SCGOP Chairman Loves Up On Liberal Lindsey

CHAD CONNELLY JOINING GRAHAM’S RINO DEFENSE TEAM? S.C. Republican Party chairman Chad Connelly has joined the uber-liberals providing political cover to S.C. Sen. Lindsey Graham (RINO-S.C.) – just as the “Third Senator from New York” embarks on yet another lurch to the left. Completely ignoring Graham’s increasingly overt tax-and-spend liberalism,…


S.C. Republican Party chairman Chad Connelly has joined the uber-liberals providing political cover to S.C. Sen. Lindsey Graham (RINO-S.C.) – just as the “Third Senator from New York” embarks on yet another lurch to the left.

Completely ignoring Graham’s increasingly overt tax-and-spend liberalism, Connelly has chosen to shower the light-in-the-loafers Senator with praise for his aggressive posturing on the Benghazi scandal.

“I’ve been all over the state lately and people are, they’re thrilled and delighted that Sen. Graham has taken such a lead role on Benghazi,” Connelly told reporter Alexandra Jaffe of The Hill.

First of all, most people in dumb ass South Carolina have absolutely no idea what Benghazi is … (it’s an ointment, roght?) … and when Connelly says he’s been “all over the state,” he’s referring to sparsely attended geriatric gatherings of senile Nixonites that pass for “Republican Party” meetings.

Anyway …

Connelly added that Graham’s posturing on Benghazi “is improving his conservative Republican credentials” in the Palmetto state.

“His name is on people’s minds and they’re talking great about him,” Connelly continued.  “If they had a problem with him, I would say it’s been greatly reduced.”


We think Connelly doth fellate too much.  Comments like these aren’t indicative of a groundswell of support for Graham, in fact they are likely indicative of the opposite – which is why we have no doubt that someone affiliated with Graham’s operation called into SCGOP headquarters recently and told the party chairman to stand up for “his” Senator.

Which of course Connelly has to do …

See … if Graham was really “improving his conservative Republican credentials,” then his operatives wouldn’t be leaking dirt on his prospective 2014 primary opponents.  And if people’s problems with Graham were really “greatly reduced,” then the Senator wouldn’t be in the position of having to beg for this sort of love.

Graham was already in hot water with fiscal conservatives over his support for energy tax hikes and liberal immigration policy – now he’s veering even further to the left by suggesting that massive deficit spending increases in Washington, D.C. (many of which he supported) should be paid for with tax hikes.

Speaking of … where does Connelly stand on Graham’s latest expression of support for tax increases?

He wasn’t immediately available to answer that question, but we’ll be sure to let you know what he says …


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BigT November 28, 2012 at 11:34 am

This IS where the GOP MUST raw the line to save itself…

When we cherish incumbents over Conservatism, it’s why we can let such a Failure in Cheif like Obama slither back into our White House…

Connelly…we’re watching…and we Mist have an opponent to get Graham out of office…make Graham run as a democrat…

Smirks November 28, 2012 at 3:45 pm

Connelly…we’re watching…and we Mist have an opponent to get Graham out of office…make Graham run as a democrat…

Psst. Fritz Hollings used to be our Senator. If you think running Graham as a Democrat will break his reelection chances, you are very sorely mistaken.

ceilidh12 November 28, 2012 at 5:23 pm

Would love Graham as a Dem.

332 to 206 electoral votes. The GOP was smashed to pieces.

The GOP needs to take its head out of its collective ass and starting working for people for a change.

What has the GOP done for the average man in SC lately?

This was 1964 Redux for the GOP.

Frank Pytel November 28, 2012 at 11:34 am

How does the leader of the GOP party get into that job?

Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with Republicrats and Demlicans in charge!!

Frank Pytel

conservative for obama at gmail dot com

BigT November 28, 2012 at 12:11 pm

The GOP dis-avowed Jakie…They can now do the same to Graham…

He tries the bait-and-switch everytime it gets close to his re-election campaign…


@BozMartin November 28, 2012 at 8:26 pm

What the fuck is a “true Republican” anyway? Apparently nobody knows. The way you can tell that nobody knows is that the only way anybody (including Will) ever defines what a “true Republican” is these days is by using the pejoratives “RINO” or quotes-enclosed “Republican” to describe one who is NOT one. Defining something by point out the absence of it is just lame.

I’m a Republican.

Hear that, BigT? I’m a fucking Republican.

I know what I am, but what are you?

