Justice, South Carolina Style

Last November, Eric Church’s “Blood, Sweat and Beers” tour came to the Colonial Life Arena in downtown Columbia, S.C. Because we have no extra chromosomes (and amazing taste in music), we’ve never heard of Eric Church. But because there are lots of people with extra chromosomes and crappy taste in…

Last November, Eric Church’s “Blood, Sweat and Beers” tour came to the Colonial Life Arena in downtown Columbia, S.C.

Because we have no extra chromosomes (and amazing taste in music), we’ve never heard of Eric Church. But because there are lots of people with extra chromosomes and crappy taste in music in South Carolina, Eric Church’s concert was packed with sweaty drunk people.

Among those in attendance? One Eric Sox, then a trooper with the S.C. Highway Patrol. In fact according to multiple witnesses, Sox was incredibly “over-served” at this particular glorification of atonality and inbrededness. In fact he is alleged to have delivered several “one fingered salutes” to Columbia, S.C. police officers and members of the University of South Carolina police department who attempted to address his severely inebriated state.

Where is all of this going?

Glad you asked …

Sox was arrested and charged with “public drunk.” And fired from his job. Sort of what you’d expect in that situation, right?

Right … but our story doesn’t end there.

According to our sources, Sox – whose case is set to be decided this week – went to his future father-in-law, S.C. Rep. Kit Spires (R-Lexington) and asked for help.

What happened next? Spires – who from the very beginning should have told his future son-in-law “sorry Eric, there’s nothing I can do for you” – took the bait.

Specifically, multiple sources at the S.C. State House tell FITS the Lexington lawmaker went to Columbia, S.C. mayor Steve Benjamin with a deal – get rid of the charges against Sox and he (Spires) would support Benjamin’s reelection campaign and work votes in the S.C. General Assembly on behalf of the renomination of Benjamin’s wife, DeAndrea, as a circuit court judge.

Amazingly, this brazen corruption is just the beginning of Sox’s sordid tale …

The former trooper – who also boasts S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley and U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson among his network of allies – was caught red-handed having an extramarital affair with the wife of a deputy in the Lexington County (S.C.) Sheriff’s Department. In fact he impregnated this woman – who recently gave birth to his child.  Of course the professional misconduct complaint filed by the deputy against Sox with the S.C. Department of Public Safety (SCDPS) – the agency which oversees the Highway Patrol – was completely ignored.

Ready for the kicker? Cox’s attorneys – who were secured for him by Spires – are accused of working in concert with the city to have a faulty discovery report submitted to the court, creating the impression there was some sort of “officer mistake” in the case against Cox.

How’s that for “justice?”

Obviously we have no problem with people getting drunk and having affairs. And there’s plenty of leeway when it comes to the amount of trash you can talk – and the number of fingers you can extend – to law enforcement officers.

But this guy was a cop … and the people bending the system to his advantage are public officials who are supposed to uphold the law impartially.

And according to our sources they are celebrating a “certain” legal victory and Cox’s reinstatement to his old job with full pay and benefits … any day now.

Do all Lexington County residents really think Kit Spires is going to go to these lengths to protect them? Of course not …

Once again in South Carolina, the outcome of a legal case apparently has little to do with the law or mitigating circumstances surrounding a specific incident … and everything to do with whether the guilty party has political connections. And the truly sad thing about that? It happens dozens of times every single day in this ass backward state.


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Jay Ellington June 26, 2013 at 3:35 pm

I’ve never lived in an area inhabited by such a morally bankrupt crew.

Curious June 26, 2013 at 3:39 pm

It’s a Great Day in SC, Jay! There’s a story like this one happening every single day.

? June 26, 2013 at 4:16 pm

Yet sadly, this is the only outlet consistently willing to report it.

I hope they never find way to damage or destroy Will….he’s a beacon that you know all the pols and bureaucrats would love to smash.

Frankly, I admire him for his courage regardless of his other warts.

