“Pro-Life” Politicians Cut Corrupt Bargain With SC Senate Leader

“DEAL WITH THE DEVIL” SELLS OUT PALMETTO TAXPAYERS …  || By FITSNEWS ||  Multiple pro-life members of the S.C. Senate have cut a “deal with the devil” in an effort to get their favored legislation placed in a prime spot on the chamber’s calendar. The Senators – led by Lee…


|| By FITSNEWS ||  Multiple pro-life members of the S.C. Senate have cut a “deal with the devil” in an effort to get their favored legislation placed in a prime spot on the chamber’s calendar.

The Senators – led by Lee Bright, Chip Campsen and Tom Corbin (this buffoon) – have reportedly agreed to back powerful S.C. Senate president Hugh Leatherman on a wide range of budget and procedural matters in the event he agrees to set their pro-life bill for “special order.”

What’s “special order?”  Here’s a nice inside baseball story explaining the process, but it’s basically a guarantee that the bill will be one of a handful which receives an up or down vote in the State Senate prior to the end of the legislative session in June.

For the record, we support this legislation (H. 3114) – which overwhelmingly passed the S.C. House in early February.  And while we support the so-called “morning after pill” and other contraceptive measures which prevent pregnancies from taking root (a position which earns us the ire of hardcore social conservatives) … we simply cannot abide by abortion (a position which earns us the ire of hardcore social liberals).

Whatever one’s ideology, abortion is a denial of the most fundamental America liberty: The right to life.  Therefore we support any law which restricts it – assuming exemptions for rape, incest or danger to the mother remain intact.

But with all due respect to the Senators who support this legislation, their willingness to betray taxpayers and basically whore themselves out to Leatherman is every bit as shameful as this corrupt bargain between U.S. president Barack Obama and Harry Reid.

Also, they’re getting played …

Leatherman kept the pro-life bill bottled up in a Senate subcommittee for more than six weeks – deliberately delaying the legislation’s progress so he could maximize their subservience.

He’s playing chess … while the pro-life lawmakers are playing checkers.  Meanwhile you, the taxpaying public, are picking up the tab for the “fun and games.”

Frankly, we’re sick of such subservience.  We’re sick of such corrupt bargains.  We’re sick of lawmakers selling out.

Deals like this – which effectively neuter “fiscal conservatives” – are the reason state government continues to mindlessly expand.  They’re the reason multi-billion dollar tax hikes get passed.

Bright, Campsen, Corbin and the other pro-life Senators hold themselves out as men of God.  In fact they play the “Jesus card” habitually – even faster than Mark Sanford attempting to explain his latest betrayal.

But doesn’t the Bible say one’s “yes” should be “yes?”  And one’s “no” should be “no?”  Where in the Bible are “yes” and “no” contingent on bowing to the altar of power? 

It doesn’t …

And where in the Bible does it say it’s okay to prostitute one’s core convictions on that altar?

Again, nowhere …


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just another guy April 1, 2015 at 11:07 am

So the guy that craps his pants and pisses himself is out smarting the entire senate. Damn south carolina is screwed.

Pineapple Twist April 1, 2015 at 11:32 am

I am pro life and would not support this bill. Look at the burden it places on doctors. It is better than previous bill where there were NO exceptions, but…

Doctors will be afraid to perform abortions, even when the mothers life is in danger, because they have to report it within 7 days with documentation? Lawyers will certainly get their fair share in litigation fees.

An interesting statistic, do you realize that when abortion became legal the crime rate went down? I think that comes from a book Freakonomics. I’ll try to find a better source.

Pineapple Twist April 1, 2015 at 11:35 am

This is just one of many sources available:

Mom April 1, 2015 at 6:48 pm

I am a libertarian on the abortion issue. A parent’s rights take precedence over a child, born or unborn.

