS now didn’t it? And traffic means clicks. And clicks mean dollars. right? Right. Even if he felt he was not in any danger of prosecution, why not at least wait a while before joining up with such a clear gambling connection? It sort of lends credibility to all the people saying he was in the pocket of the gambling racket all along. Now we know it’s true. But now we also know he is going to be found blameless, spotless.

Upstater November 30, 2012 at 5:06 pm

Um, spotless?

interested November 30, 2012 at 5:22 pm

well there may be liver spots on his head, but there are certainly no legal blemishes that I can see coming.

Nagurski November 30, 2012 at 6:55 pm

There is nothing to this Lexington Ring stuff. You have it right–it was a sensational way to drive readers to FITS. Even WIS-TV saw it had no merit and dropped it. The admissibility of the Frazier tapes was questionable. So. . .it is nothing. All we know is that Lexington County is full of morons. . . .Knotts, Danny Frazier, Halfwit, Joe Wilson, etc. etc. etc.

gotcha goober December 2, 2012 at 5:58 pm

I’m going to a poker game on Augusta highway tonight.

… hookers and premium booze!

Nunyabiz November 30, 2012 at 4:38 pm

Oh, my GOD! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! So, he has been linked to illegal gambling involving, in some cases, machines that are sold by Magic Minutes. THEN – in a less than brilliant move – he becomes their lobbyist (uh, consultant, or whatever). Priceless. You just can’t make this stuff up. LMAO!!!!!!! What a dumb ass.

interested November 30, 2012 at 5:23 pm

you make him out to be utterly foolish. I just don’t see that. He probably got the word he is in the clear.

? November 30, 2012 at 6:10 pm

I agree with ‘interested’, Knotts literally pissing on everyone and the justice system…lol…he must know he can.

It’s almost comical.

? November 30, 2012 at 6:11 pm

edit: “is literally”

Bonhoeffer November 30, 2012 at 7:57 pm

I guess it comes down to whether we would rather have old Jakie “on the inside pissing out, or the outside pissing in.”

Raspy December 1, 2012 at 12:23 pm

Interested, IF Jake is in “the clear”, it is not because he is innocent of wrongdoings. It is because he has done the political math and found the bottom line is that he, Metts, and the rest of these crooks can not be prosecuted because they have too sturdy a support structure. Metts has all kind of contacts in the Federal system. If those are not enough, Joe Wilson is asshole buddies with Knotts. Wilson will run interference and make threats to have adverse effects on budgets of any TLA which is ballsy enough to try and make a case on these clowns. On a state level, Jake has Jean Toal in his pockets and if that were not enough, Alan Wilson is Joe Wilson’s son. One more reason we need to vote the Wilson family out of office in 2014.

No Wilson's December 1, 2012 at 1:59 pm

This and a million other reasons the Wilson’s….and particularly Joe…..have to go. Joe is a joke. Not sure Joe could affect anyone’s budget. His House colleagues don’t listen to him and know he is a loser. His office is a collection of incompetents with Dell and Wallace who together couldn’t think themselves out of a bag.

Guero December 2, 2012 at 9:54 am

Raspy, you need to stop drinking in the mornings every day. It’s killed far too many brain cells.

Jake has NO influence in the “federal system” as you put it. He has no influence over the Obama DOJ; Bill Nettles’ office; Clueless Joe Wilson has less than Jake; none of the local FBI agents are affected in any fashion by anything Jake or his buddies do.

Your comment is simply ignorant.

Raspy December 2, 2012 at 2:50 pm

Guero, re-read my post. I said that METTS has all kind of contacts in the Federal system. The Feds use his (really, our) jail on a regular basis. Metts has been an instructor in numerous classes where Federal Agents and future Federal Agents were students. Knotts’ influence from Federal sources comes to him indirectly via Metts or Joe Wilson, both of whom are asshole buddies of his.

Jim Clyburn has been reputed to exert influence for years which kept Charlie Austin out of hot water when the FBI was said to be investigating some of Austin’s many crooked dealings and actions. Clyburn also got the current Columbia fire chief off the hook when Aubrey was busted with marijuana in his personal work van on his day off. Story has it that not long afterward, Clyburn and company showed up and the case against Aubrey was gonzo. This was years before Jenkins became the chief of CFD. If Clyburn can do it, so can Joe Wilson.

Your ignorance is simply astounding.

TheFunkyMonkey November 30, 2012 at 5:23 pm

Thank God for people this fucking stupid because they help me move up the change of command a bit in the law of averages… Seriously??? As Nunybiz says, you can’t make this shit up!

TheFunkyMonkey November 30, 2012 at 5:24 pm

“chain of command”…

interested November 30, 2012 at 5:25 pm

Put yourself in his shoes: weeks ago he found out he would not be thrown in the federal pound you in the arse prison. Now he lost his election. he will never run again. So what has he got to lose?

Miss Manners November 30, 2012 at 6:04 pm

As long as Jake is polite at Ryan’s, he’s got nothing to lose.

He can continue to eat all he wants.

Observant November 30, 2012 at 6:25 pm

Don’t bet that he’s not gonna run again…. Once one has the “taste” for power, one really never gives up.

We the “pubic” (not misspelled) will have to beat him at the polls at least twice more before we can be confortable that our favorite thug won’t get elected to some office, and stay on the public tit until he can make BIG money…

Observant November 30, 2012 at 6:26 pm

Edit: I did misspell coMfortable.

Elmer Fudd November 30, 2012 at 5:25 pm Reply
Carpe Jugulum November 30, 2012 at 6:19 pm

I’ll bet Jake is making, as they say in Pelion, “a whole mess of money” as a consultant. Who on earth would consult with him? Much less take his advice. Magic Minutes…a game for goobers….pathetic.

Johnson November 30, 2012 at 7:52 pm

He has plenty on other senators such that none will NOT take his calls and none will turn him in to that scary “ethics” committee they have over there. He’s a lobbyist.

