Jeff Mattox. Anarchy. Kershaw County Council.

‘Government Is A Liar’: Midlands Anarchist Upends Special Election

Jeff Mattox takes center stage during GOP council forum …

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A self-proclaimed anarchist was the only candidate to attend a forum hosted by the Kershaw County Republican Party (KCGOP) on Monday. His live-streamed remarks have since created a ripple effect throughout the region, according to public servants.

While every candidate vying for Kershaw County Chairman was requested to participate, Jeff Mattox was the only “Republican” to accept KCGOP’s invitation. By virtue of his rivals’ absence, the watchdog-turned-candidate was granted 40 minutes to speak on his political philosophy.

As for his opponents? State representative Ben Connell bowed out of the forum roughly two weeks after Kershaw County vice chairman Jimmy Jones confirmed he could not participate due to a scheduling conflict. 

According to Mattox, the candidates were offered multiple dates to choose from. He further claimed the KCGOP chose to host the forum on Monday as it best suited Connell’s schedule — and that the sitting representative refused to face him before a captive audience.

While Connell has since implored the public to contact him at 843-513-0087, the attorney has yet to respond to our request for comment regarding his absence.



Jeff Mattox. Anarchy. Kershaw County Council.
Jeff Mattox speaks on July 22, 2024.
(Andrew Fancher/FITSNews)


“We’ve got to get back to the basics of natural rights,” said Mattox during his opening remarks on Monday. “That’s why I’m here … we have to put limits on the government because they’ve broken the chains. They’ve breached our trust and now we have to fight to get it back.”

After introducing himself on stage, moderator Kryshonda Torres asked Mattox why an anarchist was running for a government position. Understanding the irony, he confirmed he neither owns a black ski mask nor totes around bricks in the trunk of his Buick LeSabre.

He clarified that anarchy is the absence of rulers, not rules.

“And here are the rules: Don’t hurt nobody and don’t steal nobody’s stuff,” continued Mattox. “While anarchy is probably unattainable, it ought to be our goal to be the freest people possible … I have kids, and I do not intend to leave them with this mess.”


Jeff Mattox. Kershaw County Chairman.



During Monday’s forum, Mattox questioned 15-minute cities (urban plans which require all government services and amenities to be made available to all citizens within a fifteen-minute walking distance), fee in lieu of tax (FILOT) agreements, special-purpose districts and 501(c)(3) churches, among other things. He further challenged the audience to identify just one government program that accomplished its intended purpose without unintended consequences. 

“Government is a liar,” he said. “Government is a cheat. Government is a fire that will burn you. Yeah, sure, if you chain it down real good, it can warm you … but you let that thing have a little bit and a little bit and a little bit more wood, next thing you know, your whole house is on fire.”

According to Mattox, the U.S. government has encroached on individual rights and liberties since its foundation in 1776. He furthermore believes the American populace has grown dependent upon the government and that it’s either too afraid or complacent to speak out.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is the total opposite of the way it should be,” he said. “Government should always, always fear the people. And they don’t. That’s over. That’s done. We let them off the leash … I’m an anarchist in philosophy. I want that as a goal that will never be accomplished.”

If elected, Mattox hopes to eliminate FILOTs and refuse the S.C. Comprehensive Planning Enabling Act, citing routine disaster when the government interferes with the free market. He furthermore hopes to expand the public’s ability to speak with Kershaw County Council.



Jeff Mattox. Anarchy. Kershaw County Council.
Jeff Mattox, Kryshonda Torres.
(Andrew Fancher/FITSNews)

In lieu of attending this week’s forum, Connell and Jones submitted written remarks which were read by Kershaw County Republican Women’s Club (KCRWC) member Sissy Ballew and Steeplechase Republican Women’s Club (SRWP) member Aleisa McKim.

“As Republicans, we believe in limited government and the rule of law,” said Ballew, reading for Connell. “Anarchy is the opposite of limited government and rule of law. Anarchy does not ‘Back the Blue’ as I do … here, we believe in God, strong families, the rule of law and equal rights under the law.”

According to Connell’s written remarks, Mattox’s long-held concepts are unrealistic and should be “unacceptable” in the Palmetto State. For the remainder of his time, the former Kershaw County council member touted his financial accomplishments at the S.C. State House.



“I look forward to bringing leadership, professionalism, and continuity to the office — with an eye towards the future success of Kershaw County … I am glad to bring back to Kershaw County the valuable relationships I developed while at the State House, serving for you.”

According to The New American’s freedom index, Connell’s cumulative “pro-liberty” voting record is a mere 20 percent. If elected chairman, Connell would join his law partner Derek A. Shoemake on Kershaw County Council. 

Unlike Connell, Jones’ written remarks criticized his council for wasteful spending. He furthermore promised to prevent out-of-town developers from receiving unproductive FILOTs — saying it was “ridiculous” for taxpayers to carry the burden of rapid infrastructure growth.

“My priorities are the people’s priorities,” said McKim, reading for Jones. “Proper infrastructure, roads, sewer, utilities, public safety and schools. The council’s role is to ensure that major subdivision developers carry the burden of the impact that their growth causes on our community.”

