SC Has A Hot Catherine Heigel, Too

Katherine Heigl is a train smoke hot Hollywood bombshell who has starred in some great flics over the years.  Our personal favorite?  Knocked Up – famous for its sage advice to “never drink and bone.” Anyway, South Carolina has a hot Catherine Heigel, too … just change the “K” to a “C.”  And…

Katherine Heigl is a train smoke hot Hollywood bombshell who has starred in some great flics over the years.  Our personal favorite?  Knocked Up – famous for its sage advice to “never drink and bone.”

Anyway, South Carolina has a hot Catherine Heigel, too … just change the “K” to a “C.”  And add an “E.”  After the “G.”

Wait … are we rapping?

Seriously, though, check out home girl’s bio page on the website of the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control.

(Ahem, the pic …)

catherine heigel

Um, “yes please!”

Heigel was appointed to lead SCDHEC last spring after Eleanor Kitzman – S.C. governor Nikki Haley‘s first choice to replace another hot Catherine at the helm of the state’s largest agency – withdrew her name in disgrace.

She’s reportedly righted the ship at the agency following the goat rodeo that befell SCDHEC under Haley confidant Jamie Shuster following Templeton’s departure.

(Haley has reportedly rewarded Shuster – the girlfriend of her press secretary – with a sweet taxpayer-funded gig at the Continuum of Care, a totally unnecessary government bureaucracy).

Templeton and Heigel – a former Duke Energy executive – are said to be close friends.  They also reportedly roll with new S.C. Department of Revenue (SCDOR) director Rick Reames, who has been in the headlines a good bit of late.

Sort of a bureaucratic brat pack …

Anyway, we don’t expected to be invited to any “cool kid’s club” meetings anytime soon (especially after we popped Templeton earlier this week), but it seems clear there are some rising new powers in the S.C. capital.

Let’s hope as their influence waxes they treat taxpayers better than the current powers … 


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James January 28, 2016 at 2:12 pm

She was horrible at Duke. Or the pretty face (with no portfolio other than the title as the SC Prez) on an ugly company. Maybe she’s up to it, she never demonstrated it at Duke while they were being exposed for one environmental disaster after another. Some inherited as a result of their skanky merger deal with Progress Energy, though plenty enough on their own legacy systems.

Money January 28, 2016 at 2:37 pm

Great. Now another blonde head of DHEC is paying Fits.

jimlewisowb January 28, 2016 at 2:49 pm

Tank, oh Tank, where are you ?

Outfieldjack January 28, 2016 at 2:51 pm

Templeton screwed up the Agency by gutting all of the institutional knowledge, hiring “executives” with no health or environmental experience (just like her), and ham stringing the ability of dedicated employees to do their jobs.

Shuster, was just continuing down the same incompetent path that Templeton sent the Agency on.

I hear that just about everyone at the Agency is happy with the new Director and her plans. Unfortunately it may take years to undo what “Catherine the first” did to ruin the Agency.

Reality January 28, 2016 at 2:54 pm

That’s called cutting bureaucracy. Slashing the status quo. If an agency likes the Director too much then he or she isn’t doing the job.

Cleared for Takeoff January 28, 2016 at 5:51 pm

CH is sharp, clear headed, focused, and seemingly dead serious about improving the place. I think she will do very well, though it’s a big job.

Rumpelstiltken January 30, 2016 at 4:46 pm

The DHEC institutional knowledge was thoroughly gutted by Prince Michael and his temporary successor Tom Brown in 1992, Prince Michael was suffering from cancer the last several months of his reign, partly at his behest and partly at the suggestion of Bob Jackson after his resignation at a later date. Between them, they were getting even with at least one “Straight Arrow”, and moving others out who he perceived to be the architects of the whistle-blowing that earned him and a former commissioner a sentence for public misconduct.

They also moved the holder of the greatest institutional knowledge to a “nothing” job, with no one to mentor or supervise (an Assistant Commissioner with over 50 years’ experience with the old Department of Health and its successor, DHEC). This move was an unmitigated disaster for the agency. Many others that “weren’t in Royal favor” found themselves either marginalized in empty offices, or basically pushed out the door.

I was relatively happy to have been one of those. I was fortunate to have 32 years in, and since it wasn’t at all pleasant to go to work anymore (I LOVED my job!), I retired.

Under the so-called “leadership” of Dr. A., Dr. J., and Prince Michael, the old agency deteriorated to an amateur status, and instead of its prior position as one of the most effective.

Ms. Templeton was a pleasant surprise (after the bloodletting at DOLL&R) and Ms. Heigel appears to be doing an excellent job.

Alfromupstate January 28, 2016 at 2:51 pm

Did Reames represent Duke Energy while Heigel was there?

Lone Ranger January 28, 2016 at 3:41 pm

O Lawd please cut us a slice of Will Folks’ degeneracy thinking bimbos make good agency heads

Like we haven’t had same already in Flag-Ripping-WITHOUT-Your-Vote-Haley who’s politically dead

Next thing Folks will say he actually slept with Haley and that he and the back-stabber have a date

But like Joe-Boehner-Kissing-Wilson getting UNelected we know that won’t happen…NO…WAIT !!!

Dick C Normis January 29, 2016 at 11:18 pm

“Right wingin’, bitter clingin’, proud clingers of our guns, our god, and our religions, and our Constitution.”

Lone Ranger January 31, 2016 at 10:07 pm

Dick did worse in Remedial History than on the chain gang pitching sod
Didn’t appreciate patriots white and black and sadly spelled God “god !!! “

Connected January 28, 2016 at 4:11 pm

Great news public! There is a new brat pack of younger chronically narcissistic political stars in SC to deal with. Same ole same ole.

Ricky January 28, 2016 at 4:36 pm

Rick Reames, perfect porn star name.

Handle January 29, 2016 at 8:14 am

Reames is a Nexen Pruett lawyer. His law firm was supposed to make lots o money off the Richland County penny tax. They were cut out of the deal, so Reames used DOR to blow the whistle and cause them trouble.

No honor among thieves

truthbetole February 5, 2016 at 5:22 pm

for real? i didnt know that. why are they nabbing those colored boys ya reckon?

Mark Twain January 28, 2016 at 5:04 pm

I’m not sure who is prettiest – Templeton, Heigel – or Reames. That there is a good looking man.

Slartibartfast January 28, 2016 at 6:54 pm

There is something wrong about the adoration of scrawny women.

TankMcNamara January 28, 2016 at 7:57 pm

i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: i’d hit it. . . . .

Mickey January 29, 2016 at 8:11 am

They are the new insiders. The next generation of people that send government contracts and funds to their friends and family.

Dress them up and give them nice clothes; it does not matter. They are still insiders feathering their nest with your money.


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