
We Agree With Michael Bloomberg On Something

Michael Bloomberg is the poster politician for oppressive, nanny state government … a rabidly unapologetic liberal who wants to take away your guns and your big gulps. But the New York mayor is 100 percent correct in his assessment of female footwear. “I like women and I think that they…

Michael Bloomberg is the poster politician for oppressive, nanny state government … a rabidly unapologetic liberal who wants to take away your guns and your big gulps.

But the New York mayor is 100 percent correct in his assessment of female footwear.

“I like women and I think that they look stunning in high heels — not that they look bad without high heels. I wouldn’t criticize anybody,” Bloomberg told The New Yorker.

Hmmmm … so it’s not just “sexist” blogs like FITS (oh, and the mainstream media) who have a foot fetish.

But is Bloomberg telling the truth when he says he “wouldn’t criticize” women who don’t wear heels? Not according to New York city council chairwoman Christine Quinn, who claims Bloomberg has repeatedly rebuked her for wearing flats.

“I was at a parade with him once and he said, ‘What are those?’” Quinn told The New York Times. “I said, ‘They’re comfortable,’ and he said, ‘I never want to hear those words out of your mouth again.’”

“He likes me in high heels,” Quinn added.

Incidentally, Bloomberg made a decidedly sexist appearance in a New York Magazine profile of Quinn (who finished third in the Democratic primary to replace Bloomberg as mayor New York). Introduced to the mayor along with a friend, journalist Jonathan Van Meter recalls Bloomberg’s response to a supporter of his anti-Second Amendment policies.

“My friend and I followed the host over, shook Bloomberg’s hand, and my friend thanked him for his position on gun control,” recalls Van Meter. “Without even acknowledging the comment, Bloomberg gestured toward a woman in a very tight floor-length gown standing nearby and said, ‘Look at the ass on her.'”

Classy …

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Smirks October 18, 2013 at 9:56 am

Maybe we can enlist some women with great buns and high heels to distract Bloomberg from enacting more gun control and nanny-statism?

shifty henry October 19, 2013 at 8:12 am

Isn’t he on another nanny-rant now?

guest October 18, 2013 at 10:07 am

Typical man!

Anon. October 18, 2013 at 1:31 pm

Let’s toast Bloomberg with our 64 oz. sodas…oh, wait, nevermind.

Jonestown Kool-Aid® October 19, 2013 at 7:39 pm

Whatever happened to those 2 liter wine coolers I remember back in college? That was a little crazy.

euwe max October 18, 2013 at 1:55 pm

I wonder if she looked. I sure as hell would have – most of my time is wasted trying to spot a good one – if there’s anything I’m not it’s a time-wasting liberal!

Boz Martin October 18, 2013 at 3:16 pm

Everybody in world, except for gay men, checks out women’s asses. This is a fact.

9" October 18, 2013 at 4:48 pm

Are archaeologists the only people who’ve noticed the Grand Canyon is breathtakingly deep and vast? As a ‘gay man’,I’ve checked out some black women’s asses that I could take to the ‘hot sheet motel’,and use as a waterbed.


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