Federal Murdaugh Investigation: ‘Another Attorney’ In The Crosshairs

Who else was allegedly in on Alex Murdaugh’s fleecings?

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In the days leading up to Alex Murdaugh‘s sentencing on nearly two dozen federal fraud charges, prosecutors in the office of U.S. attorney Adair Ford Boroughs dropped a bombshell – informing U.S. district court judge Richard Gergel that Murdaugh had failed a polygraph examination and was thus in violation of the plea deal he reached last fall. 

The disbarred South Carolina attorney, disgraced former badge-holder, confessed fraudster and convicted double-murderer pleaded guilty last September to multiple federal charges included conspiracy, bank fraud, wire fraud and money laundering. Those charges revolved around nearly $10 million Murdaugh admittedly stole or defrauded from his former legal clients.

Under the terms of his federal plea deal, Murdaugh agreed to provide law enforcement with “full, complete, and truthful information about all criminal activities (of) which he has knowledge” and to “submit to a polygraph examination at the government’s election.” Failure to comply would void the government’s obligations to Murdaugh under the agreement – without allowing Murdaugh to withdraw his plea.

According to prosecutors Emily LimehouseWinston Holliday and Kathleen Stoughton, Murdaugh failed a polygraph administered on October 18, 2023 by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The polygraph followed four separate interviews in which the feds sought to ascertain the location of more than $6 million in unaccounted for funds.



The polygraph examination targeted two separate “series.” At the conclusion of the exam, its administrator determined deception was indicated on both series – meaning Murdaugh failed the examination. 

What were the “series?” According to the filing (.pdf), Murdaugh was questioned “on issues related to hidden assets and the involvement of another attorney in (his) criminal conduct.”

Obviously, our audience already knew about the hidden assets. After all, the feds aren’t the only ones hunting for Murdaugh’s missing millions. But … another attorney?

From the beginning of the ‘Murdaugh Murders‘ crime and corruption saga, everyone knew the story was much bigger than just Alex Murdaugh. The question has always been would the rest of the tale be told? And would there ever be full accountability for the myriad misdeeds done?

In discussing the missing millions and the alleged involvement of “another attorney,” the feds moved to seal Murdaugh’s polygraph report – and four FBI reports from his prior interviews – citing an “ongoing grand jury investigation, as well as allegations of criminal activity against others.”




Sealing the files was “necessary to protect the integrity of its investigation, prevent disclosure of an ongoing grand jury investigation, prevent the potential for tampering with evidence and witnesses related to the investigation, and protect the identities of witnesses, subjects, and targets of the ongoing investigation,” prosecutors noted.


Clearly the federal probe into the web of corruption surrounding Murdaugh’s activities is far from over and it appears those connected to Alex Murdaugh are not entirely in the clear … yet.

According to prosecutors, Murdaugh accepted responsibility for the crimes to which he confessed – and admitted the involvement of his co-conspirators, convicted fraudsters Russell Laffitte and Cory Fleming. But he was allegedly not truthful when asked about hidden assets and the involvement of this mysterious “other attorney.”

To whom were prosecutors referring?

Sources familiar with the ongoing investigation told us they believe at least one of the “targets” of the investigation is none other than Bamberg, S.C-based attorney Chris Wilson. One of Murdaugh’s childhood friends, the 54-year-old Wilson was a key figure during Murdaugh’s murder trial as prosecutors worked to establish his motive for killing his wife Maggie Murdaugh and son Paul Murdaugh on June 7, 2021.