CNSYD June 26, 2013 at 4:21 pm

Will, is “?” another of your noms de plume? You know like Big T aka Grand Tango?

? June 26, 2013 at 7:10 pm

Come on man, really? And you’re getting “up votes” too?

Do we articulate that similarly in your mind?

C June 26, 2013 at 7:17 pm

Only when you set him on a pedestal just like he does himself.

? June 26, 2013 at 7:33 pm

Oh for crying out loud, I didn’t put him on a pedestal. I simply said I admire him for his courage.

That’s totally different.

CNSYD June 26, 2013 at 8:38 pm

“he’s a beacon”

? June 26, 2013 at 11:37 pm

Fair enough, I can see how you’d read into that. Where one draws the line between the subjective notion of what putting someone/thing up on a pedestal is/means is open for debate.

katlaurenscounty June 26, 2013 at 10:50 pm

Wow. You set a low bar for courage (ability to withstand danger, fear, or difficulty). What danger? He might have a lot of fear of a slander/libel lawsuit. Nah…not likely the subjects would sue over this gossip.

Maybe he’s fearful of the subjects calling him names?

Oh, I get it. He faces great difficulties in doing real journalism. Like producing the ‘professional misconduct complaint’ gossiped about.

Let’s not forget the real risky scary stuff he faces. The subjects of the gossip might hire black ops to mess him up. Or make him have an ‘accident’. Cause this stuff is so very, well, revelatory.

Well, maybe it takes a lot of stones to print speculative gossip. Ya know, because of all the difficulties in proving anything, and all the dangerous name calling and whatnot.

SayWhatNow June 26, 2013 at 11:16 pm

So what exactly are you doing here reading this site? Ya know, if you don’t like what FITS is about and all.

? June 26, 2013 at 11:25 pm

There’s lots of “those people” here. They are hypocrites. They bitch about Will’s accuracy, context, etc. and summarize with “the site is shit” yet they comment/read routinely.

CNSYD June 27, 2013 at 8:19 am

Will creates this situation. How many mea culpas has he issued? Look at famous (actually infamous) utterances of his. Somebody took Wingo’s SAT and USC could lose their championships. Well that got deep sixed. Will had a long affair with Haley and is writing a book that will give details. Seen it yet? So when is what he says believable or just something to he throws out to get hits on his site?

? June 27, 2013 at 8:39 am

Well, running any enterprise isn’t a perfect. If one is keeping a tally, the “win” column for his reporting far outscores the “loss” column.

If any of his stories were so outlandish or slanderous as to suggest harm there’s legal recourse for those people. I have yet to see anyone haul him into court of the over any such issue.

So if what you are looking for is perfection, from any media outlet, let alone one guy with a laptop, some sources from his dirty days, and a willingness to publish controversial stories….good luck with finding something better/more informative than FITSnews.

When you find that, let me know so I can keep more informed.

Anyone who comes here without taking every story with a grain of salt is someone that can’t be helped anyway.

CNSYD June 27, 2013 at 8:51 am

Acknowledging him gives him legitimacy. I am sure that is why when I have asked people who he has written about to comment on his stories about them they normally respond with, “you mean the guy convicted of CDV?”

Why doesn’t the msm cover his stories? Well maybe they observe “rules” such as multiple verifications. Anyway most msm is owned by corporations who have deep pockets. As you indicated, sue Will and you get his laptop.

? June 27, 2013 at 9:14 am

“Acknowledging him gives him legitimacy.”

Yea, well he is legitimate. If you think not, then why be here? The only thing I can guess is that you are waging a personal war in an attempt to “delegitimize”(is that even a word?lol) him.

Seriously, if he’s such an ignoramus, why even come here otherwise?

“Why doesn’t the msm cover his stories? Well maybe they observe “rules” such as multiple verifications.”

Really, I think your dislike of him is coloring your overview. If you think his years of coverage, most of which has been accurate/successful is not “reality” so be it. But you have yet to list said “verifications” saying otherwise.

