Letter: We Can’t Afford The Risk Of Keeping Santee Cooper

Marilyn Hemingway: “We don’t have to gamble on Santee Cooper’s promises.”

Dear Friend of South Carolina,

Do we want to keep paying higher electricity bills to reimburse Santee Cooper for its failed promise of cleaner energy, for decades to come? 

Or, do we want to sell it to a company with a track record of delivering affordable, green energy – while removing the burden of debt from our communities?

That’s the decision before the South Carolina legislature.  And guess which way they’re leaning?  Toward keeping Santee Cooper — betting our future on a risky gamble that a company with a 20-year track record of broken promises can reform itself, and the vain belief that Columbia politicians know how to manage the energy business.

We don’t need to take that bet.  We know that Santee Cooper’s reform plan places an unfair burden on a marginalized community that can least afford to fix the problem.  Problems created by a Board of Directors and management that does not reflect the demographics of the state.

(Click to view)

(Via: Facebook)

Change to a new utility is the best chance for South Carolina to move to greener, cleaner energy with a company with the competence to deliver renewable generation.  We don’t have to gamble on Santee Cooper’s promises, which we can ill-afford to believe.

Please sign our petition to the legislature which calls on the state to sell Santee Cooper and free South Carolina from years of bad decisions, debt and mismanagement.  Let’s move forward with a plan for affordable cleaner energy.  Unless we speak out, the politicians will keep control, and not only will we be stuck with the wages of Santee Cooper’s sins, we may be doomed to repeat them.

Change is possible if we speak up!  Please sign our petition today.


Marilyn Hemingway
Gullah Geechee Chamber of Commerce


Marilyn: We make it a point not to argue with people when they are right. And you are right!



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