Letter: #NukeGate’s Unheeded Warnings

“We were a very loud canary in the cave … they just ignored us.”

RE: #NukeGate

Dear Editor,

What a perfect example of disgusting duplicity and cognitive dissonance.  The South Carolina Sierra Club challenged the constitutionality of the Base Load Review Act …. up to the state Supreme Court.

The Court sided with the law.

Where were all these irate legislators who created this law and now decry it and question it?  They are responsible for this disaster that we warned them over and over again would ensue … only to be ignored.  We warned them about the bad economics and the risks they were exposing ratepayers to.  They didn’t care – too much money from SCANA in their pockets.

Now they act surprised.

The PURC, the PSC, the legislature … all of these entities were complicit.  We went before the PSC multiple times.  We challenged the first operating license application, took it all the way to the ASLB.  We were a very loud canary in the cave but they just ignored us.


Susan Corbett
West Columbia, S.C.



Susan: I make it a point not to argue with people when they are correct.  Thank you for your advocacy.  It’s a shame your warnings went unheeded.



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