Further though, the idea that someone would bring a slander suit if no other reason than to shut him up if he was spouting untruths has nothing to do with what assets of his they might be able to put a lien on in terms of getting “damages”.

People don’t sue over slander for financial reasons usually, they sue to protect their reputations/force the truth to be told.

No one has yet done that to him, which speaks volumes in my mind.

Even further, he’s ALWAYS published opposing viewpoints….how many of these people that stand accused have taken the opportunity to post a retort here? I highly doubt he’s ever told any of them that actually wanted to do so, “No”.

If we held media to the standard of having to be “right” every time, regardless of the outlet, personnel, etc. than I humbly suggest we’d have ZERO media.

CNSYD June 27, 2013 at 10:11 am

You have to take Will just like the supermarket tabloids. Legitimacy means to me that he has properly vetted his stories before he publishes them. Most of the political stories he posts will have little to no effect on outcomes. They are merely entertainment. That is why most political figures he attempts to skewer ignore him.

Then you should never ignore the profit motive. If Will can increase his advertizing rates based on number of hits, then it is in his interest to create posts that cause both sides of the spectrum to engage in digital warfare. Witness the USC/Clemson posts he throws out knowing it will generate hits as each side banters back and forth.

So in my view it is merely entertainment and the fun of banter back and forth with those of opposite views. That is why I read FITSNEWS.

katlaurenscounty June 27, 2013 at 10:50 am

There are many considerations as to bringing a lawsuit for slander/libel. I doubt any of these crooks would do so. Discovery during litigation would expose far more real facts into the public arena than any printed lies allege. So the plaintiff has to weigh the risk of damage from exposing real truth, against the damage from the printed lie. Considering the pervasive corrupt nature of the nest, there won’t be a suit by any of these crooks until they have nothing to lose. They risk losing far more of their secrecy by suing than they gain by protecting a reputation they know they don’t have (a good one).

katlaurenscounty June 27, 2013 at 9:52 am

Love the group qualification. If you’re placing my post in that qualification, great technique of inferring my opinion on this site based on my observations of the content as gossip. And, very simplistically judgmental. The only reason a person comes here is if they believe these posts are not gossip and Will is ‘courageous’? No other reason is allowed. You said so.

? June 27, 2013 at 11:35 am

The irony of you bitching about judgement in the context of your earlier posts is a bit much.

Obviously my post has impacted you, but in answer to your question, it is was more of an open ended statement not meant to target anyone specifically-including you.

I think people in general are self aware enough to know whether it includes them or not.

dwb619 June 28, 2013 at 10:32 pm

Missed you.

katlaurenscounty June 27, 2013 at 9:48 am

So what exactly are you reading? Not my post. Never said or even remotely implied I don’t like this site. Dumb ass inference you make – since I don’t think it takes any courage to print this gossip, I don’t like reading it? I see you’re very trained in critical reading.

? June 26, 2013 at 11:24 pm

Welp, if you don’t think he’s pissing off powerful people…people that have the ability to find ways to hurt him…I think you are naive.

katlaurenscounty June 27, 2013 at 9:57 am

Ohh, beware of being a victim of the ways these people can harm. Name the ways. Go ahead. “Powerful people”??? Only to those who are easily threatened.

? June 27, 2013 at 11:37 am

“I highly doubt these articles fall into a high risk category.”

Well, I guess that’s where we disagree.

I don’t see any bounds to which our elected “leaders” would stop to squash him if they get an opportunity.

Marie Harrison June 27, 2013 at 11:40 am

Yeah, even Curtis got death threats. Maybe even Corey.

Marie Harrison June 27, 2013 at 11:37 am

If it isn’t true, Will will not print it. Fact.

CNSYD June 27, 2013 at 11:46 am

Scott Wingo says Hi.

katlaurenscounty June 27, 2013 at 12:32 pm

Fact because… believe it? Or you have something other than your belief?

