Former SC Senator Hired By “Republican” Caucus

|| By FITSNEWS || A former S.C. Senator has been hired by the State Senate’s “Republican” caucus to serve in a staff position – an odd career move that has many State House insiders scratching their heads. Jim Ritchie – an Upstate attorney who represented Spartanburg County in the S.C….

|| By FITSNEWS || A former S.C. Senator has been hired by the State Senate’s “Republican” caucus to serve in a staff position – an odd career move that has many State House insiders scratching their heads.

Jim Ritchie – an Upstate attorney who represented Spartanburg County in the S.C. Senate from 2001-2009 – has been hired on a contract basis to serve as the executive director of the Senate “Republican” caucus.  He replaces Mark Harmon, who recently took a job with the uber-liberal S.C. Chamber of Commerce.

Ritchie’s selection for the position – which is usually awarded to younger, aggressive operatives –

“It poses some real conflicts with his existing clients,” one lobbyist told FITS.

Among them?  BlueCross BlueShield of S.C. (BCBSSC) – the company which was recently taken for a multi-million dollar ride by one of S.C. governor Nikki Haley‘s high-dollar 2014 fundraisers.


Remember that story?  Of course you don’t … South Carolina’s mainstream media buried it.  And totally failed to mention the Haley connection.

Anyway … we’ve got nothing against Ritchie.  He was (is) a consummate political insider (one bearing a striking resemblance to Howdy Doody) but we don’t hold either of those things against him.  After all, most “Republicans” at the S.C. State House are nothing but big taxing, big spending fiscal liberals who slavishly serve the status quo.

And besides, Ritchie’s constituents already showed him the door …

What would we hold against him?  Leveraging his newfound access to Senators to advance the interests of his other clients …


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TroubleBaby April 15, 2015 at 10:16 am

Mulvaney is far closer to Howdy Doody in appearance than this guy.

jimlewisowb April 15, 2015 at 11:52 am

Mulvaney is far closer to Doody in appearance than this guy

fixed it for you – you’re welcome

TroubleBaby April 15, 2015 at 11:53 am

lol, you funny bastard

Buz Martin April 15, 2015 at 12:09 pm

Funny old white bastard, you mean.

Gee Ms. Lemon April 15, 2015 at 12:09 pm

Agree…this guy looks like that dude from 30 Rock.

Buz Martin April 15, 2015 at 12:10 pm

Looks like a young Mike Nichols.

Dan Ruck April 15, 2015 at 12:06 pm

Why is it none of the things FITS gripes about ever change? Endless whining about high taxes and legislative do-nothingness, crooks who shrug off the beefs…if they even bother to pay attention…why doesn’t FITS turn his beady, bloodshot eyes on stuff that matters? Like what Nikki looks like in a bikini. And why doesn’t her husband or Leslie Graham ever get shot at while they’re on jaunts to far-off war zones.

Tobago April 15, 2015 at 2:01 pm

Well, well, incest, fornication, immorality and unethical behavior are all alive and well in the SC Legislature!

GrandTango April 15, 2015 at 2:09 pm

To FITS, everyone is uber-liberal but Obama and the Democrat Party…LMAO….everyone but the truly uber-liberal. ..

You Know My Name April 16, 2015 at 6:32 am

He just wants an excuse to spend more time with his Columbia girlfriend. Poor Evelyn. Left alone in Spartanburg to hawk skincare products. Sad.


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