Nikki Haley’s Education Plan: More Of The Same Failed “Solutions”

GOVERNOR’S PLAN FULLY EMBRACES FAILED STATUS QUO During her six years in the S.C. House of Representatives from 2005-11, Nikki Haley was a passionate advocate for expanded parental choice in South Carolina.  In fact that’s one of the issues that helped catapult Haley onto the statewide stage – and earn…


During her six years in the S.C. House of Representatives from 2005-11, Nikki Haley was a passionate advocate for expanded parental choice in South Carolina.  In fact that’s one of the issues that helped catapult Haley onto the statewide stage – and earn her the support of the Tea Party movement in the 2010 “Republican” gubernatorial primary.

Unfortunately, Haley made an abrupt U-Turn on education policy as soon as she had secured the GOP nomination – and has continued down the wrong road ever since.

Well, to be fair she completely ignored the issue until an election year … when she rolled out a decidedly status quo proposal that did nothing but dump more money into the state’s failed government-run system.

Two years later, Haley is back with more of the same …

While the rest of the country was focused on her big response to Barack Obama‘s State of the Union address, Haley quietly unveiled an education agenda for South Carolina that would make America’s most liberal president blush with satisfaction … again.

“I have said many times that my heart is always in rural areas, and growing up in Bamberg, I’ve always said we didn’t know what we didn’t have.  Now I know what we didn’t have.  And once we know what you didn’t have, and you know what children don’t have, you can’t ever turn away from that,” Haley said in announcing her budget-busting proposals.  “We’re seeing teachers having to wear rain boots to walk through the rain in schools. We’re seeing walls that are molded. We’re seeing building structures that are not safe. And so now we are saying ‘it is time to deal with the facilities of the schools in our state.’”

Hold up … South Carolina taxpayers currently shell out roughly $13,000 per child per year subsidizing the worst government-run education system in the nation.  How on earth is that not enough money?

And how on earth is increasing funding going to make a difference?

Nonetheless, Haley wants to dramatically expand this failed system – and to accomplish this objective she has formed a “leadership team” with superintendent Molly Spearman, who prior to being elected as a “Republican” in 2014 was the lead lobbyist for South Carolina’s education bureaucracy.

Unbelievable: Haley is not only embracing our state’s demonstrably failed “Mo Money” approach to education – she’s putting the status quo’s lead architect in charge of it.

Oh, and she’s also got liberal “Republicans” Rita Allison and John Courson championing her agenda in the S.C. General Assembly.

What a betrayal …

As we said last year …

If our state ever hopes to achieve real economic progress (as opposed to bribing companies to come here with your tax dollars), then South Carolina’s future generations can no longer be held hostage by our failed “one size fits none” government education system.  That means our leaders must – at long last – start putting the needs of individual children first, not continue bowing down to the bureaucrats holding all of us back.

Lawmakers must expand school choice.  Dramatically.  And make it part of permanent state law.

Only then will be begin to see the sort of academic gains that money clearly couldn’t buy …

Unfortunately, Haley’s education agenda contains zero parental choice – making it virtually identical to the big government agenda we saw proposed by the S.C. House of Representatives last month.

What a shame …

South Carolina’s government-run schools will never improve so long as “Republican” politicians are content to throw more of your money at additional government programs.  How do we know that?  Because that’s what they’ve been doing for decades.

In fact even the uber-liberal S.C. Supreme Court under former chief justice Jean Toal admitted in a controversial 2014 ruling that “spending fails to provide students with the opportunity to obtain a minimally adequate education.”

“Rather, the evidence demonstrates that there is a clear disconnect between spending and results,” the ruling noted.

Why can’t our “leaders” figure this out?

South Carolina must fully embrace market-based education reform in 2016 – and rebuke this status quo “Republican” nonsense.  Otherwise, expect the thousands of children trapped in our failing government-run schools to continue falling further behind the rest of the nation.


