“Justice For Trayvon” Discrimination?

In case you hadn’t figured it out black people are livid over the Trayvon Martin verdict – gathering at hastily arranged press conferences across the country to voice their displeasure. Not surprisingly candidates for public office are among the speakers at these rallies – which has resulted in all sorts…

In case you hadn’t figured it out black people are livid over the Trayvon Martin verdict – gathering at hastily arranged press conferences across the country to voice their displeasure. Not surprisingly candidates for public office are among the speakers at these rallies – which has resulted in all sorts of jockeying for position in front of eager banks of race-baiting television cameras.

In Charleston, S.C., controversy arose last week when the leading candidate for S.C. Senate District 42 – the “majority-minority” seat vacated last month due to the resignation of S.C. Sen. Robert Ford – was permitted to speak at a “Justice for Trayvon” press event.

Why was the speech delivered by attorney Marlon Kimpson so controversial?

It wasn’t … the controversy stems from the fact none of his opponents in the race for Ford’s seat were given an opportunity to speak.

“I wanted to let my community know how I felt about the verdict, and what needs to be done to make sure something like this doesn’t happen in our state,” said Emmanuel Ferguson, an assistant solicitor in Charleston who is also running for Ford’s seat.

Ferguson wasn’t permitted to share his thoughts, though. In fact he says the event’s organizers deliberately excluded him – and threatened to have him arrested for merely showing up.

Wow … that’s cold.

Whining about this verdict is obviously nothing but politically motivated pandering, but if a group is going to hold an event on public property and allow one candidate for public office to speak – then it’s poor form to threaten another with incarceration for attempting to do the same thing.

Everybody at the “Al Sharpton Idol” auditions should have been given a chance to throw in their two cents …



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Dan July 22, 2013 at 4:04 pm

The same people outraged over the TM verdict are the same ones whooping, hollaring, high fiving and dancing in the streets when OJ was unjustly acquitted

Dan July 22, 2013 at 4:04 pm

The same people outraged over the TM verdict are the same ones whooping, hollaring, high fiving and dancing in the streets when OJ was unjustly acquitted

Frank Pytel July 22, 2013 at 4:16 pm

“Al Sharpton Idol”

Frank Pytel July 22, 2013 at 4:16 pm

“Al Sharpton Idol”

Honky Whitebread July 22, 2013 at 4:18 pm

More EBT cards and cell phones will calm the populace. Fire up the printing presses.

Honky Whitebread July 22, 2013 at 4:18 pm

More EBT cards and cell phones will calm the populace. Fire up the printing presses.

Finius Nullis July 22, 2013 at 4:59 pm

Is Ferguson black? or white?

Finius Nullis July 22, 2013 at 4:59 pm

Is Ferguson black? or white?

Bill July 22, 2013 at 6:58 pm

I agree its time to let it go. He was found not guilty and that should be the end of it. But I am a white person. I believe in the courts and the rule of law, and expect fair decisions. That’s not the history black people have experienced.

I think what really upsets black citizens so much, is that had this been a black man gunning down an unarmed middle class white teen ager visiting a friend, we all know prosecution would have been swift, and the outcome would likely have been very different. You can deny if you want, but in your heart you know its true.

TontoBubbaGoldstein July 23, 2013 at 1:17 pm

Even if the black guy was a neighborhood watch captain who called the police to report a suspicious acting, hoodie wearing white teen skulking around houses in an area that had seen recent break-ins by white teens?

Even if the white teen doubled back and assaulted the black neighborhood watch captain?

I guess TBG is in denial.

Bill July 23, 2013 at 2:32 pm

Yes, even then. In fact you never would have heard about that case. The guy would have been prosecuted, given a public defender, and forced to plead out to manslaughter or negligent homicide or something that would not have put him at risk of life imprisonment.

That’s exactly what I think would have happened.

Bill July 22, 2013 at 6:58 pm

I agree its time to let it go. He was found not guilty and that should be the end of it. But I am a white person. I believe in the courts and the rule of law, and expect fair decisions. That’s not the history black people have experienced.

I think what really upsets black citizens so much, is that had this been a black man gunning down an unarmed middle class white teen ager visiting a friend, we all know prosecution would have been swift, and the outcome would likely have been very different. You can deny if you want, but in your heart you know its true.

