SC Pension Fund Scammers At It Again …

ANOTHER SELF-SERVING POWER PLAY EXPOSED …  || By FITSNEWS || This website has written voluminously over the last four years on the battle over the state of South Carolina’s pension fund – which is currently run (quite poorly, we’d add) by a corrupt cabal of self-serving political appointees. When we…


|| By FITSNEWS || This website has written voluminously over the last four years on the battle over the state of South Carolina’s pension fund – which is currently run (quite poorly, we’d add) by a corrupt cabal of self-serving political appointees.

When we last checked in on these fund managers, they were once again doling out massive bonuses to the very bureaucrats who have labored to produce some of the worst results of any large pension fund in America (at the highest price, too).

Standing against this incompetence – consistently – has been S.C. Treasurer Curtis Loftis.  In fact he’s done so despite a full-frontal attack aimed at destroying his credibility (and ongoing sniping from bought-and-paid for political operatives).

Those efforts have failed … but the fund’s corrupt leaders are now conspiring with their bought-and-paid for lawmakers to take the whole $30 billion shebang offline.

Under a piece of legislation quietly filed last week by S.C. Senators Joel Lourie and Kevin Bryant, the state’s pension fund would strip Loftis of his custodial authority – effectively removing from an oversight role the one person who has bothered to provide this fund any oversight at all.

That’s not all the legislation would do – it would give the agency “budgetary and procurement relief,” meaning it would no longer be subject to public safeguards (i.e. transparency) over how much money it spends (and what it procures with that money).

Worse, provisions of the bill appear to have been vaguely written on purpose – an open invitation to bureaucratic manipulation.

Sound smart?  Absolutely not … especially given the rampant self-serving corruption which exists at this bureaucracy.

Pushing the bill behind the scenes?  Reynolds Williams, the scandal-scarred puppet master of the fund – who receives all the institutional support he needs from powerful S.C. Senate president/ finance chairman Hugh Leatherman.

Not surprisingly, Loftis is already rallying opposition to the bill.

“It gives the $30 billion retirement fund to bureaucrats,” he wrote this week on his Facebook page.  “It cuts the House, Senate and governor out of the budget setting, and makes way for million dollar state employees.  If this sounds like a bad idea, let me know!”

Loftis added that “Senate bill 527 simply hands our $30 billion wallet to Wall Street and paves the way for higher taxes, contributions and debt. High fees and low returns are bad enough and now it seems they want to remove the public all together!”

We agree.

We’ve stood with Loftis from the beginning of this pension fund debate and we will continue to stand with him now.

Why?  Because he’s right, that’s why.

South Carolina’s pension fund has been a model of incompetence, corruption and secrecy.  Removing the last remaining check against its ongoing shady behavior – as well as any shred of legislative oversight regarding its spending, procurement and salary decisions – is a recipe for disaster.


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Bible Thumper March 19, 2015 at 12:14 pm

This is the only reason I keep Fits around.

jimlewisowb March 19, 2015 at 12:32 pm

Why the slow death by shoving bamboo shoots up my lily white prune ass?

I recommend that Cockroach Bastard Lourie and Cockroach Bastard Bryant introduce Legislation to take all the goddamn money in the fund and divide it up among themselves. While you are at it give an extra billion or two to that little fucker who represents Florence. He will need a few extra bucks when he goes up to Duke to have Reynolds Williams’ head pulled out of his ass

Take it, take it all and choke on it. No doubt you and the rest of the Cockroach Bastards believe that there is no such thing as an after life so you can fuck the sick, the blind, the disabled, the old, the young and the poor whenever you like in this life

Hugh G. Rection March 19, 2015 at 1:10 pm

” so you can fuck the sick, the blind, the disabled, the old, the young and the poor”

Well, they don’t put up a fight when they are sick or aren’t in their prime.

shifty henry March 19, 2015 at 2:05 pm

Did Darwin miss this one? Proof that the crocodylomorphs still live…..

Grant March 19, 2015 at 3:35 pm

Agreed. They gotta be making money off this scam. Too much money and too many people trying to keep Loftis, the only watchdog in the state, from seeing what is actually going on!

Money madness March 19, 2015 at 4:17 pm

If they were making money off of this scam, then after four years of Loftis reading all those documents, contracts, agreements, audits, investment reports, et al wouldn’t he have found a smoking gun and had someone thrown in jail. The truth is Loftis has made that agency into a sacred cow and uses it to promote himself.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 4:33 pm

Liars gonna lie. Make your Investment Commission bosses proud!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 9:12 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

God save the Sam

Money = 0 March 20, 2015 at 7:30 am

No amount of money is worth dealing with that cracked, sick loftis. They’re not in it for the money. Maybe for the entertainment though.

Matt March 19, 2015 at 1:02 pm

Give them hell Mr. Treasurer . Protect our money.

Kelly March 19, 2015 at 3:00 pm

I agree 100%. The treasurer is the only person down there that looks after my retirement. the rest would piss it all away!

Give them silence! March 19, 2015 at 4:12 pm

If Curtis was interested in protecting our money then wouldn’t he have at least shown up to the hearings where the senators have been debating this legislation he is so outraged by? He was asked well in advance of last week’s hearing to attend but instead he hid in his office and wrote a childish letter. In advance of today’s meeting Curtis was given the opportunity to address the charges in his letter and provide testimony about why he feels this legislation puts SC in danger.

Instead, he took to Facebook and this website to complain. A leader would have led on this issue and wouldn’t have used this as an opportunity to get his name in the news.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 4:34 pm

Liars gonna lie. Keep those scum bags at the Investment Commission

AAA March 19, 2015 at 1:04 pm

How does removing the treasurer from his seat causes taxes to go up and our credit rating to go down? Sounds like some flaming hot rhetoric done out of desperation.

BB Zach March 19, 2015 at 2:52 pm

Shouldn’t you Investment Commission staff have better things to do? Stop blogging and get to work!

M326 March 19, 2015 at 8:16 pm

You make an allegation. What proof do you have? I have made a number of comments and have never been on the Commission staff.

ted March 19, 2015 at 10:33 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Lies, lies and more lies.

Rhetoric! Rhetoric! March 19, 2015 at 4:08 pm

It doesn’t. Curt is just saying those things because he knows he has screwed up one too many times and now his fiefdom is collapsing. The credit rating and taxes have zilch to do with reforming the pension system. When the credit rating is downgraded it will be because of his poor decision making within his own office and the horrible relationship I understand he has with the rating agencies.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 4:32 pm

Liars gonna lie. Make the Investment Commission bosses proud!

Facts March 19, 2015 at 4:42 pm

Facts are important. The fact is, Curtis Loftis is one of the Investment Commission bosses because the board members, of which Loftis is a member, are the bosses of the Investment Commission.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 7:13 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year. 500 million in one year!

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

M326 March 19, 2015 at 8:14 pm

Loftis sits on this commission. Why did he let this happen? I guess his arguments, if presented, were not convincing. Why should we be surprised about that? He has no expertise in this arena.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:18 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Good luck Mr. Treasurer/

Consequences March 19, 2015 at 4:56 pm

Of course Curt is desperate, just look at the telltale signs of a desperate person. He’s voting with Leatherman to bailout SC State, his staff is all leaving and his road funding antics backfired politically. Because of his crying-wolf over the years he is now being punished by the general assembly and taking away his power as a pension board member so that the system can actually function.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 7:11 pm

Liars lie, and that is what you do, especially when making big bucks working for the investment commission!

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Do it now! March 19, 2015 at 10:19 pm

Can’t happen soon enough.

ted March 19, 2015 at 10:32 pm

Fresh off the presses

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 7:10 pm

There is much more to the bill. You know that, but you are a paid liar.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:46 pm

The Investment Commission pays top dollar for liars.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

ted March 19, 2015 at 10:31 pm

This just in.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Whistleblower March 20, 2015 at 7:03 pm

It is rhetoric. What isn’t rhetoric are these red flags. The red flags could impact the credit rating.

There’s significant evidence of fraudulent activity coming from the State Treasurer’s Office. How was the Treasurer’s Office able to pay the Bank of New York Mellon’s custody bill’s last summer and fall? Were funds diverted from other agencies and budgets such as DMV funds? Do Chief of Staff Clarissa Adams’ initials appear on the approval form for the diversion of these funds? How much did this six figure payment cost? Did the legislature give approval in the state budget? Why has so much money been diverted from Unclaimed Property this year? Did Curtis or Clarissa approve this transaction? What is it paying for? Why have fees increased so much in the Local Government Investment Program? What are they paying for? Who are the contract employees making hundreds of dollar every hour they work to implement an IT system? Have there been cost overruns? How much did settling the Amick case cost the taxpayer? Did Curtis break the law? Did he settle it to avoid it coming up the primary?How much does the State still owe the Bank of New York? Why does the State owe money after the lawsuit was settled? Did the settlement funds come in as cash? Or was it a reduction in the amount the State owes Bank of New York?

Ted from Craigslist March 19, 2015 at 10:42 pm

It doesn’t. Loftis lied about that. Liars lie and Loftis lies and therefore Loftis is a liar. Right Ted?

FastEddy23 March 19, 2015 at 1:05 pm

Control of the government employees’ and g’ment unions is the goal. Here in Taxifornia the primary mover in the takeover of local and state government is the SEIU … a quasi-socialist endeavor with a goal of expanding g’ment union membership and those pensions.

This is totally illegal and can be prosecuted under federal RICO statutes: collusion to steal from the local and state treasuries.

So where is the fed DOJ when we need them? Oh Bummer!

Saluda Runner March 19, 2015 at 1:11 pm

Something has to change with the pension. The children on the board have been fighting for years and there’s no end in sight. Maybe this bill will fix the problem and maybe it won’t. But at least the legislature is finally looking at fixing the problem.

Marky Mark March 19, 2015 at 2:50 pm

Loftis kicked ass and pushed reform on the Investment Commission. It is a much better place, though no agency should be allowed these privileges. Stop that bill!

Lobby March 19, 2015 at 4:04 pm

If Loftis kicked ass then wouldn’t people have been thrown into jail? Or at minimum have his accusations confirmed? He hasn’t done anything other than yell.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 7:09 pm

Loftis is not an FBI agent. He can’t throw people in jail. This is SC, where insiders get rich off of government.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Mel March 19, 2015 at 4:45 pm

Kicked ass? He got censured by the Commission for bullying staff. His accusations of heinous crimes and misdemeanors were investigated by four different independent investigating agencies and no wrong-doing was discovered. It all existed in Curtis’s head. Nobody is in jail, nobody got fired, nobody was touched in any way by Loftis’s absurd allegations.

Phil March 19, 2015 at 6:46 pm

Like babies they keep attacking Loftis personally. Can’t you tell he does not care what u think of him?

He racks up meaningful victories. He gets big changes. U attack him. He laughs!

Smith March 19, 2015 at 7:23 pm

What are his recent victories? What has be achieved in his second term?

ted March 19, 2015 at 7:24 pm

Too many to name. You would only lie about them anyway.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Smith March 19, 2015 at 7:26 pm

What victories has Loftis achieved in his second term? That’s a pretty straightforward question. The inability to answer it is telling though.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:19 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

You would be happy with Loftis if he lost billions and paid high fees. I can tell!

Court March 20, 2015 at 9:54 am

Loftis paid for a law suit in Federal court for his violations of Federal Employment rules. How much did that cost the tax payers of SC? What a fool he is! Transparency, Loftis.. How much did you take from the tax payers to cover for your stupidity?

Curt is an embarrassment March 19, 2015 at 10:29 pm

Obviously he does care what everyone thinks or he wouldn’t be posting here in a failed attempt to defend himself. Curtis, nobody likes you. Go away.

Babies strike again March 19, 2015 at 10:49 pm

Do babies attack Loftis personally? If so, that’s pretty hilarious. If not, then that comment makes no sense Curtis/Phil.

Mel March 20, 2015 at 9:23 am

Curtis, if you don’t care then why do you keep posting here answering every comment with your litany? What a liar!

Oh! March 20, 2015 at 11:41 am

Phil.. Fresh of the press. ” There is very strong evidence of fraudulent activities coming from the Treasurer’s office”… Need to investigate

Money March 19, 2015 at 8:14 pm

Marky Mark, Loftis should kick his own ass. No one wants to work with him and no one wants to work with his ass. His ass is contaminated and very contagious. The bill S 527 exposes his lies. The man is way above his head in this. The State Treasurer of SC with a High School degree or a degree in bugs control should resign. Period. RESIGN. He cannot control our money. Too stupid. He has lost a lot of my retirement money. Billions. Resign. Loftis. and go away . You are very sick

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:20 pm

Liars lie. And you are very good. Congratulations!

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Cowardice March 19, 2015 at 4:15 pm

Curt didn’t even show up to the last two hearings on this legislation. He was asked to attend and give remarks about why this bill is bad news. Either one of two things occurred: 1) Loftis acted like a coward twice and is afraid to be put under oath or; 2) The bill would make meaningful reforms and he can’t defend the outrageous charges he put in his letter and is using this as a PR stunt.

Mary March 19, 2015 at 6:41 pm

Loftis has proven time and time again he will not back down.

But it is his choice on where and how he fights for us. I trust him!

Loser March 19, 2015 at 7:22 pm

You’ve got to be joking. Curtis proved he backs down by not showing up twice to the hearings. He’s all saddle and no horse.

ted March 19, 2015 at 7:23 pm

ha ha ha ha ha ha

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Mary is Curtis March 19, 2015 at 10:27 pm

You couldn’t be more wrong, Mary, err, Curtis. Loftis is nothing more than a bullying coward. That, my friend, is common knowledge. He sent some little fellow from his office to stand in his place. Watch the video. It’s on line for all to see. What a shame you have brought to the Office of State Treasurer.

ted March 19, 2015 at 10:38 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Lie and more lies

Glass House March 19, 2015 at 1:13 pm

Shouldn’t Curtis spend more time focusing on the investments he makes? Three of the top people in his office that do the investments have resigned in the past month. That’s scary.

CFA March 19, 2015 at 4:03 pm

Who is left doing the investments now? The Treasurers office must have the highest turnover in the state.

Reply March 19, 2015 at 4:32 pm

Liars going to lie!

M326 March 19, 2015 at 8:04 pm

Loftis never answers a question. Just makes a counter allegation. Liars lie. Well, well. So does Curtis.

ted March 19, 2015 at 8:21 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Lose money, pay high fees, get a bonus!

What a shame March 19, 2015 at 10:07 pm

No one is watching the investments now. What about the local government investment pool? But that’s not the only department n jeopardy. How many employees have left since Curtis was elected? Two more jumped ship just last week. Shameful.

ted March 19, 2015 at 10:22 pm

Oh liars lie, and you lie well.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

bull March 20, 2015 at 1:38 am

Ted, WTF ? Liars lie.. Last week it was repent, repent.. Satan.. Soul and selling your should.with Jake1,2,3,. Fits, drop Curtis Loftis and his many alter egos as he is a piece of shit. A bully without balls. Vile, infected bully without balls.

SC State March 19, 2015 at 4:22 pm

Curt is only making this an issue because he has the spotlight turned on him for his multiple anti-taxpayer friendly votes to bail out South Carolina State. I don’t know what Leatherman has on him, but he’s definitely got Curt voting like a Democrat at the budget control board. They vote together over 90% of the time!

ted March 19, 2015 at 4:31 pm

liars going to lie!

M326 March 19, 2015 at 8:03 pm

Loftis is going to post under false names. That is what he does.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:22 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Retires hate high fees and low returns. Except their leaders love them!

Tell March 19, 2015 at 11:12 pm

Curtis Loftis is Ted and many more posters on Fits here. I am sick of an elected official of this state, spending so much time on FITS news trying to promote himself at the expense of the taxpayers of the state. He is exposing his stupidity . Curtis Loftis and his many alter egos must be exposed and Fits must stop promoting such a joke at the expenses of the people of SC. Fits is paid to say. Does Loftis pay you out the the 529 violated college fund? Transparency, please. Please, tell. Travel for Curt ..expenses $34,000 on state plane paid by taxpayers. Please, tell us. Facts, please.