Mad November 30, 2012 at 6:33 pm

Hey Danny, maybe if you did not run your mouth so much, you could have had a job with your partner in crime Jakie.

This is completely discusting and law enforcement should be very embarrassed on the incompetence that they have shown in this investigation.

Ok got to quote Mark Keel “the proof will be in the pudding”. The only question I have is where is the freaking pudding? It is very clear now that if there were any “proof in the pudding”, Jakie Knotts, Danny Frazier, and James Metts ate the pudding Mr Keel.

Howdy Doody December 1, 2012 at 10:55 am

You need to understand Keel is NO different than those he tries to prosicute and jail, just like our man Donnie.
Keel is a low, very low political figure. It is not who you know, it’s who you know in low places willing to do the work of the devil, isn’t it Mr. Keel?
You investigate and try to destroy people, for your political friends, in an attempt to gain favor for yourself.

BigT November 30, 2012 at 6:46 pm

Did we get Wingo-ed by FITS…yet again…?????

Dude, you need a win more than Obama needs a brain…

Bellyache November 30, 2012 at 7:13 pm

Going through FITS archived stories, many posters agreed that all this “Lexington Ring” stuff is a bunch of B.S. As somebody said, all that exists as far as “evidence” is a tape recording of Frazier running off his mouth. I called Ronnie Cromer the other day on a whim to see if he would pick up the phone and he did. Using Danny Frazier logic I could also tell anyone I want that I have a direct line to Ronnie Cromer and it would be embellishment. Just what Danny is doing. At least we learned in the past months that there are some drunks, pimps, sleazebags, liars, and idiots we have elected to serve us. If anyone needs to be kicked in the ass it’s the voters for doing this to ourselves.

President Perry November 30, 2012 at 10:37 pm


Dude, just as long as you remember the win Obama had several weeks ago. And how dead wrong you were about Romney…and President Perry. OOPS!

BigT December 1, 2012 at 9:47 am

I was DEAD wrong about Obama-Romney. Still have not figured out what happened..butr whatever it was it ain’t good for Americans…

The ‘Perry’ thing is a Liberal’s a myth or fable you turn into your truth, because of desperation…

That said: When I’m wrong..I admit it…Not like you LIARS, who are the REAL problem…

Bitch Slap December 1, 2012 at 12:24 pm

Hahaha! You’re too Fox stupid to figure it out, asshole. Good day!

Thebeachisback December 1, 2012 at 7:35 pm

Screw you!

Thomas December 2, 2012 at 11:10 am

Why won’t the RNC investigate voter fraud?

In 1981, during the gubernatorial election in New Jersey (NJ), a lawsuit was brought against the RNC, the NJ Republican State Committee (RSC), and three individuals (John A. Kelly, Ronald Kaufman, and Alex Hurtado), accusing them of violating the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA), 42 U.S.C. §§ 1971, 1973, and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States.

The lawsuit was brought by the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the NJ Democratic State Committee (DSC), and two individuals (Virginia L. Peggins and Lynette Monroe).

The lawsuit alleged that:

The RNC and RSC targeted minority voters in New Jersey in an effort to intimidate them.
The RNC created a voter challenge list by mailing sample ballots to individuals in precincts with a high percentage of racial or ethnic minority registered voters. Then the RNC put the names of individuals whose postcards were returned as undeliverable on a list of voters to challenge at the polls.
The RNC enlisted the help of off-duty sheriffs and police officers with “National Ballot Security Task Force” armbands, to intimidate voters by standing at polling places in minority precincts during voting. Some of the officers allegedly wore firearms in a visible manner.
To settle the lawsuit, in 1982, the RNC and RSC entered into an agreement or Consent Decree, which is national in scope, limiting the RNC’s ability to engage or assist in voter fraud prevention unless the RNC obtains the court’s approval in advance. The following is what the RNC and RSC, in the Consent Decree, agreed they would do:

[I]n the future, in all states and territories of the United States:

(a) comply with all applicable state and federal laws protecting the rights of duly qualified citizens to vote for the candidate(s) of their choice;

(b) in the event that they produce or place any signs which are part of ballot security activities, cause said signs to disclose that they are authorized or sponsored by the party committees and any other committees participating with the party committees;

(c) refrain from giving any directions to or permitting their agents or employees to remove or deface any lawfully printed and placed campaign materials or signs;

(d) refrain from giving any directions to or permitting their employees to campaign within restricted polling areas or to interrogate prospective voters as to their qualifications to vote prior to their entry to a polling place;

(e) refrain from undertaking any ballot security activities in polling places or election districts where the racial or ethnic composition of such districts is a factor in the decision to conduct, or the actual conduct of, such activities there and where a purpose or significant effect of such activities is to deter qualified voters from voting; and the conduct of such activities disproportionately in or directed toward districts that have a substantial proportion of racial or ethnic populations shall be considered relevant evidence of the existence of such a factor and purpose;

(f) refrain from having private personnel deputized as law enforcement personnel in connection with ballot security activities.

The RNC also agreed that the RNC, its agents, servants, and employees would be bound by the Decree, “whether acting directly or indirectly through other party committees.”

As modified in 1987, the Consent Decree defined “ballot security activities” to mean “ballot integrity, ballot security or other efforts to prevent or remedy vote fraud.”

Since 1982, that Consent Decree has been renewed every year by the original judge, Carter appointee District Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise, now 88 years old. Long retired, Debevoise comes back yearly for the sole purpose of renewing his 1982 order for another year.


U.S. District Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise
In 2010, the RNC unsuccessfully appealed “to vacate or modify” the Consent Decree in “Democratic National Committee v Republican National Committee,” Case No. 09-4615 (C.A. 3, Mar. 8, 2012). (I paid The Judicial Review $10 for the PDF of Case No. 09-4615 and uploaded the 59-page document to FOTM’s media library. To read Case No. 09-4615, click here!)