TontoBubbaGoldstein July 23, 2013 at 1:17 pm

Even if the black guy was a neighborhood watch captain who called the police to report a suspicious acting, hoodie wearing white teen skulking around houses in an area that had seen recent break-ins by white teens?

Even if the white teen doubled back and assaulted the black neighborhood watch captain?

I guess TBG is in denial.

Bill July 23, 2013 at 2:32 pm

Yes, even then. In fact you never would have heard about that case. The guy would have been prosecuted, given a public defender, and forced to plead out to manslaughter or negligent homicide or something that would not have put him at risk of life imprisonment.

That’s exactly what I think would have happened.

Curious July 22, 2013 at 8:39 pm

Where is BigT on this? Did he get himself beat up at a rally this weekend?

Finius Nullis July 23, 2013 at 9:49 am

He’s probably being wined and dined by the “Un-reverend” Sharpton in preparation for spouting more irrelevant and erroneous possum doo-doo.

9" July 23, 2013 at 2:24 pm

Me and T have been into some rough stuff lately.I got so into it,last time,I ignored him when he said the ‘safety’ word.He’s going through Tampons like crazy,and is bedridden,so to speak…

Curious July 22, 2013 at 8:39 pm

Where is BigT on this? Did he get himself beat up at a rally this weekend?

Finius Nullis July 23, 2013 at 9:49 am

He’s probably being wined and dined by the “Un-reverend” Sharpton in preparation for spouting more irrelevant and erroneous possum doo-doo.

9" July 23, 2013 at 2:24 pm

Me and T have been into some rough stuff lately.I got so into it,last time,I ignored him when he said the ‘safety’ word.He’s going through Tampons like crazy,and is bedridden,so to speak…

CharlesDikkens July 22, 2013 at 8:55 pm

If Travon Martin had been attacked, beaten and injured by a 40 year old HISPANIC man, and had shot in self defense, he probably would have been given a medal. He would not have been prosecuted for Second Degree murder. And if he had, the jury would have aquitted him. The more relevant “what if” is what if Martin had not attacked Zimmerman? Or called 911 himself? Why are the leaders of the protests not asking this?

lowcorider July 22, 2013 at 11:02 pm

What if pussy Zimmerman had the balls to leave the gun in the car?
Ans. His pussy ass wouldn’t have got out of the car.

TontoBubbaGoldstein July 23, 2013 at 1:21 pm

Answer 2.) He would be dead or badly injured. Seems to me, carrying the gun was a good idea… kind of like him carrying a fire extinguisher to rescue the folks in the wrecked SUV.

CharlesDikkens July 22, 2013 at 8:55 pm

If Travon Martin had been attacked, beaten and injured by a 40 year old HISPANIC man, and had shot in self defense, he probably would have been given a medal. He would not have been prosecuted for Second Degree murder. And if he had, the jury would have aquitted him. The more relevant “what if” is what if Martin had not attacked Zimmerman? Or called 911 himself? Why are the leaders of the protests not asking this?

Lowcorider July 22, 2013 at 11:02 pm

What if pussy Zimmerman had the balls to leave the gun in the car?
Ans. His pussy ass wouldn’t have got out of the car.

TontoBubbaGoldstein July 23, 2013 at 1:21 pm

Answer 2.) He would be dead or badly injured. Seems to me, carrying the gun was a good idea… kind of like him carrying a fire extinguisher to rescue the folks in the wrecked SUV.

Batman July 22, 2013 at 10:03 pm

That trail really got old after a couple of days. The best part was when the prosecution called threir key witness (AKA), the buggest dumbass in the world. This black female could not get the ghetto out of her, and the defense was great at pulling the ghetto out of her. She showed her true colors on the stand. The best part is when she corrected the spelling of the word “Cracker” when refering to Zimmerman. She said it is spelled “Cracka”, and then went on to justify that it is not used as a racist slur towards white people.
The incident that took place was a terrible and a life was lost. It amazes me that people turn it into a racist story line when it isn’t one in the first place. I don’t know what type of kid this youth was and I’m not sure if we ever will. The only thing I know is that, Trayvon was in a place he wasn’t familar with and there apparently had been a lot of problems in the area he was visiting. He was confronted by Zimmerman-aka “Cracka”, and it went south fast. I read between the lines to think that Martin was from Miami and was visiting a small town in Florida. He acted like he robably would in Miami and thought he was big city visiting small town and would flex. Welll, It didn’t work out in his favor. End of story. Thanks to Florida’s stand your ground law, Zimmerman walked free.
The problem isn’t Zimmerman or the incident, It is the law that was tested and proven to favor with gun owners statewide.
Drop the racist crap and try walking the streets by the thousands and clean up the thugs and gangsters,drug dealers, prostitution, armmed robberies that are coming out of the same neighborhoods you live.