SCEIS March 20, 2015 at 10:20 am

The $34,000 is a drop in the bucket when you look into how the bank of new york custody bills have been paid. Which accounts were drained to pay? How much did it cost? Where was the legislative authority to divert funds? Which agencies lost money to pay for custody?

STO March 21, 2015 at 6:27 am

Ted/Curtis. This rant against the Investment Commission proves that you cannot be effective and that you must be taken off the Commission. You have not contributed a single thing . You have blown your windy filthy mouth and cannot interact with members of the Commission. Period. You walked out of meetings and run to FITS to cry using your alter egos. You are a bully with no balls. You have destroyed the STO. Leave the Investment Commission and leave the STO. Resign

Ted March 19, 2015 at 7:08 pm

Investment Commission worker…stop blogging and work!

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Mel March 19, 2015 at 4:27 pm

Why does Curtis never post the returns on investments that his office makes? Why doesn’t he show how the losses from securities lending investments he made through the Bank of New York are being charged back to local governments investment pools? I’ll bet none of them even know he is doing that. He settled a lawsuit against the bank for pennies on the dollar which should have paid for those losses. Not Loftis–no transparency in how he handles the taxpayer’s dollar.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 4:31 pm

Liars gong to lie. Keep lying. Make your masters at the investment commission happy!

M326 March 19, 2015 at 7:58 pm

What in the H– does this mean? You try to fight truth with allegations?

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:39 pm

Liars lie. That is what the do. And you do it so well.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Balls March 20, 2015 at 1:27 am

Oh, Ted/ Curt, HE hE hE! Liars lie. Really? That is what they do? Really” Why did you send that poor guy with your letter ? Poor guy, he could not read it in front of Senators Lourie and Bryant because he did not have your permission. You could not face the facts, so you used someone else. You are a very sick man and you are a bully with no balls. A bully with no balls..

Investments March 19, 2015 at 4:40 pm

There is no one left in his investments department to post the results because they all quit! The investments department director and the two deputy’s both quit over the last few weeks. The Fox Guarding the Hen House is bad, but it’s not nearly as dangerous as having no staff to manage over $10 billion in investments.

Andrew March 19, 2015 at 6:37 pm

Treasurers office beats it benchmarks on a regular basis. I work for one of the counties and we are very happy!

Sing March 19, 2015 at 6:48 pm

Please explain if you work for one of the counties and show facts. Loftis is a total failure and you are a fool. If you are very happy, you must be an idiot. I will look forward to your facts. Plenty of space here on FITS to sing about Loftis.. so sing and show facts. Or better, you need to get informed and read the bill S 527. Loftis is way above his head.. A high school degree?..

Ted March 19, 2015 at 7:06 pm

Liars lie, that is what they do. Paid liars for the Commission are very good liars.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

M326 March 19, 2015 at 7:55 pm

Loftis. No investment expertise prior to becoming treasurer. Are we now to accept his word? What kind of fool do you think we are?

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:37 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Liars lie

Benchmarks March 19, 2015 at 7:18 pm

What are the benchmarks? 1%

ted March 19, 2015 at 7:19 pm

Liars lie. Tehy twist fact and deceive.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Benchmarks March 19, 2015 at 7:20 pm

Are the benchmarks 1%?

M326 March 19, 2015 at 7:57 pm

Ted, you make allegations with no proof. Give us references.

Gross March 20, 2015 at 1:01 am

Ted and Loftis make allegations with no proof.. That is their specialty and they cannot face the senate because they will be under oath. Liars do lie. It is difficult under oath , isn’t Curt? Why did you send that candy face boy with your letter last week? Poor guy. he could not read your letter because he did not have your permission. Sad and sick Curtis. Big boy Curtis demeaning and taking advantage of your staff. Gross..

BM March 21, 2015 at 4:02 pm

It is like that fat miserable ass hole Sam. He thought no one would ever find the pay master. Haha. Now, everyone will know why the old fat ugly, Nasty lying child abuser
Did everything he was told.

No secrets now!

OD March 21, 2015 at 9:00 pm

BM/Loftis. You are drunk, so drunk. The tea party ladies should come to your rescue before you OD. Where are they? You need them now. You are fat, ugly, nasty, contaminated. We have proofs.. You have problems with your coffee pot, your ice cream diet and your drinking…. Call them or place a message on your Facebook. You must resign from the STO. Ravenel did and He is a movie STAR now. Resign, Loftis. You will be better for it, like your partying friend and , We, the tax payers of SC will be better without you. What have you done for us? Nothing. You drink at the teats of government with us paying your salary. And you are getting fat at our expense. Leave the IC, they will be better without you. Resign.

M326 March 22, 2015 at 7:31 am

Curtis, if, in your drunken stupor, you are going to make such allegations, at least follow up with provable facts. And many of the pejorative adjectives you apply could just as easily apply to yourself. How many pounds have you gained sucking at the taxpayer’s teat? Looks like quite a few to me. And many of the posters here appear to be former employees of the Treasurer’s Office in a position to know how you have abused that office and its staff. When making these allegations, you should be doing it in front of a mirror as you talk to yourself. You are a very despicable excuse for a human being. Folks, keep your children clear of Loftis. Don’t let them be on 529 commercials with him.

Tyler March 20, 2015 at 1:40 pm

The Treasurer’s Office has significantly different investment goals that the pension fund. STO’s investments are primarily short-term investments and are only in fixed income securities, which the Investment Commission invests in everything under the sun (from the Far East to Silicon Valley). Based on the nature of STO’s investment goals, for some of the funds its invests a 1% benchmark – in today’s environment – may not be far off from STO’s real benchmark.

Benchmarks March 20, 2015 at 1:56 pm

If the STO’s benchmark is 1% then the whole operation should be shut down. For 1% rate of return, they should just stick it in a savings account. The interest rate would be 1%-3% and would probably make more than the STO is capable of generating.

Tyler March 20, 2015 at 2:44 pm

What “savings account” are you making 1% on today? By making such a comment, you uncovered your lack of knowledge about the banking and investment world.

Jones March 21, 2015 at 4:03 pm

Savings accounts pay less than 50 basis points. U Loftis haters are wrong all the time.

MJ March 21, 2015 at 7:28 pm

Just an FYI, there A LOT of savings accounts that pay over 50 basis points. Just search online, you will find many reputable financial institutions that pay close to 1%.

M326 March 19, 2015 at 7:53 pm

Are you happy with the losses associated with securities lending that have been levied against your account? If you are, I hope you are not in my county. Millions have been lost and redistributed back to your accounts. Like that?

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:36 pm

Hahaha. Liars lie. Liars lie.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Now March 19, 2015 at 9:14 pm

Ted, Is that all you have to say? Liars lie? Show proof ! Plenty of room here on FITS. Expose the FACTS. I want to see the lies liars lie. Since you cannot say and show that liars lie then you must STFU. For an elected State official posting on Fits who cannot prove any of his statements, that speaks of how inept he is. He has lost the trust fund of the retirees of this state so much money. Billions.. Ted, you need to talk to Jake and Jake2, Jake#. The man is very sick, unbalanced , violent and contagious. He must resign now.

ted March 19, 2015 at 9:16 pm

Oh liar, here you go again. We ned to wash that filthy mouth out with soap!

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 9:18 pm

Loftis became Treasurer in 2011. Can you tell me how much money the investment commission lost prior to 2010?

Yes, Ted, I can.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Tyler March 20, 2015 at 1:45 pm

The Investment Commission had very few internal controls before 2012, so it would be difficult to quantify w/ certainty its actual investment gains and losses before then. Just look at the Deloitte reports for proof. There were so few controls that money could have just walked off and no one who cared would have known.

Loftis-gate March 20, 2015 at 1:48 pm

That’s not what the Deloitte report says at all. Internal controls were discussed at length but there was no insinuation that money “could have just walked off and no one who cared would have known”.

Nice try though.

Tyler March 20, 2015 at 2:30 pm

As a professional service firm, Deloitte would not have made that type of editorial comment. However, I have read Deloitte’s reports many times, and my interpretation of what could have happened because of the lack of controls is completely accurate.

Loftis-gate March 20, 2015 at 2:40 pm

So an individual opinion versus a professional service firms report. I’ll stick with the professionals that deal with facts.

Tyler March 20, 2015 at 2:57 pm

Prior to the Deloitte reports, CIO Borden said in public meetings that the Investment Commission globally diversified the pension fund’s portfolio w/o adequate controls in place. Borden also said in a 2011 public meeting, “We don’t know what we own.” The Deloitte reports confirmed the lack of controls. If I had the Deloitte reports in front of me, I could quote from them, but reasonable inferences of the existence of extreme risk to the safety of pension-fund assets can be made from Borden’s and Deloitte’s comments.

Herp March 19, 2015 at 10:27 pm

Curt is a vile, loathsome, incurable stain on the great state of SC.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 7:05 pm

Liars lie. That is what they do.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Cover up March 19, 2015 at 7:18 pm

But why doesn’t curtis publish anything about his offices investments? What’s he hiding? Must be hiding really bad results!

ted March 19, 2015 at 7:19 pm

Liars lie, and you do it well. Investment Commission stooge, go to work!

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Hypocrite March 19, 2015 at 7:27 pm

There’s no excuse for Curt’s lack of transparency with the states money.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:23 pm

hahaha. so funny. Yu make anonymous names and accuse him of not being transparent. hehehe

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:35 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Truth to liars. I love it.

Core March 19, 2015 at 10:30 pm

Ted and Fits, Last week, you were Jake, and your many repents and see the light statements occupied this Fits News “whore media” and I had a crucifix in my hand and I wanted you to stay away from me and I am glad that you did. Go away from me and the State of SC. How can you work with one person of character and value in this state. Curtis Loftis, you are corrupt to the core. Resign. No one can work with you!! You are disgusting

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:34 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Dont quit posting. I love this!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 9:23 pm

Guess what??

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

They have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They also paid 500 million in fees last year.

And they got bonuses!

ted March 19, 2015 at 9:24 pm

Not what I hear.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

They have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They also paid 500 million in fees last year.

Fool March 19, 2015 at 10:39 pm

Ted, you are repeated yourself. You need a better response. This response is very stale and so wrong. This response makes a fool of yourself .

Ted March 19, 2015 at 9:22 pm

I just found out that:

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

They have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They also paid 500 million in fees last year.

Hard to believe…

Whistleblower March 20, 2015 at 5:18 pm

There are a lot of questions that need to be answered at the treasurers office. Subpoena time.

There’s significant evidence of fraudulent activity coming from the State Treasurer’s Office. How was the Treasurer’s Office able to pay the Bank of New York Mellon’s custody bill’s last summer and fall? Were funds diverted from other agencies and budgets such as DMV funds? Do Chief of Staff Clarissa Adams’ initials appear on the approval form for the diversion of these funds? How much did this six figure payment cost? Did the legislature give approval in the state budget? Why has so much money been diverted from Unclaimed Property this year? Did Curtis or Clarissa approve this transaction? What is it paying for? Why have fees increased so much in the Local Government Investment Program? What are they paying for? Who are the contract employees making hundreds of dollar every hour they work to implement an IT system? Have there been cost overruns? How much did settling the Amick case cost the taxpayer? Did Curtis break the law? Did he settle it to avoid it coming up the primary?

ted March 20, 2015 at 6:39 pm

Oh, such vicious lies. So hateful and envious.

The paid bloggers are out in force today. The investment Commission staffer that pays the bloggers is a mess, so it was easy for him to assemble hateful, greedy and envious people that would say anything. They are an embarrassment to sensible people.

It is my task to keep them spewing hate, greed and filth. It is an easy ask, no doubt. but it is important that people see the hate, envy, greed and filth thrown at Loftis everyday. the Commission should wise up, but of course won’t. they have masters too, so the anonymous comment will continue.

Audit the Treasury March 20, 2015 at 6:57 pm

Ted/Curtis are you trying to silence a whistleblower at the treasurers office? If you’ve got nothing to hide then demand an investigation. If you fight it then you look guilty.

Tyler March 20, 2015 at 1:35 pm

The losses in securities lending arose in 2008 – 2009 time frame – long before Loftis took office. Also the Investment Commission had total control, and responsibility for, its own securities lending account and the respective losses.

Lobby March 19, 2015 at 4:41 pm

People in other departments at the treasury have been resigning too. It’s a bloodbath at the treasury.

FTE's March 19, 2015 at 4:52 pm

Who the heck is left there? Is the legislature aware of all these people leaves in droves? Loftis must be a tyrant to have all his staff leaving at such a rapid rate.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 6:38 pm

Liars lie!

Teats March 19, 2015 at 7:11 pm

Last week,” Jake told us to repent. Jake2, told us to repent. This week it is Ted telling us liars lie. Liars lie! Repent! God have mercy on your soul and so on. ” I am sick of reading stupid stuff coming from Loftis. He was elected to be the treasurer of SC and he has been a total asshole, made a laughing joke of the office that was very respected under Grady Patterson . I would never work for an asshole like Curtis Loftis. All these people leaving in droves cannot take his atrocious behavior. Enough of Curtis Loftis! He hates government ,so Loftis .RESIGN. and stop drinking at the teats of government. You do not deserve our tax dollars.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 7:13 pm


you sound too stupid to be a paid liar.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

M326 March 19, 2015 at 8:01 pm

What does that have to do with the turnover rate at the Treasurers office?

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:42 pm

Liars lie, and you are a good liar.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

M326 March 19, 2015 at 7:59 pm

So, give stats. How many people have left in the last 4 years? Who are they? What role did they play? Who took their place?

Tell the truth Ted March 19, 2015 at 10:10 pm

Ted, can you deny that two more employees gave letters of resignation in the past week?

Ted March 19, 2015 at 10:22 pm

Oh, such tales, oh, hum.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Finally escaped March 20, 2015 at 6:58 am

So prove it. Actions speak. Words are cheap. Show proof that 2 more employees didn’t resign within the last week. Just ask the two themselves, Linda Champion-Gamble and Mabel Prioleau.. ASK THEM. Fed up with your crap, Curtis. Long term state employees giving up their careers because of the likes of you.

ted March 20, 2015 at 10:05 am

Liars lie!

Fan March 20, 2015 at 1:45 pm

Ted, No surprise and no lie that Linda Champion-Gamble is leaving in light of these new allegations of fraudulent activity in the STO. ‘Why has so much money been diverted from Unclaimed Property this year” Linda was in charge of the program. Better leave before the SHIT hits the fan

Kevin March 21, 2015 at 6:24 pm

Fat ass bitches, little fags and grouchy old bastards are great liars! Unpleasant people, but great liars.

Curtis is NUTS March 21, 2015 at 8:21 pm

Curtis, are you talking about your alter-egos? Don’t talk about them in such a manner, they may turn on you. Sick little man.

Please March 21, 2015 at 9:31 pm

Kevin/Curt. You are drinking again. Are you on drugs also? Cocaine, meth, pills? You do not make any sense. ” Fat ass bitches” name them and describe them. ” little fags and grouchy old bastards ” name them and describe them. I want to know what they look like. I do not believe that they exist in Columbia. And what lies have they told? Name one lie. Just one.. please, pretty please. Loftis must resign…

Simple fix March 22, 2015 at 8:56 pm

Simple way to clear your name, Curtis. Face these people and tell the truth. But that’s not your style. Your style is to hide behind various identities and call names, much like a little child. You are far too much of a coward to face anyone and make a legitimate argument in your defense. That aside, you have no legitimate defense. You blow smoke. You are a bullying coward who gets so enraged that you can’t make it through a 30 minute meeting when you are challenged. You know what a bully is, Curtis? A coward. Just a plain little coward. The minute someone stands up to you, you start screaming like a woman, in a fit of rage, trying to divert everyone from the real subject matter. You are nothing more than a smoke blowing COWARD.

Melvin March 20, 2015 at 10:17 am

That information got out pretty quick. I wouldn’t use their names on here, but alas guess the news moves quickly. As quickly as Curt’s manic mood swings. Curt must not have come to grips with the idea of all these leaks.

ted March 21, 2015 at 6:25 pm

Liars going to lie!

