
Ron Paul: America Already “Over The Cliff”

CONSERVATIVE LEADER OFFERS GRIM ASSESSMENT OF AMERICA’S FISCAL CONDITION While Republicans and Democrats in Washington, D.C. bicker and argue over how to address the so-called “fiscal cliff,” retiring U.S. Rep. Ron Paul is correctly contending that our country has already gone over the edge. “The truth is that we’re broke,” Paul told…


While Republicans and Democrats in Washington, D.C. bicker and argue over how to address the so-called “fiscal cliff,” retiring U.S. Rep. Ron Paul is correctly contending that our country has already gone over the edge.

“The truth is that we’re broke,” Paul told Bloomberg TV.  “We’re so far gone. We’re over the cliff.  We cannot get enough people in Congress in the next 5-10 years who will do wise things.”

Paul added that the only question now is “how we’re going to land.”

That’s a sad … but 100 percent accurate assessment.  Common sense appears to have been forever lost on our nation’s leaders, who continue to tinker around the edges of a spending addiction that is quickly assuming irreversible dimensions.  And while negotiations have begun between U.S. President Barack Obama and “Republican” House Speaker John Boehner over the approaching “cliff,” the only proposals being offered at this point involve revenue enhancements – not spending cuts.

In fact Boehner has already surrendered – signaling his willingness to raise America’s tax burden to pay for the recent rash of deficit spending.

Gotta love the party of “limited government” right?

“The real fiscal cliff is a federal debt that has more doubled over the last seven years – and which is projected to grow to a whopping $25.4 trillion over the coming decade,” we wrote earlier this year.  “Modest efforts to reduce this albatross on future generations should be welcomed – not demonized.”

Unfortunately, those modest efforts are being demonized … which means that the “fiscal cliff” is gonna be coming out of your paycheck.

“You can’t have a budgetary solution if you don’t change what the role of government should be,” Paul added.  “As long as you think we have to police the world and run this welfare state, all we are going to argue about is who will get the loot.”

No wonder they wouldn’t let Paul be the GOP nominee (let alone president) … God forbid we hear the truth from our leaders, right?



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Ron Swanson November 9, 2012 at 10:22 am

”As long as you think we have to police the world and run this welfare state, all we are going to argue about is who will get the loot.”

That about summarizes the entirety of gov’t today in one clear and concise statement.

Too bad he’s leaving congress, now we won’t get truth from anyone on the “inside”.

MountainPenelope November 10, 2012 at 7:12 pm

I hear Newton Leroy has offered him a position in the governance of his moon colony. The spaceship can’t leave too soon!

The Artist formerly known as ? November 12, 2012 at 11:49 am

Is there a purpose to your statement other than it being a random spouting of your inner thoughts in a Tourettes like manner?

SCBlues November 9, 2012 at 10:54 am

Who listens to Ron Paul anyway?

He is certainly not a Libertarian – perhaps a libertarian – but not even a very good one at that.

How can you preach small government and then insist that the federal/state/local governments make women’s health care deicisions for them?

The Revolution has certainly fizzled out . . . .

Iradell Parsons Freely November 9, 2012 at 11:03 am

you must be referring to his belief that liberty applies to born and unborn. he also believes that is a state level decision.

NJTrack November 9, 2012 at 11:10 am

And by health care decisions you mean abortion, correct?

He spent his career as an OBGYN delivering babies. It’s not “not libertarian” to view abortion as an act of violence and be against it, which he does and is.

Terrible attempt.

SCBlues November 9, 2012 at 11:19 am

You need to read his views on abortion and then review the Libertarian Party’s position – they are not the same – not even close.

How in the world does his career as an “OBGYN delivering babies” give him the right to make healthcare decisions for all of the women in the USA?

I knew the kooks would come out on this – did you not learn anything from the election on November 6th?

Smirks November 9, 2012 at 11:50 am

If it’s an honest rape, that individual should go immediately to the emergency room, I would give them a shot of estrogen.”