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jimlewisowb January 14, 2016 at 12:01 pm

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid, Benjamin Franklin

The Fuckin’ Cockroaches down at the State House are working 24/7 to prove Franklin right

Gimmetarian January 14, 2016 at 12:55 pm

Wonder how much $$$ Trump slips FitsNews under the table? He’s a self-proclaimed “libertarian” who attacks all GOP nominees except Trump, a liberal from NYC who’s been bailed out with the help of the government a few times. Who has voted for and given tons of money to the Clintons up until recently. He’s openly praising communist dictators. Not very “libertarian” don’t cha think?

Nofanodan January 14, 2016 at 12:06 pm

Failed First Steps director Susan Devenny was finally canned. Haley is dividing First Steps programs across agencies.

rockyverdadsuglyclan January 14, 2016 at 12:37 pm

I love the pic above of Haley celebrating with the Democrats after fucking the people that elected her.

Sic Semper Tyrannis January 14, 2016 at 1:03 pm

She could be getting rid of her hate, ( requirement to become a dem) I’m liking her more now. You can almost see a transformation.

rockyverdadsuglyclan January 14, 2016 at 1:15 pm

Dems hate Jesus,America and the unborn.

Mad Man January 14, 2016 at 1:37 pm

Every time flip changes his name to such nonsense it just further proves how badly Rocky has him whipped.

rockyverdadsuglyclan January 14, 2016 at 1:59 pm

Is that flip? If it is maybe he got the idea from blogger ‘grandtangosuglydog’?

Tazmaniac January 14, 2016 at 3:06 pm

No, you are the the “blogger”, failed one at that. Everyone else is a commenter or poster. You “blog” here because no one went to yours except to heckle you, loser.

rockyverdadsuglyclan January 14, 2016 at 3:15 pm

Not nice.I try and leave your insane repetitive babbling alone out of respect for those that actually read your stupid RINO shit.

Carry on,dork.

pogo's retarded son January 14, 2016 at 3:22 pm

This is pogo’s blog. The comments section of another third rate blog. He’s like a maggot…only not as smart or self-aware…or literate.

mamatiger92 January 14, 2016 at 2:21 pm

Every time flip changes his user name, an angel gets its wings.

Tazmaniac January 14, 2016 at 3:10 pm

Would you say that picture of Haley above is not complimentary? What is it, the dress, angle on her face, or the hair? Somethings not working, she has many more attractive pics than that.

mamatiger92 January 14, 2016 at 3:25 pm

Poor lighting, too.

flip loves pogo's retarded son January 14, 2016 at 4:50 pm

He is truly Rocky’s bitch. pogo lives for Rocky’s comments. Now that his butt buddy GrandTango ran away with his tail between hus legs….which is also pogo.

Sic Semper Tyrannis January 14, 2016 at 2:03 pm

Hate is for you guys. I know for a fact you’re the #1 hater on this site. Yep.

Flip R. Morals Sr. January 14, 2016 at 3:56 pm

You get TRUTH and hate mixed up.

flip loves pogo's retarded son January 14, 2016 at 4:01 pm

Damn pogo, another disqus account?
You can’t help but fail on a regular basis.

Lordy Lordy January 14, 2016 at 8:35 pm

Jesus hates Republicans

erneba January 14, 2016 at 1:06 pm

“Rather, the evidence demonstrates that there is a clear disconnect between spending and results,”
But, it creates the illusion that you are doing something good for the education system.
The politicians don’t want to give up their control of the money that flows through the system. In the whole scheme of things, our politicians are the “middle men,” taking their cuts and controlling where the rest of the money goes.
The system, as it exists today, should be abandoned and privatize the system.

Lone Ranger January 14, 2016 at 3:47 pm

Ummmm…Kemosabe…great picture of two Dimwits and the one not raising her hand
After November will be out on the curb with a monkey and…the leader of her band !!!

Tonto January 14, 2016 at 3:59 pm

How can she lose in November? She’ll be ending her second, even more successful, term.
She won’t be running….well, maybe with Rubio. The last time you ran two white guys it was a total defeat, so this time the GOP will mix it up…and Haley has already proven she can handle racist white guys like nobody’s business!

Lone Ranger January 14, 2016 at 5:18 pm

Tonto (no relation to Tonto) was still enraged because TRUTH shot down him and Obama on Michael and Trayvon
But now he DID vote for Obama at least six to ten times and his ambition was to join Diamond Jim as an ex-con !!!


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