This is a summary of the appeals judge’s ruling, filed on March 8, 2012:

In 1982, the Republican National Committee (“RNC”) and the Democratic National Committee (“DNC”) entered into a consent decree (the “Decree” or “Consent Decree”), which is national in scope, limiting the RNC’s ability to engage or assist in voter fraud prevention unless the RNC obtains the court’s approval in advance. The RNC appeals from a judgment of the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey denying, in part, the RNC’s Motion to Vacate or Modify the Consent Decree. Although the District Court declined to vacate the Decree, it did make modifications to the Decree. The RNC argues that the District Court abused its discretion by modifying the Decree as it did and by declining to vacate the Decree. For the following reasons, we will affirm the District Court’s judgment.

Surprise! The judge who denied the RNC’s appeal to “vacate” the 1982 Consent Decree is an Obama appointee, Judge Joseph Greenaway, Jr., of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.

Judge Joseph Greenaway, Jr., U.S. Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit
Guy Benson of points out that in last Tuesday’s election, Obama only won by 406,348 votes in 4 states:

Florida: 73,858
Ohio: 103,481
Virginia: 115,910
Colorado: 113,099

Those four states, with a collective margin of 406,348 votes for Obama, add up to 69 electoral votes. Had Romney won 407,000 or so additional votes in the right proportion in those states, he would have 275 electoral votes.

All four states showed Romney ahead in the days leading up to the election. But on November 6, Romney lost all four states by a substantial margin, all of which have precincts that inexplicably went 99% for Obama, had voter registrations that exceeded their population, and had experienced problems with voting machines.

Democratic National Committee v Republican National Committee
Case No. 09-4615 (C.A. 3, Mar. 8, 2012)
In 1982, the Republican National Committee (?RNC?) and the Democratic National Committee (?DNC?) entered into a consent decree (the ?Decree? or ?Consent Decree?), which is national in scope, limiting the RNC?s ability to engage or assist in voter fraud prevention unless the RNC obtains the court?s approval in advance. The RNC appeals from a judgment of the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey denying, in part, the RNC?s Motion to Vacate or Modify the Consent Decree. Although the District Court declined to vacate the Decree, it did make modifications to the Decree. The RNC argues that the District Court abused its discretion by modifying the Decree as it did and by declining to vacate the Decree. For the following reasons, we will affirm the District Court?s judgment.


A. 1981 Lawsuit and Consent Decree

During the 1981 New Jersey gubernatorial election, the DNC, the New Jersey Democratic State Committee (?DSC?), Virginia L. Peggins, and Lynette Monroe brought an action against the RNC, the New Jersey Republican State Committee (?RSC?), John A. Kelly, Ronald Kaufman, and Alex Hurtado, alleging that the RNC and RSC targeted minority voters in an effort to intimidate them in violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (?VRA?), 42 U.S.C. §§ 1971, 1973, and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States. The RNC allegedly created a voter challenge list by mailing sample ballots to individuals in precincts with a high percentage of racial or ethnic minority registered voters and, then, including individuals whose postcards were returned as undeliverable on a list of voters to challenge at the polls. The RNC also allegedly enlisted the help of off-duty sheriffs and police officers to intimidate voters by standing at polling places in minority precincts during voting with ?National Ballot Security Task Force? armbands. Some of the officers allegedly wore firearms in a visible manner.

To settle the lawsuit, the RNC and RSC entered into the Consent Decree at issue here. The RNC and RSC agreed that they would:

[I]n the future, in all states and territories of the United States:

(a) comply with all applicable state and federal laws protecting the rights of duly qualified citizens to vote for the candidate(s) of their choice;

(b) in the event that they produce or place any signs which are part of ballot security activities, cause said signs to disclose that they are authorized or sponsored by the party committees and any other committees participating with the party committees;

(c) refrain from giving any directions to or permitting their agents or employees to remove or deface any lawfully printed and placed campaign materials or signs;

(d) refrain from giving any directions to or permitting their employees to campaign within restricted polling areas or to interrogate prospective voters as to their qualifications to vote prior to their entry to a polling place;

(e) refrain from undertaking any ballot security activities in polling places or election districts where the racial or ethnic composition of such districts is a factor in the decision to conduct, or the actual conduct of, such activities there and where a purpose or significant effect of such activities is to deter qualified voters from voting; and the conduct of such activities disproportionately in or directed toward districts that have a substantial proportion of racial or ethnic populations shall be considered relevant evidence of the existence of such a factor and purpose;

(f) refrain from having private personnel deputized as law enforcement personnel in connection with ballot security activities.

Democratic National Committee v Republican National Committee

Judge(s): Joseph Greenway, Jr.
Jurisdiction: U.S. Court of Appeals, Third Circuit

Circuit Court Judge(s)
Joseph Greenaway, Jr.
Dolores Sloviter
Walter Stapleton

Trial Court Judge(s)
Dickinson Debevoise

Amicus Lawyer(s) Amicus Law Firm(s)
James Troupis
Karl Bowers, Jr. Hall & Bowers

Appellant Lawyer(s) Appellant Law Firm(s)
Bobby Burchfield Vinson & Elkins
Jason Levine Vinson & Elkins

Appellee Lawyer(s) Appellee Law Firm(s)
John Bartlett Genova Burns
Angelo Genova Genova Burns
Rajiv Parikh Genova Burns

LP December 2, 2012 at 5:55 pm

We all know elections are fucked up.

