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They came, they debated, they went home… and left the rest of us to “debate” who won. Presidential candidate encounters are among the most widely discussed events of any election cycle — but they’re rarely decisive factors in the outcome because people invariably see what they want to see (Joe Biden’s calamitous performance last June notwithstanding).
Debates do provide a few days’ worth of pundit fodder, though, and dominate campaign conversation in their immediate aftermath – which is why last night’s encounter in Philadelphia merits a closer look.
For more than a year, our founding editor Will Folks and political columnist Mark Powell have been monitoring the unprecedented political chaos of the 2024 election cycle via our FITSNews Political Stock Index. As noted, each installment is an assessment of how our subjects fared over the previous week. Positive reports don’t reflect endorsements, and negative ones aren’t (necessarily) indicative of vendettas.
We just call ‘em like we see ‘em…

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Where should you invest your political capital this week? To the index…
So, who won Tuesday night’s Harris-Trump encounter in Philly? As always, it depends who you ask. Partisans will say their candidate walked away with it. But minus a major gut-wrenching gaffe from either vice president Kamala Harris or former president Donald Trump, there was no campaign-clinching zinger – or campaign-ending miscue.
Harris clearly had the better night of the two, though … benefiting from friendly moderators and Trump’s legendary inability to leave well enough alone. Harris also fired off the one line that summed up the entire encounter: “It’s important to remind the former president, you’re not running against Joe Biden; you’re running against me.”
That captured the debate in a nutshell.
While Harris didn’t set hearts afire, neither did she stumble – or have a verbal Cuisinart moment in which her thoughts were blended into an unfathomable, indecipherable word mélange. Thankfully, there were no uncomfortable cackles – and only a few chortles, too.
Harris started off with a slow-burn fuse but clearly gained confidence as the night wore on. She brought the warm and fuzzy emotion on abortion that plays well with young women independent voters, went on the attack early – and stayed on offense all night. She also baited several traps that Trump predictably (and foolishly) blundered straight into.
As mentioned, ABC News’ David Muir and Linsey Davis greatly assisted Harris – repeatedly “fact-checking” Trump’s statements but failing to hold her accountable for her repeated flip-flops on major issues. They didn’t press her for more detailed explanations, and the questions they selected were clearly stacked in her favor.
Trump's odds are back to 2% ahead.
— Polymarket (@Polymarket) September 11, 2024
As for Trump, he failed in his chief objective: He didn’t weld Harris at the hip to Joe Biden‘s failures.
Trump began the evening with a steady, even-keeled demeanor – which portended a good night for him. As the encounter wore on, though, Harris – and the moderators – seemed to get under his skin. At first, Trump was on his best behavior – refraining from his trademark snarky putdowns. But the more the three-against-one affair progressed, the more visibly annoyed he grew.
Trump did go off on a bizarre rant early on, claiming illegal immigrants were eating dogs and cats in Ohio (no, really). That was the moment the former president seemed to lose his mojo. He kept saying Harris would be a bad president, yet he rarely took the extra step of connecting the dots so that undecided voters could understand why. Trump also allowed himself to get dragged into revisiting the 2020 election and the January 6, 2021 rioting at the U.S. Capitol.
He failed to press the case that Biden’s out-of-control spending has created economic hardship for millions of Americans and how Harris’ left-of-center economic proposals (price controls, taxing unrealized financial gains, a 28 percent tax on capital gains, etc.) would make things even worse, Harris’ repeated flip-flopping on issues, etc.
It was a major lost opportunity for Trump. And with Election Day now less than sixty days away, very few major opportunities remain to be seized.
Will there be a second Harris-Biden debate in October? Plenty of invitations from multiple media outlets have been extended to both campaigns. But as of now, there’s no deal for another go-round.
At day’s end, few – if any – decided votes were changed. As for undecided voters in the critical swing states (Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin), we’ll have to wait and see if any of them were swayed by the encounter.
The takeaway from Tuesday night: An incredibly tight race just got even tighter.
South Carolina’s favorite political weathervane is at it again. She spent the early part of 2024 trying to defeat Trump in the presidential primaries. Then, she reversed course and wanted to make sure Republicans knew she loyally supported the party’s nominee. But whenever Nikki Haley is involved, things are never quite as simple and straightforward as they seem.
Or at least not for very long…
First, Haley reprised her role as self-appointed GOP Finger-Wagger-In-Chief when she publicly scolded Republican vice-presidential nominee J.D. Vance for his excessive remarks about childless women.
