Prioleau Alexander: Breaking Down Kamala Harris’ ‘Policy Ideas’

Great sound bites… not-so-great ideas.

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“On day one, I will take on price gouging and bring down costs.”

That’s Kamala Harris on the economy. And that sounds awesome. It would be great for those of us in the middle-class to be able to afford food – and for the working poor to keep the lights on.

Couple quick questions, though: With eggs, who’s doing the gouging? Is it the feed store? The trucker who delivers the feed? The farmer? The people who build refrigerated trucks? The guy who drives the delivery truck? The warehouser? The wholesaler? The people who make egg cartons? The grocery store? The grocery store’s power company? 

Also, without nationalizing every business in that chain, who gets to decide how much margin each one of those companies can make? The President? Congress? The FDA? A committee of career Swamp dumbasses? Queers for Palestine? 

Grocery stores make on average a 2.5 percent margin. Apple, a company that employs children to work in Chinese sweatshops, makes a 42 percent margin. If you can’t find anyone in the egg-chain price gouging, will you focus on Apple? And push them to a 2.5 percent margin? Because everyone would love a $500 iPhone. How about clothing retailers, who mark their stuff up 100 percent? Everyone would love $25 Levi’s, Kamala.





Quick point of confusion: Wasn’t Kamala the tie-breaking vote on the Inflation Reduction Act? The one that increased IRS funding by $78 billion and included the Service Industry Tip Compliance Agreement (SITCA) program? You know, the program that “aims to use advancements in point-of-sale, time and attendance systems, and electronic payment settlement methods to improve tip reporting compliance?”

It’s one thing to copy your opponent’s idea. It’s another thing entirely to pretend you haven’t been doing the opposite.



Me? I love the idea of corporations paying more taxes – if it will reduce mine. But it won’t – and it won’t be put towards the debt – so why should I give a shit?

Also, am I wrong in thinking the whole point of a corporation is to make money for tens of thousands of shareholders? Why else would corporations exist? Is it easier to make money buying American real estate, building facilities at American prices, and employing union workers at $36 an hour plus full benefits… or getting land for free from the Vietnamese government and paying the construction and factory employees 33-cents a day?





“We’ll offer a first-ever tax incentive for builders who build starter homes sold to first-time buyers!”

Given that building starter homes is literally the reason America’s biggest homebuilding companies exist, what’s being gained here? Won’t they just increase the cost of a starter home by $25,000? Will the federal government be providing the building specs? Are these buyers allowed choose fancier items, like granite counters? Or will it have to be crap construction, like the federal government now does for Section-8 housing? 

And going back to those price controls, will they set the price for what a first-time buyer should pay? 

Am I forgetting anything? Did anything bad happen in 2008 when the feds got involved in “helping people buy houses?” 



“I’ll give Big Pharma the business — and force them to bring down prices.”

Awesome. I’m all in. Every American is all in. 

Perhaps we could use one of the bills proposed by you or Joe Biden as a building block? Hmmmmm…

Or perhaps we could look back for guidance from the Obamacare bill that congress had to vote on in order to see what was in it? Or any bill by any Congressman ever offered regarding price restrictions on drugs… that actually made it to a vote? Anything where anyone even so much as hinted that drugs sold in America had to be the same price as those same drugs sold to India? Does the fact that Big Pharma is a major donor to every single Congressman factor into this?

Oh, and why can’t you do this now, while you’re in office?  



“More forgiveness!”

Currently, the Biden-Harris Administration is up to $168 billion in student loan forgiveness. Has anyone asked for receipts for the things that loan money was spent on, beyond tuition and books? Perhaps Spring Break? Pedi/Manis? Uber eats? The latest fashions? A cool place to live near the rich kids?

Has anyone analyzed what these kids studied, and weeded out bullshit degrees like gender studies that offer no career path? Does anyone think the universities bear any financial responsibility for offering degrees that provide zero chance of employment? Is it possible these loans could be forgiven after requiring these graduates to serve four years in the military, Peace Corps, or working to assist in social services for the poor?