Finius Nullis July 23, 2013 at 9:46 am

WELL SAID !! Thanks for submitting new thoughts on that.

Laird1 July 23, 2013 at 11:15 am

Not exactly true. The “Stand Your Ground” law was not used in this case; it was simply ordinary self-defense (Zimmerman had no opportunity to “retreat” when Martin was on top of him, which is all the SYG is about).
And we now do know “what type of kid this youth was”: he was a thug and a “gangsta” wannabe; he had a history of getting into fights; and at the time he had been suspended from school for being in possession of stolen jewelry (technically, his suspension was for having a marijuana container in his locker, but they found stolen jewelry in his book bag but the school resource officer didn’t want to show that as the reason because he was under orders not to cite criminal activity by blacks). Zimmerman had no way of knowing all this, of course, but it is consistent with Martin being the aggressor.

Batman July 22, 2013 at 10:03 pm

That trail really got old after a couple of days. The best part was when the prosecution called threir key witness (AKA), the buggest dumbass in the world. This black female could not get the ghetto out of her, and the defense was great at pulling the ghetto out of her. She showed her true colors on the stand. The best part is when she corrected the spelling of the word “Cracker” when refering to Zimmerman. She said it is spelled “Cracka”, and then went on to justify that it is not used as a racist slur towards white people.
The incident that took place was a terrible and a life was lost. It amazes me that people turn it into a racist story line when it isn’t one in the first place. I don’t know what type of kid this youth was and I’m not sure if we ever will. The only thing I know is that, Trayvon was in a place he wasn’t familar with and there apparently had been a lot of problems in the area he was visiting. He was confronted by Zimmerman-aka “Cracka”, and it went south fast. I read between the lines to think that Martin was from Miami and was visiting a small town in Florida. He acted like he robably would in Miami and thought he was big city visiting small town and would flex. Welll, It didn’t work out in his favor. End of story. Thanks to Florida’s stand your ground law, Zimmerman walked free.
The problem isn’t Zimmerman or the incident, It is the law that was tested and proven to favor with gun owners statewide.
Drop the racist crap and try walking the streets by the thousands and clean up the thugs and gangsters,drug dealers, prostitution, armmed robberies that are coming out of the same neighborhoods you live.

Finius Nullis July 23, 2013 at 9:46 am

WELL SAID !! Thanks for submitting new thoughts on that.

Laird July 23, 2013 at 11:15 am

Not exactly true. The “Stand Your Ground” law was not used in this case; it was simply ordinary self-defense (Zimmerman had no opportunity to “retreat” when Martin was on top of him, which is all the SYG is about).
And we now do know “what type of kid this youth was”: he was a thug and a “gangsta” wannabe; he had a history of getting into fights; and at the time he had been suspended from school for being in possession of stolen jewelry (technically, his suspension was for having a marijuana container in his locker, but they found stolen jewelry in his book bag but the school resource officer didn’t want to show that as the reason because he was under orders not to cite criminal activity by blacks). Zimmerman had no way of knowing all this, of course, but it is consistent with Martin being the aggressor.

Hattie July 23, 2013 at 9:17 am

Why doesn’t the CPD publish how many victims in the muggings at 5 Points are white and how many of the perps are black?

Hattie July 23, 2013 at 9:17 am

Why doesn’t the CPD publish how many victims in the muggings at 5 Points are white and how many of the perps are black?

