Justice Mulls Challenge To Toal

S.C. Supreme Court justice Costa Pleicones is calling members of the S.C. General Assembly in an effort to build support for a possible run against chief justice Jean Toal, multiple lawmakers have confirmed to FITS. Pleicones spent most of the day Friday calling lawmakers from his home in Columbia, S.C….

S.C. Supreme Court justice Costa Pleicones is calling members of the S.C. General Assembly in an effort to build support for a possible run against chief justice Jean Toal, multiple lawmakers have confirmed to FITS.

Pleicones spent most of the day Friday calling lawmakers from his home in Columbia, S.C. Several told FITS they planned on supporting the associate justice, who has served on the court for the past thirteen years. According to our sources, Pleicones is furious with Toal for reneging on her promise not to seek another term as chief justice (a story which broke exclusively on FITS last week).

Pleicones’ campaign has numerous state lawmakers – including S.C. Rep. Todd Rutherford (D-Columbia) – in a tizzy.

After all, were it not for his relationship with Toal, it’s doubtful Rutherford would be practicing his unique brand of law today.

Anyway, we’ll continue to follow this story in the days ahead to see if the feelers Pleicones is sending out turn into a formal challenge …


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wart on our asses June 14, 2013 at 6:47 pm

Toal the DICTATOR needs to go.
I did not believe in reincarnation until having dealings with Toal.
She must be the reincarnation of VLAD the Impaler!

wart on our asses June 14, 2013 at 6:47 pm

Toal the DICTATOR needs to go.
I did not believe in reincarnation until having dealings with Toal.
She must be the reincarnation of VLAD the Impaler!

Polyphemos June 14, 2013 at 7:26 pm

Since there is a large Republican majority in the House and Senate, and Jean Hoefer is a literal interpretationist (even though she is a Democrat), why is there any question about who should be Chief Justice? And why is the State Supreme Court meeting in the dang downtown post office? And why isn’t a postage stamp 4¢ ? And why didn’t the NAACP accept the “1st grade first” compromise in in S.C. in 1953? And why didn’t people support the Columbia Reds? And why was it hotter in 1946 in Columbia than it is today? And why can’t my lab stay young forever? And.. awwww.. screw it..

Slartibartfast June 14, 2013 at 7:26 pm

Since there is a large Republican majority in the House and Senate, and Jean Hoefer is a literal interpretationist (even though she is a Democrat), why is there any question about who should be Chief Justice? And why is the State Supreme Court meeting in the dang downtown post office? And why isn’t a postage stamp 4¢ ? And why didn’t the NAACP accept the “1st grade first” compromise in in S.C. in 1953? And why didn’t people support the Columbia Reds? And why was it hotter in 1946 in Columbia than it is today? And why can’t my lab stay young forever? And.. awwww.. screw it..

GrandTango June 14, 2013 at 8:28 pm

Jean- Bader Ginsburg- Toal…

When Republicans wonder why they have flushed so many democrats, yet there are still too many problems…it’s leaving too much of the liberal infrastructure of failure in place…

The GOP, when it gets power, wants to ‘play pretty’ w/ the democrats…Bush should have fumigated Washington. He did not and it bit him…and now the country is paying for his nice-ness to the hateful left…

Exterminate the left from ALL offices, or the failure will repeat over and over,,,we’re seeing that…

Invisible Hired Hand June 14, 2013 at 9:47 pm

Thank God Costa has grown a pair!!!! Toal has abused him for years. He is a gentleman and a scholar. She is a Narcissistic sociopath addicted to power and her political power only (she has $$$$ thanks to her daddy).

There are legislators worried as hell as what to do – what to do – over this new development this week. Pleiconas will bring some honesty and integrity back to the SC SC. Run, Costa, Run!

Curious June 15, 2013 at 9:50 am

I’d love to see him – or anyone else, really – kick her ass for this post. Run, Costa, run!