Linda March 21, 2015 at 9:16 pm

Ted/Loftis. Linda Champion-Gamble and Mabel Prioleau left and the SHIT will hit the fan. No liars going to lie, here we have facts. Ted, tell Loftis that the SHIT is coming. I bet that his pants are full of it. Need a changing…

Nothing sacred March 21, 2015 at 9:35 pm

No surprise that information leaks from that office. Nothing is sacred to the new greenies Curtis has hired. They tell everything. You didn’t get that from the experienced staffers who were mature enough to handle the responsibilities that come with working in a constitutional office.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 6:38 pm

Liars lie. That is what they do.

M326 March 19, 2015 at 8:02 pm

Can’t blame a guy for doing what he does.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:42 pm

Lying comes so naturally to you. Your mother must be proud!

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 7:07 pm

Liars lie, that is what they do. Paid liars lie a lot, especially when they should be working at their investment Commission jobs!

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:40 pm

How well you lie!

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Biting the dust March 19, 2015 at 10:03 pm

One of his top staffers in another high profile division quit resigned last week. Couldn’t take the horrible treatment anymore.

ted March 19, 2015 at 10:21 pm

Such lies such lies…

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

STO March 21, 2015 at 6:58 am

No Ted/Curtis, Loftis needs to be fired. The Senate is absolutely correct and S 527 is a necessity. Taking Loftis off the IC is mandatory as indicated by his multiple rants against the IC here on FITS and on his Facebook. He has destroyed the STO. He cannot remain on IC. He must resign

Investigate STO March 19, 2015 at 10:32 pm

After years of service in a job she loved she couldn’t stand to be bullied anymore. No replacement in sight for her position either. Only so many more cronies out there to choose from. I wish the legislature or inspector general would investigate what is causing such high turnover.

ted March 21, 2015 at 6:26 pm

liars going to lie!

Sara March 19, 2015 at 6:36 pm

Curtis is doing as he promised. Making the Treasures’s office work for the people! An honest day’s work for a day’s pay!

Broken promises March 19, 2015 at 7:15 pm

Curtis promised to not star in taxpayer funded college savings plan commercials, but the thought of getting on tv was too exciting to pass up.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 7:17 pm

hahaha. Liars lie. Investment Commission tool…go to work!

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

M326 March 19, 2015 at 8:11 pm

How is it a lie to say that those ads are paid for out of 529 college savings funds? WHO PAYS FOR CURTIS LOFTIS 529 ADVERTISING? You fools investing in that plan, of course. No matter how you cut it, this takes money away from educating your kids. Loftis should be ashamed.

ted March 19, 2015 at 8:21 pm

hahaha. Lies lies and more lies!

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

MJ March 19, 2015 at 8:22 pm

Those 529 commercials are so irritating. Loftis uses them for his public relations vs what their real purpose was intended to be.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:25 pm

hahaha. You are jealous because sales are so good. Haha. If only he could lose money you would love him.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Probe 529 funds March 19, 2015 at 10:01 pm

Loftis has lost money in the program. Not everything is as peachy with the 529 investments like he wants people to believe.

Bearcat March 19, 2015 at 10:00 pm

He gets the added bonus of hanging out with minors on the set too!

Contagious March 20, 2015 at 4:18 pm

How can the tea party ladies stand to be in the same room with this vile infected man and how can they tolerate him being around our children with his incurable disease? Loftis must stay away from our children and young men. Disgusting to look at, disgusting voice, disgusting and contagious.

Sick March 19, 2015 at 10:18 pm

I’m sick of seeing his disgusting face and hearing that horrific voice

ted March 19, 2015 at 10:30 pm

Jealousy is such an ugly thing.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Ted is definitely Curtis March 20, 2015 at 7:08 am

Nothing about that sick weirdo envoking jealousy in … Well, anybody. If you aspire to be like Curtis, you must BE Curtis. Go away, creep.

Ted is definitely Curtis March 20, 2015 at 7:09 am

Correction: Envokes

Fat March 20, 2015 at 9:19 am

I am sick also. Seeing his fat fingers. Imagine where his contaminated hands have been! Gross.

ted March 19, 2015 at 8:44 pm

Hahaha. to funny. Lie lie lie.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Taking money March 19, 2015 at 9:59 pm

Loftis don’t care as long as Loftis is getting publicity. Taking kids college money to build name ID for a run for governor is despicable.

No March 19, 2015 at 7:43 pm

I have seen the taxpayer funded college savings plan commercials and I want to know if these commercials are paid by the taxpayers . Are they paid out the fund? Taking money out of the money, you, people putting in the fund for your children. Loftis is violating the fund. no doubt about it. Enough.. Loftis must RESIGN. No Joke

Crooked loftis March 19, 2015 at 10:17 pm

Stealing money from children. SMH. Totally disgusted with that man.

ted March 19, 2015 at 10:28 pm

Have you heard?

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

ted March 19, 2015 at 8:44 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Demand more. No more losses and high fees!

ted March 19, 2015 at 10:27 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09. Yes, 6 billion!

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

TV March 20, 2015 at 9:38 am

Sara, Loftis has broken so many promises. He promised to make the pension fund whole and fight for the 200 million dollars law suit (on Cohen, the ride home) Yes, he did. But the result is a total loss to the pension trust fund. He promised to not used the 529 fund to put his stupid face in front of the public. What does he do? He is using the money people placed to cover their children future college expenses to put his disgusting face on TV. Many promises broken.. What a looser.

Tyler March 20, 2015 at 1:59 pm

I agree about the 529 advertising, but the securities lending losses were incurred years before Loftis took office and Loftis was the one who filed the lawsuit that resulted in getting the bank to reimburse the State and the pension fund for some of losses. Also, when the losses were incurred, the Investment Commission was 100% in charge of the pension fund’s securities lending account. Those losses can’t be blamed on prior treasurers or the current treasurer..

Educate yourself March 20, 2015 at 2:11 pm

Chellis filed the original lawsuit. The Loftis took over and withdrew it for a few days. In the meantime, he got his best friend to be added as an attorney. Once that happened Loftis re-filed the suit. The BNYM contract was with the Treasurer’s Office that monitored the securities lending program undertaken by the Investment Commission.

Tyler March 20, 2015 at 2:39 pm

Although the securities lending contract was signed by a prior treasurer, one or more of those prior treasurer’s gave complete control of the pension fund’s custody and securities lending accounts to the Investment Commission. Therefore, all pension-fund losses, that Chellis and/or Loftis tried to recover through the lawsuit, were the responsibility of the Investment Commission.

M326 March 22, 2015 at 7:59 am

Converse Chellis filed the lawsuit. The only change Loftis made was to add his personal attorney to the case.

Janice March 19, 2015 at 7:04 pm

The Treasurer’s investments are audited yearly. In addition they are monitored by an independent consultant. As the Treasurer invests money for entities such as state agencies and local governments, there are many sets of eyes on the investments and the Treasurer’s office is considered an excellent investor.

My county has invested with the Treasurer for many years and we are very happy.

M326 March 19, 2015 at 8:08 pm

Curtis, why do you not post those results on your website in the interest of transparency? Being audited is no sign of quality. Where is a copy of the monitoring of the independent consultant? I will draw my own conclusions regarding how excellent the Treasurer is as an investor when I can see the results. This is surely public information. In the interests of transparency, make it public, Curtis.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:25 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Lose money and get a check!

SCEIS March 19, 2015 at 10:39 pm

He won’t post them on his website because then he would have to answer questions about the findings. He’s hiding something. The real story are the enormous cost overruns with his IT project. Years overdue and millions over budget. The legislature has access to SCEIS and it will be addressed very very soon.

Don't speak if you don't know March 19, 2015 at 10:14 pm

So where is the audit frm last year?

ted March 19, 2015 at 10:29 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!


Transparency March 19, 2015 at 10:40 pm

In Loftis’ safe. He doesn’t want anyone to get their hands on it because then the truth would be exposed.

We the people March 19, 2015 at 10:37 pm

Where are the audits located? They aren’t on his website. How many findings were identified that we the people won’t see because he refuses to post them. Transparency my ass.

ted March 19, 2015 at 9:18 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Just in case you missed it.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 9:19 pm

Did you miss these numbers?

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 9:20 pm

I have heard some people missed these numbers.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

ted March 19, 2015 at 9:20 pm

i just found this out!

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

ted March 19, 2015 at 9:22 pm

you know what I heard?

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

They have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They also paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

resign March 19, 2015 at 10:00 pm

You know what I heard? Loftis is sick, very sick . Loftis cannot find anyone to work with him or for him. Loftis has a vile and violent past, a sick present and a contaminated future. His staff is leaving a sinking ship. I do not get why FITS is singing his praises. A High School Degree in charge of our billion dollars trust fund. Who wants him in charge of our retirement trust fund? It is our money. We paid for it. He lost 200 million+ dollars but paid his intimate friend attorney millions of dollars. If you are not a state retiree, you are not involved in this debate. So, STFU . If you are a state retiree you must speak and tell Curtis Loftis to resign and YES . RESIGN .. He has lost so much money.. He is stupid and he must resign.

Loftis is cracked March 19, 2015 at 10:14 pm

Loftis finally realized everyone knows he posts under multiple aliases so now he’s posting as Ted. If anyone needed evidence of his mental capacity, simply count the number of times he has posted the same comment over and over. The man is on the verge of cracking, for sure.

ted March 19, 2015 at 10:26 pm

Have I mentioned…

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Rage March 19, 2015 at 10:35 pm

His staff is gonna get bullied tomorrow. They know too well that when Loftis is on fits all day and night, that he has a violent temper the next day. I wonder what he’ll break at the office tomorrow.

Lucky one March 20, 2015 at 7:05 am

Yes, I certainly do feel sorry for his staff. His temper tantrums are not pretty. I’ve witnessed them. The folks who have left the office are so much happier and stress free. They all look years younger. Maybe the remainder of the staff can get out before the are stressed into illness.

About March 20, 2015 at 12:37 pm

The man has been cracked since childhood.. Loftis has been seeing mental professionals for years but he cannot be helped. He is a fool with mental problems and impaired brain. I hear that the Inspector General is going to be very busy investigating the allegations of fraud and abuse in The STO. About time..

ted March 19, 2015 at 10:26 pm

All you need to know…

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Broken March 19, 2015 at 10:34 pm

It’s going to take years to undo the damage Loftis has caused his office, the pension fund, the states relationship with the rating agencies, et al.

How did this happen March 20, 2015 at 6:59 am

If it can ever be repaired. Shameful.

Ted March 21, 2015 at 4:18 pm

Liars lie. Filthy liars lie with more filth!

Johnny Wilbanks March 22, 2015 at 10:57 am

I don’t know who any of you people are, but I do know that our state’s retirement fund has been badly mismanaged with low returns and very high fees during an outstanding bull market over the last 5 years. What we need is an immediate audit and the last thing we need is less oversight. And I’m going to be getting some answers starting Monday morning.

STO March 21, 2015 at 6:40 am

Ted/Loftis. This rant proves that you must be taken of the Investment Commission. You have destroyed the STO. Leave the STO and leave the IC. Resign now.. Before the shit hits the fan

Too late March 21, 2015 at 8:23 pm

Too late. It’s already hitting.

Whistleblower March 20, 2015 at 2:18 pm

There’s significant evidence of fraudulent activity coming from the State Treasurer’s Office. How was the Treasurer’s Office able to pay the Bank of New York Mellon’s custody bill’s last summer and fall? Were funds diverted from other agencies and budgets such as DMV funds? Do Chief of Staff Clarissa Adams’ initials appear on the approval form for the diversion of these funds? How much did this six figure payment cost? Did the legislature give approval in the state budget? Why has so much money been diverted from Unclaimed Property this year? Did Curtis or Clarissa approve this transaction? What is it paying for? Why have fees increased so much in the Local Government Investment Program? What are they paying for? Who are the contract employees making hundreds of dollar every hour they work to implement an IT system? Have there been cost overruns? How much did settling the Amick case cost the taxpayer? Did Curtis break the law? Did he settle it to avoid it coming up the primary? How much does the State still owe the Bank of New York? Why does the State owe money after the lawsuit was settled? Did the settlement funds come in as cash? Or was it a reduction in the amount the State owes Bank of New York?

All this information is available in SCEIS. I don’t want to lose my job so I must end it here. Please investigate this fraud!

Ashley March 23, 2015 at 7:49 am

Investment Commission should answers questions.

There’s significant evidence of fraudulent activity coming from the Investment Commission . How was the Investment Commission able to pay the Bank of New York Mellon’s custody bill’s last summer and fall? Were funds diverted from other agencies and budgets such as DMV funds? Do Chief of Staff Michael Hitchcock’s initials appear on the approval form for the diversion of these funds? How much did this six figure payment cost? Did the legislature give approval in the state budget? Why has so much money been diverted from retirees funds this year? Did Michael or Reynolds approve this transaction? What is it paying for? Why have fees increased so much in the Investment Program? What are they paying for? Who are the contract employees making hundreds of dollar every hour they work to implement an IT system? Have there been cost overruns? How much did settling the Smithson case cost the taxpayer? Did Hitchcock break the law? Did he settle it to avoid it coming up the general assembly session?

How many retirees would benefit from the 490,000,000 if fees? How many private jets did the Investment Commission staff use, all paid for by their vendors, that were unreported?

Answer these questions! We want answers!

Sconset987 March 19, 2015 at 2:29 pm

I know you love Loftis FITS but talk about getting a story completely wrong. This SC senate bill is a direct result of their investigation last year of Loftis’ wild charges about the pension fund…all of which were found to be untrue. The real problem here is that Loftis is incompetent, crazy and should not be involved in the management of so much money.

Nicky March 19, 2015 at 2:53 pm

Loftis found a fund that did not have the basic protections in place to secure our money and investment. He demanded reform and some people, maybe even people dipping their hand into the investment funds, don’t like it.

No wonder you are so pissed off at Loftis.

Rhetoric! Rhetoric! March 19, 2015 at 4:09 pm

Did he demand reform and then storm out of the meeting?

Ted March 19, 2015 at 7:12 pm

He has gotten major reform.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Dayton March 19, 2015 at 7:14 pm

That’s his call to action. Whine like a child and yell like a tyrant and then prompty storm out of the room! It’s what’s know as “Loftis Leadership” in Columbia!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 7:15 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Go Treasurer Go.

SC Banker March 19, 2015 at 7:29 pm

I thought he was known as “Loser Loftis”

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:17 pm

hehehe, Liars lie, that is what they do.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

ted March 19, 2015 at 10:34 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

hehe haha

You hit that on the head March 19, 2015 at 10:22 pm

As I recall, he did. ROTFLMAO!!!

ted March 19, 2015 at 10:34 pm

lies lies and more lies

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Andy March 19, 2015 at 2:59 pm

You are half right, it is a direct result of the changes Loftis forced on them to bring them into compliance. Crooks want to keep their power, and our money.
Treasurer Loftis is right to protect our retirements!

Tyler March 20, 2015 at 2:09 pm

If it weren’t for Loftis and his staff, the $30 billion pension fund may still have little or no internal controls that prevent and detect fraud and mismanagement of those monies. Most people don’t realize (while other just have selfish motives) that the Investment Commission was a loose cannon before 2012. It had quickly invested in assets in complex and opaque securities around the globe knowing that it lacked the resources to properly assess/manage/monitor those investments. Read the minutes of RSIC meetings. This admission is in those minutes.

Leave the staff alone March 21, 2015 at 9:45 pm

Loftis staff had nothing to do with it.

Whistleblower March 20, 2015 at 5:45 pm

He should look into the questions below and demand answers from Loftis.

There’s significant evidence of fraudulent activity coming from the State Treasurer’s Office. How was the Treasurer’s Office able to pay the Bank of New York Mellon’s custody bill’s last summer and fall? Were funds diverted from other agencies and budgets such as DMV funds? Do Chief of Staff Clarissa Adams’ initials appear on the approval form for the diversion of these funds? How much did this six figure payment cost? Did the legislature give approval in the state budget? Why has so much money been diverted from Unclaimed Property this year? Did Curtis or Clarissa approve this transaction? What is it paying for? Why have fees increased so much in the Local Government Investment Program? What are they paying for? Who are the contract employees making hundreds of dollar every hour they work to implement an IT system? Have there been cost overruns? How much did settling the Amick case cost the taxpayer? Did Curtis break the law? Did he settle it to avoid it coming up the primary?How much does the State still owe the Bank of New York? Why does the State owe money after the lawsuit was settled? Did the settlement funds come in as cash? Or was it a reduction in the amount the State owes Bank of New York?

