SC Congressional Money Update

CASH RULES … || By FITSNEWS || Late last week we did a post on U.S. Rep. Mark Sanford‘s latest fundraising efforts – in the context of his upcoming “Republican” congressional primary against S.C. Rep. Jenny Horne. You know, Jenny Horne.  Jefferson Davis’ descendent … But what about the other…


|| By FITSNEWS || Late last week we did a post on U.S. Rep. Mark Sanford‘s latest fundraising efforts – in the context of his upcoming “Republican” congressional primary against S.C. Rep. Jenny Horne.

You know, Jenny Horne.  Jefferson Davis’ descendent …

But what about the other members of South Carolina’s congressional delegation?  How much money did they raise during the second quarter of 2015?  And how much cash do they currently have on hand?

We’ve got you covered …

Third-term U.S. Rep. Jeff Duncan raised $48,777 and has $151,399.75 on hand.  That’s the lowest of any member of the delegation (of course Duncan hasn’t sold out to the GOP status quo in Washington, either).

Fellow third-term U.S. Rep. Mick Mulvaney – who has been drifting in that direction in recent months – raised $99,797 and has $252,456.59 on hand.  However Mulvaney has debt of $113,600.

Liberal U.S. Rep. Tom Rice (elected in 2012) raised $143,674 last quarter and has $335,322.45 on hand, while his fellow establishment “Republican” Joe Wilson (who has been in the House since 2001) raised $121,107 and has $253,631.02 on hand.

Those are two lawmakers who desperately need to draw credible challengers if you ask us …

U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy – who is reportedly being eyed for a seat on the S.C. Supreme Court – raised $173,687 and has $353,034.90 on hand.  Not bad for a guy who’s been desperate to get out of Washington, D.C. pretty much since he got there.

Dwarfing his “Republican” rivals, though, is U.S. Rep. Jim Clyburn.  The lone Democrat in the Palmetto State’s delegation pulled down $332,337 during the last quarter, and has more than $1.3 million on hand.

Wait … how’s he raising that much cash?

Is Clyburn already campaigning to replace Nancy Pelosi as leader of the House Democrats?


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Billy Blue July 20, 2015 at 1:00 pm

Duncan doesn’t need a dime in his account. He is in literally the reddest district in the country and his voting record, to that constituency, is perfect.

Oh!!!! Me so Horney! July 20, 2015 at 1:14 pm

“You know, Jenny Horney. 2 Live Crew Descendant…”- “Make em’ cry” Converse

CharlieChan July 20, 2015 at 2:22 pm

“The lone democrat”… “wait, how is he raising so much cash?”

Are you really that dumb? SC is split about 44% GOP to 39% Dem. The independents in the state obviously lean GOP which is why we are solidly red. However… leaning independents don’t donate. The GOP far outnumbers in elected officials it’s actual support in the state. It only makes sense that 1 democrat would raise way more money than a ton of republicans. The question, and the thinly veiled hint at innapropriateness, is absurd. I enjoy reading this site, please don’t go tinfoil hat wearing Glenn Beck on me. Have a little intellectual honesty.

Elfego July 20, 2015 at 3:18 pm

1/4 of the elected Republicans are really Democrats. Tom Rice really is a Liberal and will not get my vote again.

RogueElephant July 20, 2015 at 2:32 pm

the congressman of shame , along with his cohorts Sharpton and Jackson are making big bucks pitting one race against another. But there is a man in the sixth dist. that is trying a different approach. Leon Wynn is working to unite the races as we are all God’s children. He is truly a giant among men. He has coordinated jobs where several races work together for the common good. I am proud call him a friend and we work together when we can.

CorruptionInColumbia July 20, 2015 at 5:27 pm

It would appear that the First Congressional district is a microcosm of the rest of the state, and the nation for that matter. As with the race two years ago, it appears that te voters are given a choice between a turd and a piece of shit. Trying to determine which of the two is less smelly is no easy task. Shortly after Sanford was in office, he went back on his “whinin’, cryin’, and pologizin'” tour. We had hoped we had seen the last of that when he was governor.

Now, with another Jenny (is every woman in politics with that name a neurotic bitch?) opposing him, they get the opportunity to vote for more of the same, only with lies about her ancestry as topping.

I hope a decent third choice emerges for the voters in that district.

nitrat July 20, 2015 at 10:15 pm

SC1 wouldn’t know what to do with a decent choice.

Lone Ranger July 21, 2015 at 7:59 pm

Ummmm…Kemosabe…so I-Lie-To-Conservatives-Joe Wilson has a
quarter-mil as he and Back-Stab-‘Em-Haley mainline take down Confederate flag
crack ?

Why yes, Tonto—he DOES don’tcha know—but next November will
be like Brooks and Dunn said—nope—ain’t never seen a hearse with a luggage rack


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