SC Politics

State, Federal Leaders Blast Charleston Sheriff For ‘Sanctuary Policies’

Nancy Mace: Sheriff is “purposefully and systematically allowing criminal illegal aliens to roam free in Charleston County and surrounding areas…”

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State and federal leaders in South Carolina are accusing Charleston County’s Democratic sherif
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River Top fan September 25, 2024 at 8:39 am

The people of Charleston County replaced one of the greatest Sheriffs in the nation with her. Obviously there is a democrat problem in Charleston County.

Amanda Williams Top fan September 25, 2024 at 2:53 pm

So true. Sheriff Cannon was a true lawman.

JustSomeGuy Top fan September 25, 2024 at 11:01 am

So, does the sheriff have conflicting guidance, with ICE requesting a detainer and a judge ordering release? Are the blowhard politicians going after the wrong target?

Tom September 25, 2024 at 7:16 pm

This is just more GOPBS. The Republicans are facing a serious opponent in November. They do not think they can reach any more undecided voters, so they are going full-on racism, in an attempt to get more racists to the polls. Both their national and state message is, vote for us and we will round up all the nigg&*s and Hispanics and send them somewhere, maybe Venezuela. But we will make America white again.

Oh, and we will protect our white women from dirty black and brown people who are running rampant in the streets. I mean Moms can’t even walk across the street without being raped. We live in a Mad Max hell hole and we can fix that.

These people are disgusting.

Freeme Top fan October 1, 2024 at 9:27 pm

Now, I will give you that Nancy Mace is a leader. However, the title of your article refers to “state and national leaders” which is concerning when you reference Jordan Pace. As a low country sympathizer, my friends tell me that he is an empty suit who hasn’t ever accomplished anything. The kid has an inflated ego based on nada- not a damn thing. Dear God, find someone with gravitas, intelligence, and a track record to support us. He is an Allie of RJ May, the guy who had his house raided by Homeland Security and SLED for, as you put in your article, child exploitation material. Isn’t he one of the ones who signed on to the death penalty for women who have an abortion even when it endangers the life of the mother, rape or incest? Reagan is turning over in his grave. Dump the dude.


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