“Republicans” looking to raise South Carolina’s gas tax love to throw out the talking point about the Palmetto State having the “cheapest gas in America.”
And the state’s left-leaning mainstream media loves to swallow that talking point … among others.
Well guess what … it’s true. But before you join “GOP” politicians and the liberal legacy press in embracing a gas tax hike, don’t forget that income levels in the Palmetto State are near the bottom of the national barrel – meaning our citizens pay a higher percentage of their “daily bread” for essential items like food, clothing, home heating and, yes … gasoline for our cars.
In fact, as of 2011 Palmetto State residents spend more of their income on fuel costs than residents of any other state (save Mississippi).
In other words that “cheap gas” is incredibly expensive to our dirt poor residents.
Anyway …
Gas in South Carolina averaged $3.24 per unleaded gallon in 2013 – down from $3.35 in 2012 (but up from 2010?s average of $2.60). Currently it stands at $3.14 (second-lowest nationally) – although it has been climbing since the beginning of the year.
“Republican” lawmakers – who just borrowed half a billion dollars for the state’s bloated highway system – are proposing a whopping 125 percent increase in the state’s gasoline tax, seeking to increase it from 16 to 36 cents over a ten year period beginning in 2015.
Is that necessary? No …
South Carolina administers the nation’s fourth-largest highway system – a whopping 41,613 miles of state-maintained roadways. That’s absolutely ridiculous for a state that ranks No. 40 nationally in terms of size (and No. 24 in terms of population), but it’s what happens when politics dictates the process.
As for funding, according to data compiled by the Reason Foundation, South Carolina ranked No. 2 in the nation in total taxpayer disbursements per mile in 2007. In 2008 and 2009 – the latest years for which data is available – the Palmetto State led the nation in tax money spent per mile of state-maintained roads.
What about bridges? Glad you asked … from 2007-09 South Carolina led the nation in taxpayer disbursements per mile of bridges.

While “Republicans” push for a gas tax hike one Democrat – S.C. Rep. Bakari Sellers (D-Bamberg) – has drawn a line in the sand.
“We don’t need a gas tax increase,” Sellers said earlier this month. “What we need is a serious plan to modernize and streamline our transportation delivery system – and a dedicated source of new revenue to meet prioritized needs, not political favors.
“It’s not lack of funding, or taxes that are too low that have caused our roads to fall in disrepair, it’s politicians who have their priorities out of whack,” he added. “And now, instead of solving the problem they want to place the burden of fixing our roads on individuals who can least afford it along with small businesses.”
Wow … and which party is fighting for taxpayers again?
There is no need to raise South Carolina’s gasoline tax. There is, however, a pressing need for our state’s leaders to stop pissing away money on non-essential pork barrel projects.
That is a reasonably nice gas pump. Looks like an older model. Some of the classics are very well built. I especially like the large selection knobs on this model. Makes it much easier to utilize in close quarters. Thanks FitsNews!! :) Thanks!!
Frank we have cleaned up this site. No idea what you are talking about. Muahahahahaha.
Damn right you have skippy
Have you thought about setting up a sub-site for these antsy guys — perhaps you could name it “FeelthyPix(com)”..??
Heyyy… I’ll bet there’s a lot of money in that. When I first realized that women had skin all over their bodies, it changed my whole life!
We could open a .org site to explore the subject in detail. Maybe we could get some traffic on the site and sell advertisements.
Our brick and mortar site could employ beautiful women down on their luck – we could place a single, solitary tiny lint ball on their bodies, and sell tickets for finding it.. we could run timed contests and everything!
I’ve been thinking of setting up a business hiring out nude women as objets d’art for parties and general decor… part and full time in all positions.
— and the BEST OF ALL is that you can advertise on Fitsnews..!!
ps: did you hear what happened to the Avon Lady? Max Factor …
You need to freshen up your material. I suggest a regimen of hard drugs and dangerous pastimes!