Tammy November 30, 2012 at 7:04 pm

Why is this not surprising. Would only make sense that Frazier got immunity from prosecution to sing on any others. After looking at the “evidence” there is nothing there that would stand up in court so the whole case is nothing but another cluster fuck. Frazier has no credibility anyway and everything he says is embellished or a half-truth. Anyone who ever knew him knows that. Why all of a sudden do people believe everything he says on the tapes as Gospel truth? These turds belong together. Knotts is out and even if he shows up around the State House to lobby for his videopoker buddies I can’t believe anyone is going to want to be seen with him. Frazier will sell his house and move to the lake which is outside the town limits so he has an excuse to resign his council seat. Don’t think for a moment he was going to let his former partner Halfwit and the weenies on lexington town council force him out. Everyone else just moves on but now that they had their “scare” they won’t be pimping, gambling, running off to do drugs in Costa Rica, laundering money, and other stuff they do (at least not as blatant). So, the Lexington Ring story has run its course. At least Knotts is out of the Senate. He’s a disgrace. Now, if we can get Joe Wilson voted out of office we will have moved another giant leap forward.

Howdy Doody November 30, 2012 at 7:41 pm

Amen to getting rid of Joe! let us not forget his idiot wife. This is truly one of those get one mistake out and you get her out as an additional gain for the people.
She will miss the world wide sex she bragged about; but, doubt Joe will, only in the dark with bags.

Thomas November 30, 2012 at 9:15 pm

We have the sworn affidavit from Magistrate Judge Lucas. We habe Lanny Gunter Jr to be sentenced in January. His plea deal is dependent on names he supplies and charges. We have a deputy placing a bag of money, 50.000.00 on Sheriff Metts desk. We have a Supreme Court ruling saying any gambling, chance or skill where money changes hands, or pecuniary interest, is illegal. We have a fat fuck in the State Senate that has his finger prints all over the place. We have a federal investigation that publicly stated indictments by October 31. Me? I have some Jiffy Pop, and I wait.

Edit: fuck face

Elephant December 1, 2012 at 10:51 am

Look for Joe Wilson to prance around the area parades this weekend and next. He doesn’t have the brains to do anything else and is a waste of our tax dollars. His buddy Knotts is out and he will be too. 2014 can’t come fast enough.

J Sucks December 1, 2012 at 12:57 pm

Halfacre and the mini minds on lexington town council have no clue people still having tough times by throwing a Snow Ball-formal dress only-party at their town hall tonight for 30 bucks a ticket. Most town folks can’t afford this and another opportunity for that sanctimonious shithead MacDougall to make a few bucks for his pimp and his restaurant cohorts. A good month for these council folk after Tyndall using beautification foundation funds for Halfacre’s chamber lawn from her husband’s landscaping business. These idiots have no shame. Fuck the masses and enrich themselves. Time to dump Halfacre and the incompetent town staff and elect a Mayor such as Tripp Newsome who stands with the peoplle.

Arigato December 1, 2012 at 1:17 pm

This is a surprise? I think Newsome would be a great Mayor. Problem with Lexington town is the council are intellectual lightweights only interested in themselves. It’s right MacDougall loves these events so he can divert money to his BBQ pimp. New mayor should dump the town staff who are a bunch of kiddies with no experience or common sense and it shows.

Yo Ho Ho and a Brewski on Butler December 1, 2012 at 1:48 pm

Change of leadership sorely needed in Lexington. Newsome an excellent candidate for mayor. Hazel Tyndall up for reelection next year and voters should kick her out. We all know she was/is Danny and Halfacre’s pawn.

Lamda November 30, 2012 at 7:43 pm

Looks like a python with a large animal in his throat.

M Slive December 1, 2012 at 8:11 pm

Its a whale with Danny looking out his mouth.

Smirks November 30, 2012 at 9:45 pm

Oh wow, you can’t make this shit up… Hilarious! Don’t worry, everyone, remember? Porky Pig says he can take money from the devil and make it do the lord’s work!

Oh man, these people are never going to jail. No one in this state will ever touch them and the feds don’t care.

MGM November 30, 2012 at 10:42 pm

Do you remember the 1989 three-part television serial “Traffik,”? The 1989 docu-drama about heroin smuggling from Afghanistan and Pakistan to Germany? Won an International Emmy Award for best drama.

The wife of the “mule” is forced to swallow plastic packets of pure heroin before boarding an airplane destined Hamburg so that she’ll be able to walk undetected through German security.

Well, Jake Knotts has plundered and shaken down many individuals, businesses, and governmental institutions over his career.

Jake has rolled up all the greenback notes, wrapped them in plastic, swabbed them in barbeque sauce, and swallowed them.

For years and years and years.

If you wondered why Jake got more corpulent with age, his body has digested — not excreted — the greenback notes.

As you can see from this photo, he is about to explode from all the greenbacks inside his body.

He’s tied up in knots. (I couldn’t resist the pun.)


shifty henry December 1, 2012 at 7:49 am

….. MGM, are you planning to make a movie of his career, if so, I would like to have a small cameo role in it please…. John Goodman could play Jakie…

WorkingTommyC December 1, 2012 at 8:00 am

If Jake Knotts & Co. are not prosecuted, it just goes to show how corrupt the entire system is. It’s not that there’s nothing to it. If you’re in Lexington County and have been paying attention and asking questions, you know Knotts is involved and that the accusations have some truth behind them. It’s just that no one in critical positions of power, including Knotts’ buddy, Alan Wilson, is willing to go after them.

If members of the general assembly didn’t have an iron grip on the judicial system and had been subject to the law the rest of us are, I think we’d have seen Knotts and others in jail by now. The fact that nothing is happening so far is just a very bad sign on how bad things still are and probably will remain for quite some time.

Knotts going into the position of lobbyist makes perfect sense due to the fact that he’s admitted investigating and getting dirt on his enemies. The reason his shenanigans have been so tolerated in the statehouse so long is that he’s got the goods on quite a few men in power there. He’ll use extortion, or the implied threat of extortion, as leverage to get bills passed to his advantage and enrichment. Same game the corporate welfare fascist pig has always been playing. He’s just changed positions.

junior justice December 1, 2012 at 8:15 am

Isn’t this the same tactic(s) Haley has been using? She must have been a disciple of Knotts while she was in the legislature. Maybe they both have the “goods” on each other. Haley must be pleased with herself for helping to get Shealy elected.

