|| By FITSNEWS || This is not your father’s “Republican” party …
According to new data from the Pew Center, a whopping 63 percent of “Republican” millennials – or people born between 1981-1996 – support the legalization of marijuana. Meanwhile 61 percent of “Republicans” under thirty support gay marriage.
“By contrast, just 27 percent of Republicans ages 50 and older favor allowing gays and lesbians to marry,” the Pew Center’s Jocelyn Kiley noted.
These findings show the “Republican” fault lines – which we’ve written on previously – have a generational component to them. They also expose the electoral headwinds facing 2016 GOP presidential candidates who tack too hard to the right on these two issues in an effort to lure social conservatives in early-voting Iowa and South Carolina.
More to the point, they expose the Quixotic nature of the presidential campaigns being mounted by evangelical candidates Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum – fiscal liberals whose candidacies are based almost exclusively on overt appeals to the religious right.
This website has consistently supported the decriminalization of marijuana and other drugs … and urged government to get out of the marriage business entirely.
We look for candidates who support those views within the framework of a broader pro-freedom, pro-free market worldview.
UPDATE: Well, well … looks like courting the youth vote in South Carolina’s “Republican” presidential primary would be a colossal waste of time (based on 2012 data, anyway).
“63 percent of “Republican” millennials – or people born between 1981-1996 – support the legalization of marijuana. Meanwhile 61 percent of “Republicans” under thirty support gay marriage.
So how many people are we talking about here? 3 or 4 thousand.
Great point. Something like only 12% of the demographic identify themselves as GOP. I guess. Now I gots something to Google at lunch.
According the the Pew Research Center, 17% of Millennials self identify as Republican.
You and Rocky need a math class.Got to go.A REAL leader that loves America is getting ready to address congress.
We already did. He was elected by electoral landslide, and then re-elected by electoral landslide. Meanwhile – “but, but, but we won the mid-terms” – hey – thanks for that DHS budget, clean and mean baby. Clean and mean.
i wonder what % of millenials would consider themselves either GOP or right leaning independent if the GOP came out in favor of pot legalization and gay mariage, because those are the 2 big issues millennials care about
… that and food stamps for those munchies.
Thank you. Wow, that’s pretty low. Lower than Hispanics.
I guess that is why the GOP have picked up 75 house seats,11 senate seats,9 governorship’s , 1500 seats in state legislatures and control of 70% of those chambers.
Savor the flavor Flippy – it won’t last long. Wink wink, xoxoxo!!
Maybe people are tired of hearing the “No” party squawk about their losses so they are giving the GOP a chance to prove themselves. So far it does not look good for GOP based on their actions.
I’m glad to hear it. Maybe my days of being “forever alone” are almost over. I guess it’s time to update my online dating profiles…oh and I’ve got to get back on craigslist’s M4M.
Child Molest much?
Who gives a S#!t what you pop culture lemmings SUPPORT…Gay marriage should only mean something to you, if you want to marry a gay person..
It’s not FITS or the government’s place to stick your F*#king nose in it…
If they (and FITS) support redefining marriage – and government sanctioning – for a small political group who define themselves by what they perform in the bedroom, that shows how F*#king stupid the young Republicans are..and how F*#king ignorant FITS is…
Looky like young part of yo party don’t agrees which you. Get over it Pork Chop, we also accept cell phones as part of life, ethenol and solar power. The young taken over the old. Either keep up or move to the home.
I know of Gays who were married WAY before the government imposed its opinion…
You sound like the @$$-Backward Dumb@$$…if you did not know that…
And cross dressers ;)
You did? Interesting, because how do you get a gay marriage license before it was deemed legal? That’s like saying you knew people who drove cars, before they had cars. You’re such an ignorant pile. Try having your Mom read your posts before you click on the little arrow – it might help.
Oh…now you’re changing your claim…LMAO…only a license
legitimizes your unions???
Why is it you must have the government define your love as legitimate for it to be valid…?…Not very confident in your bedroom habits as binding…are you???
I *knew* you were for gay sex, oops, I mean marriage.
You can marry a goat fur all I care, as long as it doesn’t raise my taxes.
GrandTango, Let me help you out….All you have to do is ask these questions and argument is over.
Why not have a public dialogue on the medical safety of Sodomy, gay and straight, and ask these two simple medical questions?
That is, Doesn’t the medical community recommend that you, “Wash your hands after you go to the bathroom.”?