Stone Sober June 26, 2013 at 6:36 pm

Danny Frazer is famous (infamous) for fixing tickets in Lex. County and Richland County. I’ve heard him brag for years. He threw around many names and I personally know of someone he fixed numerous tickets.
He bragged of fixing tickets for some well known and well off people.
I guess he did it out of the goodness of his heart.
It is rumored, this is why the SC Dept of Public Safety (Highway Patrol) has offices located in the Lexington Town Hall, leased for a song to SCPublic Safety. The “good old boy” system of scratch my back and I’ll grease your palm is alive and well.

Cruising through Bakersfield June 26, 2013 at 3:35 pm

One must ask if ye has the almighty power why not use it get future sonny a better paying gig than trooper? Dumbasses serving dumbasses covering for other…..dumbasses.

Mike at the Beach June 26, 2013 at 8:28 pm

Future sonny might be a genuine numbnuts (which one could reasonably infer from both his presence at the aforementioned event and his behavior while there).

TontoBubbaGoldstein June 27, 2013 at 10:53 pm

“There’s no way, *no* way that you came from *my* loins. Soon as I get home, first thing I’m gonna do is punch yo mamma in da mouth!”

-Sheriff Buford T. Justice

Mike at the Beach June 27, 2013 at 10:55 pm

Pure awesomeness, that….

Roberto June 27, 2013 at 6:49 am

True that. I am wondering. How many folks would cover for the guy who was to marry your daughter, for cheating on your daughter?

Roberto June 27, 2013 at 6:49 am

True that. I am wondering. How many folks would cover for the guy who was to marry your daughter, for cheating on your daughter?

The Ghost of Fat Greg Dulli June 26, 2013 at 3:35 pm

I’ve never lived in an area inhabited by such a morally bankrupt crew.

Curious June 26, 2013 at 3:39 pm

It’s a Great Day in SC, Jay! There’s a story like this one happening every single day.

? June 26, 2013 at 4:16 pm

Yet sadly, this is the only outlet consistently willing to report it.

I hope they never find way to damage or destroy Will….he’s a beacon that you know all the pols and bureaucrats would love to smash.

Frankly, I admire him for his courage regardless of his other warts.

CNSYD June 26, 2013 at 4:21 pm

Will, is “?” another of your noms de plume? You know like Big T aka Grand Tango?

? June 26, 2013 at 7:10 pm

Come on man, really? And you’re getting “up votes” too?

Do we articulate that similarly in your mind?

C June 26, 2013 at 7:17 pm

Only when you set him on a pedestal just like he does himself.

? June 26, 2013 at 7:33 pm

Oh for crying out loud, I didn’t put him on a pedestal. I simply said I admire him for his courage.

That’s totally different.

CNSYD June 26, 2013 at 8:38 pm

“he’s a beacon”

? June 26, 2013 at 11:37 pm

Fair enough, I can see how you’d read into that. Where one draws the line between the subjective notion of what putting someone/thing up on a pedestal is/means is open for debate.

katlaurenscounty June 26, 2013 at 10:50 pm

Wow. You set a low bar for courage (ability to withstand danger, fear, or difficulty). What danger? He might have a lot of fear of a slander/libel lawsuit. Nah…not likely the subjects would sue over this gossip.

Maybe he’s fearful of the subjects calling him names?

Oh, I get it. He faces great difficulties in doing real journalism. Like producing the ‘professional misconduct complaint’ gossiped about.

Let’s not forget the real risky scary stuff he faces. The subjects of the gossip might hire black ops to mess him up. Or make him have an ‘accident’. Cause this stuff is so very, well, revelatory.

Well, maybe it takes a lot of stones to print speculative gossip. Ya know, because of all the difficulties in proving anything, and all the dangerous name calling and whatnot.

SayWhatNow June 26, 2013 at 11:16 pm

So what exactly are you doing here reading this site? Ya know, if you don’t like what FITS is about and all.

? June 26, 2013 at 11:25 pm

There’s lots of “those people” here. They are hypocrites. They bitch about Will’s accuracy, context, etc. and summarize with “the site is shit” yet they comment/read routinely.