Say What? November 28, 2012 at 12:12 pm

The Republican Party is soon to be a thing of the past. Face it folks, the opposition is now in the majority and growing. There is no way to stop it. We screwed up with all of our in fighting and different factions. We sit here and let people who are not even Republicans, like Will Folks, call those folks who do not agree with him RINO’s. That only compounds the problem and splits the party more. It is time for true Republicans to kick those libertarians like Folks, Tom Davis, Nukki Haley, Mark Sanfraud and their comrads out of the party. Will and the others named, get a life. Will, it is time that you and look in the mirror. What you will see are RINO’s. if the shoe fits wear it.

? November 28, 2012 at 3:52 pm

lol….that’s right champ….expand your “big tent” by kicking out the libertarians.

Great move.

I’m sure all the welfare recepients(corporate and individual), blacks, latinos, NOWers, etc. et al will coming running to your big tent once those nasty libertarians are all gone(the ones stupid enough to still be sticking around the GOP that is).

It’s not the crony capitalism, unending wars, or lack of fundamental principle that cost you the general election-it was the libertarians!


Patko November 28, 2012 at 12:18 pm

Will, I bet if Graham would hire you, you’d sing his praises.

Dr. Stephen Hawking November 28, 2012 at 12:18 pm

What if the Mayans are proven to be correct? Then you whiners will not have to worry about this crap anymore.

I will see you on the far side.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Master Of The Obvious November 28, 2012 at 12:21 pm

Well, isn’t this South Carolina?

BigT November 28, 2012 at 12:26 pm

The party has tried the moderate route..It’s time to go Conservative, and follow the party platform…

the people would reward you lavishly, if you just do what you promise to when running…

Instead, they get in and play pretty w/ the Leftists…and now look at the Misery that brings (see Obama)…

Why is it so hard to DO THE RIGHT THING???

Crooner November 28, 2012 at 1:15 pm

Yeah, right. Go ahead and follow Demint into irrelevance.

Isotope Soap November 28, 2012 at 1:23 pm

It’s time to go Conservative?
LMAO! How’s that working out for people like Akin? Good luck with that!!

Isotope Soap November 28, 2012 at 1:29 pm

“the people would reward you lavishly…”
Yeah, let’s pass around the frankincense and myrrh while we’re at it.

? November 28, 2012 at 12:56 pm

Our Machiavellian neocon knows exactly where his bread is buttered.

He’s built an electorate here that entails those afraid of brown people and the terrorist bogeymen in combination with Dems who know he’s winking their way with talk of “compromise” or “moderation”, painting the picture of him being “reasonable” when the truth is he is simply unprincipled.

Thing is, it will be virtually impossible to knock him off his perch. He’s too smart. If Vick can be re-elected what makes anyone think they can put a knife through Prince Lindsey’s heart?

@BozMartin November 28, 2012 at 8:31 pm

Wait, I’m confused. Isn’t Graham liberal on immigration? Doesn’t he favor the Dream Act? But you say he serves those who are afraid of brown people. Hmmmm. Not saying you’re wrong, but I’ll have to process that one a bit more. It’s hurting my brain-pan right now.

? November 28, 2012 at 9:27 pm

Im assuming you are writing with a tone of sarcasm. If not and you truly want my opinion just say the word.

@BozMartin November 28, 2012 at 9:38 pm

There was some sarcasm, sure, but it doesn’t mean I’m not interested in your reason for saying that. I’d like to hear it.

Frank Pytel November 29, 2012 at 6:27 am

Common Boz;

It doesn’t take a genius to figure this out. Even a Rebuplicrat can do it.

Grahmnesty will trot out the only conservatives left in the party, primarily libertarians, on Sunday’s and election days. Scream bloody murder, Brown Bad Brown Bad (Islamists today, mexicans yesterday. It doesn’t matter who he points at as long as they’re brown). Then when the shovel meets the dirt he passes the torch to the newcomers so he can show “compasion” with his vote for amnesty. Which is what every retired couple wants. Amnesty for their illegals so they don’t have to get off they’re ass and weed the garden or clean the dishes. All the rest of those brownies is bad.

He just picks the civilization that happens to be in the news at the moment and says their bad. He’s just like mittenhead. Fracking tuna fish all over the floor until you hit the puddle. Get a little wet and start tuna fishing again. Typical libtard political strategy.

Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with the Republitards and the Demlicans in charge.

Frank Pytel

? November 29, 2012 at 8:19 am

Frank’s pretty much got it.

I meant Arabs & Persians for the most part.

