“Otis My Man!”

Three years ago former major league baseball player Otis Nixon said he had overcome his demons and conquered his addiction to drugs and alcohol. The speedy, switch-hitting center fielder – who swiped 630 bases during his 17-year career in the big leagues – was twice suspended for drug violations during…

Three years ago former major league baseball player Otis Nixon said he had overcome his demons and conquered his addiction to drugs and alcohol. The speedy, switch-hitting center fielder – who swiped 630 bases during his 17-year career in the big leagues – was twice suspended for drug violations during his playing career, including a 60-game suspension that kept him out of the 1991 World Series.

Earlier this month Nixon got busted again, though …

The 54-year-old – whose playing career ended in 1999 – was found with a bag of crack cocaine, several rocks of crack and two crack pipes after the vehicle he was driving was observed “weaving” on a Georgia highway.

Nixon told arresting officers the crack had been “left behind by (his) son,” according to The Marietta Daily Journal.

Hmmmm …

Obviously this website has made its views on America’s failed drug policy abundantly clear (we believe Nixon should be permitted to smoke crack to his heart’s content), but driving under the influence is something that cannot be tolerated.

Anyway, Nixon is perhaps best remembered for his famous wall-climbing 1992 catch on a deep fly ball hit by outfielder Andy Van Slyke of the Pittsburgh Pirates (who would later face off against Nixon’s Braves in a memorable seven-game National League Championship Series).

Take a look …

(Click to play)

Wow …

Like Rick James said, “cocaine is a helluva drug …”


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GrandTango May 26, 2013 at 6:51 am

Fact: Sometimes government has to save idiots from themselves. For that, FITS should be more thankful than anyone in America.

Frank Pytel May 26, 2013 at 7:31 am

Frack that T

Sailor May 26, 2013 at 1:03 pm

Now if they can just save you!

GrandTango May 26, 2013 at 3:03 pm

You F*#&in idiots are so predictable. Has your STUPID @$$ EVER come up w/ an original thought, so you did not have to co-opt mine…???
MS-NBC, CNN and the DNC do you Dolts NO favors by telling you everything to say and think…
You are Mindless and Ignorant, w/ no ability to come up w/ any idea on your own…

dwb619 May 26, 2013 at 6:05 pm

Just as predictable as the keyboard kussing of a self proclaimed “trained, professional journalist”. My ASS!
I think I’ll just call up aSarah, and let her do a “Game Change” on me.

dwb619 May 26, 2013 at 6:08 pm

If and when you have an original thought you may want to think about a copyright, to protect your “intellectual properties”.

? May 28, 2013 at 9:07 am

I used to play street ball with the Ruben Patterson(forward for Supersonics) when he was still just in HS(but he was still amazing then) but he had this quasi uncle that was a good 10 years older than me that would run with us at the time too.

His uncle was only 6′ 2″, but when he wasn’t high on crack he would come out in his early 30’s and dominate almost everyone including his nephew Ruben for a couple of hours….go smoke some crack…and come back and still whip most of the scrubs asses while high…lol

I once watched him make a fool out of Mutombo on a pickup game at Case Western Reserve, the whole time jabbering at him, and I also watched him post up Oakley in a pickup game in ghetto Cleveland at an old park where legends used to show up now and then called “Woodhill”.

He was a genetic freak and never made the pros because crack was more important. He was worse than Daryl Strawberry.

He also traveled with another guy for a while who was of superior athletic genes who was a crack head. He wasn’t quite as good, but went 6″4′ and was freaky strong and embarrassed several pros.

He had high cheek bones and a lighter skin color(both black), so I’m sure he had some native American blood in him…but the running joke among the losers on the sidelines of Woodhill, because of his high cheekbones and eddie munster style hair growth, was they would call out “Go Count Crackula, Go!”

Of course, they were all smoking weed on the sidelines too…but no one gave a shit about that.

? May 28, 2013 at 9:07 am

I used to play street ball with the Ruben Patterson(forward for Supersonics) when he was still just in HS(but he was still amazing then) but he had this quasi uncle that was a good 10 years older than me that would run with us at the time too.

His uncle was only 6′ 2″, but when he wasn’t high on crack he would come out in his early 30’s and dominate almost everyone including his nephew Ruben for a couple of hours….go smoke some crack…and come back and still whip most of the scrubs asses while high…lol

I once watched him make a fool out of Mutombo on a pickup game at Case Western Reserve, the whole time jabbering at him, and I also watched him post up Oakley in a pickup game in ghetto Cleveland at an old park where legends used to show up now and then called “Woodhill”.

He was a genetic freak and never made the pros because crack was more important. He was worse than Daryl Strawberry.

He also traveled with another guy for a while who was of superior athletic genes who was a crack head. He wasn’t quite as good, but went 6″4′ and was freaky strong and embarrassed several pros.

He had high cheek bones and a lighter skin color(both black), so I’m sure he had some native American blood in him…but the running joke among the losers on the sidelines of Woodhill, because of his high cheekbones and eddie munster style hair growth, was they would call out “Go Count Crackula, Go!”

Of course, they were all smoking weed on the sidelines too…but no one gave a shit about that.


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