According to Jones, he’s actively voting against rezoning in east Camden, S.C., which could invite some 400+ homes to a vulnerable ecosystem as soon as 2025. He furthermore noted his opposition to the multi-million dollar purchase of the Wateree River Veteran’s Park in Lugoff, S.C.



Ben Connell. Jimmy Jones. Kershaw County Council.
South Carolina House Representative Ben Connell, Kershaw County Vice Chairman Jimmy Jones. (Provided)

Following Monday’s forum, FITSNews spoke with several attendees who said they were displeased with Connell’s purported withdrawal from attendance. He has since been criticized for avoiding at least one media inquiry for comment.

“One; I can’t believe the gall and the arrogance of a public official not answering their phone for the media,” said Jones, a politician historically available for comment. “Two; if you say you’re going to do something and be somewhere, be there.”

And the people concurred …

“For Ben Connell, it’s clearly about the chair’s power,” said Tonia Epling, a council forum attendee studying criminal psychology. “How do you not show up to your own event? What you’re basically saying is we don’t matter. Otherwise, you would have been here.”



Epling went on to say Connell unfriended her from Facebook – while Jones outright blocked her – earlier this year. She furthermore claimed that neither Mattox nor his competitors are electable and that she will not be participating in the special election on August 6.

“You can tell Mattox is a smart man,” concluded Epling. “The problem is, you can’t pick both sides of the same fence. If you’re not for government, don’t run for office. As for the other two? They picked government, but they didn’t show up for the people … everyone needs to do better.” 

Monday’s council forum included an opening prayer from Senate District 35 candidate Mike Jones. Attendees included Senate District 27 candidate Allen Blackmon, former Kershaw County Sheriff Steve McCaskill, and former county magistrate Gene Hartis, among others.

According to the S.C. State Election Commission (SCSEC), it does not appear as though the Palmetto State has ever seen a candidate quite as openly supportive of anarchy as Mattox.

Early voting for the special election started Monday, July 22, and will continue through Friday, August 2. Come Tuesday, August 6, polls will open at 7:00 a.m. EST and close at 7:00 p.m EST. Check your polling locations at SC Votes



Andrew Fancher. Hurricane Helene. Buncombe County. North Carolina. FEMA. Federal Emergency Management Agency. Roy Cooper.
Andrew Fancher in Mitchell County, N.C.
(Dynal Nolan/FITSNews)

Andrew Fancher is a Lone Star Emmy award-winning journalist from Dallas, Texas. Cut from a bloodline of outlaws and lawmen alike, he was the first of his family to graduate college which was accomplished with honors. Got a story idea or news tip for Andy? Email him directly and connect with him socially across Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.



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Will Folks


KC Voter July 24, 2024 at 2:29 pm

Interesting article! Jimmy Jones has a long and proven record of fighting waste on Kershaw County Council. I believe he will continue to represent the interests of Kershaw County taxpayers as chairman, but on a grander scale.

Ben Connell impresses me as a wannabe career politician, who wants to go where he percieves the money to be, be it above the table or below the table. In recent days he has sent out texts to Kershaw County voters claiming to be some great “conservative”, yet he voted in favor of a hate crime bill, not long ago as a member of the SC House. Why does he want to go from being a House member down to Council Chairman? Some smells fishy with Connell, our lawyer-legislator.

I actually like Jeff Mattox’s message. If Jimmy Jones did not have such a stellar record of fighting against waste and for taxpayers, I would vote for him. As someone quoted in the article noted, I don’t think Mr Mattox can win this, but I hope we see and hear more from him in the future.

Rob July 30, 2024 at 12:03 am

Mattox is a nut job. He attends council meetings and runs his mouth about nonsense that has nothing to do with anything on the agenda and he just promotes himself and wastes time. He will not come remotely close to winning anything.

Jimmy Jones is a good guy but Jimmy is against everything. He’s a one hit wonder. He always has a better idea supposedly, but rarely puts an idea forth to be considered by anyone else.

Ben is a good guy. He is willing to work with others much more than Jimmy. He will actively ask others their opinion and listen. He’s sort of a local legend from high school where he was a very successful athlete. I think he just wants to serve his home and doesn’t want to fool with the legislature anymore.

I’m glad Ben supported the hate crime enhanced penalty law. It will pass eventually but it was only common sense.

I live in Kershaw County and I’m not voting for any of them. I suspect Ben might win but I don’t care enough to vote.

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VERITAS Top fan July 24, 2024 at 7:41 pm

Vomiting + Diarrhea + Wretching = Mattox. Everything about him stinks.

Rob July 30, 2024 at 12:06 am

Mattox is one odd guy. He is one of these folks always looking for an audience to listen to him talk about his political views. He shows up to council meetings and bores everyone to death with his political views- and talks about things that council isn’t even involved with most of the time.

He likes to hear himself talk and he’s as goofy as a 3 dollar bill.

His campaign is a joke. The guy can’t cooperate with anyone and you can’t get things done if you can’t cooperate with people.

It’s not a dictatorship. You have to work with others.


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