Old Bike Dude November 28, 2012 at 1:10 pm

Send this back for editing. Include at least one reference to your tea party hero.

Twinkie Ho-Ho November 28, 2012 at 2:40 pm

Operatives are spreading dirt on Davis. Let’s see some.

Raspy November 28, 2012 at 4:44 pm

I really hope someone, ANYONE, will step forward and unseat Grahmnasty in two years. He is a turncoat of the lowest order who now masquerades as a conservative.

marty November 29, 2012 at 6:21 am

Not just anyone. Not more of the same ole same ole.
Anybody watch Morning Joe yesterday where the 6 am show called Lindsey a woman only to re edit for the 8 am showing?

Everybody but the people of South Carolina have Lindsey’s number.

ceilidh12 November 28, 2012 at 5:08 pm

I am overjoyed with the cluster fuck the GOP creates for itself.

The GOP is becoming increasingly irrelevant on the national stage.

I used to be a Republican when it was a normal political party.

I prefer to vote for Dems although many of them are worthless. Still, I think the DEMS do more good for people. They certainly seem to care about people more than the GOP.

If the GOP keeps going hard right, it too will fall off a cliff. Sadly. After all it is the party of Lincoln, a worthy man indeed. But Mr Lincoln would not like what he sees today.

? November 28, 2012 at 5:19 pm

At least we know if Lincoln didn’t like it he would take action and change it.

He’d probably throw half of them in jail, threaten the rest to keep silent or do the same, and tell the blacks in SC how it is- something like “I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races” just so they knew which party to vote for, and then tell the Dems that if they don’t stop trying to get elected that he’ll have to invade them to “preserve the Union”. He’d really be great for the modern day GOP!

As you say, Lincoln is a “worthy man indeed”. Worthy of hell that is.

BigT November 28, 2012 at 5:27 pm

Funny seeing these Leftwing Radical Nutjobs burying the GOP…

They were the same idiots who BEGGED us to pick Romney and McCain…now that their advice was followed tofailure, they say the GOP is dead (even though their only elected officials in SC come from the armpit of the state)…

The only theing left is to BE A REPUBLICAN, as per the paltform…

Liberalism in the GOP is about as successful as Obama is at leading…(a failure)…

St. Francis November 28, 2012 at 6:05 pm

So, we need some Santorum up in here? Who ya got?

@BozMartin November 28, 2012 at 8:38 pm

Oh. So it’s the LIBERALS fault the GOP lost the last two elections.

You are predictably full of shit on this. If Romney had won it would be because the good conservative Republicans made it happen for him.

Face facts. All the other candidates were deeply, deeply flawed and he was the last one standing when their flaws had eliminated them, one by one. Nobody held a gun at the heads of Republicans to nominate that asshole.

Your comments are nothing but diarrhea in typed form.

JC November 28, 2012 at 6:08 pm

The ironic thing is that Graham’s neocon foreign policy only serves to increase hatred of America and its troops/emissaries, and will likely only lead to more attacks worldwide.

If Graham and his ilk actually gave a damn about our security, they’d be promoting a noninterventionist foreign policy like Ron Paul, instead of prostituting the death of four Americans to justify even more American aggression and imperialism abroad. There is a special place in hell for neocons like Graham.

tomstickler November 28, 2012 at 6:51 pm

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—A trio of Republican senators today blasted U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice for misleading the American public, which, in the words of Sen. Lindsay Graham (R., S.C.), “has traditionally been our job.”

“Ambassador Rice has been engaged in nonstop lies and double-talk,” said Sen. Graham, one of three Republican senators who had a closed-door meeting with Rice. “If she really wants to do those things so badly, she should run for the U.S. Senate like the rest of us.”

Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R., N.H.) agreed with Sen. Graham’s assessment, saying of the meeting, “I heard Susan Rice spew nothing but half-truths, distortions, and complete fabrications. It felt like I was watching Fox News, except that she’s black.”

The third senator, John McCain (R., Ariz.), said that he found Ambassador Rice’s story profoundly disappointing: “Considering that the C.I.A. was involved, I thought there’d be more sex.”

BigT November 28, 2012 at 8:22 pm

Problem: Tom’s-licker: Comedy that attacks power is wasted by you Liberals…

You are the Almaighty…You got that way with disrespect, hate and aggressive behavior toward responsible people…

But now you are THE MAN..and you go re-elected…there is no basis to Bully others. It’s yours…

You get your No-Leading @$$ kicked now…you look STUPID trying to blame er’body else…


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