Invisible Hired Hand June 14, 2013 at 9:47 pm

Thank God Costa has grown a pair!!!! Toal has abused him for years. He is a gentleman and a scholar. She is a Narcissistic sociopath addicted to power and her political power only (she has $$$$ thanks to her daddy).

There are legislators worried as hell as what to do – what to do – over this new development this week. Pleiconas will bring some honesty and integrity back to the SC SC. Run, Costa, Run!

Curious June 15, 2013 at 9:50 am

I’d love to see him – or anyone else, really – kick her ass for this post. Run, Costa, run!

Doris June 14, 2013 at 9:49 pm

Any senator or legistlator who votes for Toal should immediately be removed from office. James Smith, Darryl Jackson and Joel Lourie included.

Doris June 14, 2013 at 9:49 pm

Any senator or legistlator who votes for Toal should immediately be removed from office. James Smith, Darryl Jackson and Joel Lourie included.

Learned Hand June 14, 2013 at 9:55 pm

A good airing-out and rearrangement of the S.C. Supreme Court would be salubrious. Spread the power and responsibility around. I’m tired of reading of the tyranny of Toal and the kid-glove treatment she gets when she wrecks her car while driving drunk. Besides that, she looks and acts unladylike. Something of a “dyke.”

Polyphemos June 15, 2013 at 12:14 am

I don’t know who you are, and on any other subject we probably agree, but you’re really beyond the pale on this.

I grew up with Jean. She doesn’t like me and, frankly it was her sister, Lila, that I liked and not her. So I’m not defending a friend. Frankly, her politics make my butt hurt (see my comment below). But your comment about her sexuality is just plain wrong.

I’m not going to call you names, or say things that are untrue about you to get even. But, damn you, sir, you take it back, or you are no gentleman.

A simple apology to her, here, will suffice.

Mike at the Beach June 15, 2013 at 12:24 am

No real dog in this fight, but which part wasn’t true? The drunk driving stuff? The fact that she looks like she could kick the other Justices’ asses? Just curious…

Polyphemos June 15, 2013 at 12:36 am

Please read his last sentence and tell me how anything Jean has done justifies being called a “Dyke?”

Mike at the Beach June 15, 2013 at 1:17 am

Easy Killer…I read the sentence the first time through. I simply didn’t think dude out-and-out called Queen Jean a “dyke.” He claimed that she “looks and acts unladylike.” This is (arguably, anyway) true in the sense that she has a well-earned rep as a real ballbreaker, generally dresses extremely conservatively, enjoys the occasional run-in with law enforcement, and wears her hair in a fairly masculine fashion. These traits are, in the aggregate, considered “unladylike.”

Since the commenter merely said “somewhat of a dyke,” one could further reasonably infer (or at least I inferred) that this is what he was referring to. Many people use “dyke” in the pejorative sense to refer to lesbians, although more and more lesbians use it as a neutral term. “Dyke” is also (as I am sure you are aware) a slang term describing things generally associated with lesbianism.
Now, if you had pounced upon the broader sexism and inherent unfairness in our cultural system which rewards aggressive males with descriptions like “go-getter” and “tough” even as females who act similarly are “bitches” and “dykes,” I think you would have been closer to the mark. I just don’t think the comment (as worded) was some major, personal insult to Queen Jean worthy of a demand for an immediate and public apology. It was merely a comedic take on her persona and reputation, and one that lots of folks buy into, that’s all. I’m certainly not gonna fight you over it!

jimlewisowb June 15, 2013 at 8:37 am

Hell of a reply. Excellent

Wish I had that kind of patience to think things through and take the time to put it on paper, i.e. keyboard

I normally call the Chief Justice Queen Toad but I think I will take a pass this time

Mike at the Beach June 15, 2013 at 5:29 pm

Don’t do it man…they’ll brand you. RUDE!
Then the Queen will come to your house, put down her gin and tonic, snatch you up, and whip your ass.

