SCGOP Announces Its Convention Leaders

“REPUBLICAN” DELEGATION TAKES (FAMILIAR) SHAPE A few months ago, the release of the South Carolina “Republican” party convention delegation – and its officers and committee assignments – would have been a big deal. At that point, there was still a better-than-average chance that this summer’s quadrennial GOP convention in Cleveland,…


A few months ago, the release of the South Carolina “Republican” party convention delegation – and its officers and committee assignments – would have been a big deal.

At that point, there was still a better-than-average chance that this summer’s quadrennial GOP convention in Cleveland, Ohio would descend into a maze of parliamentary madness.  Unfortunately for the “Republican” establishment, all of Washington officialdom couldn’t derail the populist uprising of Donald Trump – whose late surge clinched the GOP nomination and put to bed the status quo scheming.

Now, the selection of convention leaders has reverted to what it usually is … mere formality.

Anyway, from the SCGOP …

Press Release: SCGOP National Convention Delegation elects Officers

Columbia, S.C. – South Carolina’s 2016 Republican National Convention delegation met yesterday to elect its officers and make appointments to the National Convention’s four standing committees. The delegation, which will attend the National Convention July 18-21, 2016 in Cleveland, is comprised of 50 delegates and 47 alternates from across South Carolina. Their names can be seen by clicking here.

The following individuals were elected delegation officers:

Lt. Governor Henry McMaster (Richland) – Delegation Chairman
SCGOP Chairman Matt Moore (Lexington) – Delegation Co-Chairman
Gov. Nikki Haley and U.S. Senator Tim Scott – Honorary Chairmen
Mrs. Lou Nolan (Richland) – Delegation Vice Chairman
State Senator Tom Davis (Beaufort) and Mrs. Susan Aiken (Anderson) – Secretaries

The following individuals were elected to the four Republican National Convention standing committees:

Mr. Moye Graham (Clarendon) and Mrs. Sandra Stroman (Chester) – Committee on Permanent Organization
State Rep. Alan Clemmons (Horry) and Mrs. LaDonna Ryggs (Spartanburg) – Committee on Resolutions & Platform
Mr. Randy Page (Greenville) and County Treasurer Mary Pearson (Dorchester) – Committee on Credentials
SCGOP Chairman Matt Moore (Lexington) and National Committeewoman Cindy Costa (Charleston) – Committee on Rules


Our view?

Aside from the surprise inclusion of Tom Davis – who is being touted as a possible libertarian gubernatorial candidate in the 2018 statewide elections – there wasn’t really anything (or anybody) on this list worth mentioning.

Mostly status quo sycophants if you ask us …

In fact of those listed, only Randy Page of Greenville has been affiliated with anything even remotely resembling a “reform” movement.


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