Pineapple Twist April 1, 2015 at 6:54 pm

I am pro-life in my personal beliefs, but if you have read my comments on this page, I oppose this legislation. Just like I opposed the piece of legislation they previously tried to pass, was it the personhood bill?

Mom April 1, 2015 at 7:05 pm

Not familiar with the personhood bill. But _I_ have been pregnant, given birth and love my children more than life itself. However, I do not think a person has rights until it is born. Otherwise, pregnant women or even potentially pregnant women could be required by the government to take prenatal vitamins, eat government imposed balanced diet (no caffeine of course), attend government imposed Lamaze classes, follow the government imposed pregnancy plan with no regard to the women’s desires for a home birth, midwife or doctor.

Pineapple Twist April 1, 2015 at 7:13 pm

If you think this one is bad, you’ll really like the personhood bill:

“The “Personhood Act of SC” recognizes the God-given, unalienable right to life of every human being as a legal “person” beginning at fertilization, in South Carolina law. SC Senate bill S.457, introduced today by Senator Lee Bright (R-Greenville/Spartanburg), states in Section 1-1-330.:”

Mom April 2, 2015 at 5:28 pm

I’ll be contacting my state senator today!

Buz Martin April 1, 2015 at 11:35 am

Bright obviously has a lot of Cro Magnon in his DNA.

Bright and Kincannon: Separated at birth?

mamatiger92 April 1, 2015 at 11:43 am

“If men could get pregnant, abortion clinics would be like Starbucks. There would be 2 on every block and 4 in every airport – and, the morning after pill would come in different flavors like sea salt and cool ranch.” SNL

Steve April 1, 2015 at 11:43 am


mom April 1, 2015 at 6:44 pm

Quoting SNL is silly.

Joe April 1, 2015 at 11:43 am

WTF is all this nonsense???

Any woman upon whom an abortion has been performed or induced in violation of this article, or the father of the unborn child who was the subject of such an abortion, may maintain an action against the person who performed or induced the abortion in intentional or reckless violation of this article for actual and punitive damages. Any woman upon whom an abortion has been attempted in violation of this article may maintain an action against the person who attempted to perform or induce the abortion in an intentional or reckless violation of this article for actual and punitive damages.

Pineapple Twist April 1, 2015 at 11:50 am

Exactly! It’s a bill that Doctors will hate, while lawyers make money.

FastEddy23 April 1, 2015 at 12:17 pm

“… the father of the unborn child who was the subject of such an abortion …”

Well, there is always castration of the criminally insane as an option.

But why/how would the father of an unborn need an abortion, anyway?

Buz Martin April 1, 2015 at 11:48 am

What FITS needs: 1) More tunage 2) More The Wire 3) Bring back T&A

Ned April 1, 2015 at 12:17 pm

Kevin Bryant has become a Leatherman disciple. When Leatherman needs him, he is there. Otherwise, he throws right wings bombs that no one cares about,
Useful idiot is the term, I believe.

Pineapple Twist April 1, 2015 at 6:40 pm

But you don’t participate in tunage – the only way he is going to bring that back is draw attn. to it :(

Pineapple Twist April 1, 2015 at 11:59 am

Here is the hypocrisy IMO. Legislation is proposed to stop abortions, yet the same people who propose that legislation, want to cut off funding for birth control, funds to help raise children, all funding period.

Right now in SC there is a shortage of foster homes, no answer in sight. Late term abortions are morbid to say the least, but with this piece of legislation abortions at 20 weeks are mal practice suits in the works. Most women don’t even realize they are pregnant until 12 weeks or later. Horrible birth defects often do not show up until much later.

I know a couple who had a baby with defective genes (trisomy?), it was a horribly sad story how they held the baby for 30 minutes, knowing it couldn’t survive.

Mom April 1, 2015 at 6:42 pm

The Supreme Court has ruled on abortion 40 YEARS AGO! Abortion is LEGAL. This issue is not all Black and White. There are gray areas. The conservatives need to shut up about this and win elections.