-Ron Paul

BigT November 9, 2012 at 11:52 am

LMAO at FITS…he sucked off Obama…but now his minions, who cheered him on against Romney, turn on him…when Paul simply explains what we’ve all tried to tell you…

You Dumb@$$#$ SO deserve each other…

Decent America lost the election…but when the bottom falls out…Dumb@$$ Obama will be standing there like the D@*n Fool he is….Hahahahaha….Nowhere to hide…

Ron Swanson November 9, 2012 at 11:54 am

LMAO @ Smirks!

That’s horribly out of context and not within the realm of geniunely honest debate. Shame on you! At least my “Obama Phone” joke was an honest mistake. lol

Here’s an example of “dishonest rape”:


Do I have to explain what Paul meant or are you really going to cling to any notion that he thinks some rape is “dishonest”? lol…please don’t make me do it.

Smirks November 9, 2012 at 12:09 pm

So a woman should have to prove her rape is honest before she can receive such services? Who decides? The doctor? The police? The DA? A judge? Should we wait on an indictment? Conviction? Do rapists go free? Do rapists never get caught sometimes? Are actual rape victims ever suspected of making shit up about their rape?

If Paul makes exceptions for “honest” rape victims, he’s going to have to have a method of figuring out when a rape is honest and when it isn’t.

What is “dishonest” rape anyways? It is either rape or not rape. The woman in the Duke lacrosse rape case didn’t get “dishonestly” raped, she didn’t get raped at all.

SCblues November 9, 2012 at 12:29 pm

Of course Smirks is 100% correct (as usual).

I would say “no means no” and “rape means rape” – and don’t care how Ron Paul wants to define it.

Ron Swanson November 9, 2012 at 12:34 pm

“The woman in the Duke lacrosse rape case didn’t get “dishonestly” raped, she didn’t get raped at all.”

But that is what he means precisely! Are you seriously going to debate this?!?!?

“So a woman should have to prove her rape is honest before she can receive such services? Who decides? The doctor?”


“You have two daughters. You have many granddaughters. If one of them was raped — and I accept it’s a very unlikely thing to happen — but if they were, would you honestly look at them in the eye and say they had to have that child if they were impregnated?”

Jesus Smirks, knock it off.

The context under which he was asked presupposes his control over the situation as both father and doctor. It’s a ridiculous question to start but it doesn’t even being with “A non-related full grown women” which is where it should have been to even have remote relevance to your using the statement.

He mearly suggests in his answer that there might be other issues involved, like a fight with a boyfriend for example, etc.(see my Duke example)

A Humble Chef November 9, 2012 at 1:16 pm

“Who listens to Ron Paul anyway?”

I’m not shilling for Paul but his statement is hard to argue with, and the above statement sounds a lot like what one might say when one has no argument. The polite version of “Well fuck you too” perhaps?

Smirks November 9, 2012 at 1:18 pm



I’ll let people judge for themselves.

Frank Pytel November 9, 2012 at 1:23 pm

Yep. Reporters for the communist news network are highly reliable sources. Makes sense Smirks. You clearly put Ron in his place

@ Ron. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,.


Frank Pytel

Smirks November 9, 2012 at 1:35 pm

Uh, Frank? The quote originated from a CNN interview. How the hell do you expect me to post context without it?

Frank Pytel November 9, 2012 at 1:41 pm

Uhhh, Smirks? Like I said. communist news network. Highly reliable. You nailed it. :)

NJTrack November 9, 2012 at 2:00 pm

“You need to read his views on abortion and then review the Libertarian Party’s position – they are not the same – not even close.”

I’m sorry I forgot that Ron Paul was a member of the LP…Oh wait, that’s right he’s not. Not to mention he rarely even mentions the word ‘libertarian’ himself.