Yet, now there are some in the medical community that now say it’s OK to “Sleep with the waste that gets flushed down in the toilet?” and that it’s possible to live a perfectly normal life.
Additionally, the same can be said that there are some in the medical community that now say it’s OK to “Lick the toilet bowl” and that it’s also possible to live a perfectly normal life.
I think this makes them “Democrats”. Especially in voting booths in 2016.
Losing old voters who are dying, losing new voters to simple issues, Republicans are more endangered than real elephants.
This is the cutest stock photo I’ve ever seen.
It’s not the size of the nose… it’s what *in* it that counts!
Hey, Taylor. Are you for getting high and marriage equality?
…cuddling with a warm Republican in a cabin in the North Woods… snow falling outside.. fireplace crackling… kung fu on the tv.. gettin’ high?
Equal rights and justice for all. The young realize what true American values look like.
? … where do you see that … ?
“? … where do you see that … ?”
In the young, of course.
I can’t tell them apart – American values all look the same to me.
John Birch Kochs don’t know how to appeal to “young people.”
That’s a good one. And The Hillarybeast? What is She now, about 90? And loaded with Bill’s multi-Billion$ from the Euro-Trash and the Taliban yet still stealing from the taxpayers? … The “young people” are going to want their “fair share”, fur sure.
You forgot to say “and get off my lawn”.
I’ll allow them to stay on my lawn, they just have to wear a jockey suit and hold a lantern.
Talk shit. Get shot.
The GOP may not support civil rights (let alone marriage equality) for LGBT people anytime soon … but sooner or later they’ll have to come to grips with the fact that vilifying Gay Americans is no longer a vote-getter for them. Back in 2009 a CBS News survey found that while only 18% of Americans over the age of 65 supported marriage equality for Gay couples, 41% of American under the age of 45 supported it. That was SIX YEARS AGO, and the generational shift in attitudes among young people toward their Gay friends and family members is accelerating.
Even conservative National Review columnist Andrew Stuttaford grudgingly acknowledged this: “I fully understand (even if I do not agree with) the idea that same-sex unions are a threat to conventional marriage and I fully understand those who argue that opposition to gay marriage is a fundamental principle too important to be abandoned for reasons of political expediency, but these findings should, I
reckon, at least be some sort of warning to those who assume that the GOP’s current position on this issue will continue to be a vote-winner.”
30 years ago most Americans were not aware of any Gay friends, family members, or co-workers. Today most Americans ARE aware, and they have become dramatically more accepting and supportive of the Gay people and Gay couples in their lives. And social networking sites like Facebook have made the proverbial “closet” virtually obsolete. The Republican Party ignores this growing acceptance at its own peril. Jobs and the economy are important, yes … but your friends and family members are PERSONAL.
lol, funny name
Chuck Anziulewicz: The GOP and the Dems should support medical safety, correct?
Why not have a public dialogue on the medical safety of Sodomy, gay and straight, and ask these two simple medical questions?
That is, Doesn’t the medical community recommend that you, “Wash your hands after you go to the bathroom.”?
Yet, now there are some in the medical community that now say it’s OK to “Sleep with the waste that gets flushed down in the toilet?” and that it’s possible to live a perfectly normal life.
Additionally, the same can be said that there are some in the medical community that now say it’s OK to “Lick the toilet bowl” and that it’s also possible to live a perfectly normal life.
I happen to be fiscally conservative and socially moderate. Because of this, I don’t fit in with either party. Sounds kinda’ like these millennials, except that I was born in the 60’s. Third party is the future, IMO, though I may not be around to see it.
Democrats and Republicans alike are full of shit. I guess you just have to decide who’s shit smells better to you.
If the primaries result in a Bush v. Clinton matchup, I think this is the time an anti-establishment third party candidate could win in 2016.
it would have to be chosen well. the Tea Party is the biggest threat to a true moderate 3rd party candidate. If a person runs on an anti-establishment 3rd party platform that brings politics back closer to center, then we could have a fight. but if 2 establishment cancidates cause a tea party and or socialist (dunno what to call the fringe left) candidate then say goodbye to any morderate at all
I’m thinking a libertarian cloaked as a moderate could win.
I am hoping for an Independent. Today, moderate is a dirty word to many. It seems to incite the stigma of too much compromise.
Yes democrats and republicrats are all alike … It used to be that the republicrats were the ones who stayed bought.
Republicans are paid to fuck us in the ass… Democrats are paid to look the other way.×3661.jpg
lol, this is a great line too!