Polyphemos June 15, 2013 at 12:45 pm

I understand. But it’s still no justification. I know she is rude. She resented me for being smarter than she was. But a gentleman is a gentleman,after all. Perhaps if it had been someone else.. say.. Pytel.. I would simply have considered him a douche and let it go. But not from Learned.

Frank Pytel June 15, 2013 at 9:03 am

Could there actually be some personal displeasure with the term “Dyke” here? I believe the spelling is actually Polyphemus. A male Cyclops. Quite literally ‘The Man’. Took down some demi-god, I think. Ultimately went blind?

Since he was a male I will stretch my imagination and assume you are trying to infer the feminine? This could help me to understand your dissatisfaction and in turn easily brings to mind the term ‘closet’.

Could it be further noted that the ‘closet’ has made you ‘blind’?


Polyphemos June 15, 2013 at 12:36 pm

Your ignorance is showing on at least three levels if you don’t count the tropological.

Squishy123 June 15, 2013 at 2:15 pm

You mean the woman who gets her hair cut at a barber, enjoys wearing flannel and attending USC women’s basketball games on a regular basis?

I’m surprised she hasn’t requested a urinal be put in the women’s bathroom.

Mike at the Beach June 15, 2013 at 4:31 pm

Really, dude?! You’re just taking your marbles and crying on to the house by changing your original argument to something more along the lines of “we all have to be nicer?” Lighten up, brother. Queen Jean is a genuine ball-breaker, and bursts those testes on the PUBLIC stage. She plays rough, and ruled her scene with an iron fist for a long, long time. Her reign is now coming to an end (one way or another, as all reigns do) so there’s quite naturally a little blood in the water. If the most painful, impolitic, harsh words that get hurled at her majesty on her way out infer that she may act a little butch and drink a little too much, she’s doing pretty damn good. This would be the case even if the original comment was 100% false, but in this instance the original comment was relatively tame AND arguably true.
It’s hard to get my head wrapped around why you are so amped on this- some of the language and visceral personal attacks on the FITS comment boards are enough to turn anyone’s bowels, but the “Learned Hand” comment most certainly did not fall into that category. Under the Polyphemos Law of Civility in Modern Politics, public officials get to behave badly for decades, but we the proletariat must remain “polite” and refrain from stating or describing the obvious. Sorry, I stay civil whenever possible, but I won’t be subscribing to your rule. Peace!

Learned Hand June 14, 2013 at 9:55 pm

A good airing-out and rearrangement of the S.C. Supreme Court would be salubrious. Spread the power and responsibility around. I’m tired of reading of the tyranny of Toal and the kid-glove treatment she gets when she wrecks her car while driving drunk. Besides that, she looks and acts unladylike. Something of a “dyke.”

Slartibartfast June 15, 2013 at 12:14 am

UPDATE: Apparently, I have made a huge mistake, and I apologize.

Obviously, the proper thing to do is hurl insults and vituperations at people, forgetting that we are gentlemen and ladies.

Please, excuse me. In my ignorance, I did not realize what the rules were.

Mike at the Beach June 15, 2013 at 12:24 am

No real dog in this fight, but which part wasn’t true? The drunk driving stuff? The fact that she looks like she could kick the other Justices’ asses? Just curious…

Slartibartfast June 15, 2013 at 12:36 am

see update….

Mike at the Beach June 15, 2013 at 1:17 am

Easy Killer…I read the sentence the first time through. I simply didn’t think dude out-and-out called Queen Jean a “dyke.” He claimed that she “looks and acts unladylike.” This is (arguably, anyway) true in the sense that she has a well-earned rep as a real ballbreaker, generally dresses extremely conservatively, enjoys the occasional run-in with law enforcement, and wears her hair in a fairly masculine fashion. These traits are, in the aggregate, considered “unladylike.”