Are there any blue collar workers in the United States who would pay an extra one percent on their income taxes to help this program? To cancel the debt of some idiot that owes $178,000 for a degree in psychology, who never had plans for grad school? Could wealthy liberals be cheering for this idea because they don’t really give a shit about what the working class thinks?



“Screw energy independence!”

Has anyone ever produced a peer-reviewed study about man-made global warming by a group that received zero federal funding? Has anyone noticed the cleanest fuel source in the world is nuclear? That natural gas is also a clean energy but is lumped in with gas and coal? Has anyone thought to look at the climate during the American Revolution, which climate scientists dubbed “a mini-ice-age?” 

Do any global warming zealots believe America achieving a carbon neutral status will matter, given that China, India, and other third world nations are exempt? Do they trust Russia and Eastern Europe to provide honest reports of their carbon reduction efforts?

Does anyone remember Al Gore saying in 2009, “These figures are fresh. Some of the models show there is a 75 percent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during the summer months, could be completely ice-free within five to seven years”?

Has anyone bother to check that NASA reported in 2021 the Arctic Sea ice extent was 4.72 million square kilometers, about 11 percent more than the 4.16 million kilometers recorded in 2007?  


(Grok AI/ Dylan Nolan)



“A border wall is un-American and racist!”


“We need to build a border wall.”




Was every news source on the Internet wrong when they reported Kamala was adamantly behind the “Defund the Police” movement during the BLM/Antifa summer of arson, murder, rape looting, and arson? When she encouraged Democrats to donate to the “bail fund” for these thugs? Was it a “cheap fake” when Mitch Landrieu, national co-chair for the Harris campaign and former mayor of New Orleans, told CNN this July “what she meant is she supports being tough and smart on crime”? Is anyone retarded enough to believe “that’s what she meant?”



“My values haven’t changed.”

If you think a border wall is racist and un-American, but then say it’s needed – isn’t that a change in your values regarding racism?

If you think the police should be defunded and people should donate money so rioters can make bail, but then say we need more law and order – isn’t that a change in your values regarding criminal justice?

If you state dozens of times that Bidenomics is “working,” and the economy is great, then pledge to fix the economy – isn’t that a change in values regarding truth and math?

If you say, “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking,” then issue a statement saying that you will not ban fracking – isn’t that a change in your values regarding the environment?


Kamala Harris is proof-positive that Democrats are mindless sheep, willing to follow whoever the party says they must. In her first interview (pre-recorded and edited) since becoming the candidate, she brought along her veep pick Tim Walz. I wonder, was Tim her “emotional support old-white-patriarch?” Was he there to jump in if a hard question was asked? A question like, “why aren’t you doing live interviews, even though you know we’ll ask you softball questions like ‘what’s your favorite ice cream?’” 

Harris has a laundry list of things she’ll do “day one,” but doesn’t explain why she hasn’t done them in the past three-and-a-half years… or why she doesn’t do them now, as she is the de facto POTUS.

Obama Advisor Susan Rice on Kamala told MSN two weeks ago, “I think it’s very important to remember that this has been Biden-Harris agenda. Kamala Harris has been an integral architect and executor of the policies of the Biden-Harris administration.” 


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If this is the case, why would she be offering any changes or additions to her plans? Why wouldn’t she simply do as every incumbent does, and say, “Four more years, and I’ll have time to get all my campaign promises implemented.”

The hilarity of the Left’s willingness to follow any candidate and support any policy Big Brother stuffs down their eager throats is the stuff of 1984. Every single human on the Left, including Kamala, insisted Joe Biden was “sharper than ever,” right up to the moment the media could no longer cover for him.

Now? That’s gone. Ancient history. Down the memory hole.

Derailing the border wall, banning fracking, defunding the police — these were all critically important to Leftists, yet Kamala has abandoned them… but that doesn’t matter to Democrats, because party comes before policy. Big Brother has spoken. 

The economy was booming, as long as Joe was running — now it’s time to cheer for Kamala’s plans to fix the economy, all the while remaining loyal to glorious success of Bidenomics. Turbo-charged cognitive dissonance mode, activated.