Yes, I do have a tendency to repeat myself, but I base it on my guess that Fitsnews gets an average of 12 new readers daily from around the country who check in at least weekly and it may be fresh to them. The only “dangerous pastime” right now is commenting on GrandTango’s posts.
Don’t worry, he’d lose interest trying to find the rubber cement to put your avatar on his wall… he’d never be able to focus his attention long enough to get your IP and find your home address, much less to remember to load one of his guns, or follow a map there. If by some miracle he were to show up, he’d be looking for the guy with the top hat and mustache.
The real danger is that he’ll manage to load one of his guns in a supernatural burst of cognitive energy, and shoot the next person that knocks on his door.
If this is a free market/libertarian/personal responsibility/limited government site – why not stop restricting us from also being publishers of pictures and videos through Disqus, like the other right wing sites like the well-respected Brietbart site – the animals over there get those privileges – why not us? Are we less educated than they?
“the animals over there get those privileges – why not us?”
Because some animals are more equal than others.
Also, because it’s Sic’s site and he can do whatever he likes with it. It’s called “property rights”.
I know. I run a political forum. The last thing you need is a bunch of barking animals screwing things up.,
Max, be true to this website and you’ll never be grandfathered out…..
I guess I could say it was all a big joke….
It does make it a bit easier for your loyal readers to type when our keyboards aren’t as sticky as they once were.
Then don’t type with your penis…. (it can be done — so I’ve been told — but I didn’t believe her)
Which brings up that age old question… how do women type?
Bye the Bye — how did Fitsnews rate on the latest Washington Post list of “Best Political Site By State?”
I especially like the trigger enclosure.
OMG, thank you for pointing that out!!!!! I almost missed that camel toe!
That would have been a tragedy, indeed!
I owed you one
I didn’t even read the article. But I think I see her very large, puffy nipples.
large, puffy
more adjectives! [he said, rubbing the mouse button absently]
— and that “come on” smile
Large and puffy, indeed. Like a soft marshmallow, they melt in your mouth.
Maurice Blessings has died.
Is this his obituary?
Too many Big Joe Q’s.
Hey FITS, you BLITHERING idiot…Get off your LAZY, No-Talent, i-experienced @$$..and compare the AVERAGE PRICE PER GALLON under Bush…who had an energy policy…to the prices under Obama…Talk about an exorbitant tax…
Look at the cost of Utilities too..You Extreme F*#king Dumb@$$…
Obama is attacking families and everybody else, except for the liberal elites and Union Thugs he bails out on Wall St. with OUR money…And there are NO jobs…
You ignorant Piece of $#!* might need to get a F*#king Clue…Obams is a Complete F@*king disaster, and @$$hole,s like FITS, blame the GOP…
Did I mention that you are an ignorant piece of $#!*…and YOU, and excrement like you, are the reason your lord-god Obama can get away w/ Raping good people…????
If liars and cretins like FITS do not P!$$ everybody off…we have a MAJOR F*#king problem in this country…and we do…
I’ve always wondered what those funny symbols on the number keys were for, now I know. So, TransGringo can type naughty words without upsetting his Mom.
Another F**kng leftwing wannabe, who so wants to be relevant, but you’re too F*#king Stupid to offer an original thought on a real issue.
GT reminds me of the young man from Japan, whose poetry would never scan; when he was asked why, this man would reply, “Well, I try to squeeze every significant syllable into that tricky last line that I possibly can”.
You should look into haikus – you’d be a natural.
Thanks – I’ve written some, but not in a while. Perhaps I should look for them.
His ribs must be getting mighty spare by now.
Offering original thoughts to you? Didn’t the Bible say something about pearls before swine?
legion, in this case.
Let’s see. In July and August of 2008 I was paying around $4.25 a gallon for gas – and the President was, uh, crap, what was his name – Oh Yeah – Bush. I also remember that September he nationalized FNMA and then bailed out the banks with a $1 trillion dollars (and AIG). Today I pay $3.28 a gallon, and the President is, oh what’s his name, that tall skinny guy with the nice pecks – oh yeah, Obama. So El Grande Tango – what was your point again?