FastEddy23 April 1, 2015 at 12:13 pm

These clowns obviously have too much time on their hands.

Anyone watching the state budget processes? … Anyone? … Anyone?

Pineapple Twist April 1, 2015 at 12:15 pm

The State Budget? It’ll end up like it always does, the Governor will try to veto some spending cuts, then they will debate and debate until they over ride any spending cuts and it will look the same as it has for years. What’s to watch?

FastEddy23 April 1, 2015 at 12:42 pm

Did for a time in my misspent youth … ‘necking in the oil patches, chasing UoT co-eds … The best things about Texas are the music, cowgirls and Pearl Beer (now RIP).

Pineapple Twist April 1, 2015 at 12:43 pm

They have some great Mexican Food too, best I ever was Texas!

FastEddy23 April 1, 2015 at 12:50 pm

Best places for Tex-Mex meskin food: San Antonio and Fort Worth.

For those of you all not exactly wallowing in political correctness, “meskin” is what it is and many Texas Mexican food restaurants have that spelled like that on the signs out in front and printed on the menus. … And a good indication that the food actually is decent Tex-Mex.

American People April 1, 2015 at 2:00 pm

Glad to see SC is as stupid as ever. Keep it up!

Soft Sigh from Hell April 1, 2015 at 7:54 pm

There are some things you can truly count on.

jimlewisowb April 1, 2015 at 2:07 pm

“… okay to prostitute one’s core convictions…”

Fucking Cockroach Bastards don’t have convictions and their core is full of Cockroach shit

Manray9 April 1, 2015 at 5:33 pm

I guess the anti-abortion politicians’ high moral standards don’t embrace political chicanery?

Pineapple Twist April 1, 2015 at 9:13 pm

Senator Bright is making the headline today gotta love how he frames that “unacceptable behavior” :

“I would obviously oppose what Senator Hutto has offered up,” said state Sen. Lee Bright, adding he will make a procedural move to tie up the proposal. The Spartanburg Republican said Hutto’s proposal would give “a special class” to people “in the view of so many folks of faith, to do something that is … unacceptable behavior.”

Read more here:

Rakkasan April 2, 2015 at 8:22 am

In the 60s you could substitute “people of color” for the “unacceptable” part and it would be the same lame argument. Interesting how he has a fancy way of saying “we don’t want to grant constitutional rights to people we don’t like (or hate) because of the things they do”.

Sam April 2, 2015 at 9:02 am

Lee Bright, evolution’s human fungus. This photo catches the Senate brain trust in a wad.

staffer April 2, 2015 at 9:04 am

Why in the world would the legislature be wasting time on something that is useless because it would be pre-empted by federal law a instead of doing something like, I don’t know fixing the 50 bridges that were washed out last summer?

Writenow April 3, 2015 at 10:18 am

Thank you Fitsnews for revealing your hilarious hypocrisy. If you believe in “Life” at conception, a Morning After pill is an abortion. Just without the benefit or necessity of a physician or back alley.

Clara April 3, 2015 at 4:21 pm

I agree with “Staffer” Why in the world would the legislature be wasting time on something that is useless because it would be pre-empted by federal law a instead of doing something like, I don’t know fixing the 50 bridges that were washed out last summer?

As an advocate of abortion, thank god Planned Parenthood was there for me and I don’t have to suck out tax dollars to pay for a kid I didn’t want, b/c the no good “father” and I split. I was doing what I was supposed to, but ooopsies do happen. Men don’t step up to the plate and when women make good decisions not to burden themselves we are seen as evil. There are no laws on the books that Men making the mistake. I’ve seen tons of deadbeat dads who don’t pay. Abortion is a reaction to MEN not being MEN or rather being men and sticking it everywhere and leaving a wake of destruction but not helping pay for their end of the mistake. But the women who are left with the decision of unburdening themselves are evil….. Hmmm F off.


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