SC Supreme Court Nomination Period Extended

PANEL ALLOWS ANOTHER WEEK FOR CANDIDATES TO SUBMIT PAPERWORK || By FITSNEWS || South Carolina’s Judicial Merit Selection Commission has extended by one week a deadline for candidates to apply for various judgeships in the Palmetto State – including an upcoming opening on the S.C. Supreme Court. The deadline was…


|| By FITSNEWS || South Carolina’s Judicial Merit Selection Commission has extended by one week a deadline for candidates to apply for various judgeships in the Palmetto State – including an upcoming opening on the S.C. Supreme Court.

The deadline was supposed to be 12:00 p.m. EDT on Monday, August 10 – but commissioners have pushed the deadline back to noon on August 17.  In addition to the Supreme Court seat, an appeals court seat and more than a dozen circuit court seats are up for grabs.

To view all of the openings, click here (.pdf).

No reason was given for the extension …

Retiring liberal S.C. chief justice Jean Toal – whose 15-year reign of terror ends this month – will be replaced as chief justice by longtime associate justice Costa Pleicones.  However, Pleicones will serve for only one year due to his scheduled retirement.

Another liberal justice – Donald Beatty – is in line to become the next chief, however his flirtation with a spot on the federal bench has lawmakers leery of nominating him.  Lawmakers are also hoping to nominate an “outsider” to the top spot – someone who can clean up a judicial branch run by Toal as an effective dictatorship for the last decade-and-a-half.

Among the names being considered for that role?  That of U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy …


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jimlewisowb August 10, 2015 at 4:45 pm

Apparently Mr. Gowdy is having a little trouble completing his application

Word at the Git’nGo is that it was returned to him

In the space marked “Current Residency” he wrote in Condom

There was a 60/40 split on the part of the Court’s staff that Gowdy really is a Peckerhead but at the end of the day they decided to return his application with Condom highlighted and in the margin the word Condominium was penciled in just as a reminder

Elfego August 10, 2015 at 6:05 pm


BiggieTea August 10, 2015 at 5:13 pm

Do you have a list of who has applied for the various judgeships? I suspect that may answer the question of why they did it. It may be they’re holding the slot open for somebody who is still on the fence about applying or it may be something as simple/dumb as an incumbent forgot to file his or her paperwork in time and nobody opposed so they’re giving them a chance to fix their screw up. Either way, I suspect someone could deduce the reason if given the names.

nitrat August 10, 2015 at 5:35 pm

“Lawmakers are also hoping to nominate an
“outsider” to the top spot – someone who can clean up a judicial
branch run by Toal as an effective dictatorship for the last

Of, yeah, that hiring off the street – which is what putting someone with no judicial experience on a state supreme court would be – has worked out sooooo well with SC’s cabinet system over the past 20 years.
And, many conservatives don’t think it worked out real well with Earl Warren and the US supreme court either.

SYNTwist August 10, 2015 at 10:09 pm

I personally think Trey Gowdy would be an excellent choice. While I don’t agree with him on many social issues, he has proven that he interprets the law, not draft, but interpret.

I can’t imagine why he would want that job, but … I do think he would be an excellent SC Supreme Court Judge.

Doris August 11, 2015 at 9:27 am

It has been amusing to hear about Toal trying to find state government jobs for her little whores that have been working with her. They are all tainted.


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