Ben March 19, 2015 at 2:49 pm

The Senate has withdrawn two of the most egregious provisions. Thanks God for that. Treasurer Loftis is fighting the good fight!

Cash March 19, 2015 at 2:58 pm

I just heard that. Now, we gotta kill the rest of the bill. They are taking away power from the House and from the Governor and that it not right!
We elected the Governor and our legislature, not these faceless bureaucrats!

Tiger2 March 19, 2015 at 2:55 pm

This pension fund is in the BOTTOM 20% year after year. Last year it left 500 million dollars in Wall Street because of bad investing. Don’t give the investment Commission power, take it from them!

Tiger2 March 19, 2015 at 2:56 pm

They paid almost half a billion dollars in fees. thats is right almost $500,000,000 in fees. Just think how much the retirees could have done with that money! That pays a lot of rent, groceries, medical bill….ON WALL STREET, not South Carolina!

Marvin March 19, 2015 at 3:13 pm

That is an unbelievable sum of money. Truly, people should be fired for paying such high fees and getting such low returns!

Hard Knocks March 19, 2015 at 3:12 pm

Loftis has had more bs piled on him, because he fought for the taxpayers and the retirees, than you can imagine. but he keeps on fighting. Damn I like that!

Yon March 19, 2015 at 3:15 pm

I see they have not removed the custody section that removes the state treasurer as custodian. That MUST be removed…the people that make money off the fund should not be the one to hold and disburse the funds. Simple separation of duties!!!

Pete March 19, 2015 at 3:25 pm

That is basic to prudent money management. Those that get bonuses, and are paid from the funds should not have total control of them.

We need to keep the state treasurer as custodian!

Guest March 19, 2015 at 4:36 pm

As custodian of the Retirement Trust Fund Loftis violated his fiduciary responsibility to retirees when he settled the lawsuit he brought against the Bank of New York by paying the lawyers $4 million more than they would have received under the original agreement and by agreeing to a 10 year contract with the Bank of New York. Only an idiot would would agree to a long term contract with a bank that he had just sued for breach of contract. The Bank of New York has by the way has agreed to settle a lawsuit brought by the state of New York for $700 million dollars. Curtis Loftis needs to be removed as custodian of our money. He is either over his head or in cahoots with the Bank of New York.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 7:22 pm

liar liar liar.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Iggy March 19, 2015 at 5:24 pm

Removing Loftis as custodian is the best part of this bill. He has done nothing but obstruct. He doesn’t understand high finance and investments. He comes with an unproven conception that all government agencies and employees are engaged in fraud, wast and abuse. He knows it’s there, he just can’t find it. But it’s there, all right. It’s sad. He has potential. But he allows his own delusions to bring him down to the level of irrelevance. It’s sad to see a man who is so weighed down by his own delusions that his opportunity for success is doomed to fail. Sorry for you Loftis but you are becoming irrelevant–and don’t cast out for others to blame, you can only blame yourself.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 7:25 pm

Hahaha. Keep spinning!

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Resign March 20, 2015 at 3:47 pm

Yon, New allegations show significant evidence of fraudulent activities coming from the treasurer s’office. See and read Whistleblower and his post on Fits today. Were funds diverted from other agencies? From DMV, Unclaimed Property.. Local government Investment Program… Very serious questions that need to be investigated . Loftis needs to come clean. Till then, he MUST be removed as custodian since He sure cannot be trusted with our fund. Better yet, RESIGN Loftis for the good of many.

Danny March 19, 2015 at 3:27 pm

Half a billion in fees and bottom 20% performance? Why is the Senate not disbanding the place? We must stand up for our retirements! Kill the bill.

The fox should not be in the chicken house!

Rick March 19, 2015 at 3:33 pm

Half a billion in fees? Surely that is not correct? That is F&$king crazy!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 7:21 pm

Insiders make a fortune.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Corruption March 19, 2015 at 7:30 pm

Loftis certainly has made a fortune since he got into government!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:17 pm

Hahahha. So funny.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

James March 19, 2015 at 3:29 pm

I just looked at the state salary web site. Those salaries are incredible! I mean they average over $100 per state employe. Some of them make $600,000 per year, plus 30% for fringe benefits! That is the average and Loftis says they will get big raises. I say hell no! Kill the bill

James March 19, 2015 at 3:40 pm

Average over $100,000 per state employee. (sorry for the typo, I was so mad I could not think straight!)

Parker March 19, 2015 at 3:47 pm

Incredible! Simply incredible. Too much “friction.” The first thing one must do when managing money is to control cost. This Investment Commission has failed.

Curt's right there March 19, 2015 at 10:49 pm

Have you checked the site for cutis’s staff?

OHR March 19, 2015 at 10:55 pm

His cronies have to be paid well or that office would leak worse than it already is. The salaries are basically a bribe to get people to work there.

Loftis is the devil March 20, 2015 at 7:28 am

He lures them in like a sparkling diamond. Then all of a sudden his evil rears its head and they see the real Curtis loftis. That’s when they realize they are in deep. Some of them left nice jobs for his bribes, some relocated. Not to find out it was a smoke screen. Poor little fools.

Billy March 19, 2015 at 3:54 pm

Keep the Fox out of the hen house!

Guest March 19, 2015 at 4:47 pm

I agree, remove Loftis as custodian of the pension money.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 7:20 pm

The insiders at the investment commission have been bleeding that place since 2006

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

aikencounty March 19, 2015 at 4:12 pm

This is somewhat along the lines of the question asked :
Why did MaDoff go to prison, yet none of the Wall Street bankers were ever indicted?
And the answer was:
MaDoff was stealing from the 1%!

Kelly March 19, 2015 at 4:41 pm

SC Investment Commission paid 500 million dollars in fess last year alone. We are getting screwed!

Mel March 19, 2015 at 4:21 pm

You Loftis lovers are a joke. This is the guy that settled a $200 million plus lawsuit against the Bank of New York on behalf of retirees for pennies on the dollar. In the process, his attorney got paid $2 million on the side. Then, Loftis turns around and signs a 10 year contract with the bank he just sued. Here is another suit for $700 million, amongst many others, against the Bank of New York: The Bank is crooked. We should never have contracted with that bank but Loftis tied us to it for the next decade. Incompetence, pure and simple.

Reed March 19, 2015 at 4:24 pm

After you subtract the $9 million his two attorneys got paid, it’s approximately 9 cents on the dollar. It’s worth mentioning that both attorneys/law firms he hired for the lawsuit are campaign donors of his.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 4:38 pm

Did you make some of that 6 billion lost by the SC Investment Commission? Sounds like it.

6 billion dollars and no one lost a job. In fact, Bob Borden got a $170,000 bonus for losing 6 billion dollars!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 10:36 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year. Half a billion in fees!

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 4:56 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 million (before Loftis was in office). Loftis recovered millions, and investment commission recovered zero.

The parties agreed, the judge, agreed, the Attorney General agreed it was a good settlement. It was the best settlement of its type in the US.

The Commission got zero. No one is happy with that.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 4:28 pm

You dumb bastard. You always print the same stuff.

Loftis settled a lawsuit for losses incurred when the Investment Commission lost almost 6 billion dollars in 2008 and 09. That is right, the Investment Commission lost nearly 6 billion dollars!

Loftis got the highest and best settlement of any similar case in the country! That is right…the highest and best settlement in the country to recover money lost by the Investment Commission.

How much did the Investment Commission sue for? ZERO. How much did the Investment Commission get? ZERO! The Investment Commission lost 6 billion and hid from it all, and Loftis got millions…and the Investment Commission complains!

That is right. Paid staffers from the Investment Commission trash Loftis because he got the best settlement in the country…recovering the LOSEES of the Investment Commission!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 4:40 pm

6 billion dollar lost and the head guy, Bob Borden, got a $175,000 raise.

Most people get fired. At the Commission you get raises for losing 6 billion dollars!

Mac March 19, 2015 at 4:43 pm

The Investment Commission has lost 1 billion dollars in the first 6 months of the year. Wow…has anyone been fired?

Lady Susan March 19, 2015 at 4:43 pm

You are full of crap. Every pension plan and 401-K lost money in 2008/09 because of a global meltdown. That had nothing to do with the fact that the Bank of New York violated a contract with the State of South Carolina that cost the retirement trust fund $220 million. The bottom line is Loftis got rolled by the Bank of New York. Pure incompetence.

Put me on TV! March 19, 2015 at 4:48 pm

Is anyone surprised Loftis got ran over by Bank of New York? I’m not. His power of persuasion is as nonexistent as his attendance at the Senate hearings debating the legislation he is up in arms about. His ability to negotiate is as nonexistent as his ability to manage a staff. His ability to influence is as nonexistent as the zero bills he has worked to get passed in Columbia. Loftis has none of the skills necessary to successfully settle a scandalous lawsuit. He only sued to get media attention.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 4:50 pm

The judge like it. the parties liked it. the AG and Treasurer like it.

Only the investment commission, that lost 6 billion in 2008, 1 billion so far in 2015, and paid 500 million in fees does not like it.

The investment commission likes to lose money and pay fess. It does not sue to recover. It only complains.

Real World March 19, 2015 at 4:59 pm

In the real world, not the world made up in peoples heads, Curt is the one that complains. He does it every single day. His complaining has made him ineffectual and cowardly. He isn’t a leader.

Wash March 20, 2015 at 10:11 am

Ted, The investment… likes to pay fess. Fess, what is that? The treasurer like it… Sure.. how much money did he put in the pockets of his intimate attorney friend? How much money found a place in his fraudulent Saluda Foundation? Money laundering comes to mind..

Ted March 19, 2015 at 7:18 pm

Liars lie, that is what they due, especially when being paid 112,000 per year by the Commission!

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 4:48 pm

Wrong wrong wren. You liar.
The investment commission lost 1 billion dollars in the last 6 months.
They paid 500 million in fess!
Who will lose their job? Who will pay? Nobody! Investment Commission pays high salaries and bonuses no matter how much money they lose!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 7:16 pm

Liars lie, that is what they do.

The Commission lots more than anyone else. And they got bonuses.

Bob Borden got $175,000 for losing 6 billion. That is investing I can respect!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:47 pm

Commission staff, go back to work!

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

ted March 19, 2015 at 10:36 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 4:30 pm

Investment Commission lost 6 billion. Loftis brings back 26 million in one effort.

You complain…get back to work and earn your fat salaries. You investment commission people make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, try investing instead of playing on computers trashing Loftis.

Good ole boys March 19, 2015 at 4:31 pm

Loftis “got” $24 million and then doled out $9 million to his two lawyers who are also campaign donors.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 4:36 pm

That is a lie. The State and BNY agreed. A judge agreed. The Attorney Agreed.

Only anonymous liars being paid by the investment commission say it is a bad deal.

And they are the ones that lost 6 billion dollars and kept it out of the newspaper!

Good ole boys March 19, 2015 at 10:46 pm

You can see for yourself because it’s on the Ethics Commission website. No lies, just sunshine.

ted March 19, 2015 at 7:14 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy! And the State Senate wants to give them a blank check!

Fact March 19, 2015 at 10:32 pm

If you have to continue doing business with the bank you just sued, I would not consider that a victory.

BNYM <3 Loftis March 19, 2015 at 10:45 pm

In fairness it was a victory… For the Bank of New York Mellon!

Fact March 20, 2015 at 7:12 am

I digress. You are correct. BONY Mellon got a sweet deal. Say, maybe they are the ones posting favorable comments here about curt. Hell, they would have to be the only ones who like him.

Jan March 19, 2015 at 4:42 pm

The investment Commission lost 1 billion dollars in value during the first 6 months of FY2014. Why has that not been in the paper?

1 billion dollars down the drain, and no press.

Transparency March 19, 2015 at 4:44 pm

How much has the treasurer lost? He never posts his investment results, audits, asset allocation plans, or any other information about the billions his office invests. I am aware that it’s pretty empty staff-wise with his investment team all quitting, but still, he hasn’t ever posted them. So much for being transparent.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 4:46 pm

Liars going to lie!
Keep your investment Commission masters happy.
But who is going to lose their job for losing a billion dollars?

Who is going to lose their job for losing a billion dollars? NO ONE, that is who. No one ever gets punished, they only make a fortune!

Nick March 19, 2015 at 4:44 pm

The Investment Commission has lost 1 billion dollars in the first 6 months of the Fiscal Year. Why has someone not been fired? Why has it not been in the paper?

it is an outrage!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 4:53 pm

SC Investment Commission gets paid for losing money and paying fees.
Lost 1 billion so far this year and 6 billion lost in 2008 and o9. They paid $500 million in fees in FY 2014.
SC Investment Commission loves paying fees and losing money.

nitrat March 19, 2015 at 4:54 pm

Now, who does that exterminator thinks runs the treasurers’ office if not the career ‘bureaucrats’?

When are white state employees going to wake the hell up about these Republicans who demonize them every chance they get?

Awoken March 19, 2015 at 4:57 pm

They’ve woken up and they’re resigning from the treasurers office at an unsustainable rate. The place is about to crash.

If it hasn’t already.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 4:59 pm

Liar, liar.

Pants on fire.

Keep pressing high fees, low returns and multi-billion loses! SC must love bad returns.

ted March 19, 2015 at 4:58 pm

Nitrat loves paying people to lose money and to pay high fees. nitrate thinks that is good and anyone fighting high fees, 6 billion in losses and low returns is bad.

Nitrate must be on the Commission. They pay bonuses to lose money and pay high fees.

Soil compounds March 19, 2015 at 5:03 pm

Nitrate is found in soil and with the right amount it can be very effective when gardening, though I don’t think it is on the Commission. Hot air is found in rooms that Curtis Loftis speaks in and has been proven to be very ineffective when attempting to be a leader. Soil is what is found in the Curtis’ britches now that his lying accusations have come back to bite him and the legislature is taking corrective action.

ted March 19, 2015 at 9:11 pm

Such whimsey.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

ted March 19, 2015 at 5:00 pm

SC Investment Commission has lost a billion dollars in FY2015. Any press on that? Anyone lose their jobs?

No. insiders are making money, so no one will lose their job.

Inquiring minds March 19, 2015 at 5:04 pm

Loftis made over $1 million in the last two years. Any chance some of that income came from his role on the Commission?

Feds March 19, 2015 at 5:31 pm

The feds ought to investigate. His income has increased a lot since he was elected.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:39 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year, in only 6 months

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Mel March 19, 2015 at 6:24 pm

Can somebody please tell me how much was lost in 2008-09? And how much was lost so far this year. I can’t find those figures anywhere. I just don’t know what it is.

ted March 19, 2015 at 9:07 pm

In case you missed the numbers:

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Scandal March 19, 2015 at 5:57 pm

That sounds pretty scandalous. A congressman from the midwest just resigned because of illegal use of public funds. It would be very interesting to see an investigation into why Curt’s income has increased so much since he took office.

Mel March 19, 2015 at 6:28 pm

Wow! Wonder what happened to that $2million that Loftis shuffled to his personal attorney and fraternity brother? Could any of it made its way to Loftis’ pocket? It was a transaction outside the state’s accounting system direct from the bank to the attorney. Who knows what happened to that money. And why was it done outside the state system?

Lester March 19, 2015 at 7:03 pm

Those are excellent questions. It would be great if the Feds would wrap up their investigation and it the people of SC know what’s going on!

ted March 19, 2015 at 9:06 pm

How silly.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

ted March 19, 2015 at 9:06 pm

The liars lies. That is what he does!

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 9:05 pm

How tiresome the liar is. But that is his job so such is life.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

ted March 19, 2015 at 10:44 pm

lies lies lies, and even more lies.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

ted March 19, 2015 at 9:05 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

How tiresome the liar.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 10:43 pm

Lie lie lie, you are a good liar.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Kickbacks March 22, 2015 at 2:34 pm

Loftis made over $1 million .. Could it be kickbacks from the Bank of NY Mellon.?.. Steal from the retirees’s trust fund and the State funds to pay the Bank and get million of dollars to put in your pocket.