Assuming he was though, you unintentionally and boldly display one of THE biggest problems with party politics today. Assuming that a candidate has to go along with their parties ‘official’ position on topic A and topic B rather than have free thinking individual thought, or *gasp* actually, you know, represent the people who elected him. In any event though he isn’t a member of the LP, so again your entire statement is completely pointless.

“How in the world does his career as an “OBGYN delivering babies” give him the right to make healthcare decisions for all of the women in the USA?”

I really love when liberals attempt to spin the abortion issue by trying to refer to it as “womens healthcare decisions”. And those who actually believe that a fetus is a human is “trying to control a womens body”. I wish there was a red crayon font so I could spell it out for you easier, but there isn’t so I will do my best to explain this as simply as possible.
He believes that an unborn baby is a human and has rights. Therefore it is INDEED VERY LIBERTARIAN of him to believe that someone else should not be allowed to harm that child and therefore violate the unborn babies rights. Hopefully you can understand that, but I doubt it. And I’m not taking a pro life or pro choice side here, I’m just explaining to you that if you believe that an unborn child has the same rights as you or I then again it IS INDEED VERY LIBERTARIAN of him to protect that babies rights.

“I knew the kooks would come out on this – did you not learn anything from the election on November 6th?”

What kooks? I didn’t vote for Romney, what exactly do you think I learned? Everything happened that I pretty much expected. The batshit GOP’s intellectually and morally empty candidate lost. No surprise from me.
How you are trying to find a correlation with that moron Mitt Romney losing to Obama and Ron Paul is well beyond me.

SCBlues November 9, 2012 at 2:25 pm

NJTrack –

So abortion has nothing to do with women’s health? Your head is spinnning!

I said Libertarian and libertarian – do you understand the difference? Does not sound like it.

You need to explain some things to yourself and not worry about explaining them to me.

I will trust the woman and the doctor to make the decisions about healthcare and abortion and contraception – not interested in your or Ron Paul making those decisions. I know you simply cannot understand why women feel that way – they spoke pretty loudly on November 6th.

Ol'Rufus November 9, 2012 at 11:13 am

Beat that broken drum Will, beat that broken drum…

davis November 9, 2012 at 11:25 am

Paul is right. Either we admit the fiscal problem we have and take measures, that will certainly be hurtful, to try to correct it or we ride it out until it results in a full blown depression that creates so much social unrest that is will be totally uncontrolable. Maybe the latter will be better in the long run.

Robert November 9, 2012 at 11:34 am

Ron Paul….giggle.

Is this country broke? no. far from it.

But there are financial problems, especially in our Congress.

Ron Paul has no answers. He knows no one is listening so he can be as weird as he wants. If he was truly in a position of power, you’d see him back away from his more left field statements.

davis November 9, 2012 at 11:57 am

You ever heard of fiat money? Theres plenty of that and and if more is needed they will print it up. Yea we are far from being broke. If that is your concept of wealth we are indeed a rich nation.

Frank Pytel November 9, 2012 at 12:06 pm

16 TRILLION in debt. Projeted to be 26 TRILLION in 10 years (though i don’t think Odumbass would want to wait that long).

Just exactly how is kiting checks left and right not being “broke”?

HAGD!! :) There won’t be many left with Oshitforbrains in charge!!

Frank Pytel

BigT November 9, 2012 at 11:48 am

The House and Senate Republicnas will MAKE Obama Own it…I WANT to SPLATTER into a million little pieces…

Let it CRASH, CRASH CRASH…then put demcorats in the House, and let the democrats run it all…

Then let the media explain how it’s the GOP’s fault..Republicans should wash their hands of it…Do not aid and abeit….

I’m ready to go ROGUE…It’s On…

I’ll depend on myself…and I’ll let Obama and his idiots, use their facilities to get by…

Let’s SCORCH the EARTH…and start over….We played by their rules, but it’s a media RIGGED game…and they Robbed us blind…

So let REALITY happen…thye cannot deny that…

Smirks November 9, 2012 at 12:00 pm

Unless the media went into the polling booths and voted on peoples’ behalf, no, the media didn’t “rig the game.”