Since the commenter merely said “somewhat of a dyke,” one could further reasonably infer (or at least I inferred) that this is what he was referring to. Many people use “dyke” in the pejorative sense to refer to lesbians, although more and more lesbians use it as a neutral term. “Dyke” is also (as I am sure you are aware) a slang term describing things generally associated with lesbianism.
Now, if you had pounced upon the broader sexism and inherent unfairness in our cultural system which rewards aggressive males with descriptions like “go-getter” and “tough” even as females who act similarly are “bitches” and “dykes,” I think you would have been closer to the mark. I just don’t think the comment (as worded) was some major, personal insult to Queen Jean worthy of a demand for an immediate and public apology. It was merely a comedic take on her persona and reputation, and one that lots of folks buy into, that’s all. I’m certainly not gonna fight you over it!

jimlewisowb June 15, 2013 at 8:37 am

Hell of a reply. Excellent

Wish I had that kind of patience to think things through and take the time to put it on paper, i.e. keyboard

I normally call the Chief Justice Queen Toad but I think I will take a pass this time

Mike at the Beach June 15, 2013 at 5:29 pm

Don’t do it man…they’ll brand you. RUDE!
Then the Queen will come to your house, put down her gin and tonic, snatch you up, and whip your ass.

Slartibartfast June 15, 2013 at 12:45 pm

see update….

Frank Pytel June 15, 2013 at 9:03 am

Could there actually be some personal displeasure with the term “Dyke” here? I believe the spelling is actually Polyphemus. A male Cyclops. Quite literally ‘The Man’. Took down some demi-god, I think. Ultimately went blind?

Since he was a male I will stretch my imagination and assume you are trying to infer the feminine? This could help me to understand your dissatisfaction and in turn easily brings to mind the term ‘closet’.

Could it be further noted that the ‘closet’ has made you ‘blind’?


Slartibartfast June 15, 2013 at 12:36 pm

see update….

Squishy123 June 15, 2013 at 2:15 pm

You mean the woman who gets her hair cut at a barber, enjoys wearing flannel and attending USC women’s basketball games on a regular basis?

I’m surprised she hasn’t requested a urinal be put in the women’s bathroom.

Mike at the Beach June 15, 2013 at 4:31 pm

Really, dude?! You’re just taking your marbles and crying on to the house by changing your original argument to something more along the lines of “we all have to be nicer?” Lighten up, brother. Queen Jean is a genuine ball-breaker, and bursts those testes on the PUBLIC stage. She plays rough, and ruled her scene with an iron fist for a long, long time. Her reign is now coming to an end (one way or another, as all reigns do) so there’s quite naturally a little blood in the water. If the most painful, impolitic, harsh words that get hurled at her majesty on her way out infer that she may act a little butch and drink a little too much, she’s doing pretty damn good. This would be the case even if the original comment was 100% false, but in this instance the original comment was relatively tame AND arguably true.
It’s hard to get my head wrapped around why you are so amped on this- some of the language and visceral personal attacks on the FITS comment boards are enough to turn anyone’s bowels, but the “Learned Hand” comment most certainly did not fall into that category. Under the Polyphemos Law of Civility in Modern Politics, public officials get to behave badly for decades, but we the proletariat must remain “polite” and refrain from stating or describing the obvious. Sorry, I stay civil whenever possible, but I won’t be subscribing to your rule. Peace!

hit the road jack...jean June 15, 2013 at 8:43 am

Bottom line, she should have never been elevated to her current position of Chief Justice and should be given the exit door!

hit the road jack...jean June 15, 2013 at 8:43 am

Bottom line, she should have never been elevated to her current position of Chief Justice and should be given the exit door!

Doris June 15, 2013 at 9:29 am

Toal had cut her deals with McConnell and Harrell before informing Pleicones she was cutting him out of a tenure as chief justice. She got James Smith who has a better public opinion rating than either McConnell or Harrell to go public for her. It was extremely disappointing Rep. Smith did this and was a part of the back stabbing of Costa Pleicones. Pleicones will have a difficult time catching up now and he is too honorable to go as low as Toal will go to win this seat. Toal will do anything she has to do to Pleicones to keep her political throne for an additional 18 months. This is a sad situation and all senators and legislators who vote lockstep for her should pause and think about what they are doing to South Carolina and the reputation of our state government.

