Michael Pitts: Beware “Pro-Gun” Group

“LOOK FOR PROVEN LEADERSHIP ON SECOND AMENDMENT ISSUES” Dear Editor, I have served in the South Carolina House of Representatives for 14 years with previous service on Laurens County Council for six years – all while working closely with the National Rifle Association on issues ranging from local firing ranges to the…


Dear Editor,

I have served in the South Carolina House of Representatives for 14 years with previous service on Laurens County Council for six years – all while working closely with the National Rifle Association on issues ranging from local firing ranges to the castle doctrine.

My work on second amendment issues has been recognized by the Safari Club International and the Second Amendment Foundation with National Legislator of the Year Awards as well as being awarded the Landford Cup by the NRA.

There is a group that has become increasingly involved in the South Carolina political process, the National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR), their leader Dudley Brown and their SC Affiliate, Palmetto Gun Rights. NAGR follows a pattern set in many other states which has done more damage to gun rights than good by attacking pro-gun rights legislators. They use scare tactics and scorched earth policy to generate membership and funding, then using that funding for administrative purposes. Their attacks target legislators with proven track records of fighting for gun rights.

An internet search of NAGR reveals quite a record of deceit, deception and distortion of facts to justify their attacks. These attacks weaken the pro-gun rights forces by division, especially at a time when we are most vulnerable by direct assault from the current Federal Administration.

The political process is cumbersome. For example, one senator in South Carolina can slow progress and stop a bill procedurally in its track. It takes an extremely diplomatic and influential leader to successfully navigate this process. A prime example was this year’s passage of Concealed Weapon Permit reciprocity with Georgia during the final hours of a two year session, championed by Senator Larry Martin.

This success is an illustration of Senator Martin’s consistent and respected work with House Judiciary Chairman Greg Delleney. Our ability to stop anti-gun rights legislation and to move forward with protection of your second amendment rights is dependent on these strong leaders. Please don’t be deceived by the National Association of Gun Rights’ attacks during this election cycle. Look to proven leadership on Second Amendment issues.


Pitts Sig

Michael A. Pitts
S.C. State Representative, District 14
Retired, Greenville Police Department

Pic: Travis Bell Photography


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