But hey, whatever makes you feel better. Hate America because your guy didn’t win. Want it to crash so Republicans stand a better chance next time. Deny the reality that Obama won the election fair and square. Sprinkle on a few conspiracy theories here and there. Just, please, try and keep your parallel universe within the confines of your head. The rest of us like sanity.

Go ahead. Go rogue. Go depend on yourself. No one here will miss you.

BigT November 9, 2012 at 12:06 pm

Pick one: Sandy aftermath, Libya Scandal, Unemployment, ‘You didn’t build that,’ Keystone, ‘Typical White woman,’ Gas prices, ObamaCare, Economy, No Budget, “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon’….etc…

Just ONE of Those (w/ a constant media drumbeat) would have Taken down ANY Republican..

Instead the media either IGNORED them or ran interference….

And you are A Lying, stupid or Corrupt PIECE OF $#!* to try to deny it…

I dare one of you Bastards to get in my face, and play out…I DARE you, YouFILTHY, American-Hating piece of $#!*…

Smirks November 9, 2012 at 1:31 pm

No WMDs after “Mission Accomplished” didn’t take down Dubya.

But hey, I suppose you’re right. ObamaCare is basically RomneyCare, and Romney didn’t get elected. Shit! Big(o)T is right for once!

Carl Spackler November 9, 2012 at 2:16 pm

BigT’s going rogue? Hasn’t he always been rogue?

Three things are certain in life….
1) death
2) taxes (only for the poor when the Repubs are in charge)
3) the opposite of what BigT predicts.

BigT November 9, 2012 at 12:10 pm

Just tell Paul to STFU and vote the way he is TOLD to….if that is AGAINST Obama…

This Some Beech ain’t won nothing but a bad reputation…

Ron Paul needs to get behind the leadership, or do like Chris Christy and carry his Sorry @$$ over to the other side…

We don’t need advice from him…

JC November 9, 2012 at 12:50 pm

So based on your post, Paul should just get behind what the Republicans tell him, and not have a free thinking brain?

It’s morons like you that have destroyed conservatism and incidentally the Republican Party. What was once a Party with a principled ideology based upon a foreign policy of non-intervention and a laissez-faire economy has morphed into a warmongering and bloodthirty party of borderline fascists, who have no interest in actually limiting government involvement in people’s day to day lives.

So listen to Fox News, blowhards like Limbaugh, Hannity and O’Reilly. Continue to think that somehow the US can continue to spend over $1 trillion on our military and empire. Continue to think that Israel’s security should be placed above the economic and security interests of American citizens. Most importantly, continue to think that it’s only the big bad liberals fault when we have a dollar crisis.

But don’t say you weren’t warned, because Ron Paul warned you. He warned you that your party was in danger of becoming a permanent minority party. He warned you that our foreign policy would lead us into perpetual war and a police state. And he warned us that when you live beyond your means, you live beneath it. You and your neoconservative ilk were just too f*ing stupid to listen.

BigT November 9, 2012 at 8:49 pm

You F%^&*kin idiot…Romney and the GOP was going to try and bail out you Stupid, Failed Mother$%^&rs…

Romney would have been an adult cleaning up the mess of you IGORANT, irresponsible children…

Instead, the media re-eleted your Ignorant god-Obama…

And now it will crash on you…and you Stupid son of a bi^&*ces have nowhere to run or nowhere to hide…

The bill’s coming due and it’s ALL yours…and you are so D@*n brain-dead…you are still celebrating your “win” as if your judgement day is not just around the corner…

F&*Kin Idiots…

Ron Swanson November 9, 2012 at 2:07 pm

and once again the major issue of fiscal solvency gets buried underneath a ton of crap that is relatively minor in the context of economic stability….