Jennifer December 1, 2012 at 9:46 am

No one cares what you have to say Lee as long as you have to hide behind screen names. What exactly have you ever done in your life that places you in a position to judge others? As far as I can tell, you haven’t done one thing special in your pathetic life; you have never been elected by the people to serve or make a single decision for their best interest, yet you make disparaging remarks on all these blogs which are meant to inflame the general public and hurt people you have a disdain for and your “opinions” are just those and are not based on reliable information or fact!

Carson December 1, 2012 at 10:06 am

Jennifer, go post somewhere else and by the way don’t you have work to do with your cabal of lowly crooks and liars and halfwits? You are as slimy as them. You are nothing but a two bit hack. Go away.

Yipper December 1, 2012 at 10:15 am

Jennifer is an airhead. Totally brainless, worthless, and a tool of the corrupt element she works with although she doesnt do that well. Have to question the real reason why she is around.

Carrefour December 1, 2012 at 10:30 am

What shocks me is Halfacre, Biedeger or Metts didn’t hire him. Halfwit collects incompetents like Jeffcoat and Metts and Frazier still butt buddies. We all know LMC board and it’s foundation board is nothing but hacks. Isn’t it about time town council realizes Jeffcoat hasn’t done shit and dump that wart? Won’t happen since Halfwit, McDougall, Stumbleitis and Leggett Tyndall Livingston are dumb as bricks.

Tammy December 1, 2012 at 10:37 am

Speaking of the implant queen, has anybody investigated why Lexington Beautification Foundation funds paid to her husbands business to enhance Halfacre’s ugly ass chamber building? Why aren’t the foundation funds audited?

Elephant December 1, 2012 at 10:55 am

Do tell…of course Halfacre will find every opportunity to divert funds to the chamber of commerce. If foundation funds used for chamber then there should be investigation of tyndall-Livingston.

Bowler December 1, 2012 at 11:05 am

Jennifer could use some implants but still would be ugly as shit.

Gamecock Gal December 1, 2012 at 12:37 pm

Jennifer, isn’t there something you can go screw up today/tonight?

Todd December 1, 2012 at 1:35 pm

Who is Jennifer?

Sno Ball December 1, 2012 at 6:03 pm

A real zero. Just some lame brain who is jealous that certain others can do things better than she can.

Thebeachisback December 1, 2012 at 7:36 pm


Roll Tide Roll December 1, 2012 at 8:04 pm

That Snow Ball event for the Lexington snobs really sucks. A second rate event.

Justin December 1, 2012 at 8:46 pm

Maybe a competent person organizing it would make it a REAL event. Having hacks act like they know what they are doing is just like the rest of the dopes on the town council, and McDougall and Tyndall in particular since they have no vision and no sense. throw out the idiots and their little stooge.

Mary Christmas December 2, 2012 at 6:01 pm

I went to the Snowball last night. Bunch of old geezers. Not a good venue for this type of thing. Will not go next year. Food sucked McDougall. Whoever planned this party should be fired. Our tax dollars go to pay for a town party planner??!!

Garrett December 2, 2012 at 6:46 pm

I agree the Lexington Snow Ball was a sad, boring event. Just a bunch of the usual crowd who could afford the cost talking about the latest business deal. The music leaved much to be desired and the food was cold and bland. All in all I wouldn’t waste 30 bucks a head next year for this. Not everyone got the message this was supposed to be a formal event. On a scale of 1 to 5 I’d give it a 2. Am I reading the comments correctly that say the town employs a party planner? If they do and this is evidence of the work this person does then we need to make a change.

Ireland Lad December 3, 2012 at 12:11 am

I’d give it a 1.5. Seemed like an overpriced bad wedding reception. Bad food, disorganized, getting drinks was a hassle, and thirty dollars for it was way too much. Get some decent music next time as well.

jimlewis,owb December 1, 2012 at 9:20 am

If one has an organization that finds it necessary to “grease” the rails to get something done, then what more logical purchase could they make.

50 Lbs of American’s Sunrise Brand Pure Lard in a Collectible Tin goes for about $300 which means that the Gamblers should have paid somewhere around $2100 for Ex Senator Fatback on the hoof.

However, they should get quite a shock when Lizard’s Thicket forwards them Fatback’s monthly tab.

junior justice December 1, 2012 at 9:34 am

Is anybody out there who can say something POSITIVE about Jakie? At some point in his life he must have done something worth praising him for.

What kind of kid was he when growing up? Did he serve in the military, and, if so, was he awarded any medals?

Somebody, somewhere, must have shown him some love.

Perhaps he will read this post and decide to write his biography. Nikki Haley can give him advice on how to do this.

marty December 1, 2012 at 3:30 pm

He got a bridge named for himself out here at Lake Murray.

shifty henry December 1, 2012 at 9:39 am

Jakie Knotts ……. REPENT!

BYRDSCUZ December 1, 2012 at 9:46 am

and AGAIN, i say, YES to legalized gambling! SO LONG AS it includes parimutel wagering on HORSE RACES !!!

shifty henry December 1, 2012 at 10:02 am

I vote ….. yes to this.

Lizzie in the Thicket December 1, 2012 at 11:01 am

Wont be too long before Knotts quietly becomes lobbyist for town of Lexington. I am also surprised Halfacre didn’t scoop him up to keep him close to the Danny and Randy alliance. Keep watching, this will happen.

whogivesarats December 1, 2012 at 11:50 am

Who gives a shit what Jakie does in “retirement.” It’s legal, he’ll pay taxes on the income and just generally go about his merry way. Really, who gives a shit anyway?