Bwahaha June 18, 2013 at 9:42 am

So does this mean McConnell’s will cast his vote for Toal? Oh wait.

Doris June 18, 2013 at 10:37 am

Yep. And his do-boys will also.

Doris June 15, 2013 at 9:29 am

Toal had cut her deals with McConnell and Harrell before informing Pleicones she was cutting him out of a tenure as chief justice. She got James Smith who has a better public opinion rating than either McConnell or Harrell to go public for her. It was extremely disappointing Rep. Smith did this and was a part of the back stabbing of Costa Pleicones. Pleicones will have a difficult time catching up now and he is too honorable to go as low as Toal will go to win this seat. Toal will do anything she has to do to Pleicones to keep her political throne for an additional 18 months. This is a sad situation and all senators and legislators who vote lockstep for her should pause and think about what they are doing to South Carolina and the reputation of our state government.

Bwahaha June 18, 2013 at 9:42 am

So does this mean McConnell’s will cast his vote for Toal? Oh wait.

Doris June 18, 2013 at 10:37 am

Yep. And his do-boys will also.

PoliticsForSport June 15, 2013 at 10:17 am

Jean Toal is awesome! Most of you couldn’t hold a candle to her mentally or physically. No one care if she’s gay or straight. She’s excellent at what she does and the deals are done. If you notice…two days after she announced that she was going to run again, the Supreme Court dropped the ethics case on Miss Nicky Haley…co-inky-dink…perhaps.

Junior June 17, 2013 at 10:37 am

Hahaha. Coincidence. Right. How many votes did Harrell promise to Toal for this “coincidence?”

Ed June 18, 2013 at 8:45 am

She is a mental midget. Read her opinions some time.

PoliticsForSport June 15, 2013 at 10:17 am

Jean Toal is awesome! Most of you couldn’t hold a candle to her mentally or physically. No one care if she’s gay or straight. She’s excellent at what she does and the deals are done. If you notice…two days after she announced that she was going to run again, the Supreme Court dropped the ethics case on Miss Nicky Haley…co-inky-dink…perhaps.

PoliticsForSport June 15, 2013 at 10:17 am

Jean Toal is awesome! Most of you couldn’t hold a candle to her mentally or physically. No one care if she’s gay or straight. She’s excellent at what she does and the deals are done. If you notice…two days after she announced that she was going to run again, the Supreme Court dropped the ethics case on Miss Nicky Haley…co-inky-dink…perhaps.

Junior June 17, 2013 at 10:37 am

Hahaha. Coincidence. Right. How many votes did Harrell promise to Toal for this “coincidence?”

Ed June 18, 2013 at 8:45 am

She is a mental midget. Read her opinions some time.

They're all the same June 15, 2013 at 12:29 pm

I always respected Pleicones, but lost a lot of that respect when he went along with that bar exam stunt to get some entitled kids admitted.

They're all the same June 15, 2013 at 12:29 pm

I always respected Pleicones, but lost a lot of that respect when he went along with that bar exam stunt to get some entitled kids admitted.

What a load if crap June 15, 2013 at 12:36 pm

Sic, your mobile site has been fucked up since the big site revamp. Is Nancy Macd responsible for this atrocity?

What a load if crap June 15, 2013 at 12:36 pm

Sic, your mobile site has been fucked up since the big site revamp. Is Nancy Macd responsible for this atrocity?

dm10ae June 16, 2013 at 3:44 am

Toal is planning another celebration bash and doesn’t want to be under suspicion of another DUI.

dm10ae June 16, 2013 at 3:44 am

Toal is planning another celebration bash and doesn’t want to be under suspicion of another DUI.

Invisible Hired Hand June 17, 2013 at 9:55 pm

Sic: You have so pissed off the Queen with this story. Just sayin’.

Invisible Hired Hand June 17, 2013 at 9:55 pm

Sic: You have so pissed off the Queen with this story. Just sayin’.


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