The day Obama was elected in 2008 gas was $2.04 a gallon. So Rocky, what is your point.
It was $2.04 because the prices were artificially low due to, oh, I don’t know, an economic collapse? Not a really difficult concept. Those prices actually bottomed out below $2/gallon before going back up.
The ~$4/gal figure was due to a temporary spike in prices, but right before the recession it hovered right around the $4/gal mark.
I think ultimately the point is that there are a lot of factors that determine gas prices, some out of our control, a few within, but ultimately the only viable way to decrease how much we spend on gas is to decrease how much gas we consume. Even Bill O’Reilly admitted that. Of course, only while Bush was still president anyways.
You know Smirks your name fits you very well.
Yes there are many factors that contribute to the price of gas.
I was just pointing out the price of gas, as Rocky did. I also remember when I could buy it for 19 cents a gallon.
BTW glad to see you are keeping up on what O’Reilly has to say.
I also remember when I could buy it for 19 cents a gallon.
I remember when a pine float was free.
So, are you paying for them now or can’t you find anyone that knows how to make them?
It’s a lost art in the South.
I blame the Golden Arches.
Is that where God hits women with his golden ax?
No, it’s where you use to get change back from a dollar.
College fertilizer
is fascinated by the proper rhythm and order of words and he seizes all opportunities
for their contemplation. He then
displays considerable rhetorical flourish on his low road to worldly wisdom,
for, indeed, a poor appetite for books eventually leads to intellectual
malnutrition. If this is true, he’s now
in training for a famine. But it all adds
up to splendid fun during the lonesome watches of my sleepless nights.
GT, have you tested the DNA of your computer?
Highest national average price of gas was $4.12/gallon, under Bush.
You’re a F*#king LIAR. Over 8 years. That is NO the avg…….you liberal Piece of $#!*…but it is @$$-holes like FITS who embolden you corrupt anti-American dirt bags…
The price of gas peaked at $4.12/gallon, averaged across the nation. Happened under Bush. I’ve posted the link numerous times. It has yet to surpass that.
The reality is that gas prices have little to do with who is president, but I wouldn’t expect someone with the IQ of a slug to understand that.
I’m guessing you still believe Keystone XL will really lower American gas prices, too.
Of course it will. Hannity said so.
Long-term averages, Dumb@$$…The price began escalating when Congress went D in 2006, because producers take advantage of a leftwing No-Drill policy…
When it go out of hand and Bush was still in office, Bush began releasing reserves, and the price was down, until Obama took over and F*#ked it up again…
But over Bush’s term, we had some of the lowest gas prices in our history…You’re just stupid (or a liar) if you don’t know that…
Long-term averages
1920 – 2014?
A bald faced,unmitigated LIE
When it go out of hand, and Bush was still in office, Bush began releasing reserves
NO! you mean the federal government interfered with the private sector? OMG!!
1985 – Test sale – 1.1 million barrels (170,000 m3)
1990/91 – Desert Storm sale – 21 million barrels (3,300,000 m3)
4 million in August 1990 test sale
17 million in January 1991 Presidentially ordered drawdown
1996-97 total non-emergency sales for deficit reduction – 28 million barrels (4,500,000 m3)
July–August 2000 – 2.8 million barrels (450,000 m3) to supply the Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve.
September–October 2000 – 30 million barrels (4,800,000 m3) in response to a concern over low distillate levels in the North-eastern U.S.
2005 – Hurricane Katrina sale – 11 million barrels (1,700,000 m3) Katrina shut down 95% of crude production and 88% of natural gas output in the Gulf of Mexico. This amounted to a quarter of total U.S. output. About 735 oil and natural gas rigs and platforms had been evacuated due to the hurricane.