Lady Susan March 19, 2015 at 11:00 pm

Hey dumbass, Fy 2014/15 is not over yet. Also no one has received a bonus for performance during this Fiscal year. You are such a freaking dumbass!

ted March 19, 2015 at 9:04 pm

So silly

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Teddy March 19, 2015 at 5:02 pm

You can tell who is posting today: former disgruntled employees who quit or were fired because they actually had to……. work, which is something very few people do in gov’t jobs!

Mark March 19, 2015 at 5:03 pm

I heard loftis is pruning the deadwood. Good for him…he promised too! Only pay people that work!

Wood pruning March 19, 2015 at 5:30 pm

What kind of wood is Loftis pruning?????? Yuck!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:38 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars. Half a billion in underperformance!

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Mel March 19, 2015 at 5:58 pm

The “deadwood” Loftis is running off are only the ones who know how to run the office. No matter how you replace them, the loss of that history and knowledge does not serve the state well. Loftis is a walking time bomb.

Loftis is the deadwood March 19, 2015 at 10:54 pm

Wrong. Do your homework. He’s too much of a jerk for anyone to work for. Check files. Resignations continually coming in.

Lol'ing all over! March 19, 2015 at 5:06 pm

People who don’t work get fired. People who work in hostile work environments with bullies quit. Please know the difference and understand people are quitting and not being fired.

Hypocrite March 19, 2015 at 7:01 pm

How does Curtis go from saying he is fighting for public enployees to trashing them as lazy? Just because you use an alter ego doesn’t mean people can’t tell who’s posting!

The state is fortunate March 20, 2015 at 7:37 am

So how many were fired? That’s right, none. They left because of Curtis himself. No one can work in that hostile environment. The state is fortunate that most of these people are respectful and haven’t sued over his fits of rage, and illegal transactions.

Ted March 20, 2015 at 10:46 am

Liars going to lie

Shut March 20, 2015 at 3:49 pm

Teddy, STFU.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:02 pm

How can the SC Commission lose a billion dollars in 6 months and there is no media? Who do they pay off to get away with that?

Government employees are going to have to make much higher contributions in the future. Mush higher…all because the Investment Commission pays high fees, loses money, and hides it from the press.

Phyllis March 19, 2015 at 7:00 pm

What’s Curtis’s proposal to address this?

MJ March 20, 2015 at 5:51 am

Loftis and other tea party dopes never have real plans or proposals. That would require intelligence and vision.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:04 pm

“How to Lose a billion dollars in 5 months and make a huge bonus.”
By the SC Investment Commission

Jenn March 19, 2015 at 10:52 pm

“How to lose 3/4 of your staff in less that 4 years.” By Curtis Loftis.

ted March 19, 2015 at 10:56 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

It is a great scam.

Emil March 20, 2015 at 7:33 am

“How to destroy a respected state office in less than 4 years.” Also by Curtis Loftis.

Bill March 21, 2015 at 10:27 pm

“How to channel your multiple personalities into Ted”. Once again, by Curtis Loftis.

Not even kidding March 19, 2015 at 11:12 pm

“Investments for Dummies” – Curt’s bookshelf

ritiree March 19, 2015 at 5:05 pm

I don’t want Curtis Loftis anywhere CLOSE to my retirement fund. The guy does not even have a B.A. and has absolutely NO background in money management. He sprayed bugs for a living before becoming treasurer. He has no experience whatsoever and is in so far over his head he can’t see out. He needs to resign and do us all a favor.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:05 pm

Liars going to lie!

Tell us how to lose a billion and get a bonus from the retirees money! I want some of that!

Appoint March 19, 2015 at 5:08 pm

Curtis Loftis is the perfect example of why the Governor should appoint the state treasurer. He is severely unqualified, he doesn’t possess the qualities of a leader and he has failed since day one. SC either needs a recall provision or make his position appointed so a competent individual can prudently manage the state’s finances.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:10 pm

hahaha. Liars going to lie!

Lose a billion and pay your employees to blog. How sad is that!

Guest March 19, 2015 at 5:10 pm

Couldn’t agree more.

Tyler March 20, 2015 at 2:21 pm

I agree in principle that the Treasurer and the Comptroller General ought to be appointed, professional positions. HOWEVER, until we change the fact that so few people in state government control so much money and so many decisions (Governor and Leatherman), we need others to counter balance them as much as possible.,

Appoint March 20, 2015 at 2:27 pm

How does Loftis lying to the people of South Carolina counter balance anything? He’s gone crazy the last few years and is woefully undereducated. He went to USC for five years and has no degree to show for it. He sprayed bugs for a living. He’s never been involved in finance or banking. He’s a danger to the credit rating.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:38 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year. That is unbelievable!

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Registrars Office March 19, 2015 at 6:59 pm

What’s crazy is going to college for 5 years and only getting a two year degree in general studies like Curtis Loftis!

ted March 19, 2015 at 7:23 pm

Liars lie.And you do it well. Investment commission trained you well.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

bill March 19, 2015 at 5:07 pm

Keep them on the ropes, Mr. Loftis. Crooks are naturally attracted to other people’s money. They are stealing us blind. I heard they lost a billion dollars this year alone!

jimlewisowb March 19, 2015 at 5:07 pm

It never fails that a post about the Pension Fund turns into a bitch session about Loftis

Fuck Loftis, Fuck the Pension Fund Administrators, Fuck the Cockroach Bastards in the Legislature

The point is that the Pension Fund should not be a slush fund for soulless Bureaucrats and mindless Legislators

And just for the record, why don’t you sons of bitches over at the Pension Fund get back to work doing what you are paid to do and stop commenting on Loftis

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:08 pm

The paid poster is a paid employee of the Investment Commission. Anytime Loftiss is mentioned they go crazy. They look like fools, making such personal attacks on Loftis. They are his best weapon!

No more March 19, 2015 at 5:10 pm

Any time Loftis is mentioned on this website he goes crazy and posts anonymously on the article. Just another reason his position should be appointed by the governor. A qualified appointee wouldn’t spend hours commenting on articles about themselves.

ted March 19, 2015 at 5:13 pm

You attack Loftis, over and over, with personal insults. The Commission pays well. They can, after all they lost a billion dollars already this year and nobody cares.

Melvin March 19, 2015 at 5:15 pm

Maybe no body cares because the messenger is a butthead

Crazy curt March 19, 2015 at 6:57 pm

Why would anyone at the commission want to silence Curtis? He’s they’re best PR when it comes to showing why he shouldn’t be on the commission! He sounds crazier with every comment. Every time he opens his mouth the commission looks like the adult in the room. Keep on keeping on Curt!

ted March 19, 2015 at 8:59 pm

Liars lie. Full of envy and greed!

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:11 pm

One guy posting under anonymous names, attacking Loftis with one lie after another.
How sad a job, but I suppose the Commission will do anything to silence Loftis. They lost a billion dollars so far this year. WOW… a billion dollars.

Whistleblower March 20, 2015 at 5:42 pm

Call your representatives and the governor to tell them to demand answers!

There’s significant evidence of fraudulent activity coming from the State Treasurer’s Office. How was the Treasurer’s Office able to pay the Bank of New York Mellon’s custody bill’s last summer and fall? Were funds diverted from other agencies and budgets such as DMV funds? Do Chief of Staff Clarissa Adams’ initials appear on the approval form for the diversion of these funds? How much did this six figure payment cost? Did the legislature give approval in the state budget? Why has so much money been diverted from Unclaimed Property this year? Did Curtis or Clarissa approve this transaction? What is it paying for? Why have fees increased so much in the Local Government Investment Program? What are they paying for? Who are the contract employees making hundreds of dollar every hour they work to implement an IT system? Have there been cost overruns? How much did settling the Amick case cost the taxpayer? Did Curtis break the law? Did he settle it to avoid it coming up the primary?How much does the State still owe the Bank of New York? Why does the State owe money after the lawsuit was settled? Did the settlement funds come in as cash? Or was it a reduction in the amount the State owes Bank of New York?

Mel March 19, 2015 at 5:11 pm

Curtis and all of his false names needs to stop posting on this website. There was an appropriate forum in which to raise his concerns (the Senate Subcommittee) and he chose not to use it. He was a coward and was afraid he would be asked to substantiate some of his amazing allegations which he clearly can’t do. He solved this problem by just not showing up. Have any of you read his letter to the Subcommittee? It is full of the most dire predictions without one shred of evidence to back them up. Not one shred!

Fail March 19, 2015 at 5:13 pm

One would think if such horrors would descend on our state that the Treasurer would attend the committee hearing to stop it. Instead he was twice a no-show. He knew he couldn’t be placed under oath because he would have to be truthful about his lies or he would commit perjury. Curt failed the test of leadership again today.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:15 pm

Liars going to lie!

Losing a billion dollars and still getting bonuses is a great thing. How lucky you are in SC. Anywhere else you would be fired!

Lying Loftis March 19, 2015 at 5:16 pm

Liars are going to lie. It’s easier to lie with a letter instead of being placed under oath at a senate committee. Lying Loftis gonna lie!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:21 pm

How does it feel to lose a billion dollars so far this year? And still get bonus!

Do you get paid, with retiree money, but the post? By the lie?

Libations March 19, 2015 at 5:54 pm

Put the booze away Ted/Loftis. It’s way to early for that.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:37 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year alone…wow!

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. I

Opportunities March 19, 2015 at 5:41 pm

If any of that is actually truthful then would Curtis want to accept the invitation to discuss that on the record with the senate committee? Why didn’t he attend?

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:47 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year. I can’t imagine that…I made lots in my 401k!

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:14 pm

Lost a billion dollars and no one cares. In 6 months in fact.
Pay 500 million in fees and no one cares.
Lose 6 billion dollars and no one care.
The SC Investment Commission is so lucky!

Mel March 19, 2015 at 6:23 pm

Didn’t you mean hehehe?

Guest March 19, 2015 at 5:16 pm

Actually the subcommittee asked that he provide documented proof of his allegations. I assume that either he does not feel compelled to respond to a legitimate question that could have impacted the legislation or he can’t provide documentation in which case he is a liar.

Pathetic March 19, 2015 at 5:18 pm

Fair enough. Though, he was invited to attend in person last week and didn’t show up. He did send his crony in his place but Curt told him he wasn’t allowed to talk to the committee.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:20 pm

Lie lie lie

Maybe the Committee likes the Commission to lose 6 billion before, and 1 billion this year, so far! Must be a poetical thing…

Pathetic March 19, 2015 at 6:53 pm

Not a lie. It’s all on video. The whole world can see it.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:19 pm

Lie lie lie.

Only in SC can you lose 1 billion and the State Senate wants to give you more authority and higher pay.

Aint America a great country!

Guest March 19, 2015 at 5:23 pm

The fact that the Treasurer was directed to provide documentation of the allegations included in his letter is not a lie. View the last 15 minutes of the video of the meeting.

ted March 19, 2015 at 5:36 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy! and unbelievable.

Mel March 19, 2015 at 6:20 pm

Can somebody please tell me how much was lost in 2008-09? And how much was lost so far this year. I can’t find those figures anywhere.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:24 pm

Loftis is a constitutional officer. he can do as he pleases.

He choses to fight people that lose billions of retiree dollars while paying high fees. You like losing money cause it pays you well.

Most retirees don’t.

Lady Susan March 19, 2015 at 5:28 pm

He cannot do as he pleases. The word ‘constitutional’ actually means something. Just because he wishes he was royal doesn’t mean he can do as he pleases. He is constitutionally required to live under the same laws as anyone else despite viewing himself as regal.

ted March 19, 2015 at 5:35 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom.

Mel March 19, 2015 at 5:41 pm

So, How much did they make in the last fiscal year? Billions more than they lost. The fund grew so much that a scheduled increase in employer contributions was not necessary this year. Sounds pretty good to me. You can make the figures for any particular period of time do what you want. But ultimately it comes down to the bottom line and that does not look bad at all.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:46 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year. A billion dollars so far!

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Lady Susan March 19, 2015 at 5:50 pm

No, the Investment Commission is not crazy, the Senators are not crazy, but we know who is. Go look in a mirror Curt, and then go lie down, you’ll feel better.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:54 pm

Crazy in a Commission that gets bonuses for losing money.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Mel March 19, 2015 at 6:18 pm

I have never been able to run down how much the Commission lost in 2008 and 09 and how much they pay in fees. Do you know what these figures are?

ted March 19, 2015 at 8:52 pm

You can’t. they were not reported properly.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Tin Foil March 19, 2015 at 5:56 pm

Curt ignores things like exceptional rates of return and a cancelled contribution increase. It doesn’t sit well in his head when he’s debating himself.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:51 pm

You love waste fraud and abuse.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Guest March 19, 2015 at 5:30 pm

That is the reason Loftis needs to be removed. He thinks he is King and can do as he wishes. That is probably why he chose to ignore his fiduciary responsibility to retirees by overpaying his attorneys. No one is allowed to question him.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:35 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is absolutely crazy.

Ted=curt? March 19, 2015 at 10:38 pm

He chose to not show up. Twice. Enough said.

ted March 19, 2015 at 8:51 pm

Oh, how many lies you paid bloggers tell!

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:26 pm

Liars lie. You do it well.

Lying probably helps you in your day job at the Investment Commission. While you were being paid bonuses for losing billions of retiree dollars, Loftis was fighting against you. No wonder you are mad, he is effecting your wallet!

Mel March 19, 2015 at 6:22 pm

How can I get one of these jobs?

Droppin like flies March 19, 2015 at 6:50 pm

I’m not sure the investment board has any jobs available. But you’re in luck! The treasurers office has a bunch of new openings!

ted March 19, 2015 at 8:56 pm

Did I mention the investment commission lost 6 billion??

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

ted March 19, 2015 at 5:45 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09. That is almost the entire general fund for this year!

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Mel March 19, 2015 at 6:21 pm

Can somebody please tell me how much was lost in 2008-09? And how much was lost so far this year. I can’t find those figures anywhere. Where are they?

Ted Talks March 19, 2015 at 6:48 pm

They are located in Curt’s head. They’re to the left of his newest imaginary friend Ted.

ted March 19, 2015 at 8:55 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Matt March 19, 2015 at 7:35 pm

what else would you expect from a Tea Party Dope like Loftis. All BS talk with no substance. facts are never part of tea party rhetoric. Of course solutions are never proposed.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:15 pm


Liars lie, and you do it soon well.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:17 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion dollars in 2008 and 09 and no one reported it. No one cared. The Commission hid it from everyone.

In the first 6 months of this FY, they lost 1 billion dollars, and no one cares. No one reports it.

They paid 500 million in fees last year and no one cared.

SC Retirees are getting screwed!

Retired BCB March 19, 2015 at 6:47 pm

The retirees are getting screwed by Loftis! The treasurer should be appointed!

401K March 19, 2015 at 5:26 pm

With all the stupidity at the investment commission – mostly resulting from Loftis – the legislature should just privatize it. Curtis brought down the place even when they made over $2 billion in investment returns last year. Just outsource the thing and then all the problems go away.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:29 pm

The investment Commission underperformed the AVERAGE pension plan by 500 million dollars last year. That is right, they underperformed the average by 500 million dollars.

And paid 500 million dollars in fees for the privilege.

Pathetic returns March 19, 2015 at 6:46 pm

How did the treasurers office investments perform? Less than 2% in returns. Pretty pathetic.

Who's watching the henhouse March 19, 2015 at 10:47 pm

Gonna be worse than that soon. Three top employees from the investments division have recently resigned. Who’s watching investments?

1.94% March 19, 2015 at 10:57 pm

What’s pathetic are the benchmarks Curt selects. 2% looks like a win when he sets the expectations so low.

Whistleblower March 20, 2015 at 5:40 pm

Demand answers and hold elected officials accountable!

There’s significant evidence of fraudulent activity coming from the State Treasurer’s Office. How was the Treasurer’s Office able to pay the Bank of New York Mellon’s custody bill’s last summer and fall? Were funds diverted from other agencies and budgets such as DMV funds? Do Chief of Staff Clarissa Adams’ initials appear on the approval form for the diversion of these funds? How much did this six figure payment cost? Did the legislature give approval in the state budget? Why has so much money been diverted from Unclaimed Property this year? Did Curtis or Clarissa approve this transaction? What is it paying for? Why have fees increased so much in the Local Government Investment Program? What are they paying for? Who are the contract employees making hundreds of dollar every hour they work to implement an IT system? Have there been cost overruns? How much did settling the Amick case cost the taxpayer? Did Curtis break the law? Did he settle it to avoid it coming up the primary?How much does the State still owe the Bank of New York? Why does the State owe money after the lawsuit was settled? Did the settlement funds come in as cash? Or was it a reduction in the amount the State owes Bank of New York?