“Stop it! That’s not helpful,” she sanctimoniously intoned last Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation” last Sunday.
During that same interview, Haley casually dropped that Iran wanted to kill her during her unsuccessful presidential bid. A whistleblower’s leaked FBI documents released the next day substantiated the gist of her claim.
Never mind that Haley never got within a country mile of Trump… the only candidate on the campaign trial this go-round who has been hit by a bullet.
Speaking of Republicans with a casual commitment to their party… there seems to be no shortage of them these days. A deep streak of political masochism runs through the moderate branch of the GOP, as these tormented souls will never be happy unless they can cause fellow Republicans to lose elections.
Consider the Family Cheney, dad Dick (the former VP), and Trump-impeaching daughter Liz, Wyoming’s three-term congresswoman — until her #NeverTrump antics led voters to show her the door in 2022. Both are typical country club Republicans, meaning they’re also fair-weather Republicans.
Last week, father and daughter both endorsed Kamala Harris for president last week. Cheney the Elder parroted the tired old Democratic line: “In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump.”
Really? Says the guy who launched the Iraq War and literally shot someone in the face?
“Irrelevant RINO, along with his daughter,” Trump responded.
The Cheneys’ partisan defection comes just days after a conclave of 200 former Bush, McCain, and Romney staffers likewise collectively backed Harris. With friends like that, right?
One person who is staying out of the fray for now: Former President George W. Bush, who announced he’s not endorsing anyone in 2024. Bush is apparently opting instead to practice that timeless adage of mothers everywhere.
“If you can’t say anything nice about someone…”

Here we go again. This act is growing about as stale as last week’s meat loaf. Once again, Uncle Sam is scheduled to run out of money at the stroke of midnight on Tuesday, October 1 (the first day of the new fiscal year).
If you haven’t been paying attention to the dozens of threatened closures (plus the ten that actually happened) in the last 30 or 40 years, here’s how the script goes:
The government’s authorization to borrow money is set to expire on a certain date. The uniparty wrings its hands and wails that the cherished federal government will be shuttered, unleashing a level of pain, suffering, and misery unseen since the plagues of Egypt. Fiscal conservatives dig in their heels and vow not to give an inch without substantial cuts in federal spending. A series of compromise measures are all rejected. The MSM report on the impending crisis, sometimes even adding countdown clocks to TV screens for dramatic effect. Then, at the 11th hour, conservatives blink, a short-term extension is passed that kicks the can down the road a little longer, and the spending spree goes on without interruption.
There’s no reason to believe the latest installment in this almost annual farce will play out any differently. But you will be hearing a lot more about it in the coming days and weeks nonetheless … and you can take that to the bank.

There are different ways to measure power and influence. One of the biggest is to keep people on the edge of their seats by guessing what your next move will be. That’s exactly where Tim Scott is right now. He has become the primum mobile in Palmetto State politics these days – the central, most important source of motion or action.
With no clear clue yet of the junior senator’s future intentions, observers can only speculate about what may come next for him. While a Trump victory in November is far from a sure thing, it’s a safe bet Scott could be offered a high-profile administration job if he wins. Should that happen, Scott’s Senate seat would open up three years ahead of schedule.
Others have suggested Scott might try to succeed term-limited Henry McMaster as governor in 2026. There’s also talk that he may be interested in leaving politics altogether to found a church.
Whatever Scott does, his ultimate decision will have a seismic impact on the calculus of South Carolina’s leading political figures (especially the three leading ones).
It’s widely believed S.C. attorney general Alan Wilson would jump at the chance to serve in the Senate. And while conventional wisdom has him in the catbird’s seat to make a run for the governor’s office, the financial war chest he’s amassed could just as easily fund a Senate special election.
Lowcountry congresswoman Nancy Mace is also a skilled practitioner of keeping her options open. Some have speculated she is eyeing a job transfer to either to Columbia, S.C. (as governor) or to the other side of Capitol Hill should Scott’s seat become vacant.
Then there’s Lt. Gov. Pamela Evette, who is consistently rumored to have her eyes on bigger and better things.
At this moment, all of these politicos share the same contemplation: Trying to figure out what Tim Scott will do next. It’s increasingly becoming South Carolina’s favorite political guessing game.

If you are of a certain age, you will remember car rental company Avis’ famous tagline in its battle against rival giant Hertz, “When you’re number two, you try harder.” It was a hit – and was eventually was shortened to just, “We try harder.”
South Carolina Democrats are in the same predicament Avis was in, with one big difference. They’re not trying harder; in fact, they’re barely trying at all.
