Event Calendar: Palmetto Panel

SOUTH CAROLINA REFORMERS GATHERING TO DISCUSS STATE ISSUES || By FITSNEWS || We’ll have more information on this event in the coming weeks, but if you care about the issues being debated at the S.C. State House you might want to circle April 18, 2015 on your calendar. On that…


|| By FITSNEWS || We’ll have more information on this event in the coming weeks, but if you care about the issues being debated at the S.C. State House you might want to circle April 18, 2015 on your calendar.

On that date, a group of reform-minded South Carolinians will gather in Clemson, S.C. for the “Palmetto Panel,” a day-long citizen-led (i.e. sponsor-free) gathering focused on a wide range of state policy issues.

Attendees will receive “information on topics such as health care, education, energy, finances, ethics, protecting South Carolina’s electrical grid and more,” a source familiar with the event told FITS.  Providing them this info?  Numerous speakers: Including several members of the S.C. General Assembly and various luminaries of the state’s reform movement.

(We’ll publish a full list of speakers a little bit closer to the event’s kickoff … )

Gatherings like this are especially important this year, as pressure is mounting on members of the legislature to get their acts together on a wide range of issues … and to do so without raising taxes.  Lawmakers are also especially under the gun on the issue of ethics reform.

“The Palmetto Panel exists to educate and engage the citizens of South Carolina on relevant issues,” the group’s Facebook page states.  “And to teach them how they can engage in the art of self governance.”

The panel will convene at the Madren Conference Center on the campus of Clemson University on Saturday April 18, 2015 – beginning at 9:30 a.m. EDT.  Tickets are $35, which includes breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack.

The group will have hotel rooms reserved on-site for those wishing to stay overnight and attend the training sessions the following day (Sunday April 19, 2015).  Those sessions will be held at nearby Lake Keowee.

Event organizers say this year’s event hopes to draw a geographically diverse crowd from all corners of the state, enabling attendees to “take this information back into their communities.”

GOT AN EVENT? Let us know via email …


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Buz Martin February 23, 2015 at 1:16 pm

Real reformers are not “luminaries.” That’s a bullsit term that puffs them up, just as the status quo crooks puff themselves up with all their ceremonies, spin, “you stroke me, I stroke you” mutual accolades, media puff pieces, having landmarks named after them, etc., etc.

Centrist View February 23, 2015 at 1:37 pm Reply
Halfvast Conspirator February 23, 2015 at 1:47 pm

Rep. Chip Limehouse
SC House of Representatives
Charleston, District 10

Are we being shitted here? “Reformer”????? If that was not so pathetic it would be funny. This guy spends all his time figuring how to lap at the trough and enrich his buddies more than anyone else now that Harrell is gone.

jimlewisowb February 23, 2015 at 2:13 pm

True, very true

However Mr. Rotunda has lost the cability to lap. Now when he bends over so much pressure is place on his man things that blood flow is cut off to his lower extremities and he topples over much like a Weeble in a warm cup of sake

Being the tropper he is Mr. Rotunda now just rolls over into the trough and what he cannot consume by mouth is just absorbed through the numerous spores covering his body-especially his ears- my grandpa what big ears you have

Freddy the Lobster February 23, 2015 at 2:00 pm

I see the asylum is issuing furloughs to provide the slate of speakers for this event.

Loose the Loons February 23, 2015 at 6:30 pm

Yep. Kooky Kevin Bryant included.

Disappointed February 23, 2015 at 4:06 pm

Curtis Loftis is a RINO : Reformer In Name Only! No accomplishments to speak of. Just hot air and dwindling crowds.

Kev February 23, 2015 at 10:49 pm

Loftis remains one of the most respected elected officials in SC. Your paid efforts to bash him are a soulless attempt to discredit him. May God have mercy on your soul.

tongues February 24, 2015 at 9:09 am

“curtis” and “respected” do not belong in the same sentence. God hates a lying tongue Kev/curt.

Quinn February 24, 2015 at 9:28 am

Alan Wilson and Henry McMaster are respected. Almost no once in SC even knows who Loftis is. He has a very low name ID. That’s why he does the college tv ads.

Halfvast Conspirator February 23, 2015 at 1:44 pm

Will there be any lesser cuts of meat there?

Adam's Rib February 23, 2015 at 2:06 pm

Sheri Few is proud to be a lesser cut of meat.

JimBob February 23, 2015 at 4:47 pm

I’ve seen that heifer. She may be a lesser cut, but it’s still a lot of meat on the hoof.

Disappointed February 23, 2015 at 4:05 pm

Looking at the cast of speakers it’s become clear that with Curtis Loftis on the panel it will mostly be for PR purposes. He hasn’t ever put a single proposal forward to address issues. He only makes noise to get the media to pay attention. I was hopeful this would be a meeting of the minds when it comes to accomplishing things. Apparetnly it will only serve to offer more hot air, red meat, and no solutions. A real panel wouldn’t include reformers-in-name-only like Curtis Loftis. It would only include real reformers with real ideas.

Kev February 23, 2015 at 10:46 pm

Do you best, Push Media, do you best to bash Mr. Loftis.

Disappointed February 24, 2015 at 9:12 am

MEDIA: So what’s your plan for asset allocation?
CURT: Fees are too high!
MEDIA: Right…. but what’s your plan to bring the fees down?
CURT: Transparency and accountability.
MEDIA: Can you elaborate on that?
CURT: God Damnit! , that Reynolds Williams has you blinded so you can’t see!

That’s Curtis’ approach to offering solutions.

Also disappointed February 24, 2015 at 9:13 am

MEDIA: So what’s your plan for road funding?
CURT: Taxes are too high!
MEDIA: Right…. but what’s your plan to address roads?
CURT: Transparency and accountability.
MEDIA: Can you elaborate on that?
CURT: God Damnit! , that Reynolds Williams has you blinded so you can’t see!

Anyone else see the similarities?

Also disappointed February 24, 2015 at 9:14 am

MEDIA: So what’s your plan for SCSU?
CURT: Debt is too high!
MEDIA: Right…. but what’s your plan to bring the rein in the debt?
CURT: Transparency and accountability.
MEDIA: Can you elaborate on that?
CURT: God Damnit! , that Reynolds Williams has you blinded so you can’t see!

Margaret February 23, 2015 at 5:03 pm

It’s true! Curtis Loftis is on the panel along with Sen. Lee Bright. I don’t know many of the others but if these two are representative, count me out. Most of us have forgotten more than these guys ever knew. We will learn nothing from these fools. Save your money. Go see American Sniper. You will learn more.

Kev February 23, 2015 at 10:45 pm

What a sad soul you must have, dear “Margaret.” I hope you are being paid well for bashing Mr. Loftis

Madge February 24, 2015 at 9:27 am

Kev : do you think the only people with a critical view of Mr. Loftis are paid to disagree with him and what he stands for? That’s pretty unrealistic.

Billy February 24, 2015 at 7:43 am

This really looks to be intellectually stimulating. A significant number of these people don’t even have bachelor’s degrees from an accredited college. One could actually learn more at the bars in 5 Points. Who chooses these people?


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