CNSYD June 27, 2013 at 8:19 am

Will creates this situation. How many mea culpas has he issued? Look at famous (actually infamous) utterances of his. Somebody took Wingo’s SAT and USC could lose their championships. Well that got deep sixed. Will had a long affair with Haley and is writing a book that will give details. Seen it yet? So when is what he says believable or just something to he throws out to get hits on his site?

? June 27, 2013 at 8:39 am

Well, running any enterprise isn’t a perfect. If one is keeping a tally, the “win” column for his reporting far outscores the “loss” column.

If any of his stories were so outlandish or slanderous as to suggest harm there’s legal recourse for those people. I have yet to see anyone haul him into court of the over any such issue.

So if what you are looking for is perfection, from any media outlet, let alone one guy with a laptop, some sources from his dirty days, and a willingness to publish controversial stories….good luck with finding something better/more informative than FITSnews.

When you find that, let me know so I can keep more informed.

Anyone who comes here without taking every story with a grain of salt is someone that can’t be helped anyway.

CNSYD June 27, 2013 at 8:51 am

Acknowledging him gives him legitimacy. I am sure that is why when I have asked people who he has written about to comment on his stories about them they normally respond with, “you mean the guy convicted of CDV?”

Why doesn’t the msm cover his stories? Well maybe they observe “rules” such as multiple verifications. Anyway most msm is owned by corporations who have deep pockets. As you indicated, sue Will and you get his laptop.

? June 27, 2013 at 9:14 am

“Acknowledging him gives him legitimacy.”

Yea, well he is legitimate. If you think not, then why be here? The only thing I can guess is that you are waging a personal war in an attempt to “delegitimize”(is that even a word?lol) him.

Seriously, if he’s such an ignoramus, why even come here otherwise?

“Why doesn’t the msm cover his stories? Well maybe they observe “rules” such as multiple verifications.”

Really, I think your dislike of him is coloring your overview. If you think his years of coverage, most of which has been accurate/successful is not “reality” so be it. But you have yet to list said “verifications” saying otherwise.

Further though, the idea that someone would bring a slander suit if no other reason than to shut him up if he was spouting untruths has nothing to do with what assets of his they might be able to put a lien on in terms of getting “damages”.

People don’t sue over slander for financial reasons usually, they sue to protect their reputations/force the truth to be told.

No one has yet done that to him, which speaks volumes in my mind.

Even further, he’s ALWAYS published opposing viewpoints….how many of these people that stand accused have taken the opportunity to post a retort here? I highly doubt he’s ever told any of them that actually wanted to do so, “No”.

If we held media to the standard of having to be “right” every time, regardless of the outlet, personnel, etc. than I humbly suggest we’d have ZERO media.

CNSYD June 27, 2013 at 10:11 am

You have to take Will just like the supermarket tabloids. Legitimacy means to me that he has properly vetted his stories before he publishes them. Most of the political stories he posts will have little to no effect on outcomes. They are merely entertainment. That is why most political figures he attempts to skewer ignore him.

Then you should never ignore the profit motive. If Will can increase his advertizing rates based on number of hits, then it is in his interest to create posts that cause both sides of the spectrum to engage in digital warfare. Witness the USC/Clemson posts he throws out knowing it will generate hits as each side banters back and forth.

So in my view it is merely entertainment and the fun of banter back and forth with those of opposite views. That is why I read FITSNEWS.

katlaurenscounty June 27, 2013 at 10:50 am

There are many considerations as to bringing a lawsuit for slander/libel. I doubt any of these crooks would do so. And the idea they would do so without any consideration of cost, is naive. Discovery during litigation could expose far more real facts into the public arena than any printed lies allege. The plaintiff’s risk of damage from discovery includes exposing crooked buddy non-plaintiffs (who will close ranks against the plaintiff). Plaintiff weighs this risk, against damage to reputation arising from the printed lie. Considering the pervasive corrupt nature of the nest, there won’t be a suit by any of these crooks until the plaintiff has nothing to lose and is willing to piss off the cronies. They risk losing far more of their secrecy from one of them suing than they gain by trying to ‘protect’ a reputation they already know doesn’t exist (a decent one).

katlaurenscounty June 27, 2013 at 9:52 am

Love the group qualification. If you’re placing my post in that qualification, great technique of inferring my opinion on this site based only on my observations of the content as gossip and relative ‘courage’ for publishing. And, very simplistically judgmental. The only possible reason a person would comes here is if they believe these posts are not gossipy (ie ‘accurate’ of something) and Will is ‘courageous’? Very thoughtful.