After nearly four decades as the minority party in our state, Democrats have more or less accepted the status quo. As this media outlet pointed out a few days ago, their ranks are poised to shrink even more in November’s voting, especially in the state Senate.
Dems would do well to adopt Avis’ “we try harder” strategy. They didn’t topple their rival, but they took a huge bite out of his bottom line.
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“While Harris didn’t set hearts afire, neither did she stumble – or have a verbal Cuisinart moment in which her thoughts were blended into an unfathomable, indecipherable word mélange. ”
LOL, You sure as heck can’t say the same thing about Trump. He had a Cuisinart night in which he spewed an unfathomable, indecipherable word melange from beginning to end. The man is demented and going downhill fast. I saw no discernable bias by the moderators. Your fact-checking is proportional to your lies. Trump spent the entire night lying; from lies about the size of his crowds at rallies, to lies about babies being murdered, to lies about migrants eating dogs, to lies about the economy while he was President, to lies about the crime rate in the US. He was, as usual for him, a walking lie factory.
Trump looked like the biggest fucking idiotic, weak, sad, incoherent, elderly man-child you’ll ever see on TV. Absolutely sad.
Harris stomped Trump, while he blabbered about immigrants eating pets and people getting abortions after birth. Fucking stupid. The best was when Trump literally said he had a “concept of a plan” to replace the ACA!
FitsNews is a MAGA joke blog. You have no credibility after this ridiculous post. Being diehard MAGA cultist makes you type and post the dumbest takes, riddled with lies. Get help, you weak, gullible fools (or does this blog get Russian money too?)
You forgot to mention that REPUBLICABS are the ones who are forcing these Government Shutduwns” on us over and over.
At least the latest Trump ordered, Mike Johnson delivered “shutdown” has already failed because of lack of support from other Republicans. After, Trump complete got the shit kicked out of him in last nights debate, Republicans are seeing the writing on get wall and planning for a post-MAGA reality in 2025.
You chuckleheads realize that you prove how easily Trump is manipulated by whining that he was dragged into going off topic by Harris and the generic moderators?
Imagine if he was just a regular Florida Man standing on the street corner ranting loudly about:
–illegal aliens eating your cats and dogs
–illegal aliens in prison getting free transgender surgery
–Democrats murdering babies after birth
–not having lost the election after 4 years and 60 court cases
–what a swell guy Viktor Orhan is
–how unfair everyone is to him
–public schools performing gender reassignment surgeries on children
He would be commited to a mental ward immediately. Now imagine it was Biden saying shit like that. Will would have popped out of his Chip “Dumbest Guy In Congress” Roy costume and exploded.
The proof that Trump shit the bed worse than Amber Heard is that Will buried this into his satirical “index” at the end of the day instead of having a dedicated blahg post about it. Stay “agnostic” my dude.
Trump has been inundating America with verbal diarrhea for eight years now. Eight. Years. And he’s still the undisputed leader of the GOP. He figured out the trick that if you’re constantly looking like a buffoon people kind of forget about it.
Uh, Nanker, Trump is “Florida Man”. He moved from New York City to Florida.
Trump’s debate performance nothing but a footnote in a post like this.
“Will there be a second Harris-Biden debate in October? Plenty of invitations from multiple media outlets have been extended to both campaigns. But as of now, there’s no deal for another go-round.”
Why did you not also write that the Harris campaign immediately requested another debate while Trump has waffled on it?
Because they are liars who can’t rely on facts to back them up or even make them look like normal people.
When your job has been spreading MAGA/Russian lies for the past decade, leaving out facts or lying is just second nature!
I understand after Trump’s debate performance, Nancy Pelosi is quietly working the phones with Republican colleagues, to see if their party has a path forward. JD did not seem to have the necessary support and she encouraged them to look at alternatives.
Trump spent twice as much as Biden, which makes sense since he’s bankrupted his company multiple times and had scores of business failures. Truth Social will be his next business failure.
President Trump approved $8.4 trillion of new ten-year borrowing during his full term in office, or $4.8 trillion excluding the CARES Act and other COVID relief.
President Biden, in his first three years and five months in office, approved $4.3 trillion of new ten-year borrowing, or $2.2 trillion excluding the American Rescue Plan.
President Trump approved $8.8 trillion of gross new borrowing and $443 billion of deficit reduction during his full presidential term.
President Biden has so far approved $6.2 trillion of gross new borrowing and $1.9 trillion of deficit reduction.
Trump is 78. Biden is 81.
Do we want another senile president? Trump is in his twilight years.