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:34 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.
This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.
They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.
They paid 500 million in fees last year.
The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Lady Susan March 19, 2015 at 5:39 pm


Inquiring minds March 19, 2015 at 5:36 pm

What’s Curt’s plan to lower fees and make more investment income? Where can I read his plan? I couldn’t find it on his website.

Double fail March 19, 2015 at 5:45 pm

Not sure he has one. He’s been asked by the legislature to outline his plans and he hasn’t. He’s been asked by the investment commission to submit a proposal and he hasn’t. I can promise you won’t find it on his website because he doesn’t even release his own office’s investment returns or plans. I’d love to see it though.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:48 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09. Only Reynolds Williams could be in charge of a group that bad!

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Double fail March 19, 2015 at 5:59 pm

What’s Curtis’ plan to address the problems?

ted March 19, 2015 at 7:22 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Losing money and making a fat bonus!

Higher taxes March 19, 2015 at 5:39 pm

Can someone please explain how making the treasurer appoint someone to the board will make my taxes go up? I don’t see the correlation. Has Curt kept my taxes at the current level? I know the governor wants to lower my income taxes but the treasurer has been fighting her tooth and nail for some inexplicable reason.

ted March 19, 2015 at 5:40 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year. In only half a year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Weak March 19, 2015 at 5:43 pm

It can’t be explained because it isn’t real. Ted/Loftis is shutting down now and going into troll mode. He chose not to be a leader and voice his concerns about the proposed legislation at the senate committee and now his only option is Facebook and this website.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:44 pm

Ted only has so much info. Work with me…I get a script and only respond. You start this. it is my job to post when you do!

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

bill March 19, 2015 at 5:55 pm

There is a lot more to the bill.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Higher taxes March 19, 2015 at 5:58 pm

Explain that part of the bill then. Explain how taxes will increase when the treasurer has to appoint somebody to the board.

ted March 19, 2015 at 10:46 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

just the facts, Jack

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:40 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09. 6 billion!

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Lady Susan March 19, 2015 at 5:41 pm


Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:42 pm

They want total autonomy from government. They want your 30 billion!

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Destroy The Bloodsuckers March 19, 2015 at 5:41 pm

Its time to rip them all a new asshole. Its time to make their lives a living nightmare, legally I might add. Easy to find out where they all live, what kind of cars they drive, where they like to dine, drink, shop, etc.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:43 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09. And it was kept so quiet. Now they want to take your 30 billion dollars away from state government.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Mel March 19, 2015 at 5:54 pm

The loss of 6 billion was not kept quiet. I remember several meetings where this issue was discussed. It was one of the big reasons the Commission began diversifying the portfolio. Anybody who says they tried to hide it is choosing to ignore it. It is the main reason for the extreme diversification that now exists and there has never been a secret about it. Loftis must have been pouting during those Commission meetings.

USC March 19, 2015 at 6:03 pm

He was pouting because the subject matter was way over his head. You should at least have a bachelors degree when your charged with decision rights for all that money.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 10:55 pm

Silly little liar.

so silly.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Ted March 19, 2015 at 10:54 pm

Where are the newspaper stories? Where are the TV stories?

They lost billions and paid bonuses!

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Libations March 19, 2015 at 5:47 pm

Oh boy! Liquored Loftis is hitting the bottle early tonight! Bottoms up! hehe

Ted March 19, 2015 at 5:49 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09. And Bob Borden got a $175,000 bonus for losing all that retiree money!

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Zorro March 19, 2015 at 5:58 pm

Wow! I just read an article which discussed in detail the settlement that the Bank of New York agreed to with the State of New York. They have agreed to pay New York $700 million dollars to settle. This is the same bank Loftis gave a 10 year contract to handle retirees money. Doesn’t really give me a warm fuzzy feeling. Loftis got rolled, no question about it. At least his attorneys made out OK.

BNY <3 Loftis March 19, 2015 at 6:02 pm

That is way more than SC got! What did we get? $24 million? And New York got $700 million? Damn! The treasurer got owned by Bank of New York!

Slimy illiterate March 20, 2015 at 7:24 am

Everybody know he can’t hang with this New York boys. They saw a sucker the minute he slimed his way into their office.

Max March 20, 2015 at 10:03 am

He is quite the sucker. He needs to come back to Manhattan so we can go relax at The Phoenix. We had so much fun last time!

Keep him March 20, 2015 at 10:50 pm

Do us all a favor, next time he comes to Manhattan, PLEASE, PLEASE, KEEP HIM! We sure don’t want him here in SC.

ted March 19, 2015 at 9:15 pm

Oh liar, you know SC settlement was the best in the country. How well you lie. And when nobody is reading any of this!

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Whistleblower March 20, 2015 at 5:39 pm

Curtis may think it was the best settlement in the country but facts dictate otherwise. It looks like that settlement has caused a lot of the problems in his office and why the Justice Department needs to start looking into his activities.

There’s significant evidence of fraudulent activity coming from the State Treasurer’s Office. How was the Treasurer’s Office able to pay the Bank of New York Mellon’s custody bill’s last summer and fall? Were funds diverted from other agencies and budgets such as DMV funds? Do Chief of Staff Clarissa Adams’ initials appear on the approval form for the diversion of these funds? How much did this six figure payment cost? Did the legislature give approval in the state budget? Why has so much money been diverted from Unclaimed Property this year? Did Curtis or Clarissa approve this transaction? What is it paying for? Why have fees increased so much in the Local Government Investment Program? What are they paying for? Who are the contract employees making hundreds of dollar every hour they work to implement an IT system? Have there been cost overruns? How much did settling the Amick case cost the taxpayer? Did Curtis break the law? Did he settle it to avoid it coming up the primary?How much does the State still owe the Bank of New York? Why does the State owe money after the lawsuit was settled? Did the settlement funds come in as cash? Or was it a reduction in the amount the State owes Bank of New York?

Ted March 20, 2015 at 5:49 pm

Such lies, such lies. But you do help the cause. Senator have been shown your work and they are appalled

The paid bloggers are out in force today. The investment Commission staffer that pays the bloggers is a mess, so it was easy for him to assemble hateful, greedy and envious people that would say anything. They are an embarrassment to sensible people.

It is my task to keep them spewing hate, greed and filth. It is an easy ask, no doubt. but it is important that people see the hate, envy, greed and filth thrown at Loftis everyday. the Commission should wise up, but of course won’t. they have masters too, so the anonymous comment will continue.

Sybil March 19, 2015 at 6:17 pm

It’s sad that we’ve had to suffer through Loftis’ time in office as he’s shredded all the decency Grady Patterson brought to the office. This legislation would never have been brought up if Grady was still around. He was a leader and influential and would have been able to make changes without blowing the system up. Curtis Loftis is a childish bomb thrower and disgraces his office and our state every day.

Sandi March 19, 2015 at 7:00 pm

Absolutely. Treasurer Patterson was one of the finest public servants to ever hold office. I miss him everyday.

Sad day March 19, 2015 at 7:34 pm

He must be rolling in his grave knowing what Loftis has done to a once respected office.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:16 pm

Haha….liars lie, that is what they do.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Shaking my head March 20, 2015 at 7:19 am

Agree. Curtis will NEVER be the man Grady Patterson was. As a matter of fact, he has destroyed all of the integrity that was there, he has destroyed records and files, and now he is destroying the staff, who were once a very close knit family. What was once one of the best places to work is now total hell.

3rd Floor March 20, 2015 at 10:01 am

I couldn’t have said it better myself. Wish I didn’t have to.

Ted March 19, 2015 at 8:57 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

Wow, 6 billion. That is worth repeating.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

James March 20, 2015 at 10:18 am

They took the whole damn investment fund from Grady! the people threw Grady out of office. Ryberg tried to run against him…twice!

Jerry March 19, 2015 at 6:34 pm

These anti-Loftis posters are whack jobs. If you guys work for the Commision that is even sicker!

Matt March 19, 2015 at 7:28 pm

Typical tea party dope rhetoric by Loftis. Just throw out generic meaningless statements that the tea party fanatics love but have no factual substance to them.

ted March 19, 2015 at 8:27 pm

Tea Party hates high fees and low returns. Tea Party hates losing billions.

Retiree leaders paid by the commission love losing money.

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Guest March 19, 2015 at 11:11 pm

Excuse me dipshit, are you perchance alleging that retirees leaders are being paid off by the Investment Commission? Do you not realize that you are getting real close to libel ( see I know how to spell it)?

Alinksy March 20, 2015 at 9:59 am

No way retirees are get being paid off. Curty boy launched an investigation into that as well. He got the Attorney General, Secretary of State and the Ethics Commission to look into a variety of illegal activities. After three separate agencies investigated the retirees association they found not a shred of impropriety. Good Sal Alinsky tactics, but once again it was all unfounded accusations.

Whistleblower March 20, 2015 at 5:37 pm

How would the Tea Party feel if Curtis was guilty of fraud? Lot’s and lot’s of red flags of potential criminal activity at the Treasurer’s Office.

There’s significant evidence of fraudulent activity coming from the State Treasurer’s Office. How was the Treasurer’s Office able to pay the Bank of New York Mellon’s custody bill’s last summer and fall? Were funds diverted from other agencies and budgets such as DMV funds? Do Chief of Staff Clarissa Adams’ initials appear on the approval form for the diversion of these funds? How much did this six figure payment cost? Did the legislature give approval in the state budget? Why has so much money been diverted from Unclaimed Property this year? Did Curtis or Clarissa approve this transaction? What is it paying for? Why have fees increased so much in the Local Government Investment Program? What are they paying for? Who are the contract employees making hundreds of dollar every hour they work to implement an IT system? Have there been cost overruns? How much did settling the Amick case cost the taxpayer? Did Curtis break the law? Did he settle it to avoid it coming up the primary?How much does the State still owe the Bank of New York? Why does the State owe money after the lawsuit was settled? Did the settlement funds come in as cash? Or was it a reduction in the amount the State owes Bank of New York?

Ted March 20, 2015 at 5:48 pm

Poor, silly, hateful, greedy and envious foul.

The paid bloggers are out in force today. The investment Commission staffer that pays the bloggers is a mess, so it was easy for him to assemble hateful, greedy and envious people that would say anything. They are an embarrassment to sensible people.

It is my task to keep them spewing hate, greed and filth. It is an easy ask, no doubt. but it is important that people see the hate, envy, greed and filth thrown at Loftis everyday. the Commission should wise up, but of course won’t. they have masters too, so the anonymous comment will continue.

ted March 19, 2015 at 8:28 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Very crazy indeed.

Tangerine March 19, 2015 at 9:29 pm

Wow! I saw all the comments on this post and came over to see what the interesting conversation was and it seems to boil down to one commentator, who keeps posting the same thing over and over and over and over and over.

After 3 posts, it looses it’s humor, but I am guessing Ted somebody is following a marketing plan of 9x you see it and believe it. Why not just copy/paste or post Loftis letter to the Senate Finance Committee?

Everything I have seen from Loftis, he has been fighting an uphill battle for years. I hope he continues.

ted March 19, 2015 at 10:53 pm

The clowns at the investment commission post hundreds of post everything time the Treasurer is mentioned. The comments are personal, malicious, and downright stupid. They sometimes hurt innocent people.

Several of us just post nonsense in return. We just want to highlight the lies. It is the only thing one can do, in the face of sickos spewing such hate. We support the Treasurer, but don’t want to disparage others or tell lies.

Hard to do when the investment commission lackeys liable Loftis at every chance.

Enough already March 19, 2015 at 10:59 pm

Calling something a lie doesn’t make it a lie. If something on here is a lie then it should be easy to point out and defend by using facts.

Thomas March 19, 2015 at 10:01 pm

Why did Loftis secretly paid his favorite staffers big bonuses? Why are all his staff quitting? Why won’t Curty come out of the closet? Why did he arrange for his “buddy” Mike Montgomery to get $1 million for doing nothing? Why Curt, why.
Curtis can’t even run his “Republic of Curtland” or neverland or whatever.

ted March 19, 2015 at 10:24 pm

Oh Scotty, you lie so well, so well you lie!

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Whistleblower March 20, 2015 at 5:36 pm

I hope we don’t have another Lost Trust on our hands.

There’s significant evidence of fraudulent activity coming from the State Treasurer’s Office. How was the Treasurer’s Office able to pay the Bank of New York Mellon’s custody bill’s last summer and fall? Were funds diverted from other agencies and budgets such as DMV funds? Do Chief of Staff Clarissa Adams’ initials appear on the approval form for the diversion of these funds? How much did this six figure payment cost? Did the legislature give approval in the state budget? Why has so much money been diverted from Unclaimed Property this year? Did Curtis or Clarissa approve this transaction? What is it paying for? Why have fees increased so much in the Local Government Investment Program? What are they paying for? Who are the contract employees making hundreds of dollar every hour they work to implement an IT system? Have there been cost overruns? How much did settling the Amick case cost the taxpayer? Did Curtis break the law? Did he settle it to avoid it coming up the primary?How much does the State still owe the Bank of New York? Why does the State owe money after the lawsuit was settled? Did the settlement funds come in as cash? Or was it a reduction in the amount the State owes Bank of New York?

ted March 20, 2015 at 5:47 pm

Such silly lies, repeated over and over.

The paid bloggers are out in force today. The investment Commission staffer that pays the bloggers is a mess, so it was easy for him to assemble hateful, greedy and envious people that would say anything. They are an embarrassment to sensible people.

It is my task to keep them spewing hate, greed and filth. It is an easy ask, no doubt. but it is important that people see the hate, envy, greed and filth thrown at Loftis everyday. the Commission should wise up, but of course won’t. they have masters too, so the anonymous comment will continue.

Kudos March 20, 2015 at 6:43 pm

These red flags are very serious and extremely disturbing. Kudos to the brave staffer in Loftis’ office!

ted March 19, 2015 at 10:24 pm

The SC Investment Commission lost 6 billion in 2008 and 09.

This year they have lost 1 billion dollars so far this year.

They paid huge bonuses last year while underperforming the market by 500 million dollars.

They paid 500 million in fees last year.

The investment commission should be fired, instead the Senate is going to give them more freedom. It is crazy!

Transparency March 20, 2015 at 5:35 pm

At least the SC Investment Commission reports their fees. How much did the Treasurer pay in fees for his investments, 529 plan, consultant fees, marketing fees, et al? It’s not anywhere on his website.

Ted March 20, 2015 at 5:46 pm

The paid bloggers are out in force today. The investment Commission staffer that pays the bloggers is a mess, so it was easy for him to assemble hateful, greedy and envious people that would say anything. They are an embarrassment to sensible people. They replies everyone has hate i very unattractive.

It is my task to keep them spewing hate, greed and filth. It is an easy ask, no doubt. but it is important that people see the hate, envy, greed and filth thrown at Loftis everyday. the Commission should wise up, but of course won’t. they have masters too, so the anonymous comment will continue.

Psychology major March 19, 2015 at 11:09 pm

I think the root of the problem is Curt’s insecurities. He strikes me as someone that hates people that are smarter and better educated. It makes sense he would treat the investment commission board members and staff like enemies, for they are all much smarter than him. He can’t stand when they answer his questions because he doesn’t understand the answers.

It all boils down to the intense hatred, envy and jealously that infect Curt on a daily basis. You can’t love others when you hate yourself.

Lost March 20, 2015 at 12:19 am

Curtis did not show up for the senate meetings because he knows that he is a liar, a deceiver and a coward . He cannot carry his responsibilities as the treasurer of the state and he must resign. He cannot be responsible and cannot be trusted with the trust fund of the retirees of this state. The state retirees cannot trust him with their money. He has lost million of dollars because of his lack of intelligence . The trust fund belongs to the retirees of this state. It is not the money of the tax payers of this state. It is the money of the retirees of the state and they have placed their money in that fund. If you are a state retiree , speak up. If you have never worked for the state of SC , you must STFU, this does not concern you. 200 million dollars+ is a lot of money. Read the S 525 bill and make an informed remark. Loftis violated his fiduciary duties. The retirees lost million+dollars. Loftis and his intimate attorney friend got paid very well. Lost trust or trust lost? Read the report and be better informed. Loftis must resign.