? June 27, 2013 at 11:35 am

The irony of you bitching about judgement in the context of your earlier posts is a bit much.

Obviously my post has impacted you, but in answer to your question, it is was more of an open ended statement not meant to target anyone specifically-including you.

I think people in general are self aware enough to know whether it includes them or not.

dwb619 June 28, 2013 at 10:32 pm

Missed you.

katlaurenscounty June 27, 2013 at 9:48 am

So what exactly are you reading? Not my post. Never said or even remotely implied I don’t like this site. Dumb ass inference you make – since I don’t think it takes any courage to print this gossip, I don’t like reading it and I don’t like this site? I see you’re very trained in critical reading.

? June 26, 2013 at 11:24 pm

Welp, if you don’t think he’s pissing off powerful people…people that have the ability to find ways to hurt him…I think you are naive.

katlaurenscounty June 27, 2013 at 9:57 am

Ohh, beware of being a ‘victim’. Never said they couldn’t find ways by which he would feel like he was hurt. “Powerful people”??? Only to those who measure power by self induced fear. I don’t measure a person’s power by the size of their group of illicit, unethical, immoral cohorts, and the groups willingness to use these means. Sure, someone could file a complaint, drag a person into court, get a judge friend to fix it, or whatever. These tactics are fearful to those who haven’t been subject of attack, or who don’t know how easily these things are done. Those whose sense of safety and security comes from that which these people can’t touch, look at these tactics with resigned recognition it’s part of the landscape now. It’ just a matter of risk. I highly doubt these articles fall into a high risk category. Exactly because they are ‘gossipy’ name calling, no real liability to the subjects. If he started verifying, the risk would likely go up.

? June 27, 2013 at 11:37 am

“I highly doubt these articles fall into a high risk category.”

Well, I guess that’s where we disagree.

I don’t see any bounds to which our elected “leaders” would stop to squash him if they get an opportunity.

Marie Harrison June 27, 2013 at 11:40 am

Yeah, even Curtis got death threats. Maybe even Corey.

Marie Harrison June 27, 2013 at 11:37 am

If it isn’t true, Will will not print it. Fact.

CNSYD June 27, 2013 at 11:46 am

Scott Wingo says Hi.

katlaurenscounty June 27, 2013 at 12:32 pm

Fact because… believe it? Or you have something other than your belief?

Stone Sober June 26, 2013 at 6:36 pm

Danny Frazer is famous (infamous) for fixing tickets in Lex. County and Richland County. I’ve heard him brag for years. He threw around many names and I personally know of someone he fixed numerous tickets.
He bragged of fixing tickets for some well known and well off people.
I guess he did it out of the goodness of his heart.
It is rumored, this is why the SC Dept of Public Safety (Highway Patrol) has offices located in the Lexington Town Hall, leased for a song to SCPublic Safety. The “good old boy” system of scratch my back and I’ll grease your palm is alive and well.

Cruising through Bakersfield June 26, 2013 at 3:35 pm

One must ask if ye has the almighty power why not use it get future sonny a better paying gig than trooper? Dumbasses serving dumbasses covering for other…..dumbasses.

Mike at the Beach June 26, 2013 at 8:28 pm

Future sonny might be a genuine numbnuts (which one could reasonably infer from both his presence at the aforementioned event and his behavior while there).

TontoBubbaGoldstein June 27, 2013 at 10:53 pm

“There’s no way, *no* way that you came from *my* loins. Soon as I get home, first thing I’m gonna do is punch yo mamma in da mouth!”