Darth July 23, 2013 at 9:24 am

Ferguson should have forced the issue and made them have him arrested to force the issue of how much of Chucktown’s NAACP is p*wned…
All your NAACP are belong to us

Darth July 23, 2013 at 9:24 am

Ferguson should have forced the issue and made them have him arrested to force the issue of how much of Chucktown’s NAACP is p*wned…
All your NAACP are belong to us

TontoBubbaGoldstein July 23, 2013 at 1:04 pm

“I wanted to let my community know how I felt about the verdict, and what needs to be done to make sure something like this doesn’t happen in our state,” said Emmanuel Ferguson,

Kudos to Mr. Ferguson for wishing to stand up for the jury’s acquittal of Mr Zimmerman. Even though it was the only reasonable finding, it never hurts to point it out. Also, it is good to know that he wants to make sure that such a politically motivated, malicious prosecution NEVER happens in SC.



TontoBubbaGoldstein July 23, 2013 at 1:04 pm

“I wanted to let my community know how I felt about the verdict, and what needs to be done to make sure something like this doesn’t happen in our state,” said Emmanuel Ferguson,

Kudos to Mr. Ferguson for wishing to stand up for the jury’s acquittal of Mr Zimmerman. Even though it was the only reasonable finding, it never hurts to point it out. Also, it is good to know that he wants to make sure that such a politically motivated, malicious prosecution NEVER happens in SC.



Honky Whitebread July 23, 2013 at 1:14 pm

Well, Trayvon wasn’t lynched instead of shot…so who says there isn’t progress?

Honky Whitebread July 23, 2013 at 1:14 pm

Well, Trayvon wasn’t lynched instead of shot…so who says there isn’t progress?

Law Student July 26, 2013 at 12:00 am

I will never vote for a politician that is holding a rally on this issue. Just unbelievable. What inequities are we trying to prevent from happening in SC by holding a rally in the first place? The fact that the justice system actually WORKED and allowed someone to have a fair trial despite the media trying to ruin an innocent man’s life by defaming him and calling him a racist with literally zero factual basis for doing so? I’m pretty sure we (hopefully) want to encourage findings of guilt and innocence based on facts rather than make believe ones created by the media. Did anyone even watch this trial?? How is it not blatantly obvious to everyone with even a minimum level of education that a raicial issue was entirely fabricated by the media from the beginning to create ratings? When they literally couldn’t point to anything “racist” (other than illogically concluding that because the victim was black the crime must have been motivated by race), the media tried to deviate the attention away from their blatant manipulation of the story by spinning into a story about racial bias on juries. I don’t doubt black people suffer inequities in life. This wasn’t one of them. Think for yourself. Don’t believe this propaganda BS. Seriously people? Seriously? We can’t rise above this? I’m so disappointed. Don’t respond to this comment unless you watched the trial (or at the very least the closing arguments of BOTH the prosecution and the defense).

Law Student July 26, 2013 at 12:00 am

I will never vote for a politician that is holding a rally on this issue. Just unbelievable. What inequities are we trying to prevent from happening in SC by holding a rally in the first place? The fact that the justice system actually WORKED and allowed someone to have a fair trial despite the media trying to ruin an innocent man’s life by defaming him and calling him a racist with literally zero factual basis for doing so? I’m pretty sure we (hopefully) want to encourage findings of guilt and innocence based on facts rather than make believe ones created by the media. Did anyone even watch this trial?? How is it not blatantly obvious to everyone with even a minimum level of education that a raicial issue was entirely fabricated by the media from the beginning to create ratings? When they literally couldn’t point to anything “racist” (other than illogically concluding that because the victim was black the crime must have been motivated by race), the media tried to deviate the attention away from their blatant manipulation of the story by spinning into a story about racial bias on juries. I don’t doubt black people suffer inequities in life. This wasn’t one of them. Think for yourself. Don’t believe this propaganda BS. Seriously people? Seriously? We can’t rise above this? I’m so disappointed. Don’t respond to this comment unless you watched the trial (or at the very least the closing arguments of BOTH the prosecution and the defense).

Michael Carmany July 26, 2013 at 6:38 pm

I find it offensive that both these candidates have violated the ethics law that had over 200 candidates removed from the SC ballot in 2012 and are still on the ballot. So much for the ethics reform in South Carolina Elections. Check the Ethics filling for Senate district 42 there are only 3 candidates that have obeyed election law.

Michael Carmany July 26, 2013 at 6:38 pm

I find it offensive that both these candidates have violated the ethics law that had over 200 candidates removed from the SC ballot in 2012 and are still on the ballot. So much for the ethics reform in South Carolina Elections. Check the Ethics filling for Senate district 42 there are only 3 candidates that have obeyed election law.


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