LOL … Of course, that’s why I now call it Gruberment. Both sides lying, cheating and stealing from the public trough. … Pigs under the same blanket of lies.
It also is beginning to look like some if not most of the newly elected “conservative/tea party republicans” have come under the sway of Gruberment, too. They being tempted by those poisoned apples called “progressive” Fascist Bureaucracy.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts fur sure.
And both democrats and republicrats are “paid to look the other way” … while the IRS sets up us poor chumps here in the hinterlands to take the fall. … BOHICA, suckers.
For a few years span, I loved TP, so refreshing to hear people speak from the heart and a platform I could stomach. However, after running with them for a while, it became obvious, they too have a game. Notice how many of your TP groups have a political consultant leading it? I do. There are still some good guys in the mix, but they are the minority.
There are really good people in the democrat party, honest, forthright, hard working … but a bit bashful and a bit awestruck by the covert and overt propaganda and power plays from the elitists … the NOW gang, the quasi-socialist wannabes and their “progressive” agenda ruling that roost … So sad.
Pfft!!! … I can do a survey myself and get just the opposite of everything in this write up.
OK, I don’t see an “about” button for this site or anything like that, so I’ll have to ask: why the scare quotes on “Republican?”
Well, to put it bluntly, if any republican were a “true” republican, and any democrat a true “democrat” we’d still be a constitutional republic whose congress didn’t accept corporate money in turn to be influenced by said corporation to vote for their interests, and not the interests of the American public. We’ve got a failing domestic infrastructure and economy, a booming and ever expanding military spending budget, laws that don’t make sense and are draconian by nature, and a federal government with an infinite reach that breaches into our our minds, and our privacy making freedom virtually null and void with the patriot acts (yes, there are multiple) and the National Defense Authorization Act. There are no “Republicans” and there are no “Democrats.” There are corporations (now considered people by those who you elected into office) through citizens united. The only way to have a constitutional republic is to fix our domestic problems, help our crumbling cities, and to do that we must take money out of politics and reverse citizens united. Basically, that’s why “Republicans” and “Democrats” are shown in scare quotes. They’re pretty scary indeed. Fear mongering, using religion to manipulate people, and gaining profit off of your paranoia.
While agree with some but not all of what you say, a more simple answer for the quotation marks is; Will Folks, who says he is not a Republican has made himself arbiter of who is and who is not a “Republican.” He divides those who say they are Republicans into two camps, Republicans and RINOs. He decides unilaterally what camp you are in.
Of course Will is a NINO, Non-Republican in name only. He always votes Republican.
I guess in regards to Will, sure I was off. Still, I’m all wired on coffee and I tend to be a bit overlong and drawn out with my descriptions of things.
Young Republicans, please ask these questions.
Why not have a public dialogue on the medical safety of Sodomy, gay and straight, and ask these two simple medical questions?
That is, Doesn’t the medical community recommend that you, “Wash your hands after you go to the bathroom.”?
Yet, now there are some in the medical community that now say it’s OK to “Sleep with the waste that gets flushed down in the toilet?” and that it’s possible to live a perfectly normal life.
Additionally, the same can be said that there are some in the medical community that now say it’s OK to “Lick the toilet bowl” and that it’s also possible to live a perfectly normal life.
Yup…..and this is exactly why Republicans need to be Pro- Marriage Equality at least….Republicans under the age of 50 will otherwise vote for Hillary.
Well then, doesn’t this just mean that “young Republicans” are actually “young Democrats”…. seriously, without an ethical and socially disciplined mantle, can the Republican Party even survive?… I don’t think so. And for all those who say that they’re simply fiscal conservatives, I say great, show me a loose, un disciplined, hedonistic, dependent society that embraces fiscal conservatism… yep, I can’t think of any either.
The younger generation is waking up. Check this out, last election WV elected the nation’s youngest lawmaker, she campaigned from her dorm room.
As we continue to evolve in the 21st century, so will marriage equality. This is evident as 37 states and counting join the support for marriage equality. The 61% of under 30 years of age Republicans that support marriage equality is more evidence of our evolving civilization which is learning to support equal rights for all American citizens.
I am convinced some of the old myths and tradition will eventually change with time and knowledge. History has proven that, otherwise we might all be serving some mythological figure, I personally prefer Thor….lol.
Meanwhile…God weighed in (again) on Thursday and said what’s
“popular” is passing away
And that He may wait briefly to send gays and FITS News to
Hell but He has appointed a day !!!