-Sheriff Buford T. Justice

Mike at the Beach June 27, 2013 at 10:55 pm

Pure awesomeness, that….

Roberto June 27, 2013 at 6:49 am

True that. I am wondering. How many folks would cover for the guy who was to marry your daughter, for cheating on your daughter?

GreenvilleLwyr June 26, 2013 at 3:59 pm

I need to start finding single daughters of state legislators to be the next Mrs. GreenvilleLwyr…

dwb619 June 28, 2013 at 10:36 pm

Have you exhausted all the possibilities in Possum Kingdom?

GreenvilleLwyr June 26, 2013 at 3:59 pm

I need to start finding single daughters of state legislators to be the next Mrs. GreenvilleLwyr…

dwb619 June 28, 2013 at 10:36 pm

Have you exhausted all the possibilities in Possum Kingdom?

Halfvast Conspirator June 26, 2013 at 4:01 pm

So is it Cox or Sox?

major major June 26, 2013 at 5:12 pm

“Cox in Sox” was a book written by Dr. Seuss during his little known “Blue Period”.

Halfvast Conspirator June 26, 2013 at 4:01 pm

So is it Cox or Sox?

major major June 26, 2013 at 5:12 pm

“Cox in Sox” was a book written by Dr. Seuss during his little known “Blue Period”.

GrandTango June 26, 2013 at 4:03 pm

Sox was just doing what – flipping off- FITS does daily on a public forum.

Self-loathing is the same no matter if you’re being paid by liberals to post it on a blog, or drunk in a crowded concert hall…It mostly says a lot about what you (FITS is) are, more than saying anything about the poeple you so hate, and cannot waith to tell everybody of your hatred, like FITS..

Only difference, FITS claims he’s clean and sober when he acts like an @$$….

PS: Why wasn’t FITS prosecuted for liabel in the Scott Wingo lie? SC has not Vacated any Championships, like FITS said…Did FITS have Daddy-Sanford pull some strings to protect him???

? June 26, 2013 at 4:15 pm

I’m not old enough to know if our society has become mostly lawless or has always been this way.

Smirks June 26, 2013 at 5:48 pm

I would imagine just as lawless as ever, except more brazen, or maybe just too stupid to effectively cover it up anymore.

CorruptionInColumbia June 27, 2013 at 6:34 am

Gifted with so much impunity, there is no need to cover up, anymore!

? June 26, 2013 at 4:15 pm

I’m not old enough to know if our society has become mostly lawless or has always been this way.

Smirks June 26, 2013 at 5:48 pm

I would imagine just as lawless as ever, except more brazen, or maybe just too stupid to effectively cover it up anymore.

CorruptionInColumbia June 27, 2013 at 6:34 am

Gifted with so much impunity, there is no need to cover up, anymore!

Dan June 26, 2013 at 6:26 pm

Jean Toal plays this game with lawyers’ and judges’ licenses all the time. A lawyer-legislator gets a complaint filed in Jean’s office against him. The first and most important question becomes what can he/she do for Jean in the legislature, That will decide what will happen to the attorney. It’s completely at her discretion, whim and political need at the moment. There are numerous examples of lawyers getting away with sorts of shenanigans because of their ability to show how it would help the Queen for her to let the bad behavior slide at that moment. (If you really want to get us started down here on Deviine Street this afternoon, go through the list of lawyers who work for the Queen in her disciplinary office. The quality and ethics there are so low, one would wonder how and why the entire SC legal system is not in total and complete chaos.)

Doris June 26, 2013 at 6:56 pm

Dan, you have no idea. Toal has gone beserk over Pleicones standing up to her. The thinly veiled threats to legislators from Toal about what will happen if they vote for Pleicones are swirling around and through the entire State House complex. The rest of us are just keeping our heads down. She rules by instilling fear. She has got to go.

