The Palmetto “Nullification” Scam
INSIDE SOUTH CAROLINA’S MOST CONTENTIOUS LEGISLATIVE DEBATE Last week several of South CarolinYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
Last week several of South Carolin
Alot to do about nothing. SC slaves will continue to be slaves. Move on people of SC. Thank god you even have the ouzzz that comes from our politicians.
The John Birch Society? HAhahaha,
And we are supposed to take this foolishness seriously?
I am a conservative and tea party member. But this stuff is a whack job paradise. It is encouraged by Haley as a way to keep the whackiest of the right wind near her. Nothing of will ever come of it but Haley will benefit. Of course, that is what it is all about.
Then I would suggest you advocate that people vote for anyone but Haley.
Another issue sliding under the radar this past week were changes to hospital and perinatal regulations proposed by DHEC. MUSC out in full force. They want to continue to monopolize the Lowcountry. It needs to stop. Just looking at the front page of the paper today show that our kids are getting better care out of state. It’s time to introduce true competition.
So in the laymans terms, I will fuck you for shit-loads of money. And enjoy seeing you squirm. Been there done that, Nikki will be impressed!!!
By refusing to enforce statutory laws on cannibis and homosexual “marriage”, it would appear that our prezzie has already successfully nullified many laws…so nullification doesn’t seem so scary when performed by Barry….
So lets all go to a party of love with nikki and big cocks, and film it all
“Independently, sources at the S.C. Department of Insurance (SCDOI) have
reached out to FITS regarding overtures they have received from a
company seeking to sell low budget “catastrophic” coverage plans in the
Palmetto State en masse.”
The SCDOI is filled with whores & pimps. The are the whole reason we didn’t have a free market in healthcare even before the Obamacare disaster.
“They are the whole reason”
I want to be in the party, my cock is large, I promise.
Crooked politicians in Cola. sold out to special interests at the taxpayers expense SAY IT AIN’T SO. HAHAHAHAHA. Nothing new here..
The same cast of characters have been against anything and everything associated with this BLACK President since day one – actually even before day one as all the plotting and scheming began before he was even sworn in. Nullification in this case goes by some other more familiar names.
Nullification has little to do with Obama’s race. It has more to do with the fact that Republicans are running on a strategy of pure unadulterated hate against their opposition and can’t accept anything even remotely good coming from a Democratic presidency whatsoever. When Reid has to change the filibuster rules just to get rid of 100% obstruction of all judicial appointments, there is an undeniable air that the GOP is trying everything possible to invalidate the 2008 and 2012 presidential election. Read just a few of the figures and it is quite clear that no other Congress before this one has been so divisive, done so little, obstructed so much, or has had such low approval ratings.
It is a strategy hailed by Rush Limbaugh for decades. It is a strategy that Roger Ailes came up with while under Nixon. It is a strategy funded greatly by huge corporations and billionaires who want the smallest government possible that still services them as much as possible. It buys them some of the most loyal followers in politics, but unfortunately for them, it alienates far more. 2014 will prove that just as 2012 did.
To be fair, take Limbaugh and Ailes out of it, trade different media outlets, replace a few billionaires with different billionaires, and you have most of the Democrat party in a nutshell. There is no true liberal party in America, that much was certain when single payer was never discussed, the public option was dropped, and what we ended up passing was Republican reforms written into a bill by insurance and pharmaceutical companies, but somehow that makes us more communist than the old USSR and China combined. Buying private insurance from a public website? More socialist than Canada’s health care system. Yeah, whatever.
The bill is better than nothing but is a far cry from actual, total reform of our broken system.
I agree with everything you said, except the part where Obama’s race was not a factor. It is a factor and not an insignificant one.
I don’t know. I’m old enough to remember how deranged with hate Republicans were for Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Then again, Bill WAS the first black president.
“When Reid has to change the filibuster rules just to get rid of 100%
obstruction of all judicial appointments, there is an undeniable air
that the GOP is trying everything possible to invalidate the 2008 and
2012 presidential election.”
So when under the Bush administration, the Democrats did the SAME thing with judicial appointments, that was OK?
“More socialist than Canada’s health care system.”
Having just come back from Canada over the holidays, I wish you could have been there to witness my brother-in-law whine about having to wait 6 hours to diagnose his 3 year old’s ear infection the day before Xmas, and the doctor refused to prescribe antibiotics over concern of their overuse.
And I quote, “Until his temperature gets to 104, we won’t prescribe them, if it does- go straight to the emergency room, don’t come here.”
I swear on my grandmothers grave to the above.
I asked him if there were any doctors that he could see with cash in hand to avoid 6 hour waits. “It’s illegal.”
Has anyone considered that any nullification bill will be made null and void by the US courts?
“What have we discovered? That no administration in South Carolina history has been as committed to ballooning this entitlement program as the administration of Gov. Nikki Haley.”
Makes one wonder why FITS will endorse Haley in 2014?
Nullification wouldn’t come with any actual improvements to our health care in SC, so why does it matter? Why do Republicans want to destroy any and all improvements to the shitty health care system we have now and do absolutely nothing to improve what it used to be? Why does Haley have to push more money into Medicaid yet refuse to take an expansion that would be funded 90% by the feds?
So carpet bagger Tom Davis and Company are getting paid off by blue cross blue shield. What a shock.
using quotation marks around the word “conservative” is understandable. i do it myself. most americans who call themselves ‘conservative’ have no idea what the word means. but using them around “republican” is pure nonsense. anyone who thinks they are a republican IS a republican. the party is defined by its members.
Fits seems to think “conservative” means “radical.”
How did the KKK miss this meeting. I guess their invitation was lost in the mail.
In my opinion the proper federal response to the nullification act as proposed by Fits is for the justice department to have any individual arresting anyone under the nullification act and charge them with kidnapping and assault; and indict the Governor and Attorney General as Co-conspirators and accessories after the fact. If SC law enforcement would like to intervene in their arrest, I’d suggest a contingent of Marines and a black ops extraction team.
Excuse me,
“for the justice department to have any individual arresting anyone under the nullification act arrested and charge them with”
Seems like just a lot of talk, nothing really, designed to get Tea Party faithful to part with their hard earned dollars into the pockets of GOP groups in the midst of a civil war against the establishment.