Kamala, across the political spectrum, had the lowest favorability ratings of any VP in modern history—now she is the woman of joy, change, and hope. Leftists at every level are slithering throughout the internet, trying to erase her word salads, moronic interview responses, and poll numbers.   

In a Constitutional Republic, we get the government we deserve. Perhaps Kamala is who we deserve.



Prioleau Alexander is a freelance writer, focusing mostly on politics and non-fiction humor. He is the author of four books: ‘You Want Fries With That?,’ ‘Dispatches Along the Way,’ ‘Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?‘ and ‘They Don’t Call It The Submission Process For Nothing.’ 



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Henry September 10, 2024 at 1:21 pm

Breaking down Trump’s Policy Ideas takes a lot less space.

1. Cut Taxes on Billionaires and multi-millionaires.
2. Cut Taxes on Large Corporations.
3. Let large oil companies do whatever they want if they give him a billion dollars.
4. Save Tiktok, since it’s no longer a Chinese threat because the CEO gave Trump money.
5. Expand EV Credits, because Elon told him that was a good idea and gave him money.
6. Arrest or kill political opponents, people who contributed to his political opponents, and people who say the 2020 election was not stolen.
7. Pardon people who attacked the Capitol and Capitol Police.
8. Enact project 2025, which will cut Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security and impose a consumption tax that will increase the taxes of the average American by $2000+- a year Need the money to pay for 1 and 2.
9. Enact Tariffs because he thinks foreign countries pay those.
10. Lowering the cost of child care for working families – Trump “Child care is child care.” JD Vance “Ask your parents or your sibling to help.”
11. Round up Hispanics and put them in concentration camps. “There will be blood.”
12. Make it easier to fire people who choose to unionize.
13. Eliminate the Department of Education, EPA, FBI, and CIA, and replace them with agencies loyal to Trump.
14. Use the US Military to attack American Citizens who protest his agenda.
15. Missile and Tank parades in DC, just like Putin in Moscow but bigger and better.
16. Enforce the right of states to arrest women who leave the state to obtain an abortion.
17. Enable states to monitor women’s pregnancies to make sure they are not getting an abortion.
18. Become a Dictator on day one and suspend the Constitution as necessary.
19. Change the Constitution to ensure Trump third term.
20. Turn Ukraine over to Russia and Taiwan over to China.
21. Take us out of NATO.
22. Send US Troops into Mexico to attack cartels.
23. Establish an organization of enlightened despots run by Trump, Putin, Orban, Xi, and Kim Jong Un to replace the G20.
24. Make sure Epstein files never see the light of day.
25. Make sure Presidents can sell American secrets to foreign countries without fear of prosecution.
26. Shut down ABC, NBC, CBS, and any news network that is not sufficiently loyal to him. Replace with RT.

There are of course many more in the Project 2025 playbook.

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VERITAS Top fan September 11, 2024 at 10:28 pm

LIAR! LIAR! Pants on fire!

SMH September 10, 2024 at 1:46 pm

I really tried to make it through this entire blog post, but couldn’t make it.

Reading about how this guy is easily confused and basically dumb just guy sad after a few paragraphs.

Good luck, dude.

JustSomeGuy Top fan September 10, 2024 at 1:50 pm

I bought a 1978 Jeep CJ-5 with student loan proceeds, but I had to pay it back myself. That thing was awesome, with the 304 V8 and those fat pipes that ran down the sides.

The Only Time a Loud Mouth Shuts Up September 11, 2024 at 3:49 pm

Got through most of the day so far and not a damn peep about the debate last night on this blog. Now that’s interesting. Not what happened after the Biden-Trump debate.

Deafening silence instead of insufferable gloating. I’m enjoying it!

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VERITAS Top fan September 11, 2024 at 10:29 pm

Prioleau, you need to get a national column.

Dum Spiro Spero Top fan September 12, 2024 at 8:56 am

Fine , but let’s cut to the more important issues: How safe are the cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio? And exactly how big have the crowds been at Trump’s rallies?


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