BigT December 1, 2012 at 4:56 pm

No, he’s NOT BigT. Liberals HATE BigT…but the democrat party considered Jakie one of their own…

That’s why he was eventually put out of office….Just putting an “R” by your name in LexCo ain’t gone get ti no more…

Justin December 1, 2012 at 9:25 pm

Couldn’t get your arms around the monster. No telling what you would catch from touching him.

TJ December 1, 2012 at 12:17 pm

Good things about Knotts? Well…

5. He does a reasonably good job of exchanging oxygen for carbon dioxide, thus helping plant growth.
4. He’s pissed off Nikki Haley once or twice.
3. He’s probably not Big T.
2. There is no evidence that he has actually killed and eaten another human being.
1. He hs single-handedly done more to raise the standard of living for hookers in South Carolina than any three people.

That’s the best I’ve got…

WorkingTommyC December 1, 2012 at 12:31 pm

“2. There is no evidence that he has actually killed and eaten another human being.”


junior justice December 1, 2012 at 1:36 pm

But, has anyone ever given Jakie a truly heart-felt HUG?

9" December 1, 2012 at 12:57 pm

Stop saying mean things about Joe,assholes.He’s got turquoise eyes and his voice gives me an erection!

Tommy C? How’d your Lex friend do in the election,the one w/the flat top? Except for Joe,he’s probably the sexiest politician in SC.

Todd December 1, 2012 at 1:21 pm

Sick fuck. You can have Joe. We don’t want him.

Tea Totaler December 1, 2012 at 6:00 pm

Wilson is pathetic. Can’t figure out why he stays in Congress other than for his own self interest and worldwide jaunts because he does absolutely nothing. He sponsors no legislation because he’s batshit paranoid someone may disagree in the district, and he votes only with the GOP rank and file which means he is an invisible vote and doesn’t broker his vote for benefits for the district. Joe surrounds himself with imbeciles like Butch Wallace who make him look even worse and his office has no clout to get anything done for constituents. Wilson trots out the same people every time his constituent assistance success rate is criticized. He pisses off his Lexington biz friends who have abandoned him in droves now, and his “joe means jobs” slogan has been discredited since he has no interest in jobs except his own. those who helped him look like a jobs supporter no longer support him as they see he is worthless. You don’t see Joe getting any important committee assignments or any leadership posts since his colleagues know Joe is losing support and intellectually shallow. Tim Scott, Duncan and others advancing in Congress and Joe going nowhere. Time to cut our losses and Jettison Joe in 2014. Lots of potential GOP candidates in Lexington, Richland and Aiken counties. I hear a few being discussed are Todd Atwater, Greg Ryberg, and Sen. Massey. Any would be a positive change from Joe.

Observant December 1, 2012 at 7:32 pm

THE VERY BEST thing about Joe is “HE (Obamarama) LIES!!!”

HE DOES !!!!

Live with it for the next 4 years, dumbasses.

Beerfan December 1, 2012 at 8:15 pm

You can fuck Joe. He fucks us all everyday he is in office.

King-Tut December 1, 2012 at 8:54 pm

Greg Ryberg!?!

WTF?! I thought we need someone better? I’d vote flakey Joe over that nut Ryberg everytime. There has to be someone better!

Bill Mason December 1, 2012 at 9:35 pm

I know Ryberg and he isn’t interested in Joes seat. Fact he is mentioned means the GOP establishment is looking for a candidate. Joe should read writing on the wall and know his days of loitering on the public tit and masquerading as a real congressman are over.

ConcernedinSC December 2, 2012 at 4:21 pm

To Observant: The congressional seat is up every 2 years…be more Observant! So you only have to live with it for 2 years and you get another chance.

Joe at the Circus December 1, 2012 at 2:13 pm

Anybody want to guess the weight of this man?

Come right up, folks.

$50 for the right guess within five pounds.

Take a guess.

Take a guess.

junior justice December 1, 2012 at 2:36 pm

His suit size is one number less than a train wreck.

junior justice December 1, 2012 at 2:40 pm

Is that with or without his mouth full?

junior justice December 1, 2012 at 2:49 pm

It’s too bad he can’t watch what he eats – his eyes aren’t fast enough.

Collard green December 1, 2012 at 2:57 pm

330+ Looks like Chip pass-the-ketchup Limehouse.

junior justice December 1, 2012 at 2:59 pm

He called his stockbroker and asked “What do you think I should do about pork bellies?”

His broker said, “Diet and exercise!”

marty December 1, 2012 at 3:31 pm

387 + or – 5 pounds

Dawg December 1, 2012 at 5:20 pm

He weighs as much as Halfacre, Metts, Myers and Frazier combined. And that’s without the booze in Myers, the horseshit in Halfacre and bullshit in Metts.

Johnson December 3, 2012 at 6:52 am

Dawg, that’s funny.

Travis Zachary December 1, 2012 at 7:14 pm

Could anyone tell me why the Town of Lexington would be putting down Sod at Hazel’s daughter home at Lake Murray?

Gary D December 1, 2012 at 7:35 pm

Was this recently? Hazel got “caught” using town crew to lay sod at her daughters house a few months ago. She even got the sod from the new Lexington Square park. Only when she was turned in did she pay for it…I bet it was a real deal. all town staff knew this was wrong but managers told them to look other way. This is amazing how she is apparently so blatant about stealing from taxpayers. Learned from Danny and Halfwit..

All Crooks December 1, 2012 at 7:44 pm

Stop this madness. Halfacre has created a culture of corruption and needs to resign. Tripp Newsome for Mayor!

Roll Tide Roll December 1, 2012 at 8:00 pm

We all know Leggett Tyndall Livingston is Danny’s babe. Please someone investigate whether her husbands business has received money from Lexington Beautification Foundation for that ugly chamber of commerce building on main street or any other project. If so the Foundation needs to be AUDITED and the financials publicly disclosed. This corruption and conflict of interest/misuse of funds can’t continue to exist. Any irregularities need to be investigated by SLED.