Dan June 26, 2013 at 6:26 pm

Jean Toal plays this game with lawyers’ and judges’ licenses all the time. A lawyer-legislator gets a complaint filed in Jean’s office against him. The first and most important question becomes what can he/she do for Jean in the legislature, That will decide what will happen to the attorney. It’s completely at her discretion, whim and political need at the moment. There are numerous examples of lawyers getting away with sorts of shenanigans because of their ability to show how it would help the Queen for her to let the bad behavior slide at that moment. (If you really want to get us started down here on Deviine Street this afternoon, go through the list of lawyers who work for the Queen in her disciplinary office. The quality and ethics there are so low, one would wonder how and why the entire SC legal system is not in total and complete chaos.)

Doris June 26, 2013 at 6:56 pm

Dan, you have no idea. Toal has gone beserk over Pleicones standing up to her. The thinly veiled threats to legislators from Toal about what will happen if they vote for Pleicones are swirling around and through the entire State House complex. The rest of us are just keeping our heads down. She rules by instilling fear. She has got to go.

Carolina Moon June 26, 2013 at 7:46 pm

Bring them all down and throw the pigs in prison. That’s where this pos must go – PERIOD!

Carolina Moon June 26, 2013 at 7:46 pm

Bring them all down and throw the pigs in prison. That’s where this pos must go – PERIOD!

jimlewisowb June 26, 2013 at 7:53 pm

To all those men and women who have served and continue to serve the South Carolina Highway Patrol with dignity I would like to apologize for being unable to perfect my ZapAPieceOfShitToHell Mobile Lazer Gun

Roberto June 27, 2013 at 6:48 am

Excellent idea!

Bring it by the shop, sir. We will align the sites and recharge the zapper! You will be good to go.

Roberto June 27, 2013 at 6:48 am

Excellent idea!

Bring it by the shop, sir. We will align the sites and recharge the zapper! You will be good to go.

jimlewisowb June 26, 2013 at 7:53 pm

To all those men and women who have served and continue to serve the South Carolina Highway Patrol with dignity I would like to apologize for being unable to perfect my ZapAPieceOfShitToHell Mobile Lazer Gun

Roberto June 27, 2013 at 6:48 am

Excellent idea!

Bring it by the shop, sir. We will align the sites and recharge the zapper! You will be good to go.

Mike at the Beach June 26, 2013 at 8:26 pm

You’re employing the best remedy to this shit – SUNSHINE. Keep the details coming, and preach it, preach it, preach it. Is any of this making into the lamo mainstream press yet?

Mike at the Beach June 26, 2013 at 8:26 pm

You’re employing the best remedy to this shit – SUNSHINE. Keep the details coming, and preach it, preach it, preach it. Is any of this making into the lamo mainstream press yet?

Mike at the Beach June 26, 2013 at 8:26 pm

You’re employing the best remedy to this shit – SUNSHINE. Keep the details coming, and preach it, preach it, preach it. Is any of this making into the lamo mainstream press yet?

William F. Buckley, Jr. June 27, 2013 at 8:40 am

To everyone who is complaining about Mr. Folk’s work in progress about his alleged affair with the now governess – cut him some slack.

Since he has now discovered the joys of fatherhood, Mr. Folks has now turned his attention to a school primer which I am editing.

Although there are still kinks to be worked out, the final product will be a collector’s item. Look forward to this revolutionary publication: “Dick and Jane Kick The Habit”

Marie Harrison June 27, 2013 at 11:49 am

Nikki should have known to keep her panties on.

William F. Buckley, Jr. June 27, 2013 at 8:40 am

To everyone who is complaining about Mr. Folk’s work in progress about his alleged affair with the now governess – cut him some slack.

Since he has now discovered the joys of fatherhood, Mr. Folks has now turned his attention to a school primer which I am editing.

Although there are still kinks to be worked out, the final product will be a collector’s item. Look forward to this revolutionary publication: “Dick and Jane Kick The Habit”

Marie Harrison June 27, 2013 at 11:49 am

Nikki should have known to keep her panties on.


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