Party ID Trends

INDEPENDENTS CONTINUE TO CLIMB …  So Gallup is out with its latest party identification data and independents are once again dominating the nation’s political landscape.  A whopping 47 percent of those surveyed said they were independents, compared to only 27 percent who identified as Democrats and 25 percent who identified…


So Gallup is out with its latest party identification data and independents are once again dominating the nation’s political landscape.  A whopping 47 percent of those surveyed said they were independents, compared to only 27 percent who identified as Democrats and 25 percent who identified as “Republicans.”

The 47 percent figure matches the highest level of support attained by independents since Barack Obama took office in January 2009.  It’s also the eighteenth straight month in which independents have polled at or above 40 percent.

GOP support dropped from 26 to 25 percent, but the news wasn’t all bad for the “other” party of big government.  Democrats saw their support fall from 31 to 26 percent – and saw their support among “leaners” slip as well.

Republicans now hold a 47-42 percent lead among partisans and voters who “lean” toward one party or the other – the first time since July 2012 that they’ve held an edge in this category.

In separate data released last week by Gallup, 40 percent of voters say they have a favorable view of the GOP – compared to 42 percent who say the same about Democrats.  Meanwhile 57 percent view the GOP unfavorably and 54 percent view Democrats unfavorably.

Among independents, 36 percent view the GOP favorably while 35 percent view Democrats favorably.

So … have we achieved mass realization that both political parties are full of it?  No.  But the trend lines are encouraging …

In fact according to a Gallup poll released this week only four out of ten Americans now believe that control of the U.S. Congress matters “a great deal,” compared to 29 percent who say it matters a moderate amount and 30 percent who say it doesn’t matter at all.

Of course Gallup also found that only 36 percent of the country is able to correctly identify which parties control both the House and Senate, so there’s that …

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Bible Thumper September 22, 2014 at 11:29 am

Of the 100 US Senators, two are independents. Of 435 House members 0 are independents.

Smirks September 22, 2014 at 12:03 pm

Those damn Independent In Name Only voters!

party pooper September 22, 2014 at 12:53 pm

Fits, before you get too euphoric, you should read this article:
I think Libertarian thinking might be too nuanced for the wave of illegals and other immigrants entering the USA. They want MORE government and services.

Social Justice! September 22, 2014 at 1:37 pm

Yep, the free shit army will always win in the end. Doesn’t even matter what the party label is, it’s all about the free shit and who’s gonna get it.

Juan Jesus de Soto, his pregnant wife Maria & their five kids have come to get theirs and will only return to Mexico El Salvador Columbia once they have successfully helped finish the job of turning the USA into a S. American banana republic, or maybe they’ll keep moving up, into Canada.

SC Political Digest September 22, 2014 at 5:06 pm

FITS wrote: “but the news wasn’t all bad for the “other” party of big government. Democrats saw their support fall from 31 to 26 percent – and saw their support among “leaners” slip as well.”…”Republicans now hold a 47-42 percent lead among partisans and voters who “lean” toward one party or the other”

That’s not all bad????…WHAT????…

Dunmb@$$…You just can’t help trying to ignore reality for the Democrat @$$ you kiss, can you? Any wonder the country is in the mess it’s in???

FastEddy23 September 25, 2014 at 1:32 pm

Question for any candidate: “what part of the Constitution do you want to change?”

FastEddy23 September 25, 2014 at 1:36 pm

FiveThirtyEight.com forecast of the senate races of September 24: http://fivethirtyeight.com/interactives/senate-forecast/

Note that Kansas has the only Independent for the Senate running (and winning).


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