Quincey March 20, 2015 at 5:00 pm

The State retirees did speak up! Loftis was elected! And won the “government” county by a wide margin.

Yes, the retirees spoke up. The polls closed. Loftis won, you lost. But I am sure you are used to losing, why else would you be muttering into a computer screen all day, especially when no one reads your work!

bye bye loser.

Scott March 20, 2015 at 4:57 pm

Projection is really something.

You have a small penis, so you project onto the treasurer your insecurities. There is a 12 step program. You can’t fix a small penis, but you can embrace it. Just like Sam does.

Whistleblower March 20, 2015 at 5:29 pm

Who in SC is able to investigate these red flags?

There’s significant evidence of fraudulent activity coming from the State Treasurer’s Office. How was the Treasurer’s Office able to pay the Bank of New York Mellon’s custody bill’s last summer and fall? Were funds diverted from other agencies and budgets such as DMV funds? Do Chief of Staff Clarissa Adams’ initials appear on the approval form for the diversion of these funds? How much did this six figure payment cost? Did the legislature give approval in the state budget? Why has so much money been diverted from Unclaimed Property this year? Did Curtis or Clarissa approve this transaction? What is it paying for? Why have fees increased so much in the Local Government Investment Program? What are they paying for? Who are the contract employees making hundreds of dollar every hour they work to implement an IT system? Have there been cost overruns? How much did settling the Amick case cost the taxpayer? Did Curtis break the law? Did he settle it to avoid it coming up the primary?How much does the State still owe the Bank of New York? Why does the State owe money after the lawsuit was settled? Did the settlement funds come in as cash? Or was it a reduction in the amount the State owes Bank of New York?

Ted March 20, 2015 at 5:43 pm

Oh, silly little liar. How creative you have become.

The paid bloggers are out in force today. The investment Commission staffer that pays the bloggers is a mess, so it was easy for him to assemble hateful, greedy and envious people that would say anything. They are an embarrassment to sensible people.

It is my task to keep them spewing hate, greed and filth. It is an easy ask, no doubt. but it is important that people see the hate, envy, greed and filth thrown at Loftis everyday. the Commission should wise up, but of course won’t. they have masters too, so the anonymous comment will continue.

ted March 20, 2015 at 5:43 pm

The paid bloggers are out in force today. The investment Commission staffer that pays the bloggers is a mess, so it was easy for him to assemble hateful, greedy and envious people that would say anything. They are an embarrassment to sensible people.

It is my task to keep them spewing hate, greed and filth. It is an easy ask, no doubt. but it is important that people see the hate, envy, greed and filth thrown at Loftis everyday. the Commission should wise up, but of course won’t. they have masters too, so the anonymous comment will continue.

I wonder how cheaply hateful people sell their souls?

Inquiring minds March 20, 2015 at 6:15 pm

Who is this staffer?

Real questions March 19, 2015 at 11:16 pm

If this is such an important issue for Curtis then why didn’t he show up to the senate meetings? He would’ve had the opportunity to speak on the record and he would’ve had his issues printed in the press. Why did Curtis abdicate his responsibilities to call attention to a serious issue that he says he cares about so much? If it’s a big deal then he should have been there in person. Instead he cowered and now wants to talk about it after the fact.

sick March 20, 2015 at 12:41 am

Fits is paid to say about Loftis. Loftis will never speak on the record, under oath in front of anyone. Loftis will talk after the fact, here on Fits. Loftis is hiding under his blanket as he cannot face the facts. Loftis must resign. What a vile, sick person. Enough of his crap. A sick, vile man. Accusations without facts. No gusts, just vile stinking smells and lies. A very sick man. Who can work with this vile man?

Johnny March 20, 2015 at 4:56 pm

You know everyone’s secrets. You know what they do and why. How nice for you. How you must enjoy knowing everything. And how lucky we are to receive such special info.

Wow, you are special. You are loved. You are someone!

Hillary March 20, 2015 at 9:56 am

Loftis knows he can’t be placed under oath because he’s a liar. Providing false testimony under oath to the General Assembly would be impeachable. Instead he lies directly to the people via social media.

Alph March 20, 2015 at 4:54 pm

How sure of yourself you sound! For someone that has nothing to do all day but utter falsehoods into a computer, you seem to fancy yourself a real intellectual. You must have very low standards. I suspect that on the Griswold Scale you would be a genius, but on every other IQ scale you would be a fucking idiot.

HeHeHe March 20, 2015 at 5:06 pm

Look at Alph/Curtis getting all uppity! Coming from the guy that couldn’t even pass GenEdu at a public university!

Jas March 20, 2015 at 5:08 pm

Oh, why are you so jealous. Just because the treasure is independently wealthy, twice elected state treasurer, and not living in his moms basement does not mean that he looks down on you.

BNYM Settlement March 20, 2015 at 5:28 pm

Why has Curtis’ independent wealth increased so much since he took office?

John March 20, 2015 at 5:32 pm

I have known Curtis for many years. He is very smart and has made a good deal of money.

Because you i.e. about the timing of that wealth does not cause for concern.

You are a hateful, envious, greedy person, spreading lies for pay, under an assumed name. Why would anyone believe a word you say?

But keep lying and making a fool of yourself. It helps me because that is my job- to keep you spewing hate!

Craig's List March 20, 2015 at 6:38 pm

Which website were you hired on? I know Curt likes to keep his personal hires quiet.

Hillary's hero March 20, 2015 at 10:38 pm

Oh curt – what would ever make you think Hillary utters falsehoods on fitsnews all day? Seems I’ve only seen her name once. Unlike you, Ted, Tyler, curt, Sara, whoever you are at the moment. Your, sir, yu be the f’ing idiot. Everybody sees straight through you.

Mac and Flo March 20, 2015 at 4:51 pm

We believe the Treasurer will manage this as he sees fit. Allowing people with no power, influence or self esteem to set his agenda is not the smart course of action.

When you get back from the Miss Piggy School for those with Low Self Esteem, let us know. We will give you permission to watch the TV show of your choice.

Alt Talk Royalty March 20, 2015 at 5:05 pm

Lourie and Bryant and the other senators on the panel Leatherman put together will love to know Curt thinks they have no power, influence or self-esteem.

When Curt set’s an agenda please let the world know. He moves from one artificial crisis to the next.

Pete March 20, 2015 at 5:06 pm

Nonsense, such nonsense. Do you ever think before spouting hateful words?

Carmen San Diego March 19, 2015 at 11:17 pm

Where in the world was Curtis Loftis when this bill was being debated? He was invited to attend and he made the conscious decision not to. What a leader!

clair March 20, 2015 at 4:48 pm

The Treasurer is a statewide elected, constitutional officer. He makes his decisions based on what is best for the people of SC.

He does not allow small minded, cowardly people that have nothing better to do that liable him anonymously on silly blogs to set his schedule. He does not allow those filled with hate, envy and greed to give him mandates. He decides what is best.

Carmen San Diego March 20, 2015 at 5:03 pm

Clair/Curtis – Why did the Treasurer attend the meeting about an issue of such importance? What’s he afraid of?

Don March 20, 2015 at 5:05 pm

Perhaps he was napping. Or thinking of ways to please you.

I don’t know what he was doing, but he certainly does no answer to fools like you.

Tadams March 20, 2015 at 5:10 pm

Curt doesn’t answer to anyone but Curt. And maybe that troll that runs his office. I’ve long wondered what she has on him.

James March 20, 2015 at 5:28 pm

Oh, such hate and envy. Perhaps one day you will be employable. keep working at shining your shoes and going to the bathroom by yourself. One day, God willing, you will be fit for society!

Craig's List March 20, 2015 at 6:35 pm

Is there something peculiar about going to the bathroom by yourself? Does James/Curt have someone that assists him in the bathroom? What website did he use to recruit this mystery bathroom servant? Not Angieslist

Bailout Loftis March 20, 2015 at 11:46 pm

Does that mean he thought bailing out SCSU with millions of taxpayer dollars was in the best interest of the people of SC?

Help! March 19, 2015 at 11:22 pm

Where can I find the reports for the Treasurer’s Office investment returns? I don’t see them anywhere on the website.

Inquiring Minds March 20, 2015 at 9:54 am

I can’t find the either and it makes me wonder what’s in there that the Treasurer doesn’t want us to see?

john March 20, 2015 at 5:30 pm

The Treasure is accountable and transparent. but not to the lies you throw out

Ted March 20, 2015 at 5:41 pm

The paid bloggers are out in force today. The investment Commission staffer that pays the bloggers is a mess, so it was easy for him to assemble hateful, greedy and envious people that would say anything. They are an embarrassment to sensible people.

It is my task to keep them spewing hate, greed and filth. It is an easy ask, no doubt. but it is important that people see the hate, envy, greed and filth thrown at Loftis everyday. the Commission should wise up, but of course won’t. they have masters too, so the anonymous comment will continue. After all, hate is free, and easy to come by if you like people of low character.

Herring March 20, 2015 at 6:33 pm

How is it hateful, greedy or filthy for a person to ask where investment and audit information is? How is it hateful, greedy or filthy for an employee to come forward as a whistleblower?

It’s not. The red flags raised make it clear the treasurer is hiding something. What it is I don’t know.

Whistleblower March 20, 2015 at 5:27 pm

Elected officials need to be help accountable. It’s time to demand real accountability from those with the power and money. Even the president of the Republik of CurtLand.

There’s significant evidence of fraudulent activity coming from the State Treasurer’s Office. How was the Treasurer’s Office able to pay the Bank of New York Mellon’s custody bill’s last summer and fall? Were funds diverted from other agencies and budgets such as DMV funds? Do Chief of Staff Clarissa Adams’ initials appear on the approval form for the diversion of these funds? How much did this six figure payment cost? Did the legislature give approval in the state budget? Why has so much money been diverted from Unclaimed Property this year? Did Curtis or Clarissa approve this transaction? What is it paying for? Why have fees increased so much in the Local Government Investment Program? What are they paying for? Who are the contract employees making hundreds of dollar every hour they work to implement an IT system? Have there been cost overruns? How much did settling the Amick case cost the taxpayer? Did Curtis break the law? Did he settle it to avoid it coming up the primary?How much does the State still owe the Bank of New York? Why does the State owe money after the lawsuit was settled? Did the settlement funds come in as cash? Or was it a reduction in the amount the State owes Bank of New York?

Hal March 20, 2015 at 5:29 pm

Oh, such hate and envy and greed. I believe you can get free mental health at the Richland County clinic.
Frankly, a pastor would do you good to. Such sin, cast around so easily, is harmful to you and others.

Sunshine March 20, 2015 at 6:31 pm

Hal shouldn’t try to shut down an employee at the Treasurer’s office. He or she was brave to bring these red flags forward. Loftis should encourage an investigation. If he has nothing to hide his detractors will look foolish. Only people who oppose the light of transparency are terrified of accountability.

You should know March 22, 2015 at 9:15 pm

How well you know about the free mental health help, Curtis Loftis! Just so you know, your pastor alone can’t save your evil, wicked, cold, black soul. Do you ever feel the devil breathing down your back, Curtis?

Mike m March 21, 2015 at 3:57 pm

Amick? I knew her. She was a fat, ugly bitch that was so lazy they hid her in a cubicle. She was having an affair with that blac guy from administration, I never could see what he saw in her. She stunk like shit as she never showered.

I will never forget that fat ass wobbling down the hallway is search of food.

Mary Loftis March 21, 2015 at 4:27 pm

Even for you Curtis this type of comment is a new low. You are a disgusting sack of herpes infested dog shit that carries on affairs with paid-for men on the internet. I’m sure she will never for get your or clarissas fat asses wobbling down the hallway either.

May God have mercy on your sick, vile, infected soul.

Curtis March 21, 2015 at 9:56 pm

I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to turn out this way. My multiple personalities just get the best of me sometimes. They scare me. I really didn’t mean to be such a disappointment to my parents and family. It just happened. It’s not my fault. Yes, it is. No, it’s not. Oh, I have to go now. Ted is trying to come back out.

Richland Co Court March 21, 2015 at 4:28 pm

Mike M: Are you referring to Amick, the lady who sued Curtis for employment violations and won? Then Curtis had to pay a five figure settlement last year with taxpayer dollars?

Racist Curtis March 21, 2015 at 8:57 pm

What black guy in administration? Curtis is so racist, he’s never had a black guy in administration. Check how many whites are in leadership positions versus African Americans. Curtis has hired zero into positions of authority. Somebody FOIA that!

Good for Amick! March 21, 2015 at 9:52 pm

Sounds like somebody’s a little bit angry that they got sued. I heard she nailed his balls to the wall. Good for her. She stood up to the bully and won. Now, that’s an admirable trait. Curt could learn a lot from that lady.

Drunk curt March 22, 2015 at 7:42 am

Oh curt, you must have her confused with your chief of staff.

Really? March 22, 2015 at 8:50 am

Curtis Loftis! Your immaturity is showing. You are only mad that she won a lawsuit against you. You know there’s no truth to any of this childishness. That woman was an outstanding employee without a blemish on her employment record. She was much too honest of a person for your taste. Your time would be better spent trying to find a defense to the allegations outlined by whistleblower.

Ted March 20, 2015 at 5:41 pm

The paid bloggers are out in force today. The investment Commission staffer that pays the bloggers is a mess, so it was easy for him to assemble hateful, greedy and envious people that would say anything. They are an embarrassment to sensible people.

It is my task to keep them spewing hate, greed and filth. It is an easy ask, no doubt. but it is important that people see the hate, envy, greed and filth thrown at Loftis everyday. the Commission should wise up, but of course won’t. they have masters too, so the anonymous comment will continue.

How do they find such hateful people that are not in jail?

Poet Laureate March 20, 2015 at 6:29 pm

When Curt and Clarissa lie, God is sad and cries.

Whistleblower March 20, 2015 at 6:12 pm

That wouldn’t answer these questions. SCEIS and law enforcement can address these red flags:

There’s significant evidence of fraudulent activity coming from the State Treasurer’s Office. How was the Treasurer’s Office able to pay the Bank of New York Mellon’s custody bill’s last summer and fall? Were funds diverted from other agencies and budgets such as DMV funds? Do Chief of Staff Clarissa Adams’ initials appear on the approval form for the diversion of these funds? How much did this six figure payment cost? Did the legislature give approval in the state budget? Why has so much money been diverted from Unclaimed Property this year? Did Curtis or Clarissa approve this transaction? What is it paying for? Why have fees increased so much in the Local Government Investment Program? What are they paying for? Who are the contract employees making hundreds of dollar every hour they work to implement an IT system? Have there been cost overruns? How much did settling the Amick case cost the taxpayer? Did Curtis break the law? Did he settle it to avoid it coming up the primary?How much does the State still owe the Bank of New York? Why does the State owe money after the lawsuit was settled? Did the settlement funds come in as cash? Or was it a reduction in the amount the State owes Bank of New York?

Poor taxpayers March 21, 2015 at 10:19 pm

What ever happened with the Darry Oliver case? Remember? Another lawsuit Curtis effected on the State. He bullying and harassed the man to the point of resignation. Much like what he is doing to his current staff. He has cost the taxpayers so much over the past few years. He is a joke. A bad joke. But a joke no less.

snickering March 20, 2015 at 6:39 am

In Government as other things they seldom are what they seem.. Was is long threatened and waited upon forensic accounting done? If not don’t toss numbers if they were the Gospel of John. Remember things aren’t what they seem to be.

PKA March 20, 2015 at 9:48 am

I think it would be wise to conduct periodic forensic audits of state agencies that handle exorbitant amounts of money. PEBA and the IC have had them over the last two years and I think it’s time the Treasurer’s Office underwent one too. There’s a lot of money at stake and there is very little information that comes out of the Treasurer’s Office about balance sheets, local government investment performance, state funds investment performance, debt portfolio, unclaimed property fund’s balance/expenditure sheet and the college savings investments.

