This week an agricultural subcommittee of the “Republican-controlled” S.C. House of Representatives took up a controversial bill aimed at limiting the activities of non-profit animal...
“Majority Leader” Bruce Bannister took to the well of the S.C. House of Representatives this week to pat himself on the back for voluntarily eliminating...
“Republicans” and Democrats in the S.C. House of Representatives are patting themselves on the back for passing an “ethics reform” bill this week … but...
The S.C. House of Representatives can’t take up the latest multimillion dollar handout for aircraft manufacturer Boeing until next week … but that’s not stopping...
South Carolina’s House of Representatives shot down an amendment to the state budget which would have dramatically expanded the Palmetto State’s already oversized Medicaid population....
South Carolina taxpayers are being called upon to subsidize a museum “dedicated to preserving the heritage of the South Carolina National Guard.” According to the...