John December 1, 2012 at 10:14 pm

FITS should investigate this as well. This so called foundation took over wine walk money under pretenses that never materialized. Certain other groups doing business with the town have been subject to unfair scrutiny and audit by the very ones on the council who are themselves not being transparent. Shame!

Rich T December 2, 2012 at 11:44 pm

Where is the outrage at Hazel Tyndall Livingston misspending the Beautification Foundation funds on Halfacre’s project. Halfacre should be investigated as well. Are these funds available to any private business? What is the application process? I think Just like she took advantage of sod for personal use she has enriched her husbands business with Foundation funds. Ms. Tyndall Livingston my town business wants a new yard and gardens. If you tell me the funds arent for private benefit you should be turned into SLED. I intend to pursue. Stop ripping us off Hazel.

Raspy December 1, 2012 at 7:20 pm

Has anyone else noticed how Metts sounds like an old woman when he is talking on television?

Thebeachisback December 1, 2012 at 7:37 pm

Ha! Ha!

Bill Mason December 1, 2012 at 9:41 pm

Hey, where is Frank Barron? I would have thought he wouldn’t stop campaigning since he tried to convince everyone old Harman was on his last leg. Seems to have disappeared.

Implant Queen December 2, 2012 at 9:16 am

Metts is an old woman, that’s why he sounds like one!

junior justice December 1, 2012 at 9:22 pm

Once again, I ask:

Is anybody out there who can say something POSITIVE about Jakie? At some point in his life he must have done something worth praising him for.

What kind of kid was he when growing up? Did he serve in the military, and, if so, was he awarded any medals?

Somebody, somewhere, must have shown him some love.

Has anyone ever given Jakie a truly heart-felt HUG?

Coastal Ken December 1, 2012 at 9:32 pm

Known him for years. Can’t say I have heard anything good about him. He doesn’t like most people and by own admission thinks most are just idiots. Sorry, can’t help out here.

Carpe Jugulum December 2, 2012 at 8:15 am

Frank “The Human Monkey Wrench” Barron is waiting in the wings to be flung into the “ring” at the critical moment. Occupants of the county administration building feel the chill and look up from their barbecue samiches in fear and loathing……….

Private Eye December 2, 2012 at 9:21 am

You dumb asses, Frank Barron does NOT meet the statutory requirements to be Sheriff! That’s right, it takes more than the will of the people!! While there are other requirements, primarily completion of the academy is at the top of the list and 5 years continuous service as a LEO is REQUIRED! Being a POS Coroner 20 years ago doesn’t count…

Saving Lives December 2, 2012 at 1:35 pm

He’ll surface somewhere. Somebody needs to give Frankie something to do. He wants to serve which is more than a lot of others including many of those elected.

insider December 2, 2012 at 10:43 am

Hazel.”I love me some hooker shoes” must go. Her latest hubby has tons of money and thats how she rolls.

Town Employee December 2, 2012 at 1:32 pm

Only council person who seems to care about the staff is Kathy Maness. The others are AWOL. Everyone is out for their own interests and the recognition, besides the pay, but dont want the work or responsibility. All council needs to go. Mr. Newsome would be welcomed as new mayor.

LP December 2, 2012 at 5:51 pm

Frazier participated in Lex Christmas parade today on float with rest of town council. Shocked most people. This is probably evidence he has immunity and nothing is going to happen to him. Merry Christmas all of you in Redneckxington. Your crooks and thugs aint goin anywhere.

truth seeker December 2, 2012 at 7:25 pm

Hazel, Halfacre and the rest of Town council really should be very embarassed to have allowed Danny Frazier to sat beside y’all on the parade float today. Keep allowing Danny Frazier to share y’all’s stench because most of you will not be re-elected.

FB Saving Lives December 2, 2012 at 1:37 pm

He’ll surface somewhere. Somebody needs to give Frankie something to do. He wants to serve which is more than a lot of others including many of those elected.

KRONOS December 2, 2012 at 5:58 pm

At the invite of my girlfriend, I went to the Lexington Town Christmas Parade this afternoon. I had hoped to see fat ass Jakie, who was a no show. I did see lard-ass Danny Frazier, his porcupine wife and Half-wit riding in the parade! These people have NO SHAME or CONSCIOUS!! The spectators around me had nothing but HARSH words describing them.

The float they were riding on was comparable to a wheelbarrow hauling a pile of crap!!

Jessica December 2, 2012 at 6:11 pm

Danny, Cynthia and Halfwit all on the float. Don’t think for a moment these thugs aren’t still thick as thieves. This goes to show all that “danny needs to resign” horseshit was just posturing by Halfwit and nothing has changed. Halfacre snookered the public and snookered the pastors of the churches he paraded in front of the cameras at council meetings. Danny and Halfacre are deceptive crooks,liars and their sorry asses need to be in jail. The sight of these worms in a parade should piss off everyone in Lexington.

Implant Queen December 2, 2012 at 6:51 pm

I saw them too, live in their neighborhood and very familiar withn them and those sickos perverts next door.

Again I say the WHOLE BUNCH of them. The people of lexington were duly warned about this bunch for the last 5-6 years, that I know of.
Danny and Wendy and Cynthia Frazier
mayor Randy and Angela Halfacre
Jimmy and Carol Metts
Dennis and Hazel Tyndle (sp)
Bob and Donna Peeler
Chief Amidio
Solicitor Meyers
Tim James
mayor Owens
Joe and Roxanne Wilson
Chief Greene
You are right the public had nothing good to say about Danny and Randy.

Bravo 1 December 2, 2012 at 11:05 pm

I think the whole bunch should be put on the float and either driven off the jake Knotts bridge, or driven down the Jimmy metts boat ramp. On second thought…….this would contaminate lake murray and every adjoining body of water clear out into the Atlantic.
The whole bunch is a poison, a cancer to everything they touch!

gotcha goober December 2, 2012 at 6:00 pm

Boss Hogg runs Lexington County.