(Click to view)

Chris Wilson, trial attorney, is questioned by prosecutor Creighton Waters during a hearing in the middle of the double murder trial of Alex Murdaugh at the Colleton County Courthouse in Walterboro, Thursday, Feb. 02, 2023. Andrew J. Whitaker/The Post and Courier/Pool
Chris Wilson, trial attorney, is questioned by prosecutor Creighton Waters during a hearing in the middle of the double murder trial of Alex Murdaugh at the Colleton County Courthouse in Walterboro, Thursday, Feb. 02, 2023. Andrew J. Whitaker/The Post and Courier/Pool

On the afternoon of the murders, state prosecutors claimed Murdaugh was in his office working on financial disclosures tied to a high-profile wrongful death case. That same day, Jeanne Seckinger – the chief financial officer of the law firm where Murdaugh worked – confronted him regarding $792,000 in missing fees from a case he worked with Wilson. At Laffitte’s federal trial in November 2022, Seckinger testified Murdaugh told her the fee had been placed into Wilson’s trust account. However, evidence showed it had actually been paid directly to Murdaugh.

During the murder trial, Wilson testified how Murdaugh – whom he described as his best friend – allegedly stole nearly $200,000 from him as part of this settlement. According to Wilson, Murdaugh belatedly admitted he had stolen money from him and others – claiming “he was addicted to opioids and that he had been addicted for twenty years or so.”

Murdaugh made this admission to Wilson during a face-to-face meeting on September 4, 2021 – just hours before he was involved in a bizarre roadside shooting incident on Old Salkehatchie Road near Varnville, S.C. 

During this meeting, Wilson testified that Murdaugh confessed to stealing from him – and from others.




At this point, lead prosecutor Creighton Waters asked the witness whether Murdaugh “had a particular phrase he used” to describe the way he had treated Wilson and others.

“Shit me up,” Wilson responded.

“He said he ’shit you up?’” Waters asked.

One of the most compelling witnesses presented against Murdaugh, Wilson claimed to have been completely blindsided by the betrayal of his friend, but is it possible he knew more than he let on? And if so … does he know where the missing $6 million went?

Murdaugh’s federal sentencing hearing has been scheduled for 10:00 a.m. EDT tomorrow (April 1, 2024) at the Waring Judicial Center in Charleston, S.C. Even before last week’s filing from prosecutors, Gergel had already indicated Murdaugh could be facing a much stiffer federal sentence than he or his attorneys anticipated, submitting a notice informing them he “may consider at the time of sentencing an upward variance from the proposed guideline range” presented by federal probation officials.

Our Dylan Nolan will attend tomorrow’s hearing in Charleston and provide updates. Also, count on our news team to keep our audience informed as to any new information regarding the “targets” of the ongoing federal probe.



Jenn Wood (Provided)

Jenn Wood is FITSNews’ incomparable research director. She’s also the producer of the FITSFiles and Cheer Incorporated podcasts and leading expert on all things Murdaugh/ South Carolina justice. A former private investigator with a criminal justice degree, evildoers beware, Jenn Wood is far from your average journalist! A deep dive researcher with a passion for truth and a heart for victims, this mom of two is pretty much a superhero in FITSNews country. Did we mention she’s married to a rocket scientist? (Lucky guy!) Got a story idea or a tip for Jenn? Email her at



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VERITAS Top fan March 31, 2024 at 7:32 pm

Hoping the judicial system does right and “s–ts Murdaugh up.” Put this guy away forever and throw away the key. Maximum sentences to be served consecutively. Make him cry … for real … just once … in front of everyone. His Mama Libby would say, “Like father, like son.”

Clemson McDaniel III April 1, 2024 at 10:32 am

So, so much more here ….Spent years in Federal Court….not all but certainly a contingent of Murdaugh types making money. Old SC families controlling the system and with their friends controlling the outcome of cases. The local FEDS also controlled by these same types as are Judges and local police. Be very, very wary here and make sure you have lawyers from outside the area watching your local lawyers. The club is thick of thieves and Alex is just one of them

B B BROCKMAN Top fan April 3, 2024 at 10:20 am

I am curious to know if the “Lie Detector” examiner asked Alex about the involvement of Judge Mullen? It has always seemed to me that she had to be involved and “paid off” to render her decisions in the Satterfield settlement. If not she should be removed for simple stupidity.

Kidd Top fan April 14, 2024 at 12:04 am

On point!


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