This thread is a perfect example of why the economic issues the country has will never be solved in an orderly manner.

fishy smelling coot November 9, 2012 at 2:12 pm

Way ahead of his time, and he is merely speaking out of common sense to anyone with a brain. Wasn’t he saying these same things during the campaign and those with short attention spans passed it off as fear mongering?

We can’t be “compassionate” and “caring” and find “justice” for everyone who hasn’t contributed to the progression of western civilization and maintain the Pax Americana Empire abroad without selling all our grandkids.

Oh how exciting it is to live in these times of imperial decline and hypocrisy…

BigT November 9, 2012 at 8:51 pm

It’s all the democrats now…it’s all Obama’s…

Guard your family…because these mouth-breathing idiots have no idea what’s coming….They’re just too D@*n stupid to get it…

marty November 10, 2012 at 10:20 pm

Check out CAFR reports. The money has been stolen, looted and plundered by our elitist electables

junior justice November 11, 2012 at 12:41 pm

BigT – has a very good idea, and that is for a third party (with which I agree), and I like the name “ROGUE PARTY”. BigT should run with this suggestion.

Personally, I believe that a third party (that being a STRONG party and supported by enough citizens) would provide some balance to our political system, and also let both the Dems and the Reps know how pissed-off many of the voters are at their collective inadequacies.

mph November 12, 2012 at 11:58 am

Yee-haw, Ron Paul is taking us back to the 19th century.

Gold standard – bring it on. Pffft. Since there’s not enough gold on the planet to back up the currency we have floating around, guess we’ll have to dispatch teams to other planets or the asteroid belt.

Women having to prove “honest” rape, Well, shit, that’s still more progressive than the 19th century and certainly more advanced than the American Taliban like Santorum or Todd Aiken.


The Artist formerly known as ? November 12, 2012 at 12:24 pm

Speaking of kooks, what makes you think there’s not enough gold?

lol, even better-what did we ever use silver for?

mph November 12, 2012 at 1:14 pm

A “truther” calling me a kook – whee, gotta love it.

I’m not an expert on gold. Fair enough. But presumably we gotta scare up the gold not only to back up our currency and future growth but also 16 trillion in current debt obligations. Oh, and all future obligations unless that deficit disappears overnight.

Hmm, sounds daunting. They better start digging harder in Canada and South Africa. Here are what economists think about the idea: http://www.igmchicago.org/igm-economic-experts-panel/poll-results?SurveyID=SV_cw1nNUYOXSAKwrq

As for a real silver standard, well, you’ll have to go back to before Queen Anne. Start looking for a Delorean and 1.21 gigawatts, hombre.

dirtbogger November 12, 2012 at 1:27 pm

T has lost it lol. I am one of the disinfranchised voters that cost the Repugnants the election and it feels Gooooooood!If Ron Paul had not been dishonestly robbed of the nomination by Romney whores, I could have voted Republican. Moral to the story is suck on it you fuck’in Neocons.

Frank Pytel November 12, 2012 at 5:12 pm

Hey dirtbogger;

Thanks for you help. Like I have been saying, Why vote for Obamney when he is already there. After all with Obutthead in charge we can have twice the pain at twice the price. :) The faster they sink it the faster we can start picking up the pieces.

Government breeds apathy by making incremental changes. Demlicans and Republicrats are only interested in increasing the size of their and the gubmints coffers. If they do it all at once, I promise you will become less apathetic rapidly.

HAGD!! :) There won’t be many left with Oshitforbrains in charge!!

Frank Pytel

The Artist formerly known as ? November 12, 2012 at 3:00 pm

lol, “whitehouse.gov’ has 2 DIFFERENT petitions for SC to secede:



Put them together and we are almost halfway there to forcing a White House reponse-LMAO!

Here’s the DC article, apparently there’s others:


I’m kind of surprised given how small SC is that there are as many signatures as they are.

I can imagine the Whitehouse’s reply if SC hits the signature count: “Um, no, you can’t leave.”

10th amendment dead? If the states have to “ask” to leave, I’d say so. res ipsa loquitur


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