
NYC, CSC Sued For Medicaid Fraud

By FITSNEWS || Like a real-world Harvey Dent, crusading Gotham (a.k.a. New York City) district attorney Preet Bharara scored again this week – announcing a major lawsuit against the Big Apple and one of its government-contracted technology providers. According to Bharara, New York City conspired with its provider – Computer…

By FITSNEWS || Like a real-world Harvey Dent, crusading Gotham (a.k.a. New York City) district attorney Preet Bharara scored again this week – announcing a major lawsuit against the Big Apple and one of its government-contracted technology providers.

According to Bharara, New York City conspired with its provider – Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) – to implement a multi-million dollar Medicaid billing fraud.  If found guilty, the federal government would have to be repaid three times the amount allegedly stolen from taxpayers.

Of interest to our readers in the Palmetto State, CSC has a major facility located in Blythewood, S.C. – although it’s been bleeding jobs for the last couple of years.

According to the government, NYC and CSC used computer programs to “circumvent the requirement that Medicaid be billed after private insurance coverage had been exhausted.”  This produced tens of thousands of false claims which received “millions of dollars of Medicaid reimbursements.”

“Billing frauds like those alleged undermine the integrity of public healthcare programs like Medicaid,” Bharara said in announcing the lawsuit.

In addition to the Medicaid suit, Bharara is also probing a major ethics scandal involving New York mayor (and rumored 2016 presidential candidate) Andrew Cuomo.


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CarolinaS October 28, 2014 at 2:12 pm

One of these days, you should look into how SC’s Medicare system is run through Clemson.

nitrat October 28, 2014 at 3:26 pm

MediCARE is the federal health insurance program that, along with premiums paid by the recipients, provides health insurance coverage for citizens at age 65, after they have been on Social Security Disability Insurance for 2 years, or immediately in certain situations such as going on dialysis.
MediCAID is a shared state/federal health insurance program that provides coverage for specified services and its coverage, what it covers and at what income levels people are eligible, varies from state to state.
Care to explain what in the world you think ‘SC’s Medicare system’ is?

Republican Follies October 28, 2014 at 4:37 pm

Probably one of those TeaParty types that doesnt want the government messing with his Medicare!

Dave Chappelle I'm Rick James October 28, 2014 at 3:18 pm

“Like a real-world Harvey Dent, crusading Gotham (a.k.a. New York City) district attorney Preet Bharara scored again this week.”

Careful. It sounds like you are exalting and glorifying an elected official. How long til you yank them back down to their normal personhood level? (You know, the level where they should have remained)

Don’t get me wrong. I love seeing corruption exposed. Just be careful.

Smirks October 28, 2014 at 3:37 pm

How long til you yank them back down to their normal personhood level?

Depends on how long it takes Bharara to threaten to put Sic in a trailer.

nitrat October 28, 2014 at 3:39 pm

Preet Bharara is US Attorney for the Southern District of NY.
He was appointed by Barack Obama in 2009.
He is no more an elected official than SC’s US Attorney Bill Nettles.
Obviously, FITSNEWS is woefully confused. I’m sure it would have never patted a corruption fighting Democratic US Attorney on the back if it had known he is a Democrat and was appointed by Democrat Barack Obama. I hope he cleans Andrew Cuomo’s clock.
I’m sure FITSNEWS thinks all US Attorneys act like Republican Reggie Lloyd when he prosecuted Thomas Ravenel and forget to look at all the Republican big wigs who were snorting cocaine with Ravenel.

And, thank God not all US Attorneys are as sorry as Bill Nettles.

Dave Chappelle I'm Rick James October 28, 2014 at 3:43 pm

Thanks for clarifying. I didn’t research whether he was an AUSA or D.A. I took FITS word for it that he was a “district attorney” because…well FITS stated “district attorney.”

D.A. would likely have been elected–or at least appointed. AUSA, not so much (you correctly point out).

Bible Thumper October 28, 2014 at 4:14 pm

It appears the NYC is at fault, not the state. Bloomberg recently left office and Bill de Blasio has only been Mayor a short while. Sounds like one government level suing another. No one goes to prison.
Three Fraud schemes – all done by computer programing.
1. Claiming no private insurance.
2. Claiming not covered condition.
3. Falsifying diagnosis.


nitrat October 28, 2014 at 4:22 pm

Bloomberg was one of those Teflon mayors.
He had one scandal involving contractors and billions of dollars after another, but they all started popping up after he won that 3rd term. NYT covered them, but no one seemed to pay attention.
NYT has been covering Chris Christie corruption before Bridgegate – contractors there, too; private prisons included – and people haven’t paid a bit of attention.
It’s like so many SC cabinet agencies exploding in Haley’s first year. That was Mark Sanford’s incompetent appointees and their sorry management getting covered up until it has to explode. That’s part of the DSS mess. But, Haley appointed people there that were absolutely crazy and so, so incompetent.

Blah Blah Blah October 28, 2014 at 3:19 pm

“undermine the integrity of public healthcare programs”

You can’t undermine something that was never there to start.

west_rhino October 29, 2014 at 9:21 am

He’d be floating in the lake in Chicago or found feeding the crabs on a Cali beach…


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