2011 – Arab Spring sale – 30 million barrels (4,800,000 m3) non-emergency sale to offset disruptions caused by political upheaval in Libya and elsewhere in the Middle East. The amount was matched by IEA countries, for a total of 60 million barrels (9,500,000 m3) released from stockpiles around the world.
“… the IQ of a slug…”
That sounds a bit mean-spirited, Smirks. Admittedly, in his youth TBG poured salt on them…and, to this day, TBG buries small cups of beer to ground level in his garden whereupon they crawl in and drown…(TBG can sure think of worse ways to expire…).
Sullying slugs in this way is just WRONG!
How about meet me in person in a dark back alley and lets settle your hatred for anything, once and for all. Pussy Ass Coward … hahahahaahahha!!!!
So that’s how you liberals try to address truth that you fear???
Be honest, and you won’t have to risk getting the $#!* kicked out of you….
Would you be so kind as to demonstrate kicking the shit out of someone? I’ve heard your threats for so long, you’ve made me curious.
We can agree the politics of deciding on transportation projects is lousy. What you cannot deny though is that this state’s ability to just maintain its existing network is at an all-time low, due to inflation and the higher cost of materials such as asphalt. The state can only effectively maintain at a 30% level of what they were able to back in 1987, the last time the tax was raised.
Again, reforming SCDOT will help, but a few million saved on a more efficient agency will only be a drop in the bucket in fixing a much bigger problem. If the state refuses to raise the taxes, then at least allow municipalities and counties the ability to tax for fuel purchases up to 10 cents per gallon. That way, they can actually help the state out by decommissioning state responsibility and have a revenue source to maintain roads themselves.
We can agree the politics of deciding on transportation projects is lousy.
Yeah, but when it comes to interfering in the politics of *other* nations, we excel!
What has to KILL the liberals. Anyone older than 30 can easily remember that gas was relatively cheap under Bush, until that last crunch near the end. And Bush took action to lower prices, and it worked.
Still: you actually perplex me. I really don’t know if you leftwingers are just STUPID…or are you dis-honest.
But whichever you and Obama are, there is no disputing the fact that you are a F*#king disaster for the good people of this country…
Guess Meicaid doesn’t cover gas, huh?
And I guess DNC Talking Points don’t cover getting the $#!t slapped out of you w/ the truth, either….
Does this mean you’re not working tomorrow either?
where does the truth come from, Damned Tango?
What has to KILL the liberals. Anyone older than 30 can easily remember that gas was relatively cheap under Bush
He waged two wars on the credit card, and was presiding over a time-bomb of deregulation.
I guess no one actually researches sources anymore….
The reason SC ranked so high in the “Reason” data is that it spent the least amount of money per mile. The study was to look at the most “efficient” spenders of highway money, since Reason is a Libertarian organization (see below):
About Reason Foundation
Reason Foundation advances a free society by developing,
applying, and promoting libertarian principles, including individual
liberty, free markets, and the rule of law. – See more at:
This study looks at who spends the least as being higher ranked, not as this site wants us to believe (or deceive) by letting us think SC spends the most, which is quite wrong. (from the story above: In 2008 and 2009 – the latest years for which data is available – the Palmetto State led the nation in tax money spent per mile of state-maintained roads. Read more at )
But from the actual data:
SC averaged $31,379 in 2009, the next lowest state was WV at $40,436. The average among all states was $144,533 per mile.
GA – $185K
NC – $44K (2008 data)
“On a per mile basis, 2009 disbursements averaged $144,533 (Table 9, Total Disbursements per State Controlled Mile), with the lowest disbursement per mile in South Carolina ($31,379) and the highest in New Jersey($1,221,403).” (page 22).
Ding-ding-ding, we have a winner! Someone who will actually check the numbers.
Welcome to my club. I was the only person to check the numbers on the claims that building I-73 would create 29,000 jobs in South Carolina, and found that the number of permanent jobs would be less than 1305.