Robert French December 2, 2012 at 6:24 pm

Seeing Mayor Halfacre and the Fraziers on a float in a Christmas parade ruined the whole experience. Any respect I had for the mayor is gone. How can he call for Danny’s resignation and then ride around with him waving and smiling like everything’s forgotten. Halfacre is a fake, two faced POS and whereas I would have considered him for reelection I definitely won’t now and like Jessica believe the prostituting of the town’s clergy is appalling and if he is so outraged he shouldn’t have shared a float or any other public appearance with Danny. The Danny and Randy Show is alive and well in Lexington and all of us have been suckered by the town council.

Haynesworth Place Bunch December 2, 2012 at 11:34 pm

This was topic of discussion at our community dinner tonight. Mayor Halfacre has lost what credibility he had left by associating with the very person he was pushing so hard to resign because of the admitted illegal activities. Today he is backslapping and fraternizing with Danny and his disgraced wife which shocked the public. He must think we are all stupid. I’m convinced now Halfacre never intended for Frazier to resign and is still knee deep in the corruption with Danny. Council may not be able to prevent Danny from attending town meetings but they can refuse to be seen with him in public. Out with Halfacre. He’s not fit to serve another day, let alone another term.

Karen Jackson December 2, 2012 at 11:51 pm

What a pathetic display. Halfacre lost my vote. Seeing him and the Fraziers together ruined the entire parade. All those on that float should be driven out of town. This next election we won’t forget this. I hope the Chronicle runs a picture on page 1 of these Christmas Parade Crooks.

junior justice December 2, 2012 at 7:13 pm

WELL – WELL – WELL ! It appears that the natives are extremely restless, at least on this site.

Ok, folks, put your money where your mouths are, put your feet on the ground, and do what you believe needs to be done!

If you’re serious about all of this, you can make the change happen – or you can keep wiping your noses and changing your diapers.

I’m out of district but I can see it as clearly as you folks.

If you can keep the fire burning you can take back both your city and county. Gather up your wagons and pitchforks and let out a ROAR!

The Chief December 3, 2012 at 12:17 am

Unfortunately they don’t seem to get things right in Lexington. Vote for idiots or the straight R and then spend 4 years on FITS lamenting how bad things are and your elected official sucks. From what I’ve observed Lexington has a pattern of electing the least qualified for whatever reason. I suppose one has to be a crook to be vote worthy in Lexington.

King-Tut December 3, 2012 at 7:06 am

@The Chief,

Are you serious? I agree we have our problems in Lexington. But, it NOTHING compared to the incompetent leaders in Richland County- hows the voting there? still counting votes? T-Bone Benjamin. Columbia City Council-enough said. Chief Shorty still looking for Monsteller?

What an uninformed and ignorant statement.

Paul Baumer December 2, 2012 at 7:58 pm

All quiet on the western front.

Alfred E. Newman December 2, 2012 at 8:47 pm

Jakie’s daughter still pick up high school football players?

Young Buck who likes to *uck December 3, 2012 at 8:10 am

Yea, but after the brave young man does the deed then he’s subject to a knuckle sandwich from or more from her.

She mates like a black widow spider.

Chump December 3, 2012 at 1:56 pm

I went to high school w/ Jake’s daughter and when I was a sophmore she gave me my first my BJ. In a friend’s car during lunch period. Very aggressive and fast.

little rocky from arkansas December 2, 2012 at 9:13 pm

Mamma called – while she was catching up on fitsnews, Maybelle and Lulubelle (my twin cousins) stopped by to see what was going on in her life. Mamma showed them Jakie’s picture and the posts.

Maybelle and Lulubelle, in an act of Christian Charity, are each sending Jakie a hug.

little rocky from arkansas December 2, 2012 at 10:36 pm

Mamma called – Arkansas state troopers stopped Maybelle and Lulubelle at the intersection of I-40 and I-55 just before they crossed the Tennessee line into Memphis.

The girls didn’t understand that to “send a hug” is supposed to be an expression of speech – not a physical act.

They think Jakie is cute, and he HAS A JOB! Unlike their husbands Boone and Reydell (respectively) who are more than just pissed off.

Cancerman December 3, 2012 at 12:47 am

This blog has gone stale and boring…

Thomas December 3, 2012 at 8:00 am

Just wait a while. The average IQ around here will drop like a rock very soon. Today is the last day of free “The State” newspaper online.

Upstate Beat December 3, 2012 at 8:12 am

Damn, I’m already paying for that crap the Gville News. Now it comes down to a choice of one or the other. Not about to pay for two copies of the same dumb-crook news.

The dollar jailbird mag at the Stop a minit is more interesting than either paper.

little enos burdette December 3, 2012 at 9:57 am

Check out some of the female “captured” photos. If you are desperate for a date you get a short profile and you know where they are. They love having visitors, and you might get lucky when they get out on bail.

junior justice December 3, 2012 at 10:10 am

Re: STATE Paper – try using the RSS Feed. I set mine up earlier and will try to see how this works. I also use WLTX and WIS feeds.

junior justice December 3, 2012 at 10:21 am

— also Post & Courier.

Perer December 4, 2012 at 10:47 am

what I don’t get is that Knotts was always against tattoo legislation when he was in the House, saying it was a sin or some kind of crap. Now he’s all about gambling? What kind of church does brother Jakie attend and what is their position on the cowboy position?

Truth seeker December 4, 2012 at 2:49 pm

That is easy to answer, the tattoo industry did not pay him off like the video poker industry did and obviously continues to.

And you ask what kind of church does he attend, well remember what Jakie said to WIS reporter Jody Barr about the campaign contributions he and Metts took from the gambling industries “I will take money from the devil and if there is more money like that out there I will take it”.


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