There shouldn’t be anyone standing against regular audits, transparency and accountability.

snickering March 20, 2015 at 1:08 pm

Exactly. Point On. Who really knows what is going on and never trust the loudest person in the room.

Tyler March 20, 2015 at 2:24 pm

The Treasurer’s Office had not been audited in many years before Loftis took office. Under Loftis, an independent CPA firm has performed at least 2 (maybe more) annual audits of STO.

PKA March 20, 2015 at 2:30 pm

Where are the audit results? Where has the treasurer posted them? They aren’t on his website. What about last year’s audit, you know the one that was conducted by Elliot Davis after four years of the Loftis regime? How many findings? Was it two or three? What happened to the internal auditor at the STO?

Pam March 20, 2015 at 4:43 pm

Can you really be this stupid? Has the little Pee Wee thing affected your mind?

Take a deep breath. Stand tall. Don’t be ashamed of how you look as nothing can be done about that. And look where all state audits are-on the state auditors page.

Transparency March 20, 2015 at 2:31 pm

If they aren’t published on his website then he isn’t being transparent, accountable or a good steward of our tax dollars. He needs to release the findings now!

Pam March 20, 2015 at 4:42 pm

They are on the State Auditor page with all the other audits of the state. Are you dense? Stupid? Lying for sport? Or just drunk?

Or all of the above. What a sad life you must have.

PKA March 20, 2015 at 5:02 pm

Those are annual audits done before Loftis took over. Where are the ones he campaigned on? Where’s the Elliot Davis audits that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars?

Dick March 20, 2015 at 5:03 pm

How, silly you. Cant you read? Or is the porn running on the split screen, on your mothers computer, draining your little mind?

Pam March 20, 2015 at 4:40 pm

Yes, Loftis campaigned on it and got it done. no one else in government has every campaigned on getting an audit, doing the audit, and posting the audits on the State Auditors page.

That is first rate!

PKA March 20, 2015 at 5:01 pm

There is no “real” audit on the State Auditors page. The only audits on there are the required annual audits which the treasurers office has done every year as you can see on the auditors page. Where is the financial audit? Where is the performance audit?

Mac March 20, 2015 at 5:02 pm

You are an idiot or a liar.

Choses one and let us know.

Cam March 20, 2015 at 4:38 pm

The $29,000,000 pension fund has never had a forensic audit. Never. but I will kick in the first thousand to see that it happens!

A forensic audit would send Bob Borden and Reynolds Williams to Leavenworth!

You betcha! March 20, 2015 at 4:59 pm

A forensic audit of the Treasurer’s Office would bring impeachment charges against Ole Curt Melvin!

Jay March 20, 2015 at 5:01 pm

Oh, how original. How unsuspected. I never saw that coming! You win that point. So clever, so fun!

Whistleblower March 20, 2015 at 5:21 pm

I hope the Senate or the Feds start investigating Loftis and maybe even some of his top staff. So much potential fraud going on there.

There’s significant evidence of fraudulent activity coming from the State Treasurer’s Office. How was the Treasurer’s Office able to pay the Bank of New York Mellon’s custody bill’s last summer and fall? Were funds diverted from other agencies and budgets such as DMV funds? Do Chief of Staff Clarissa Adams’ initials appear on the approval form for the diversion of these funds? How much did this six figure payment cost? Did the legislature give approval in the state budget? Why has so much money been diverted from Unclaimed Property this year? Did Curtis or Clarissa approve this transaction? What is it paying for? Why have fees increased so much in the Local Government Investment Program? What are they paying for? Who are the contract employees making hundreds of dollar every hour they work to implement an IT system? Have there been cost overruns? How much did settling the Amick case cost the taxpayer? Did Curtis break the law? Did he settle it to avoid it coming up the primary?

Tim March 20, 2015 at 5:24 pm

Yes, lets cast aspersion on everyone. Why not? You are an insignificant person that is bathed in hate, greed and envy. Your life is worth very little. You are obviously a miserable person.

So perhaps it is good that you cast such hatred on line, and not to real people.

yes, perhaps the internet is a safe place to proclaim to the old :I am a loser!”

Sensible March 20, 2015 at 6:27 pm

Tim seems to think it is okay to bully staff and try to silence them. If Mr. Loftis has nothing to hide then he should welcome a full investigation into the red flags raised by Whistleblower.

ted March 20, 2015 at 6:37 pm

Lies, lies and more lies.

The paid bloggers are out in force today. The investment Commission staffer that pays the bloggers is a mess, so it was easy for him to assemble hateful, greedy and envious people that would say anything. They are an embarrassment to sensible people.

It is my task to keep them spewing hate, greed and filth. It is an easy ask, no doubt. but it is important that people see the hate, envy, greed and filth thrown at Loftis everyday. the Commission should wise up, but of course won’t. they have masters too, so the anonymous comment will continue.

ted March 20, 2015 at 5:39 pm

The hateful paid bloggers are out in force today. The investment Commission staffer that pays the bloggers is a mess, so it was easy for him to assemble hateful, greedy and envious people that would say anything. They are an embarrassment to sensible people.

It is my task to keep them spewing hate, greed and filth. It is an easy ask, no doubt. but it is important that people see the hate, envy, greed and filth thrown at Loftis everyday. the Commission should wise up, but of course won’t. they have masters too, so the anonymous comment will continue.

Whistleblower March 20, 2015 at 6:11 pm

Launch an investigation into the red flags! Fraud! Waste! Abuse!

There’s significant evidence of fraudulent activity coming from the State Treasurer’s Office. How was the Treasurer’s Office able to pay the Bank of New York Mellon’s custody bill’s last summer and fall? Were funds diverted from other agencies and budgets such as DMV funds? Do Chief of Staff Clarissa Adams’ initials appear on the approval form for the diversion of these funds? How much did this six figure payment cost? Did the legislature give approval in the state budget? Why has so much money been diverted from Unclaimed Property this year? Did Curtis or Clarissa approve this transaction? What is it paying for? Why have fees increased so much in the Local Government Investment Program? What are they paying for? Who are the contract employees making hundreds of dollar every hour they work to implement an IT system? Have there been cost overruns? How much did settling the Amick case cost the taxpayer? Did Curtis break the law? Did he settle it to avoid it coming up the primary?How much does the State still owe the Bank of New York? Why does the State owe money after the lawsuit was settled? Did the settlement funds come in as cash? Or was it a reduction in the amount the State owes Bank of New York?


Hank March 20, 2015 at 6:43 am

The value of the pension fund has dropped a billion dollars so far this year and all one hears is crickets.

Cromer March 20, 2015 at 9:44 am

Probably only crickets for the same reason you hear crickets when the stock market goes up or down each day. It’s reported on the news, but rarely do people start going into panic mode so early into the year. Some people want to make it a big deal to hide their own problems. The fiscal and calendar year still has a ways to go.

Karen March 20, 2015 at 4:36 pm

The fund lost a billion dollars and you have no concerns? You might handle your money that way, but prudent investors don’t.

One can imagine the stench, there in your mothers basement, where you are forced to live, eat frozen pizza and write nasty comments into the computer. Manage your money properly and perhaps you can find a government subsidized trailer.

Whistleblower March 20, 2015 at 10:32 am

There’s significant evidence of fraudulent activity coming from the State Treasurer’s Office. How was the Treasurer’s Office able to pay the Bank of New York Mellon’s custody bill’s last summer and fall? Were funds diverted from other agencies and budgets such as DMV funds? Do Chief of Staff Clarissa Adams’ initials appear on the approval form for the diversion of these funds? How much did this six figure payment cost? Did the legislature give approval in the state budget? Why has so much money been diverted from Unclaimed Property this year? Did Curtis or Clarissa approve this transaction? What is it paying for? Why have fees increased so much in the Local Government Investment Program? What are they paying for? Who are the contract employees making hundreds of dollar every hour they work to implement an IT system? Have there been cost overruns? How much did settling the Amick case cost the taxpayer? Did Curtis break the law? Did he settle it to avoid it coming up the primary?

These are serious questions that need transparent answers to hold Curtis accountable for his unlawful actions. All this information is available in SCEIS. I don’t want to lose my job so I must end it here. Please investigate this fraud!

Whistleblower March 20, 2015 at 10:38 am

How much does the State still owe the Bank of New York? Why does the State owe money after the lawsuit was settled? Did the settlement funds come in as cash? Or was it a reduction in the amount the State owes Bank of New York?

Guest March 20, 2015 at 1:09 pm

As you know the $20 million settlement for retirees was used to cover the cash deficiency in the lending services account. I also understand BONY sent Loftis a bill for another $50 million that he wanted to pay out of the Trust Fund. The man got rolled and now he wants retirees to pick up the bill. Meanwhile BONY gets a ten year contract and his lawyers got $9 million.

Nicky March 20, 2015 at 4:33 pm

How sad for you. Sitting on the sidelines, lying into a computer screen. You have no power, no prospects, no ability except to make up lies.
How very sorry I am for you

Kyle March 20, 2015 at 4:29 pm

Oh Pee Wee (and you must have a little Pee Wee, who else would write such nonsense if they were not compensating for a little PEE WEE).

Please stop projecting your lack of intellect, breeding and character onto others. it simply is not healthy, and frankly, it is boring.

When people with your lack of “presence” write, your shortfalls are seen at once. Silence is the best course for you.

M326 March 22, 2015 at 8:11 am

Trying to cover it up, Curtis? You can’t just move money around like that legally. You’re the one that better be silent.

Ted March 20, 2015 at 10:44 am

Liars lie. That is what they do

Pew March 20, 2015 at 10:50 am

Oh, Ted.. Please, tell fraudulent Loftis that he has to resign NOW. Diverting funds from Unclaimed Property, DMV, Local Government… It is sure stinking now. Pew, pew.. Resign now..Curt

Miles March 20, 2015 at 4:30 pm

Oh, how vicious you have become. Find your boyfriend looking for dates on GRINDER?
Don’t worry, the vets probably won’t find out.

Poet Laurearte March 20, 2015 at 6:09 pm

When Curt and Clarissa lie, taxpayers are stabbed in the eye.

Clarissa March 21, 2015 at 10:13 pm

Clarissa should get out before the SHIT hits the fan. She put her signature on all of this. Loftis destroyed the STO. He must resign

Take her too March 22, 2015 at 5:12 pm

Hopefully she will go down right along side Curtis. Heaven above knows the awful vindictive things she has done t people in that office as well. She’s almost despised as much as Curtis.

Nelson March 20, 2015 at 4:22 pm

What a true low life you must be to say such things. Perhaps when the coke/booze runs out you can sober up. Making up such tales is unacceptable for sober people.

Poet Laureate March 20, 2015 at 4:53 pm

When Curt and Clarissa lie… Transparency and Accountability die.

Bill March 20, 2015 at 5:03 pm

Hahah. So funny. hahah.

wow, that one comment may change the curse of history!

Inquiring minds March 20, 2015 at 5:12 pm

Curtis is the “curse” of history. His “curse” is written about extensively in his divorce papers. Is that why he was arrested for assaulting his wife?

Nick March 20, 2015 at 5:19 pm

So personal. So mean, so hateful.

What happened to you? Are you hideosity fat and mean? Gay? Bound in a low income environment?

It is sad that hate, envy and jealousy has taken over your life.

Mitch March 20, 2015 at 4:32 pm

Liars lie, that is what they do. Some of the most insignificant liars, those with self-esteem issues, are vicious liars.
You are vicious. How sad for you.

Whistlin' Dixie March 20, 2015 at 4:56 pm

The truth always comes out C. Melvin. It always comes out one way or another.

Snake March 20, 2015 at 5:04 pm

You are a masterful wit. Wow,

I must write that one down.

ted March 20, 2015 at 5:38 pm

The paid bloggers are out in force today. The investment Commission staffer that pays the bloggers is a mess, so it was easy for him to assemble hateful, greedy and envious people that would say anything. They are an embarrassment to sensible people and repulse most people.

It is my task to keep them spewing hate, greed and filth. It is an easy ask, no doubt. but it is important that people see the hate, envy, greed and filth thrown at Loftis everyday. the Commission should wise up, but of course won’t. they have masters too, so the anonymous comment will continue.

Patsy March 20, 2015 at 6:08 pm

Sensible people want answers to the questions from Whistleblower.

ted March 21, 2015 at 11:35 am

Whistle blowers file papers, come forward to the authorities.

Damned liar that spew filth and vulgarity into computer screens are not whistle blowers. They are cowards.

Ted Jake Curtis March 20, 2015 at 1:42 pm

What do Ted, Jake and Curtis all have in common (besides all being Curtis himself)?

Ted like to talk about the pension fund losses and fees, but Curtis doesn’t post anything about the billions his office invests so the public never sees the losses and knows nothing about the fees.

Jake likes to preach and lecture people about Jesus, repentance, sin and damnation, but Curtis hasn’t attended church for nearly a decade and he is full of envy, hate and jealousy.

Curtis has many alter egos and posts anonymously on this website to attack people without regard to the facts, but this is nothing new – he’s been doing it since the early 2000’s on AltTalkRoyalty.

All three are one in the same: sick, demented, hypocritical and named Curtis Melvin Loftis, Jr.

Ted March 21, 2015 at 11:34 am

You spend your days and nights lying anonymously into a computer and are somehow offended when a few good people disagree with you.

How odd your sense of entitlement. How pathetic your weaselly soul.

Good people will pity you for you are certainly pitiful

Leading the nonexistent March 20, 2015 at 3:03 pm

Remember when Curt joined forces with Obama’s “” group and asked people to sign a petition that would keep income taxes high and not address SC’s road problems? He said they needed 5,000 signatures. They barely made it past the halfway point. Congrats Mr. Loftis, your influence spans as far as 0.00001% of the states population. What a leader!!!!

Marge March 20, 2015 at 4:19 pm

Oh silly rabbit. How can you be so foolish?

Hate is a poison we make for our enemies, then take for ourselves. You might want to stop taking that poison.

Whistle Blower March 20, 2015 at 5:24 pm

Why won’t Curt answer these questions? Statewide access to SCEIS shows that this could be pretty messy.

There’s significant evidence of fraudulent activity coming from the State Treasurer’s Office. How was the Treasurer’s Office able to pay the Bank of New York Mellon’s custody bill’s last summer and fall? Were funds diverted from other agencies and budgets such as DMV funds? Do Chief of Staff Clarissa Adams’ initials appear on the approval form for the diversion of these funds? How much did this six figure payment cost? Did the legislature give approval in the state budget? Why has so much money been diverted from Unclaimed Property this year? Did Curtis or Clarissa approve this transaction? What is it paying for? Why have fees increased so much in the Local Government Investment Program? What are they paying for? Who are the contract employees making hundreds of dollar every hour they work to implement an IT system? Have there been cost overruns? How much did settling the Amick case cost the taxpayer? Did Curtis break the law? Did he settle it to avoid it coming up the primary?How much does the State still owe the Bank of New York? Why does the State owe money after the lawsuit was settled? Did the settlement funds come in as cash? Or was it a reduction in the amount the State owes Bank of New York?

Tad March 20, 2015 at 5:27 pm

Do you really think “asking questions” about committing fraud is clever? Do you not know every 4th grader understands that silly ploy? Do you not know that everyone sees it as a cry of desperation from an inadequate person that needs affirmation?

Well, sad little person. We love you regardless of your hate and envy. Regardless of your greed. We feel sorry for you and love you despite your sick ways.

Lexington March 20, 2015 at 6:19 pm

Hi Tad. It looks to me like one of Loftis’ staffers has raised some red flags. If it’s all untrue then he shouldn’t have anything to worry about and should welcome an investigation into the specific red flags raised by his employee.

Marge March 20, 2015 at 5:38 pm

The paid bloggers are out in force today. The investment Commission staffer that pays the bloggers is a mess, so it was easy for him to assemble hateful, greedy and envious people that would say anything. They are an embarrassment to sensible people.

It is my task to keep them spewing hate, greed and filth. It is an easy ask, no doubt. but it is important that people see the hate, envy, greed and filth thrown at Loftis everyday. the Commission should wise up, but of course won’t. they have masters too, so the anonymous comment will continue.

Hateful posters are a sad lot.
